বিশ্বের সব চেয়ে ছোট মাইক্রো এলইডি প্রযুক্তি ব্যবহারWorld’s newest Micro LED technology innovation
Aug 21, 2020 01:57 · 4697 words · 23 minute read
so we’re here with the Rohini hi how are you i’m Matt Gerber the ceo for rohini so what are we looking at here so what you’re seeing here is what looks like a little tiny grain of sand that’s actually a micro led so you’ve seen in heard advertisements and and press around micro and mini led tvs and tv backlights and what we’ve got here is the actual micro led component itself so you work in the micro led business we do which is uh like the big hype right everybody’s talking about the next thing is marketing thing right now and we have a suite of technologies that allows designers to create impossible products using these very very tiny components so uh what do we see here so what you can see here is this is actually a picture of that micro led that’s on this card but it’s under a magnifier you can see the led itself and you can see the the anode in the cathode where the electricity passes through it so people read read about these things and they see the actual products but they don’t get to see these tiny little components that make up these products and then you uh the you’d want to not just have one you want to put them together and like make big displays that’s right the whole key to enabling these displays and these other products that you’re going to see here is taking these really really tiny devices and placing a lot of them in a small space at a very high rate of speed and very accurately and we figured out a way to do that and in figuring out a way to do that we’ve enabled all of these new innovative products so um you have a bunch of demos here we do they do let’s take you over and this is for you thank you hang on to that so these are great examples of what the technology is capable of enabling and you can see when you take a lot of these mini leds micro leds and you put them in a small space you can create really innovative lighting products but you can also create products that are animated and you see motion because you can address each one of these it’s it’s an individual electrical component and you can address each one individually and so you can create motion and movement and they’re also flexible so uh this is mostly about lighting no this area we’re just this area is just a good example of what the technology enables like this this is actually a flexible light thread so light thread so what you see here is actually flexible and you can see the thread is going through the needle and the fabric and those are mini leds on what’s essentially very very thin and flexible substrate so what um what would be the use for putting in the micro leaves in this fashion there at some point you can see maybe one day you and i will be wearing clothing that we can illuminate with signage or signals so uh when people talk about smart closing there will be micro leds on them micro leds absolutely how soon uh probably in the next five years and um what are you looking at here so that’s just an example of a display so this is just an example of a display backlight and you can see uh this is a very thin very flexible substrate and it would sit behind an lcd and each one of those mini leds is addressable individually so it allows you to create an lcd display that’s thinner brighter and has better contrast ratio than a standard lcd so the business of the micro led could be for lcd backlights it could be it’s for multiple things let me show you some of the things that are uh very broad applications of this technology and some of the things that our technology enables so this is this is a joint venture or products from a joint venture that we have with magna lag has a very large automotive company and you could see examples of the application of these these technologies to things like tail lights and automated displays in automotive applications all right so what is this display here this is this is an example of what a curved surface emitter might look like and this is this would be applicable to any surface you’d want to light up in a vehicle you could use that kind of a surface and a taillight as an example or you could use it in front of the vehicle in the grill for branding purposes this is the tail light this is an example of a tail light this is also another example of a taillight is it is does it make it possible to have ultra bright tail lights brighter than other types of several benefits it’s thinner it’s brighter and it’s more power efficient than what’s out there today and because it’s flexible and you can animate you can make the design much much more interesting as you can see here you can’t do that with an ordinary tail light whereas when you see those kinds of designs you can do that with the micro mini led based tail light so it’s important for safety tim can you turn this forward sure so this is another example of a taillight assembly this way you’re sure nobody’s gonna um re-enter your your car yes yes but you can also make it unique so they know that it’s your car nice so you can make all kinds of designs that’s right so how far is that in the future are you is your technology shipping and re some some of these kind of products um we’re currently quoting these products to different uh customers and we’re building up demos right now for um for show to the upper management at the oems all right and uh you have more yes come on over this one these are products from lumi yeah is another joint venture between rohini and a company called koja and lumi’s focus is on keyboard backlights so these are notebook computer keyboard backlights as well as logos for uh things like notebooks and tablets and these are examples of keyboard backlights and what’s what’s innovative about these is and you can see these are extremely thin and each micro mini led is addressable and so this’ll this technology allows a designer to do things with a keyboard that couldn’t previously be done if you move over to the left you can see this is a great example where you can see each of these keys he would be sitting above each of these leds if you wanted different keys different colors if you wanted your keyboard to automate if you wanted your keyboard to message you this is capable of doing that you can’t do that with today’s technology and you can see how how thin the actual membrane is that these these mini leds are mounted on so individually addressable the other ones are not on the market yeah let me introduce you to kevin kevin is the the ceo of the lumi joint venture uh so how about these speakers right there what do you do with these samples what we’re trying to show is that indirect lighting or the loop lighting in excellence what we can do is with this technology we can implement this technology in very many different shapes and forms you can have the curvatures or you can have the bright enough light that hits onto the table that you see indirectly or you can have the you know the regular white black light or the led on the rgb white rgb and automated backlight you know on the keyboard all right so you get another we do we have one one more jv’s uh product that we want to show you so this is this is our most recent joint venture it’s with boe boe is one of the largest display manufacturers and we formed this joint venture about a year ago and we formally announced that it’s now up and running last week and what you see here we have two firsts that you see here so that’s uh right there what are we looking at here so we have we have two firsts that you’re seeing here yeah these are um video wall components yeah these are video wall modules yeah and the first here is these are video wall modules on glass so there’s a lot of a lot of press and a lot of publicity at ces this year on direct emission video walls what you see here are direct emission video walls on glass which allows for the technology to be produced for the masses so that we have a much more efficient way of manufacturing this technology in that the leds are placed directly on glass so this is a pretty big size how big does it get so these are modules and you can theoretically make as big a tv as you want we can scale these from a single module like you see over there to as big as that back panel so let’s take this one out of there so this micro led module so what’s the potential pixel density or resolutions and all that stuff so let me also introduce you to kayla halen is the ceo of a boe pixie joint venture so actually these modules are maybe the 0.5 a 0.9 inch pitch 0.9 millimeter pitch the mini rd module so we assembled this module to the the big size like something like this and this one is a glass base so you know build is the uh the biggest lcd display maker in all of the world so our expertise we can build many devices on the glass so this one is a so this might so maybe our first demo for the nih this means this could be for uh digital signage or for sure absolutely it’s not for a home tv use eventually will be for home tv use yes for home tv would be uh you would need a higher pixel density or in the future yes yes so that’s also on the roadmap unless unless you want a really really big tv in your house oh yeah hobby no limit no limit 200 inch 8k yeah ak for maybe 200 yeah 210 something like this right so you sit way back and then how’s it gonna be the the contrast the contrast the country is 111 so in the future maybe we can attribute to the five thousand five thousand so that means uh the blacks are totally black but how much how about you mean the contrast racer right yeah four countries should be maybe a million or more million million to one meaning at least okay yeah i mean the brightness you can trip to the five five thousand yes all right yeah so um pixie what what’s the the idea about the name pixie we like it it’s it’s actually a little bit of plain words in that because it is a video wall or lcd application you can think about things like pixel and and those little leds we sprinkle pixie dust the magic that helps create these really innovative products so we we like it it’s we think it’s a great name for the the jv nice so potentially um micro leds is gonna be a big part of the future of tv market i think they’re going to be a big part of the picture of of any consumer electronics product because they really enable these products they’re when you look at the differences between traditional packaged leds and mini and micro leds they’re they’re significantly smaller in size they consume less power and by putting more mini or micro leds in the same amount of space you can create a much brighter product so it really enables a completely new generation of products all right so um uh rohini is uh basically can we turn this one on um all right so there’s another demo coming up right here so uh rohini is based in in idaho so rohini is an interesting company in that we’re a very small group of non-conformist crazy innovative engineers in a place called coeur d’alene idaho which isn’t known to be a mecca of high tech but we really like it there because it’s a quiet place and it allows us to do what we do best which is really think about problems we love to solve problems that people say are impossible to solve and the reason we focus on mini and micro leds is our founders about eight years ago saw these components and the feedback that they got from the industry was the components are too small and too difficult to place accurately and they realized if we could find a way to take those components place them accurately at a high rate of speed we could allow designers to create products like this and completely change the game when it came to building products with lighting so um how do you do this pick and placing so you have some very strange technology too it’s very small part part of our secret sauce and we’ve got about a hundred patents that cover everything from placing these components through the actual products themselves but the summary of how we do it is we take these individual mini or micro leds and we place them very accurately at a very high rate of speed and that’s what enables us to build these products economically so is it does it have to do with what’s called mass transfer or is different so we use we use a different process we the the thing about what we build because we’re building lighting products or we’re building video components where you you need to know that every single pixel works every single die works we actually place each and every die individually but we do it at a very high rate of speed and that allows us to do two things we know that the die we place is good and we know that the die we place has been placed accurately and works because as you can see with these products if you’re building a keyboard backlight you can’t have a single die that’s out a lot of these mass transfer processes they assume you’re going to get fallout and so they design around a certain amount of fallout you can get away with that if you’re transferring millions of pixels you can’t get away with that with this kind of a product so um there is some kind of robot somewhere that takes every leds and piston yes there is and you can put millions of them on the display yes you can and you already have it working we do we actually have six lines high speed lines in operation in various places around the world obviously some of them are at these joint ventures we’ve got a line in detroit we’ve got a line in china and we’ve got a line in beijing but to for this to take over the whole market you need to be able to there needs to be so much scale that’s right it’s like uh you want to do billions per day of that that’s right pixels we we think we think we can do that from a couple of different perspectives one is when you look at the partners we have here with us today we’ve got the biggest players in their respective industries so koja our partner in lumi is the largest supplier of keyboard membrane switches so perfect partner for keyboard backlights and logos magna is a global company with i think 180 000 employees one of the leaders in automotive and so we’ve got the right partner in automotive and boe as the largest display company is the right partner to scale with automotive and then on the equipment side we’ve partnered with one of the leading providers of semiconductor placement equipment to build the robot so we’re positioned today to scale the business and there’s no limit to how quickly and how much we can scale at this point how much of this technology do you manufacture yourself or how much of it is just licensing to other companies to they make it so this is where your point is very valid the market is moving now and we knew we needed to scale quickly so the partners you see here today with boe magna and koja with these joint ventures they helped scale by building products and they helped scale by taking products to market and then our machine manufacturing partner actually builds the machinery that these joint ventures use so rohini is a company like i mentioned to you before we’re innovators a bunch of creative engineers and so we’re the core inventors and the core enablers but we’ve partnered with these companies to help take the technology to market as quickly as possible and here so there’s another bui pixel pixie demo yes is it the backlight so so so this is so so what do you see here so this this is also a first in that this is a 75 inch lcd okay a ktv with a mini led backlight with 10 000 dimming zones so you see an extremely crisp picture contrast ratios are very high and it’s also very bright 10 000. so this is micro led or mini led it’s this is a mini led background so um because um i saw some interesting boe is doing also with high sense the dual layer yeah but that’s um maybe one argument could be that doing mini led or micro led is brighter absolutely yes absolutely yes so actually you know valuable about the bui product right so that is the dual panel so the two panel but the brand is so compared with our media rd backlight the brightness very poor but it’s a different prototype different you know different different applications yes different applications different products different products in the future we think the linearity backlight or maybe in the future micro id backlight you’ll be the chan absolutely yes absolutely so 10 000 is a lot so that means the blacks are mostly totally black it does yeah similar is and um how would you say it compares with oled so actually we think the the mechanism is the same so we can we can shut down the led totally right we can we can achieve the public so you know the compared with the oled the linearity has very higher reliability than the oled how about uh you know there’s like uh issues on oled with like burn in something like that is there any chance that this might have something similar or it’s just gonna work forever forever yes it’s not gonna have this kind of pollen like the the leds stop working they all just continue forever yeah the beauty of this technology is is all of the componentry is proven so the leds themselves the substrates there’s there’s no new materials there’s no new uh substantially different architectures here we’re putting together components in a way that haven’t been put together before which is what makes us unique and because we’re using established component tree it’s extremely reliable so is this the cutting edge of mini leds there’s no like more mini led density in the market or demonstration or anything i think right now what you’re looking at is a first in that this this does have 10 000 dimming zones and that’s a first for a mini led backlit lcd we’re we’re going to continue to innovate and you will see additional innovations in the future which may mean higher densities for dimming zones higher densities for for many leds greater dimming zones we’re going to continue to push the technology because we think it has a lot of headroom so it sounds awesome to have an 75 inch 75 inch with a 10 000 mini led sounds awesome and how bright does it get is there talk about how many nits so actually we can achieve to the 2000 2000 2000 is there quantum dots on this also it can right it’s totally yeah so it could not on this one but it could have so it could be the ultimate tv right there on the market but so how soon you think so how soon could it be uh mass production is it 2020 yes we’re talking to customers now yes at this point so that the jv it’s just launched uh formally launched a couple of weeks ago and uh we’re engaged with quite a few customers right now so our goal is to bring it to market as quickly as possible so the the whole system and the pick and play system and everything is reliable to mass produce these yes yes the same system the same system that will be used to build these products is already in production at lumi so lumi is shipping uh production mass production high volume product to customers right now how about the price is it gonna add a lot of price to have this so many million leds behind here or can you talk about that so so we don’t set the prices the actual oem would set the prices we think that for what the technology delivers it’ll be a very compelling offering because i think when for example lg talks about their 8k uh 88 inch they say something like 30 or 40 thousand dollars so hopefully you you can make you can bring something cheaper i think it’ll be a little less that’d be nice all right uh so if we go into micro leds on something like this how many zones could it be could you have like up to no like millions zones or something theoretically you could i think at some point you would see a transition from an lcd with a mini led backlight to a direct emission panel because if you got the densities high enough the economics would dictate moving to a direct emission display like the one behind you so i think there is there is an inflection point in in the technology um we’re a ways away from that inflection point at this point so there is more higher pixel density on the lcd technology there’s more color saturation or compared to this or what how how did you compare the state of the arc right now i would defer to if if i’m not sure you can you want to come on that’s all it makes sense yeah but the brightness is not as as high or how high does it get much brighter on the recommendation panel than you than you can on an lcd an lcd there’s uh there’s a loss as as the light’s traveling through the panel uh versus the direct emission where you’re collecting directly from the led uh the offset is you have to put a lot of pixels very close together for that versus an lcd you know you know the the question about mini versus micro on an lcd is a little bit uh misnomer because the pixel density at ten thousand zones you’re still seven millimeters apart and that’s a mini led you don’t necessarily need to go to a micro led to get much closer so the benefit’s not quite there the goal there is to get thinner and to get get high brightness is very thin with the directly direct emissive product you get very very bright because you’re you don’t have that layer that’s absorbing some of the light in between and so there’s a lot to be said for getting much brighter in that in that case so you have the all the advantage of the contrast so very very bright uh blacks are true black because you’re turning it all the way off uh but uh you have the offshoot of it’s more challenging to uh to manufacture because you have to put a lot of pixels very very close together in order to have that that truly uh you know finite uh image that you’re looking at so maybe a state-of- the-art uh lcd right now they talk about two three thousand nits maybe four thousand something like that right how bright do you think this could get it could be more it can be a lot more i mean a lot more because if theoretically we’ve talked about six six to ten thousand nits but at some point you create so much heat that it becomes impractical right you have to realize that when you if you have an lcd that’s generating 4000 nits through the through the through the lcd layer you know a pretty significant 60 80 percent of that light is from the back light it’s already being absorbed blocked by the lcd i mean so you know the backlight is generating a lot more than that and that’s the leds themselves i mean so you could get much brighter but i don’t know if you’d want to look at it because it becomes the eye strain problem is yeah you could get super bright but i don’t know if you really want to watch it so so um how many leds do you need to be allowed to call it the mini led uh this is ten thousand it sounds like a lot but i guess some companies have less and they still call it mini led yeah when at least rohini’s perspective the difference between mini leds and micro leds really revolves for us around the size of the led itself typically anything above 50 microns square up to about three to 500 microns square we’d call a mini led and anything 50 microns squared under we would call a micro led and the other big difference you see is typically many leds will have a substrate whereas as the leds get smaller and smaller it doesn’t make sense to have a substrate so you’ll see those micro leds will typically be an epitaxial layer only which is the emitter layer so very different architecture for the leds as well between mini and micro that’s that’s the difference in our opinion so when we talk about boe as a largest lcd capacity in the world is millions and millions and millions of displays and micro uh mini led backlights is going to be able to keep up with the demand and there’s enough leds in the world i don’t know how does it get made it’s it’s a great thing for the led business because it’s one of the next big applications they’re looking at so there’ll be many yes trillions of leds coming out yes these kinds of products and 2020 you can we can see this one maybe in 2020 maybe like i said we’re talking to customers now so customer demand will really dictate when we’ll see the actual products in the market but we would like to see that happen as soon as possible it’s possible i can ask how do a competitor potentially do mini led is a completely different way than this or i really don’t have much insight on how they’re doing things we know how we’re doing them and we think we’ve got a process that’s very efficient and very effective all right so cool so looking forward to more all these displays thanks thanks for stopping by .