Giveaway Update - Spiderman Miles Morales Gameplay
Dec 2, 2020 15:10 · 2091 words · 10 minute read
yo yo yo what’s up everybody this is your boy Greg the Gameaholic hopefully you enjoyed my game play from the spider-man miles morales but if you’re interested in the console giveaways and more details about that make sure you watch this to the very end if not enjoy the spider-man game footage what was that [Music] where are you i’m at home but i can come to the hospital no stay where it’s safe but you’re hurt what if something happens to you while i’m not there nihol this isn’t like city hall we’re all okay you stay where it’s safe i’ll be back soon i’ll even let you sign my cast okay ma novemos in casa look for aaron you okay i’m all right i tried to reach you and your mom where are you now i’m headed to braithwaite bridge there was an explosion all right but if roxanne shows up you run got it they’ll look for some of the blame for all this and it won’t just be the tinker okay i’ll be careful that explosion looks bad i gotta hurry looks like the plaza was just a warm-up or a distraction let’s not shoot each other all right we’re after the new form ignore everything else get rid of him then grab as much as you can carry he’s destabilizing it [Music] keep him busy [Music] oh my god i saw her today i just if i just put everything together this is not your fault man i was so happy to see her i wasn’t paying attention i have to pay attention the brake is coming down spiderman let’s see how you like this people are trapped over there i gotta finish this so i can help those people oh my god i gotta get people off the bridge before it comes down [Music] don’t worry i got you thank you man those people they’re trapped you got to get it stable okay okay okay i need something they can cross i can stop this [Music] [Music] uh thank you i did this my powers i made it explode everyone’s safe after the explosion the bridge started dead eyes on the other spiderman please advise what’s going on i have no idea copy no no i’m not your enemy what are you doing you saved us hey leave him alone i’m recording this let’s put that phone this is your last warning i saved him what the hell where’d he go oh my god did they push him what happened hmm what happened to roxanne being here for us they were gonna shoot me they didn’t even listen are you okay i don’t know [Music] here today is simon krieger discussing the destruction of braithwaite bridge look i want to root for the new spiderman but his what did you call it bioelectricity you want breakfast well that cost us rocks on property and it destroyed a bridge this is messed up that’s not what happened finn’s the tinkerer she stole the new form no idea why and it’s my thought the bridge blew up no it’s not i’m headed to the campaign headquarters you boys need anything while i’m out i could pick up lucy coco i thought you’d quit after last night why would i quit i said i’d fight for my home i meant it you could have you could have died our family doesn’t give up you know that [Music] mom phil said the cocoa would be great if you don’t mind [Music] i don’t mind when i got powers and i i thought i’ll be able to fix anything do anything that spider-man does whenever you say spider-man you always mean the other one [Music] you’re spider-man you can fix this way [Music] here we go found my position let’s hit the [Music] keep it moving that’s my attitude this is just a my moment [Music] what’s up new york hey man things are big time now huh feels like people need friendly neighborhood now more than ever you gotta think of a shorter name all the good apps are one word miles finally got through oh hey pete what’s going on all right y’all so hopefully you guys enjoyed that game play but for the moment i know a lot of you guys have been waiting for um i am going to be giving you guys some details on the current console giveaways that’s going on um the ones that just ended and then the ones that’s about to come up going forward as well but i want to do a couple quick shout outs to my previous console winners who just received their consoles in the month of november so shout out to the lidowitz family they end up getting a nintendo switch so congratulations to them and then also uh one of my youtube winners lilac phoenix also known as imani uh she actually won a ps4 so shout out to you as well both of them got their prizes in november so again i appreciate the love and support for each and every one of you guys um but right now i’m about to go over the free console giveaways that just ended last night um so but again i’m going to continue to do free console giveaways and then i’m also going to go over the details of the member exclusive console giveaways uh tournaments actually uh where you actually compete in the trivia quiz for a chance to win a ps5 uh and then some other details as well so number one for the free console giveaway one of them just ended last night where the winner gets the chance to pick a playstation 5 or a net or a xbox series x now how this works is right now from all those entries that everybody got i’m going to pick 200 finalists all right and then on i want to say i want to have it done by next monday so by monday i’m going to release the video of the drawing of the uh of those 200 finalists um you’ll be able to see exactly who are those finalists and then i’m going to do the actual drawing at that time as well so you’ll be able to see if you’re a finalist and then you’re going to see me pick the winner that’s for the free console giveaway also um i have the monthly trivia contest that’s going on i am going to be announcing the actual winner as well on monday from the trivia contest right now um for the people that have taken it there’s like about a good three or four people that still need to take it they said they’re going to take it today but right now there’s a three weight they’ve all got seven correct so if uh somebody don’t beat their score they’re gonna go into a final showdown of those three people where they’re going to get another quiz and then the winner of that quiz is going to take home a ps5 or xbox series x now um that one i want to say there was a total of seven people who participated in that and in order to participate uh is only twenty dollars so you’re only competing with right now if you sign up you’re only competing with seven other people you know for for twenty dollars and all you gotta do is just try to outscore them in trivia you know your odds is never going to be lower than that so you get 10 questions 10 random questions it’s sports related video game related history uh uh let’s see music movies is random so everybody get 10 random questions and you want to try to get as many questions as right as possible um and then the person with the right or the most right wins and again this is something that’s going on every single month and it’s twenty dollars to sign up if you don’t have twenty dollars but you still want a chance to win something you can sign up for five dollars if you sign up for five dollars you go into a different trivia tournament where you get a chance to win a hundred and fifty dollar gift card so five dollars for a chance to win 150 or 20 for a chance to win uh a console of your choice between a playstation 4 xbox one s or nintendo switch now that’s every single month then also on monday so i’m doing all this on one episode on monday so on monday i am going to also be doing uh the drawing for my member exclusive console giveaways that were for uh august and september all right so for those drawings uh i’m gonna do that all on monday so on monday there’s gonna be a total of one free one and then the monthly one and then plus before or so there’s going to be a total of six console drawings yep you heard that correctly you know four for the members and then one for the monthly uh trivia contest and then one for the free console giveaway that’s right and for those people who don’t know i’ve been doing this for years so right now i want to say i have like over 27 winners you know including the two that i just did for november so it’s not going to stop this is something i thoroughly enjoyed doing and for those people who uh can’t become a member i’m still gonna have the free console giveaway going on it’s just that the thing is with free you’re competing with thousands of people versus only a handful all right so if you want to sign up for the free console giveaways click the link in the description and then the type of entries that you’re going to have to earn is going to be things like uh like this facebook status or guess this trivia question when it comes to the free console giveaway or um watch this stream or every time you watch this video you can re- watch videos but you get like 10 entries every time you re-watch content or is this a whole bunch of different stuff that you can do to get more entries um the more interest you get the better your odds of getting into that final 200 and then hence becoming the winner all right but that’s all this new stuff that’s coming up um so if and then the other thing was uh if you have any questions comments concerns theories hypothesis feedback conclusions or just want to say what’s up make sure you do so at the bottom um but i’m going to start incorporating a lot more social media so for those people who have facebook twitter instagram um i’m going to be bringing tiktok back in um you know so the more things that you follow the more opportunities you get to get more entries uh but the other thing is um not only that um you want to sign up for like notifications that way you don’t miss out on anything so if you don’t want to miss out on my youtube videos where you get entries make sure you click that bell to get notified if you don’t want to miss out on my facebook notifications make sure you join the group again you can join the group by clicking on the link signing up for the free console giveaway and you’ll get entries for joining the facebook group all right so if y’all got anything else let me know i’m excited i’m definitely going to be trying to put out as much more content starting just uh starting you know this month um it’s just been a heck of a ride with his new job i’ve been high working 60 to 70 hours a week but now i got a good grasp of the job so it’s not as stressful so hopefully i could put out some content maybe you know two three four five times a week all right so with that being said if you guys have any suggestions or anything just let me know if not i will catch you guys the next time i post some videos or go live all right y’all i’ll let y’all later peace .