Technik SWARDMAN Edwin 2.1 - Inbetriebnahme, Details, erster Mähtest

Mar 7, 2020 07:00 · 1291 words · 7 minute read 03 sufficient good ... ok

Welcome dear cylinder mower freaks, I’m going to take the second part to the Swardman today. To the Edwin 2.1, the new cylinder mower from Swardman, and today we’re going to dig a little deeper into technology, and if the weather keeps up, we’ll have a short mowing. What is really cool and what I really find a great service: I thought you would need 2 bottles of oil for the engine, 400 ml per bottle. Total nonsense, you only need 400 ml for the engine, but Swardman says that after 8 hours of operation, so mow 8 hours, that is, mow eight times approximately, the oil should change after only eight hours. And that’s why the second bottle is included, that’s why this syringe is included, to suck the oil out of the engine. A very, very great thing. A great service.

01:09 - Oil included twice, change after 8 hours for the first time, so that the engine runs really well then and for a long time. Cool part. [Music] To measure, just plug it in and then read it here. so… very nice… good… 400 ml Open the bottle with pressure. 400 ml should fit exactly and then it went wrong. Yes, right here, distribute the oil well first. That still looks pretty good. Rag The bigger the funnel hole, the faster it runs. So if you forget to put the oil in this engine, it’s over. Then you can buy a new engine straight away. Ohh, that’s going slowly. let’s go… the oil is thick… is cold… This is crap! That can’t be true, stop. Back, that’s not how we do it. Test number 2: We use the syringe. Nothing goes through at all, through this stupid funnel, much too small. Is that viscous the oil should only be pulled out when the engine is warm. You can already see what is happening there. in there… Of course, this is much better. Much better, that was a smart idea. and again… always keep this container to dispose of the oil. Ah, wonderful save it…

04:37 - This is the much better idea, yes, if you do a lot, you make mistakes very nice It’s not exactly straight, we have to do that when it is straight, but it’s at the top of the display, so that should do it. very good so… yes… so it’s full… 400 ml is more than sufficient, the engine has already run, so there is really enough oil in there now. Not too tight. Now let’s do next… let’s test the spindle cut. I always use normal printer paper, 80 g printer paper. And there is a great trick. Don’t just make strips like that, but fold the strips once. So cut a bit wider strips and then fold the strips once.

05:41 - Then you can see very nicely when it cuts through both sides it’s pretty tight. If it only cuts one side then it is borderline, then maybe I can readjust a little bit. Now let’s see how this mower got to me. Now middle… cool You need a little bit more paper. The spindle is actually really well adjusted. cuts wonderful… you don’t have to do anything… wonderful fantastic Fantastic, so the spindle is set top. Swardman supplies the tool with. Yes yes yes and throw it down. Three different Allen keys 5, this is 4 and probably 3 mm and an 810 spanner.

06:47 - And with the spanner you can readjust the spindle if you have to. This is the adjustment screw for the bottom knife, and with this you can turn the lower knife towards the spindle or pull it away from the spindle. Depending on how stubborn the cut quality is, and that’s what this spanner is for. You have to be careful with this spindle setting. If the lower knife is screwed too tightly onto the spindle then it becomes very loud, and the spindle and the lower knife break very quickly.

07:18 - So the ideal setting is such a very, very, very small distance between the knife and the lower knife. If possible, the spindle should not touch the lower knife. Finally, let’s look under the lid. And then we look at the height setting, and then I think we can get started. So I think that’s really mega, mega cool. This lid here is held with magnets. It’s a really cool idea, I was so excited about the Swardman Electra. So you just need to take the lid a little, tilt it a little… of course not that way… tilt… zack… and remove.

08:03 - No screws, no nothing, just down, here are magnets. Fantastic. Below you can see the mechanics. Here the drive shaft arrives from the engine, and this is used to tension the V-belt for the roller drive, and the second lever is used to tension the second V-belt for the spindle drive. And that’s what the two levers above are for. So roller drive… spindle drive… All beautiful turned parts, a little filigree everything, but looks chic. Cool. So up again… A little look that it is sitting correctly, that it has slid over properly.

08:57 - Now there is the height adjustment, this is a bicycle quick release. Really cool. Here the line should mark the position of the lever here. If you want to set the cutting height here, you have to loosen the screw on the other side first. You see that little screw over there and when that is solved you can loosen the lever and adjust the cutting height. Of course I did it wrong the first time, I was wondering why the lever doesn’t move.

09:33 - So loosen over there, then loosen here and then adjust here. So freaks now you can solve and then you can put the mower up and down. cool… There it is now at 5, I will make it to 25, and tighten it. Now tighten again over there. So dear lawn freaks, the last cool feature I want to show you today here is this little setting. The thing here is a wire this wire is also available at the back, at the front and back, as an accessory, a wire that ensures that the roller is not so heavily covered with earth or grass clippings.

10:35 - This wire that runs right behind the roller here, and brushes the dirt off the roller, front and back. I’ll show you in the back too. This is the rear wire that ensures that this rear roller is not too heavily covered. So dear cylinder mowers freaks so far about technology, I’m freaking out. We have to… you shouldn’t do that… let’s go for a lap. OK? very good… ok Start… choke.. First of all pull through slowly a few times… Freaks the mower runs great, really quiet, it smells of mown grass again, and now the sun is coming through.

Yes 14:16 - Yes dear lawn freaks, it’s still a bit windy, unfortunately, I hope you understand me. Mowed for the first time with the grass catcher. Good If you want to buy the mower, you can use my coupon code: Rasenfreak2020. You can enter Rasenfreak2020 on the Swardman homepage, then you get a scarifier for free. Cool deal from Swardman, so it’s not just me that’s benefiting, you too.

Great 14:50 - And also like to check out Facebook, you can still take part in a competition, by the end of the month I think you can win another mower like that. Okay, that’s it for today, thanks for watching. I’m looking forward to the next video with you. Your Lawnfreak bye .