Ganker EX- A Combat Robot You Use Your Hands To Fight With!
Jan 5, 2020 00:05 · 686 words · 4 minute read
Hey everyone! Well, you all loved my last robot review, so I did my best and today I have another one for you. The Ganker Ex. It’s pretty cool, and there’s no point in talking about it until you can see it, so let’s unbox it and put it together. Looks pretty cool and the packaging is all in English. I think it is specifically for the overseas market, Now let’s unbox it. They have the assembly pictures all in there. Perfect! So this is the armor.
02:10 - Let’s put it down one by one so you can see. This is the mainframe. A USB cable and I think this is also part of the armor. Battery. Alright, that’s it. What makes the Ganker Ex more than just another toy robot is how it’s controlled. There are a few names for this technology- teleoperation, telerobotics, remote manipulation but in researching this I came across an old name, from an old sci-fi story they called it a waldo and I think that’s a good name. Here’s how a waldo works. When I move, it moves, same speed, same direction.
04:13 - There’s still more though- the Ganker Ex comes with removable armor and weapons for combat with another Ganker. Lets put it on, and try it out. The key to any combat is of course training. So lets put in a little training time. So there are sensors in here, here and here. If somebody hits me- hits my robot- like this the robot blinks and my control vibrates so I know I got hit, or how many times I got killed. But I definitely need to add something else so that I could practice more and practice with something.
07:38 - This video is sponsored by Creality3D- makers of the Ender-3, 3D printer. Check the description box for more info. So as you can see here I’ve made a little muk yan jong- or wooden dummy. Let’s try it out. You’ve probably seen a dummy a bit like this in Ip Man or another movie. My province, Guangdong has what is known as the Five Family Elders- the five main martial arts families. While I don’t practice, the men in my family practice a splinter style of one of those.
08:28 - Wing Chun is the most famous one of the five styles, and this is the dummy they use. So, this doesn’t seem quite right. I sent a little video clip to my grandfather asking for advice and got back “用错了假人” “wrong dummy”? After about an hour on the phone being scolded for not following the family traditions more closely, and a promise to visit my grandmother more often, he sent this sketch. Other kung fu styles often have their own dummies, and this is the dummy of Choy Li Fut it’s called Ching Jong. I found some better pictures online to base my design off of. It has a big arm that moves- grandfather is right, this is much closer to the robot. Okay, here it goes.
09:25 - There’s the big arm, which is counterbalanced so I will have to smash it out of the way, and I’ve combined it with another Choy Li Fut dummy, the Sah Bau Jong. I put ping bong balls in the center to practice hitting the robot sensor repeatedly. I have to drive the sword or robot fist all the way through several times to deactivate my opponent’s robot- and at the same time keep them from blocking with their arms this should let me practice that. Let’s give it a try. Pretty cool- and I didn’t even have to go train in a monastery for five years. I think I’m ready for my first robot fight- but first I’ll have to find a victim-I mean opponent, stay tuned for robot on robot combat! If you’d like to buy a Ganker this video is not sponsored and it has my full endorsement.
11:29 - That’s it for today- I’ll see you all next time, and remember if I can do it, anyone can do it. .