Dutch Sheets: Activate the Anointing to Birth the Future (Acts 5:15)
Feb 16, 2021 12:30 · 1393 words · 7 minute read
- I was at a gathering with Chuck and he leaned over to me and said, I think we’re supposed to go back to all 50 states this year.
00:09 - - [Woman In Audience] Yay. - And I really didn’t know what to think, because I already had a busy schedule, so did he.
00:21 - And I said, the only thing I could think of to say, and it was just, okay whatever.
00:28 - We prayed about it, and the Lord said no, you don’t need to go to all the states, but I want you to touch all the states by going to regions and gathering people from these regions, and in that way, go to all the states.
00:45 - So we’ve started that tour now, and it’s been extremely powerful.
00:52 - But I want to mention the three things that Chuck told me when I called and said, what exactly did the Lord say to you when He told you we were to go to all, to these regions and touch all the states again in this way? And I’m sure he has said more than just this, but he summarized it to me in three statements.
01:14 - This is what God is doing this year, as the two of us go to 20 or so regions of the nation.
01:24 - He said first of all, go and prepare the land for awakening.
01:34 - - [Man In Audience] All right. - Now I’m not sure if that carries the significance for you that it does for me, but when I heard him say that, that the Lord said you can now prepare the land for awakening, that was like to me, when the Lord came to Abraham and said, next year at this time, you’re going to have a son.
01:55 - You may have been standing, trying to believe, up and down in your faith for 24 years, and you may have given up on your faith, but I’m here to say to you, the waiting period is over Abraham, and this time next year you’re going to have a son.
02:10 - I don’t care how old you are, I don’t care if you’re 99, I don’t care how old she is, I don’t care that she’s been barren all of her life, I’m telling you.
02:18 - And they both laughed at God, and they both couldn’t believe it, because they were old.
02:24 - But the Lord said to them, I don’t care. Next year, this time, you will have a son.
02:30 - - [Audience Members] Yes. - And I say to you, I’ve been interceding for this nation for 25 years, some of you have.
02:36 - I’ve been standing, I’ve been traveling, I’ve been crying out, I’ve been prophesying.
02:41 - I have prayed thousands of prayers, cried thousands of tears, made thousands of decrees, all across this nation.
02:48 - But the Lord spoke to me through that man, and He said to me this year, you go prepare the land for awakening, because everything you’ve been talking about, praying about, prophesying, is about to take place.
03:00 - (audience cheers) Awakening is coming to this nation.
03:04 - (audience applauds) Then he said, we’re going to restore God’s hovering power.
03:13 - When you see the word hover, when God’s talking, or in the scripture, you should always think of birthing.
03:23 - The word is from Genesis 1 where Holy Spirit was hovering over the earth.
03:27 - Taking the words of Jesus and using them as seeds.
03:35 - The New Testament term is sperma. Spiritual words carry reproductive power.
03:46 - Prophesy carries reproductive power. Righteous decrees, speaking God’s word carries multiplicative power, just as physical seeds carry life and multiplicative power.
04:01 - So he says, Holy Spirit was there brooding or hovering.
04:04 - It is a reproductive term. It is a sexual term, okay? In Hebrew.
04:11 - He’s trying to say there, that Holy Spirit was releasing life.
04:15 - Holy Spirit was mixing his power with the words of Jesus, and causing life to spring up out of a barren earth.
04:24 - And he said, what you’re going to do this year, you’re going to go prepare the land for awakening.
04:28 - But as you go, you’re going to prophesy my hovering presence over America.
04:33 - You’re going to prophesy and you’re going to decree, and Holy Spirit is going to hover everywhere you go, and he’s going to bring forth his, he’s going to release his resurrection life.
04:43 - He’s going to release his birthing power, and give birth to what is being spoken.
04:52 - You need to be very aware of what you say this year.
04:55 - You need to bless and not curse. You need to go back to the basics and begin to speak, confess and speak life over your house, your work, your possessions, your body, your congregation, your city, your nation.
05:12 - When you drive through the streets of your city, you need to prophesy life to your city.
05:16 - When you’re watching the news, and they announce something bad, you need to break that curse, and say life is coming.
05:22 - When you see a school, you need to prophesy the spirit of God is coming to that school.
05:27 - When you watch a ball game and you see a university or college, you need to say, life is coming, Holy Spirit is hovering over that university, and life is coming to them.
05:38 - When you see the President, when you see Congress, when you see the courts, you need to decree life.
05:44 - Holy Spirit is looking for words he can grab right now and hover around them, and mix his power with life-giving words.
05:55 - - [Man In Audience] Yeah. - Awakening’s coming, Holy Spirit hovering is being released.
06:06 - Then he said, the third thing I heard was, activate the anointing to birth the future.
06:15 - A hovering is coming, now activate the anointing and birth the future.
06:23 - Couple of weeks after he told me that, a lady gave me a prophetic word.
06:30 - It says, in this year of plowing, God says to you, years ago, I assigned you to this field called America.
06:38 - And you put your hand to the plow and have not turned back.
06:43 - Interesting that that’s what we’re calling this.
06:47 - Time to plow. She says in this word, much plowing has prepared the soil for planting and good fruit has come forth.
06:58 - But you have plowed with a shallow plow. That was not a rebuke, it was literal.
07:03 - There are two types of plows. - [Man In Audience] Yeah.
07:07 - - She said, you have plowed with a shallow plow, but now you must plow with a ripper plow.
07:15 - The ripper goes deeper, and breaks up the hard pan that keeps the roots from receiving water and nutrients.
07:21 - A strong ripper plow can literally tear through rock.
07:26 - The biggest challenge now, they can make them so strong, the greatest challenge for some of the rippers that they can produce is a vehicle with enough horsepower to pull that thing through the hard soil.
07:38 - There has to be enough strength there, because there’s strength to rip it up, but you got to have enough power pulling it to do so.
07:49 - She says, you are a holy ripper. I thought, man what a great word.
07:56 - I’ve been called a lot of things. (audience laughs) Now I’m a holy ripper.
08:02 - (laughs) We run with strange people.
08:11 - (audience laughs) You’re a holy ripper going to plow through the hard pan to give water and life to the roots so the flourishing can begin.
08:25 - The year begins with deep plowing. But you will see the flourishing.
08:32 - And how about this, for even in old age, you will flourish.
08:37 - (audience cheers) Turn to your neighbor and say, even when I’m old, I’m going to flourish. .