[GOING SEVENTEEN 2020] EP.30 8월의 크리스마스 #2 (Christmas in August #2)

Aug 31, 2020 13:09 · 5295 words · 25 minute read

[Enjoying the game at 30 degrees Celsius] This has its own merits.

00:14 - Doing this in a warm place right now [Result of choosing ice = Ramyeon] Is it ramyeon? [(Wishful thinking)] No, it could be spicy cold noodles since we picked ice [★Warm★ / Wrong guess] It’s warm.

00:21 - Why is the food warm when we chose ice [(Noodle that’s 3 times spicier than Fire Spicy Noodle)] - What would we get if we chose fire? - Cold noodles Cold fire noodle? Cool it down since it’s hot [(Clear preference)] A bit overcooked would’ve been nice.

00:32 - Jeonghan likes his food overcooked. [(Mater of Stilt Fella)] I think I can win level 17 quickly.

00:35 - This looks easy. [(Done with ramyeon)] It’s spicy.

00:39 - [(It’s not considered a beverage)] Here’s the problem. There’s nothing to drink after eating.

00:42 - [Extremely spicy] [(Noticing)] What’s the fire for Fire Spicy Noodle? [★Cold noodle with radish kimchi★] [Sudden happiness] - What is it? Is it mul-naengmyeon? - Let’s eat first.

00:51 - [(Prefer to go home than to eat mul-naengmyeon)] Wow, it looks very tasty. I’m very happy.

00:53 - Everyone in the other room ate very spicy ramyeon [(Game dummie)] Spicy ramyeon? That must be hard.

00:58 - DK, your instinct is definitely special. [(Comfy)] I think I can live now.

01:04 - [Another team that chose ice / (Vain hope)] Shouldn’t there be ice, then? [(False laughter)] - There’s not a single ice. - Why do we get ramyeon when we picked ice? We wanted you to eat something warm since the ice is cold What would we get if we said fire? Then, you’d get something cool.

01:14 - Let’s eat. But, with ramyeon [(Was starving)] We could barely eat one mouthful.

01:18 - [According to the Scoville scale, it’s 3 times spicier than Fire Spicy Noodle] I’ll try it first.

01:20 - [(Quitting without hesitation)] I can’t. First of all, I can’t.

01:22 - How spicy is it? [(Food taster)] Is it that noodle with a picture of a nuclear bomb? If Mingyu says it’s spicy, it’s extremely spicy It’s not that bad [(Anyway, it’s still spicy)] It’s spicy though.

01:31 - [(Opening sweat glands)] I’m feeling warm, what should I do? After eating just one chopstick. .

01:34 - [(Tongue feels warm)] It’s indeed warm. I think sweating like this cools me down.

01:37 - [Game presumes] Let’s restart with a fresh mind.

01:39 - [(Man from Getting Over it with Bennett Foddy appears again)] - Okay, here I go. - Sweet, sour? [(Simply means he wants something cold)] Wouldn’t something cold come out if we choose sour? Perhaps a lemonade [Fierce guessing game] Is that the reason for sudden transition in thoughts? There’s nothing spicy among sour foods.

01:52 - Then, let’s go with sour. Hold on bro, should we try sweet because this was sour? Sweet? [Chose sweet] Refreshing sweet? Bro, should we trust our instincts? - Don’t you think sour would be better? - Sour is indeed better.

02:05 - Why? [(Turning on his instinct)] I think something like a lemonade would come out.

02:07 - There are many sweet foods that are warm. In that logic, what if we get vinegar? - If it’s persimmon vinegar, we’re doomed. - There’s no way they would give us that [(Understood the examiner’s intention)] We have to think about foods that would make us warm What kind of warm food comes to mind when we think of sour food Is there something that crosses the mind? [(Bank of ideas)] Citron tea [(Overwhelmed)] Wow, citron tea? [Phone call chance] To the person I respect the most Hey, Mom I have to choose between something sweet and sour.

02:30 - [(Son who’s sweet&fresh)] What attracts you right now, sweet or sour Sweet~ [Mom picked sweet] Alright Mom, love you~ [(Loving son)] Should we go with sweet? - Or go with sour? - If you can’t decide, why did you do that? [(Unloving son)] Why did you call your mom if you were gonna be indecisive? [Picked sweet] Let’s listen to Mom.

02:48 - Sweet food. Because either way I think they would give us warm food Should we go with sour? [Picked sour] [(Have to collect carrots to move to the next round)] How many do we have? We have 14 trophies. Can we do the next one if we have one more trophy? [(Looking for carrots)] In case you couldn’t bring it [Earned the first carrot / (Tumbling backwards)] Good! Just have to get it.

03:10 - Should we shorten the time the next time? [6 stages left before going home] We’re already at 11.

03:14 - [(Moving walkway)] We can stay still. Is that a carrot on that snowman’s nose? [(About to get its nose cut off with eyes opened)] For real It’s stuck in that snowball [(Combined)] Get together and go.

03:24 - [(Refusing to go home)] [(Speaking at firing rate)] - You are a terrible player - It’s the worst It’s definitely the worst.

03:37 - No, give me a chance. You’re really the worst.

03:39 - [Love for the youngest brother] I won’t leave you alone if you fail here.

03:42 - [Moonwalk expert] Now, hit it here once. Just kick it [Shoot] - Kick the other way! - There you go! [Bungee] [(Loving gaze)] Seriously, how could you die Joshua had a hunch.

03:54 - But from there [(Careful)] You should take out the hammer the other way. That’s right! Woah, I need more space on this table [(Wrong positioning)] But bro, from here If you don’t overdo it, you won’t fall.

04:05 - [(True coach)] Just do what you want to do.

04:09 - Take out the hammer, and just turn it around. That’s right.

04:15 - Can’t you jump from there in that position? From here? I can jump.

04:19 - Crouch down, and [(So close)] No, no [(Feeling like giving up)] Trying so hard to avoid falling down [Decalcomania] Pull the body! Take it out and push it upwards! And lock on the left! [Danger] [Escape] Just a second.

04:44 - [Stressed] [Change player] Wonwoo from here [(Proud of himself)] I did good by the way.

04:51 - Now, turn [(Way to the primordial village)] The game is over if you go that way.

04:54 - If he falls there [(Relatively extreme)] I’ll throw you in there.

04:56 - [(Good brother)] [(Free from all ideas and thoughts)] What about jumping? From here? [Narrow escape] [(Place full of thrills)] Wow, really brother What about getting down and jumping [The tallest height ever] [(Reverence)] It seems to work in that logic.

05:16 - I think you’re right. I think you’re right.

05:17 - Should I push? After jumping Hang it over there.

05:21 - [metronome] [Just a little more] Wonwoo you’re almost there now! [So close to get out of this devil’s hole] We’re out of this hole after this right? [I wish] So we’re done if we just pass here right? No way.

05:33 - [Never done business huh?] -It’s not that easy to get off work. -That makes sense.

05:35 - [Waiting for the chance] [Now to open the window] [Pickaxing?] It feels like food like ramyeon heats my body.

05:42 - Well duh, it’s hot and spicy at the same time.

05:44 - [Decorated somehow] Let’s go hatty! Out of the way! Bring it on.

05:49 - [Me] [Neither] Definitely not my cup of tea.

05:52 - [Me three] Seriously. I didn’t do games like this before, but casual games like throwing your shoes to hit flying things.

06:00 - [Secretly opening] [PD missing in action] Don’t do it so obviously.

06:04 - It’s too cool outside. Make it look like the window.

06:09 - Act naturally. [Today’s peaceful scheme] [Experienced stilts before] [Or he just said so] Ah sorry man.

06:17 - [The ace here for the rescue] -I’ll try it. -You can do it! [PD back here] Shall we close the windows? OK.

06:22 - She resembles a TA, a strict one that would come to middle school.

06:27 - You know, soft in the inside but trying to go strong.

06:30 - Think of us at that age. We’ll never hear what they say.

06:33 - Only thinking about pranks. And what’s that different from now? [Idle talk going] Sorry because I can’t help.

06:39 - [Right back at you] No It’s help to be next to me Hoshi.

06:42 - [Warmed] That’s so nice of you. [Fell by the forehead] So the next one is gonna by harder right? [Enhanced heat tolerance] Well your skills could have been enhanced, too.

06:53 - [SEVENTEEN’s unstopping development] -We’re just all getting better. -That makes us a developing idol.

06:55 - There you go! Totally done. [Not at all] Was in a hurry.

06:59 - But was a nice try. [Peaceful] Thanks.

07:06 - Now what do we do. So here… there…

07:08 - [Walking teacher] -Use the right leg, -The right leg! Wait not like that.

07:11 - Put your right leg as close as possible to the end.

07:13 - -That was close. -This is it! -You got it? is it stuck there? -Totally pinned there.

07:17 - Now we’re going for the left leg now. The left leg? Going for the left.

07:21 - Yup. Let’s gogogogogo YES! Finally! Stage 10 cleared.

07:30 - [In 87 tries!] It took us 1446 seconds.

07:35 - [Over 24 minutes] -So how many minutes? -I don’t know.

07:38 - What a scene made by five men and one keyboard.

07:41 - We’re almost done, it’s almost over. [2 times faster than everything] I’m the pink one? Yeah come on here.

07:48 - -Aren’t you the pink? -I’m the pink? Oh it’s me! [Extra work here] No! I’m done.

07:52 - I thought I was the pink one. Look how S. COUPS and I go together.

07:56 - with S. COUPS -I’m not interested in this duo. -Look look.

07:59 - [Farewell S. COUPS] [Not going that far] I wasn’t prepared.

08:03 - [So touched in that push] I was not prepared! S. COUPS’s reaction is too funny.

08:10 - [New challenger] I’m sensitive while I’m gaming.

08:11 - Go, jump! Don’t even think about the carrots.

08:15 - Yeah I guess we should give up that one. [Strike] It’s going well.

08:24 - [Almost dead] [But not now!] [Survived] [Cleared] [Happy] I guess we won’t get that mouthwashing thing before leaving.

08:40 - We’re just checking all the obstacles. [Brake] [Signal of obeying?] -I guess you should fall that way, not this way. -Nice.

08:50 - -Wait a sec. -Gotta go deeper. Oh, there were spikes here.

08:54 - That’s scary. [Bungee standby] So here I’m gonna…

08:58 - Here we go one and two… There you go.

09:02 - Wait no. [Struggling] [Which is no use] The feet were like this, so darn.

09:09 - [Dino and THE 8] There you go! Oh that’s the answer! [Hidden expert] Now jump! We gotta fall together.

09:18 - Okay, Dino do your best. [Woodchuck] How about going back and trying it like THE 8? [Headshot] NO! Sorry just one more chance.

09:26 - [Enthusiastic but sucks] I at least want to dodge that spike even if I fail.

09:29 - It feels like gaming with the friends when we were elementary. “Just one more chance. ” Stop, step on it! [So close] -Step on it! -Step on it and jump! Step on it, and rise, [Too many drivers] now rise! Wait guys, I can’t do this right now, my hands are shivering.

09:51 - Rise and jump! [Too many drivers killed them] Not a single sense in gaming! [Result of choosing the sour] Wow it’s a cool one! Too cool…

10:00 - [Acceleration] Now just go through it! [Moving it by feet] You can’t die now, all you need is moving.

10:08 - Just be careful in case. [Cleared] Okay nice.

10:12 - [Sweet and sour] Finally. [Water of life] It feels better both inside and outside.

10:19 - What’s that? [Sweet hot chocolate] You’re going to play after drinking these.

10:24 - So what was the sour one? Ades. It would have been nice if it were ades.

10:29 - [Sad] If the drink were ades… [Have to drink all of it] Just give it to me now.

10:34 - [First shot] Isn’t that hot? [Second shot] Is your mouth okay? [Third shot] Does he even feel heat? [(Lukewarm hot chocolate)] It’s not that hot.

10:43 - [Unexpected] It’s not hot. We’ll start after you guys drink this.

10:46 - Okay, after we do this round. [(They also have to drink hot chocolate)] After we finish this round, let’s start drinking it.

10:50 - What was the refreshing drink? Ade.

10:52 - Ugh [(Knowledge from his brain)] You were going to give us citrus tea.

10:56 - Everything we predicted was right. [(Making predictions)] We were actually like, the refreshing drink will be an ade [(Making predictions22)] and the sweet drink will be hot chocolate.

11:02 - [(Accuracy rate 100%)] They’re all correct.

11:04 - The probability of failing to guess 50% of the chances 3 times a row is 18.

11:08 - [(Mathematical genius)] [(Self-love genius)] I’m so cool.

11:14 - [(Good at following him)] Guess what I’m doing.

11:16 - I’m standing. [(Using chopsticks)] You’re using the bucket skill? You’re almost there.

11:25 - [A toast to celebrate themselves] Let’s do this comfortably.

11:27 - What was it again? What race? [He’s on his way to the stilt competiton] - In order to compete. . - He should’ve hopped on a car.

11:37 - [(The importance of making efforts)] Practice often.

11:39 - If he continues like this, [(King of embellishing the situation)] in level 41, I think we’ll be able to have a good record.

11:44 - [They’re finally on level 17] Let’s go! I’m going to start.

11:47 - Just move like this. [He gave him a ride on the plane] Hold me! I caught you! Stay still.

11:57 - Why isn’t Mingyu staying still? Stay still~ I’m trying to balance on my own.

12:01 - [Betrayal] You hold my back and I’ll catch the ice.

12:06 - [(He’s carrying him by the waist)] Okay, S. COUPS. Catch the ice.

12:09 - This is it. This is it! Let’s go. [Rollercoaster] Wow, this is amazing! [End of service] [They passed level 17] [Time to go home] [(Glorious position)] The position that he was in when he was catching the ice really looked like S. COUPS.

12:35 - He was firm. [(Leaving early ◁◁◁◁◁ teasing the members)] Let’s go tease the rest of our members.

12:38 - Well done. This is today’s highlight.

12:40 - Great job everyone! Summer vs winter [(Love-hate relationship)] No, I have to like summer.

12:45 - [(Keen)] Trust me. - You have to choose summer. - Winter.

12:49 - [They choose winter] Don’t tell me they’re going to turn on the heater.

12:53 - [(A dreaded feeling)] They’re going to turn the heater on.

12:54 - [Air conditioner is ON] Seriously? What is this? [(He knows the PD well)] Because we chose winter, it means that we like cold places.

12:59 - [They still haven’t taken off their Santa Claus outfits] [(They’ve lost their passion)] Push it.

13:06 - Okay Jun, you’re almost there. [(Exhausted)] How did he get there? He’s great.

13:12 - No! Hang it and go. [(They’re bound to work overtime)] No! [Never-ending village] Next player! [(Observation zone)] We’re only getting to watch the devil’s hole.

13:24 - [(Limited admission)] The devil’s hole is a place we can never go into.

13:31 - Oh, how nice. Joshua is good at going up this course.

13:34 - How satisfying. He’s making big moves.

13:37 - From here, I’ll try it. [Player change] - You trust me, right? - Yeah, I trust you.

13:41 - It only takes Joshua 10 seconds to get up here so. .

13:44 - Yeah but it only takes 10 seconds for DK to fall.

13:46 - What do you see me as? Did you see what I just did? [(Falls in 3 seconds)] [It only takes 3 seconds] Summer vs winter Do you want to choose summer or winter? [(Because it’s hot, he answers by instinct)] Winter.

13:56 - [They choose winter] [Air conditioner is ON] [They came to room #2] - Well done! - We’re done.

14:03 - You guys still haven’t taken off your outfits? [(Gave up)] This game is so difficult. We can’t do this.

14:07 - We tried it and it’s impossible. This is really hard.

14:09 - [Came to visit room #1] How is it? This old man is saying he doesn’t know.

14:12 - What do you have to do with this? Just go? You have to lift your legs with this.

14:16 - [Explaining how to operate this] Going forward and lifting the legs are different.

14:19 - [(He continues to play while explaining the game)] We have to participate in a competition.

14:21 - So we have to beat several levels and in the last level, we have to participate in a competition.

14:24 - [(Seems too far)] We have to beat this level? [A full room of spectators] We actually had so much fun playing our game.

14:33 - [(An excellent room choice)] Our game was fun.

14:35 - We were so quiet. This place is so intense.

14:38 - [Bungee jump] Jump! That’s right! One step forward! That’s right! [(About to be possessed)] Good! It’s the end of a long journey.

14:47 - [(Relax)] You’re in a hurry! You’re in a hurry! [(An unnecessary dreamy sunset)] - This place is hard. - Look at the sunset.

14:54 - [(Unnecessary serious things make him laugh)] Keep your balance [(What’s important)] It’s funny that we’re risking our lives on this.

14:59 - [(Shaking)] He’s shaking his legs. It’s tilting.

15:03 - Let’s go. There! One step. No, no! You have to use the left foot.

15:10 - That’s right! We’re almost there! [Deeply moved] - Good job! - How many levels do we have left? How many levels do we have left? [4 more for them to go home] We can do it.

15:23 - [(Bingsu used to make them angry / They can’t do it] Vernon, we have to eat this.

15:25 - [(Starting to make a move)] Why doesn’t it work? [(Approaching them)] We have to be calm.

15:30 - [Eating the bingsu without permission] [(Using his hands)] [(Shield)] Jun, did you give up? Are you playing it? No, I’m playing it.

15:36 - [(Give me some)] You’re doing well. [They laugh just by looking at each other] It’s all over your mouth.

15:41 - [(It’s good)] The patbingsu must be good. [(Seriously)] It looks so good.

15:45 - [Encore] [A slope of chaos] This is crazy.

15:51 - [(Stretching)] [(He’s suddenly so exhausted)] Why is he using this to go downhill? [(Not their business)] [Frustrated] He’s weird! Where’s the end point? [(Vision blurred)] Where is the finish line really? [(Somewhere around here)] -It’s right there, there. -Where? [(Sliding)] Oh, he made it, he did it! You have to keep the balance when going down.

16:07 - Okay, got it. Our game is okay with standing, tripping, even with falling flat on the face, [(Only perseverance matters)] all you have to do is standing.

16:14 - Even I can’t do this. No idea how to do it.

16:16 - [(Brutal truth)] You weren’t that good over there, either.

16:17 - Well. . Let’s not talk about that. [(Making wrinkles in forehead)] -Take big steps, keep going in big steps. -That’s it, good job! [(Kongkong-i)] That’s it, let’s go! [(Suddenly acting like a baby)] Oh, nice, that’s it! -Take one step first, that’s it! -Wow, you’re good! [(Failed)] Hey, WOOZI, have a go.

16:37 - [(All he got from the game is a muscle ache)] My shoulder hurts.

16:39 - -I’ll ask a question. -Okay. Again? Sea or mountain.

16:42 - Wait, let Hoshi answer it. He’s got intuition.

16:44 - Sea! [(Sudden cold breeze)] [(Trying to read the face)] Wait! Mountain! Ah~ seriously.

16:50 - [Chose mountain] -Let’s go with sea. -Mountain, mountain! [(Logically)] Patbingsu, water, water, sea.

16:55 - [Chose sea] -Sea? -Jihun, choose sea! Patbingsu, come on! What’s that? [(A brown sea)] Wow, there is a smoke. Look.

17:03 - Well, it does resemble the sea, wow. [Win the red-bean soup that look like the sea] The smoke is coming from the soup! Thank you for the soup~ Is it hot? [(Relatively warm brown sea)] It’s hot, hot! [Additional player joined] -Vernon is good, so come here and play the game. -And you just enjoy the soup.

17:16 - [(Gave up the game)] I hate the heat, but they do provide us with proper meals.

17:19 - [Switch to food eating genre] What’s the next food? [Win ice flakes with syrup looking like a mountain / ★Tiramisu Flavor★] It’s tiramisu, tiramisu.

17:23 - [(Pouring?)] Do you want me to add some coffee? [(What’s more important)] -Do as you like. -No, wait! Nothing matters.

17:29 - As long as we’re eating. Go a little further, then start to jump.

17:31 - [(Passionate coach)] Right, from here, just take one step, and them start jumping.

17:35 - You can’t take a step, not yet. That’s it.

17:37 - [Perfect division of labor)] -Right here! Just one step. -I’ll mix them well.

17:40 - This team is really clear about who’s doing what.

17:43 - [(Serious about the stilts)] SeungKwan, you need to put down the spoon, that’s it.

17:47 - No, no, no! [(one mouthful of ice flakes)] You don’t want? [Resisting fiercely] No! He said he doesn’t want.

17:54 - Yes, yes! [(Playing hard to get)] Please! [He gave his all] When he almost fell back first, wow.

18:04 - [(Providing a trial version)] Do you want to try while doing this? I want to try.

18:07 - Why is this guy running on the highway? He’s supposed to across the highway? He’s never going to make it.

18:13 - You need to press R before he falls. No, wait! Start again.

18:18 - Is this right one? Start again? [(This one starts from the very beginning→ / Got greedy to have more scenes)] -This means, restart. -No! [Discussion about restart] So which one it is, start again or restart? No, it’s start again.

18:29 - [8-ton trucks with broken brakes] Why are there so many cars passing? If you see a guy like that, they should slow down.

18:34 - But seriously though, even without the stilts, I don’t think he can make it.

18:38 - [(Naturally)] Mr. Vernon, would you like an ice cream? I’m Vernon.

18:41 - [SEVENTEEN is one] I’m Vernon. [(Bluffing)] Do you want me to clear this stage? But then, it won’t be fun.

18:45 - [(Gently)] If you play, it won’t be fun at all. .

18:46 - Mr. DK, what are you doing? [He was stealing the ice cream, but got caught] [(How dare you)] Wait.

18:50 - [Reappearance of Devil’s *hole] Vernon plays well.

18:53 - -Vernon, this is it! Please let us escape from these Santa outfits! -If I pass through here, [(Vernon wish)] I can take off your clothes.

18:59 - [(A much humbler dream)] -As long as we can take this outfit off, we don’t care whether we escape of not. -So true.

19:01 - We don’t even dream about escaping. [(HOST responsibility)] Seriously, you guys really need to take that off.

19:06 - That’s right, Vernon. [(Santa outfit is the best♥)] If you clear this, we can take off the Santa outfits…

19:10 - [Taecho* Village Regular Visitor] This is the Taecho Village. (*the beginning of the world) [(2nd Room Ace)] How was it? Jeonghan, try this.

19:15 - I actually wanted to play it. This game isn’t easy. Look, we’re still wearing the costumes.

19:22 - [(Running away)] Hey! By the way, where did DK go? [(Field trip)] Hey, WOOZI! Jeonghan!! [One stage left until get off from work / (impressed)] Did you clear the stage? I’ve got goose bumps.

19:37 - Everyone, this is our last stage. You go, this is the last.

19:40 - [17th Stage] Let’s go. [(Wearing pretty clothes)] This guy is getting cooler.

19:44 - He doesn’t need to get cooler, just ride on a bike.

19:48 - [(Ignoring the gravity with the face)] [(Slipping) / (I can’t do it)] I think it’s amazing that you manage to climb up there.

19:53 - Wow, look how he balances himself. Kongkong-i! Jump! [(Close to a zombie)] He’s hanging in there, again? Awesome, love that persistence! Go! I’ll ask a question.

20:10 - Hoho or Haha. This question is really over the top.

20:14 - Since we laugh ha! ha! ha! ha!, shall we go with haha? [(Master of phatomime])] No, hoho is, you know, when you’re cold…

20:22 - [(Nobody got that, so CUT)] [(The other team)] What if we have to eat something hot? Ho~ Is he on our team? -We like ha. -Let’s go with haha.

20:28 - [Choose Haha / (to keep the vibe alive, CUT)] [In here, it’s still Christmas] We’re the only ones with costumes.

20:33 - [(Santa on strike)] Hoho or Haha. Let’s go with haha.

20:38 - Why haha? Haha feels cold. Haha? [Choose Haha] He’s sleeping.

20:44 - If something hot comes out, I’m going to throw it at you.

20:46 - Ohoh! Ice cream! [(No food throwing)] It is Haha! [Win ice cream] [(Strike prolonged] Now, choose one you want to eat.

20:54 - [(SEVENTEEN always value friendship)] Since Jun is sleeping, let’s leave him nothing.

20:55 - [That 31 Flavors Brand] So what was in for Hoho? It was the Korean pancake with sugar filling.

20:59 - A pancake? [Delivering the ice cream] Oh, it was ice cream~ Hoho for pancakes.

21:03 - [(The grass looks greener on the other side)] Pancake is not a bad idea, actually.

21:04 - Do you want a pancake? Yes, and also the ice cream.

21:06 - Shall we wrap the pancake around the ice cream? [(Trying to negotiate)] Couldn’t you give us both…

21:09 - [Recalling memories about ice cream pancake] Boss~ [(Became regulars)] A bit like a hearty boss style.

21:13 - [Delivering the pancake] It looks delicious! Didn’t we eat like this when we were shooting the ‘Delivery Food Fighter?’ That was so good.

21:19 - [(Not his taste)] [(Not my thing)] I really don’t like this kind of thing [(Tries to argue)] Hyung, you know that we…

21:24 - I really don’t like it I think we told you recently too We really don’t like it I know about WOOZI but [(WOOZI is hyung Hoshi is you)] I’m really not sure about you [(Swaying)] [(Failed to control anger)] No! [(Desperate effort)] - Go back a bit - I’m stuck.

21:39 - [(Gave up)] [(Frustrated)] He seems frustrated too.

21:43 - [Reenactment] WOOZI, you try. [(Preliminary step)] I’m going to raise the left foot.

21:48 - - I raised the left foot. - That’s right! [Holding on thanks to the spring] Let’s take it step by step today.

21:58 - Spring jump! [(Bug)] I survived as Kongkong-i Now I’m going to take the right foot.

22:09 - [(Reached flatland)] - It’s my first time reaching here. - Make sure to kick all the way out.

22:11 - Hit it from here! [Did it in one go] Where’s the leg? Did you do a good job? [In conclusion, the spring helped] Wow WOOZI - Move the left foot - I think this could work You have to move your left foot forward [(Urging on)] I said to go! [(Disappointing)] [(Change in attitude)] No wait don’t do that, I’m sorry.

22:28 - [(Getting into character)] - Don’t get angry~ - I won’t get angry, I’m really sorry.

22:31 - [(Urging on)] [(Definitely)] I’m really sorry.

22:32 - [(Bright expression)] Oh good good. [(Omnipotent spring)] - We did so much just to reach here! - That’s it, that’s it WOOZI.

22:41 - [Steady step] I said to put the right foot forward Move the heels a bit more [Announcing his game plan] Now I’m going to raise both legs and move forward. That’s right!! [(Stepping back)] [(I don’t want to cross)] I’m going to move.

22:58 - Why can’t he climb up this? [(Controlling with his eyes)] That’s right, that’s right.

23:07 - [(Head bump)] [Ah no!] Wow that was real close.

23:10 - [(Dying of laughter)] WOOZI, you did well. Go cool off okay? [(Useless)] Hey, at least our game is more fun than that pot game.

23:17 - That game is literal hell. You know what’s more chilling? The maps are all connected.

23:23 - [(The highway from before)] That’s the highway we crossed earlier.

23:25 - - You’re right. - Do you see it? [Thrilling worldview] - I used that neon sign to enter the rooftop above the lighted up city. - And that’s a desert.

23:32 - [(Arrived at the destination)] - Wow guys! - We’re almost there! That’s right! We did it, we did it SeungKwan, it’s over!! [Passed round 17] [(Came to play)] [(Running frantically)] Jeonghan!! [Finished the game 10 minutes before time up] Firstly, we all worked really hard.

23:51 - [Time to get off work] - We’re going to get off now. - Thank you for all your hard work! We had a really fun time everyone.

23:57 - Let’s just make this a Jeonghan and WOOZI did most of the work episode I even wondered if I should be allowed to do this No it’s you guys [(Barely played an active role)] I applied ice cream remember.

24:03 - We’ll just do better next time. Yeah I really I was really good at KartRider [(Oh really)] Yeah yeah [Close to exiting the devil’s hole] Hang in there, muscle man! I know what it is. If you fail here, you’ll end up at the primordial village.

24:18 - We exited the hole. Doesn’t that mean we can take this off? [Remove the Santa outfit if you exit the hole] Let’s take this off since we exited the hole! [Finally removing the Santa outfit] Vernon, do whatever you want from here on.

24:27 - [(Managed to jump up right away by doing whatever he wants)] [(Slowly starting to want to leave work)] You just have to go up.

24:38 - Wow Vernon you’re the best. This is crazy.

24:41 - Can I give it a go? Yeah just start from here.

24:43 - [(Tragic reminder)] Just don’t go to the primordial village.

24:51 - [Having a lot of fun] [Pot man doesn’t know when to give up] This is thrilling.

25:01 - [(Delayed realization)] Huh why am I so good at this? Walk slowly.

25:14 - To the left [Synchronized cheering] By twisting the body [(Falling into an endless abyss)] [(In 6 seconds cut)] [Back to the primordial village] [Time’s up] Thank you for your effort! [The end] That was actually fun? As a content creator, the idea for this content is really amazing.

26:06 - I think it’s really great. How do you come up with something like this? No like when we were first discussing this It was along the line of ‘How about we experience Christmas in Australia’ ‘For what purpose exactly’ ‘Do we wait until it’s Christmas time’ ‘Let’s just spend Christmas together in August’ No I’d rather wait.

26:23 - I’d rather wait. .