Apple Watch Series 3 Umboxing, Initial Setup is it STILL Worth it

Jun 3, 2020 14:00 · 3697 words · 18 minute read reinsert could set information shows

With the launch of the Apple watch of series 5 it is certainly pushed down the price for the series 3 watches so in today’s video we’re going to be going through and doing a unboxing of a series 3 watch and showing you how to set it up roll the intro perfect so again it’s the watch series 3 it’s a nice thick box 42 millimeter space great aluminum with the black sport band and it does have the GPS and the sail capability so this is the fully light fully loaded series 3 Apple watch looks like we are immediately granted with something says designed by Apple in California and it looks like to be a tray with some type of instructions on here so we’ve got the watch so this one right here it looks like it has some instructions on how to install the watch onto your wrist it’s got a little bit information on how to change the band’s just because it does come with a smaller medium band in case this band right here is a little bit too large you can swap it out for that one and this shows you how to swap the bands of course it just has a little bit information about support and the iPhone itself and then if you open up this pamphlet right here you get a quick diagram of the watch itself how the buttons work where to turn them on which one which functions what it does show you where like the heart rate sensor is the speaker’s the air vents mic band release button so there’s all sorts of different diagram information about the watch within that pamphlet right there so you have this and then it looks like this team’s to be a protective sleeve but also just some information about safety handling and just all kind of like your legal documentation is on that one and then like I saying it does have the extra band which is the small/medium you can see right where it says small/medium right there so this is a small/medium band in case this one’s too large that covers what is in this little box right here then the watch itself after you remove that tray you’re then greeted with the watch laid in a flat lay right here and you can see that it’s got some tabs to pull it out apples always made it really easy to pull stuff out just by adding little tags like this the watch is right there it’s again it’s got some instructions on how to install it on the wrist but it’s also got just a protective sleeve around it and this is a rubber type band so it is of course waterproof you don’t have to worry about that really deteriorating anytime soon so really has to have it it’s got the single knob on there so you can up that around and get a nice like fine tune of how to install the watch and then of course you just placed that underneath that when it’s on your wrist I’ll set this aside and see what else we’ve got on the box few little tabs on either side pull that out and you’ve got the charger itself I believe this is a 12 or a 15 watt charger it does have a 1 amp output so it’s got a nice output to charge again it’s got the magnetic charger which it looks like it has a 6 foot cable attached to it but the charge right here right there and it’s a magnetic charge of course that’ll work a little better once we’ve removed the protective sleeves from either one but that is just about everything in the box so now what we’re gonna do is we’re going to go ahead and power this thing up we’re gonna grab an iPhone and start the setup process in the initial setup process to get these to connect the next thing to do is once you’ve got the watch powered on you’re gonna see a some instructions right here asking you to take your watch and to take your iPhone and put them as close to each other as you can in and out we’ll start the initial setup process so we’ve got our watch here I’ve got the phone right here I’m gonna go ahead and unlock it and we’re gonna hold these things as close as we can together until we get a prompt on the phone right there as you can see Apple watch use your iPhone to set up this Apple watch so we’re gonna go ahead and put the watch down for now and we’re gonna go ahead and tap on continue once we’ve done that it’s then gonna want us to it’s gonna open up the camera but if you look on the watch now you can see that it’s got a very like cool looking barcode more or less and it’s gonna want us to scan it so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna take the watch face and we’re gonna put it within those yellow lines and wait for the camera to scan it boom perfect just like that so as you can see they are matching boom as you can see they are now paired and you can restore from a backup if you’ve had a previous watch you can bring over a backup and install it to this one as well but for this one we are going to do setup as a new watch and then it’s going to ask you your wrist preference on which wrist do you wear your Apple watch I typically wear it on the left so I’m going to tap on left once we’ve done that you’re going to go ahead and go through agree to the terms and conditions you can set up an Apple ID we’re gonna go ahead and skip this step for now and we’re also going to skip the iTunes Store now I do want to use Siri having Syria on the watch is really nice especially if you want to ask her questions about the weather or anything like that so we’re gonna click on use Siri watch analytics help Apple improve its products and services by allowing analytics of usage data from your Apple watch I’m gonna click don’t share they don’t need any more information that what I want them to have and then go ahead and just going through like a rundown of your shared settings you can then go ahead and tap okay now it does want you to set up an Apple watch passcode this is a good idea especially if you have Apple pay set up you’re gonna want to have a passcode so we’re gonna go ahead and click on create a passcode and then you’ll notice right here on the watch that it wants us to put in a passcode so I’m just going to type in 1 let’s just do 1 2 3 4 this code can be easily you do still want to use it sure we’re just gonna click on use code 1 2 3 4 boom and now we’ve got our code set up now of course that code is not a code that I’m gonna be keeping so it really doesn’t matter keep your Apple watch up-to-date you can install updates manually or you can do it automatically we’re just going to go ahead and tap on continue emergency SOS you can press and keep holding the side button to call emergency services for your Apple watch if you have contacts within your emergency SOS or your medical ID it can use that as well so we’re gonna go ahead and hit on continue and then cellular setup your Verizon account is not eligible this is a dummy phone so it actually doesn’t have any service attached to it so this does have the ability this watch has the cell abilities that if you wanted to hook it up in the cellular it will have it can work as a standalone phone which is pretty cool you can receive calls and messages etc that is definitely something that you could set up but for now we’re just gonna hit on continue install available apps it says some apps on your iPhone may also work with your Apple watch you can install all these apps now or you can choose just the ones you want later so you can choose later but we’re gonna go ahead and tap on install all this because I want them as integrated as possible Apple watch is syncing your Apple watch is almost ready you’ll get an alert when it’s done syncing blah blah blah so we’re gonna go ahead and set the phone down and we’re gonna take pay attention to the watch here for a minute now you can see that right here in the top corner you’ve got a progress bar on the progress that it is when it goes to install those apps but if we scroll a little bit so we’re gonna use the side scroller here you can see where it says display it’s got a digital crown and that it’s also got the side button these are all just your Apple watch basics and we’re going through each one so we’re gonna tap on display it says tap to select swipe to scroll and move so we’ll scroll press firmly for more options to change the watch face so if we press and hold it’s not gonna do it right now because we’re not actually looking at a watch face but if you wanted to change the watch face when you’re on it you just press and hold and it will start to give you those options which will show you here in just a moment so once we’re done with that we can go ahead and tap on done in the top left hand corner and you can see that we’ve got a green checkmark indicating that we’ve finished that section so we’re gonna scroll down a little bit further we’re going to click on digital crown this is gonna show us how this side right here the digital crown on the side will work press to return to the watch face so if you’re in an app or something you press it in once that will return you to the watch face and if we swipe press and hold to talk to Siri so if you press and hold it that’ll activate Siri allowing you to do what you need to do with her and then once you hit this you can use this to turn to scroll zoom or adjust so this is kind of how you can maneuver now you can always swipe on the screen as well but you can use the crown to scroll as well we’re gonna go ahead and hit done growing a little bit further so as you can see I can use it the touch to scroll or I can use the crown to scroll so either ones up to you last one right here is the side button and how that one works so if we tap on that press to show the dock again we don’t have the dock up yet but when you press this it’s going to bring up the dock which has a lot of like frequently used apps etc so you can bring it up that way double click for Apple pay if you have Apple pay setup you just double tap it put in your PIN code and it will allow you to make those payments via Apple pay and then the last one is press and hold for medical ID emergency SOS and power so once you press on that it’ll give you the option if you want to make a medical emergency call medical ID or if you just want to simply power the device off those are just quick rundown again we’ll hit done in the top left hand corner you can see we’ve got green checkmarks across the board on there indicating that we’ve gone through the basics and we’re about a fourth of the way through with the apps being transferred over to the watch perfect once the apps have been transferred over to the app I did it off camera on accident but what you’re going to do is it’s going to ask you to press the crown in one time in order to start so as I did that you can see that we are now at the watch face and if you look at the phone it says welcome to the Apple watch my watch face gallery app store it’s got a bunch of different settings that you can go in and you can adjust as you can see right here so pretty cool and straightforward let’s take a look at the actual watch itself and some of the things that it can do again this is the watch face so if we press and hold we are going to want to put in the passcode to unlock it if we press and hold one more time you can see that it’s going to bring up activity digital what this is going to do is this is one of the watch faces that are on here we can swipe to change to different ones you can see and then but if you find one that you really like it of course you can always download some more in the store if you don’t like the ones that come with it but we’ve got these ones here and if we just choose on this one when we choose on customize what this is going to allow us to do is customize a few of the different settings on here so you’ll notice at the top you’ve got like three little circles indicating you have three different settings that you can customize so the first one is being the font itself as you choose you can scroll through and choose various types of fonts that they’ve got on here looks like they’ve got about three different fonts that you can use we’re gonna choose the very bottom one and then we’re just gonna go ahead and swipe to the left and now it’s gonna ask us to choose the style once again scroll through until you find your style I like the ones where it’s kind of like a Tron like look so I’m gonna keep that one and then swipe again and then this one is going to be your color so we can go ahead and scroll through these until we find a color combination that we want now some of the watches that you download may have a few more customizable options but these ones are pretty basic so we’re just gonna go with kind of like the orange and purple look once you’ve done that and you’re done with the customization all you do is press the in press in on the crown one time and that’s gonna take you back back to the watch face and then you can just tap it once to select it and now this is going to be your active watch face so pretty cool on that if we swipe a little bit more here you’ve got like your Wi-Fi settings your battery percentage you’ve got a few different modes airplane mode and I pulled that up by just swiping from the bottom itself so if you just swipe up you can swipe down it shows you that it’s connected to a phone with the green phone indicator right there now if we were to go back and you press the crown in one time what that’s going to do is going to bring you to like kind of like the over layer the grid system where you’ve got all of your different types of apps on here and you can choose them from here as well press it again it’ll take you back to the watch face press it one more time it’ll bring you back press the back button or the bottom button you can then see this is going to bring up the dock and the dock like I saying has all of your most frequent apps or your favorite apps activity heart rate workout music messages they’re all in there as well and then of course if you scroll to the bottom and tap on all apps that’ll bring you to the grid system like you have here now you’re to tap and hold on this you do have the option to switch from a grid view or a list view you can see them right here but of course one thing about this watch that’s that I really like is the grid view which is kind of like a cool like map like look so like I said there’s tons of different options in there another thing is once you’re in the grid view you can actually use the crown to scroll in and out as you can see if you need to zoom out to locate or find another app you can scroll out and then once you zoom all the way back in it takes you to your watch face and to get back to the grid view you just press the crown one more time and that will bring you back to your grid view again pretty straightforward on here like I said there’s a ton of different apps you can go in and of course you can set up your mail you’ve got all sorts of different sensors on here so you’ve got your heart rate sensors are basically in here I’m not sure exactly which ones are which but those are your all of your biometric sensors again these little buttons right here are to release the band so if you were to press one and you can slide out the band and replace it with a different band of your style there’s definitely a ton of different bands out there that you can use in that of course to reinsert it you just press it in slot and then slide it into place and that will click it back into place and you’ve been able to change your band so again they include this is the medium/large and the new one is the medium small so if you have a little bit smaller wrist you will want to swap this out for the smaller one right there but that is just a quick rundown of the watch itself so as you can see taking the iPhone getting it paired up to the Apple watch is a really easy process in a very seamless one at that so even somebody like me that is a very big fan of Android you can certainly appreciate Apple’s user experience when it comes to how seamless all of their devices work together so getting it all paired up and getting going is a very easy process and it’s really nice to have a few suggestions that I would make is of course it is a water-resistant not waterproof up to 50 meters you can’t take it in the shower and you can use it in the swimming pool however I would be very cautious on what type of liquids that you’re getting in contact with just because like shampoos or soaps or things like that can help deteriorate the seals on the watch a little bit faster so be careful with that also try not to take it in waters that are high velocity like if you’re going surfing or wakeboarding or something along those lines Apple has recommended that you don’t take it in water sports such as that so those are a couple things on there also because the series 5 has released and dropped the price in the series 3 I still would recommend you getting the cellular ability even if you don’t end up using the cell capabilities it’s nice to have if you end up wanting to add it to your plan later on the watch will work perfectly fine without the cell abilities as long as it is attached to your iPhone but of course with those cell abilities if you end up leaving your phone somewhere you can still manage to take those phone calls and those messages now the question still stands is this series 3 watch still a worthwhile investment in 2020 and even though I haven’t had a ton of time to play with it and work with it and see what it’s got all it’s about I did notice off the bat that it’s extremely responsive its water resistant up to 50 meters you have the GPS and the sail capabilities if you choose to buy that one and not to mention it’s got a ton of different tracking apps as far as fitness and there’s a ton of apps that you can put on it as well so to me yes the series 3 is definitely a worthwhile investment especially for the price point that it’s starting to hit and with that being said that is going to wrap up today’s tech on box I hope you guys liked the video and enjoyed it I will of course be taking the product link putting it in the video description below it is an affiliate link and if you do choose to go and buy through that link we will receive some type of commission which does help and support out the channel so we certainly appreciate that subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already and of course enable that Bell icon so you guys don’t miss out on any type of future content and we will see you on the next one peace .