Azure Stack Hub Partner Solutions Series – Cloud Assert

Aug 26, 2020 21:51 · 6418 words · 31 minute read 34 cases order robust approve

Ready. Hey, welcome everyone to a new video of our Azure Stack Partner Solution video series. Again, I’m happy to be here with Tibe from the Azure Stack Hub team to talk about different partner solutions. Tibe, first of all, how are you today and secondly, who am I going to speak today? >> Hello, Thomas. Hello, everyone. I’m doing very well, that the weather is cooling down, so it’s better now. Today we’re going to have interesting partner with us.

00:41 - Cloud Assert is a partner that’s working with other partners to enable solutions for the customers. They have their spanning multiple workloads and they are looking at the things from the billing side all the way to actually adding RPs and adding solutions on top of Azure Stack Hub. This is a partner working with partners, in some cases for other partners. > You mentioned partners, and partners, and partners, isn’t that somehow confusing for customers at the end or just from up? >> This is an important distinction. From a customer perspective, a customer would only interact with a service provider.

01:28 - For them it would be a bit black box, how the solution is actually provided. In the back, we always have a number of partners that are teaming together to provide that solution for the customer. This is more SaaS like offering, but of course it depends on the offering. But it’s a partnership between multiple partners to offer the end-user, the end consumer, offer them a flawless experience and offer them a streamlined experience if you want. Even though it’s confusing for us, that’s one of the points of this video series, to highlight these things and to highlight what goes into these solutions in order to make it seamless for the customer. >> That sounds perfect.

For the customer, 02:18 - he doesn’t really need to know about all what’s going on behind the scenes. It makes it really easy for him. I’m really looking forward to talking to Cloud Assert and Ravi. Thank you very much for introducing me. We’ll talk to Ravi now. Hey, Ravi. How are you doing? Nice to meet you. Can you tell me a little bit more about you and about Cloud Assert? >> Sure. Thanks, Thomas and Tibe for having this, and thanks for doing the series, for highlighting the partners who are working day in and day out at the Azure Stack Hub. It’s a great effort on your partners. About Cloud Assert, so we are an independent software vendor, product and services company focusing on hybrid, and multi-Cloud space, and cost management.

03:08 - We are Microsoft bold partner with a very long-term partnership with Microsoft. We work very closely with Azure Stack Hub team, several other teams, to bring comprehensive solutions for the Microsoft partners. We will talk about various solutions that we have for Azure Stack Hub today as well. >> That’s awesome. I’m really looking forward to that because I remember Cloud Assert was really early involved in developing solutions for Azure Stack as it was called back then, but now Azure Stack Hub. I obviously had some very good experience review as well in the past, so I’m really looking forward to that.

03:53 - Tibe mentioned to me that you’re actually building solutions for partners, and customers and so on. It can be a little bit confusing in the back-end. Obviously for the customer, it’s very easy to use. But can you explain a little bit more about who your clients are and the customers you’re working with? >> Sure, Thomas, That’s a great question. We have broadly three types of customers. We have customers across the globe. Our solutions have been deployed in various data centers, both enterprises, service providers and what not.

04:31 - In that angle, we have three broad categories of customers, enterprises, enterprises IT shops and service providers and Williams. The solutions that we have cater to all these three broad category of customers. Again, today we will give a highlight of how our solutions fit for these three types of customers. >> It’s great. Again, looking forward to that because I remember I worked with a couple of different service providers in the past, where obviously they worked with Cloud Assert for their Azure Stack Hub Solution, but also for the Azure Solution and so on. My first question usually is a little bit, why Azure Stack Hub and how does it fit in the overall solutions you are building? >> Sure.

Why Azure Stack Hub? 05:25 - We are like you mentioned early on, so we are very early promote better offer Azure Stack. We worked with Azure Stack Hub team even before it was coined, the name was coined since 2014. We believed in a strong private Cloud platform that will help enterprises modernize their IT. That will motivate enterprises to adopt the public Cloud, but have a staging area for moving their workloads from the traditional virtualized platforms to modern Cloud platform. Azure Stack Hub was a fantastic strong answer to that costing.

06:03 - Who other than Microsoft could deliver that? Because of the strong partner base, and strong footprint and enterprises, Microsoft was well-positioned to have providing this type of service. We then strongly supported such a platform and we adopted and started adding solutions on top of Azure Stack Hub since 2014. This we have seen in the last couple of years, Azure Stack Hub providing that value proposition to enterprises and through service providers, again to enterprises and whatnot. In that aspect, we are very happy that the industry is going towards the hybrid model. Azure Stack Hub has been prime to take it forward. >> Yeah, that’s absolutely true.

06:53 - I believe that that is exactly why I think we we’re very stronger. Obviously, as you said, we are working very well on with customers in providing them obviously services in their data center. But then also our hybrid portfolio, which I always like to quote Jason Sanders who brings up that we’re basically saying, we believe that hybrid is an end-state for our customer and not just an in-between state until everything is moved to the Cloud. I think that is a very important part. But now let’s talk a little bit about more of your solutions and how you’re actually providing value to the customers and partners you’re working with. In our previous discussions, you mentioned, for example, things like multi-step management and billing and so on.

07:40 - But there I know there’s a lot more to talk about. >> Definitely. Azure Stack Hub has a strong portfolio of services. More and more services from Azure are being delivered through Azure Stack Hub. But for service providers and as well as enterprises, there are certain practical scenarios that are still require attention, for example, tracking the utilization, I’m monetizing that Azure Stack Hub resources across multiple stamps, is an area where Cloud Assert adds value or has an out-of-the-box solution for both enterprises and service providers to track utilization and monetize those resources. Cloud Assert helps the customers to manage multiple Azure Stack Hub stamps through automation, through single pane of glass experience at a consistent experience.

08:31 - Whether you have one stamp or multiple stamps, Cloud Assert can help you manage them from a single pane of glass experience. We bring multi-Cloud, the hybrid Cloud, inside Azure Stack Hub. Your customers, end-users, they can use Azure Stack Hub portal, as a single portal to access all your datacenter utilization platforms like VMware, OpenStack, System Center, VMM and whatnot, as well as the public Cloud like Azure AWS and so on. We bring that multi-Cloud hybrid nature into Azure Stack Hub, natively built inside the Azure Stack Hub portal. We also help extend the Azure Stack Hub to the existing services, it may be a Dell EMC Isilon.

09:19 - We have solutions that help you extend Azure Stack Hub storage with this industry leading solutions. We have more such solutions for backup, recovery and whatnot. We will talk little bit more on some of that today as well. >> That’s awesome. One of the solutions you just mentioned again, we mentioned before, is Multi-Stamp management. Can you tell me a little bit more about that, how that works and what that actually means? >> Sure.

We are grateful that the Azure Stack Hub is 09:59 - becoming one of the leading solutions used by most enterprises today. Because of that popularity, they are saying more enterprises are deploying more than one stamps. It may be having a stamp per region, or it maybe for different departments, or different needs, like they’ll test Cloud versus production grade stamps and whatnot. Enterprises are seeing themselves managing multiple Azure Stack Hub stamps. It becomes little complex, operation-wise, to manage multiple stamps today, so what we have added, a value-added solution, is to enable these enterprises to manage, whether you have one or 100 stamps, manage them in a very optimal way to reduce the operator costs for managing each stamps from scaling up.

10:52 - We are helping them to bring the efficiency of managing the stamps. You can have certain small set of operators manage even a 100 stamps, through our automation for the multiple stamp management. We bring in consistency across the stamps. With few clicks, you can make all these 100 stamps have the same marketplace experience, same VM images, same updates, and whatnot. Today, if you have to do that, you have to log into each of these Azure Stack Hub portals, or you’re going to log in to the PowerShell to manage each of these stamps individually.

11:30 - So we solved that problem of having a single consistent way of doing things through automation and whatnot. This improves our customers, Microsoft partners, to bring in that customer satisfaction, and engage the customers in a much more consistent way. If you log in to one stamp or another stamp, your end-users are going to have the same experience, same setup, marketplace, images, and whatnot, and we have a dedicated team working on delivering value-added services on top of this, so we have monthly releases. We enabled the enterprises under service providers get to market faster, and manage multiple stamps super easily, so the return of investment is realized by the cost savings your team have to do, the enterprise’s IT operations team have to do, to manage these stamps. >> Again, this is great. I love the Multi-Stamp management. We have a lot of customers asking for Multi-Stamp management, because they’re running multiple stamps, and so this is a fantastic solution. I know you also do a billing solution.

12:32 - Does this also span across multiple stamps, or how does that work? >> Great. That’s a great question, Thomas. Basically the Multi-Stamp management solution includes billing. We collect the data across the stamps, and provide a single view of all the places that’s going across Multiple-Stamps, and if you are a service provider, you can put pricing profile red cards on top of that, and generate a single invoice across the stamp resources for your end-users. For that, Aravind will be able to give more information on the billing. >> Hi, Aravind. Nice to meet you too. I hope you’re doing great. You’re also working for Cloud Assert. Can you just tell me a little bit more, and explain to our customers who you are, and what are you working on at Cloud Assert? >> Yeah. Thanks, Thomas.

13:25 - I’ve been with Cloud Assert as part of this journey over five years now, and I’m part of the leadership team at Cloud Assert, based in the Seattle region. Talking about the Cloud Assert solution for Azure Stack Hub, focusing on the usage and billing, as you would imagine, managing Cloud Spend, or having visibility into what exactly are my ongoing usage and cost, and being able to control it within my budgets, or being able to take timely actions to optimize it, remains a top priority, whether investing in public clouds like Azure, AWS available, or even the private clouds like Azure Stack Hub, and particularly when it comes to Azure Stack Hub, there are two perspectives. There’s the operator and service provider, in an enterprise perspective that operates the environment, and then there’s also the consumers of the service itself. As a consumer, I want to be always wanting to have visibility into what exactly are the resources, are we really utilizing them, not utilizing them, what are the ongoing costs that are related to it, and then being able to confer it and take timely actions as necessary to optimize. Then from an updated standpoint for Azure Stack Hub, they need to be able to decide which services they want to offer to the tenants, and depending on who the tenants are and what kind of workloads they’re going to be making available for their tenants, they need to be able to set custom pricing, to determine how they want to charge for those services depending on the context, and depending on what scenarios and those going to be, and depending on the size of the instances, whatnot.

14:55 - The various factors that influence how you want to price a particular service. So as an operator or a administrator of Azure Stack instance, I need to be able to model my services and be able to set custom pricing, and say from a service provider’s scenario, when they have multi-tenanted Azure Stack Hub instances, I know like in a CSP scenario, they need to be able to set custom pricing by customer. So you need all the flexibility to be able to identify an optimal way to charge back for your services, and then be able to also have visibility from operator standpoint, what your end customers are consuming, what their costs are, and how does it align with, say, what you are spending as infrastructure costs for running Azure Stack Hub, what is it that you’re recouping as a revenue from your end customers as well. As for my enterprise scenario, it could be not necessarily charged back. It depends on whether it’s a large enterprise or small enterprise.

15:45 - They might just wanted to track the consumption for showback purposes, or they might want to make their independent business units responsible and accountable, and they might want to have their respective units track their own budgets, and then they spend against those budgets. So whichever the case may be, tracking ongoing costs and spend, it’s a top priority for enterprises and service providers alike. So from that standpoint, the Cloud Assert billing solution has been architected. In fact, this is something that we’ve been working with service providers and enterprises for over 60 years. Now we have the same solution available in Windows Azure Pack, the earlier take of Azure [inaudible] story.

16:25 - We have customers across the globe using the solution. This has brought all the goodness, and the learnings, and every single nuanced configuration that a service provider would need in different parts of the world, built into our solution in the form of various flexible pricing configurations, like pay-as-you-go model, or fixed fee model, or targeted pricing for customers, or running promotions based on seasonal offers, so on and so forth. Or just simply mirroring Azure public Cloud pricing for a given market, when you offer these things through Azure Stack Hub way just to make it easy for customers to understand the pricing. So [inaudible] All the bells and whistles to make our solution very robust when it comes to the pricing, getting the usage from Azure Stack Hub for all the services that are being provisioned and then being able to aggregate it on a daily, monthly drains, and then being able to provide visibility to the customers or end-users on what the ongoing costs are and then generate bills at the end of the month and send notifications if you’re crossing a budget threshold or other threshold and so on and so forth. This way, as an end-customer and operator, I have ongoing visibility and I have an ability to view bills, generate bills, approve bills at the end of the month or even integrate with downstream centralized billing systems if you want.

17:45 - But there are enterprises and service providers that have centralized billing systems. We do have ability to push the billing data out to those systems so that they can have it done in a centralized manner. For certain service providers that you want your end-customers to be able to pay for those bills at the end of the month, within the Azure Stack Hub portal, they could go and pay using a simple credit card or use Strive or PayPal to compete payment of those bills at the end of the month. All of these end-to-end experience in terms of being able to have visibility, being able to view your bills, bring it down into a specific resource level and then be able to pay your bills, everything can be done right within the Azure Stack Hub portal. That’s a key value prop of our solution. In that, you don’t have to go into their portal to go and find what your ongoing cost are.

18:34 - It’s all integrated with the Azure Stack Hub portal. >> I know from working with service providers that obviously everyone has different requirements when it comes to billing and obviously creating offers and so on but also that in enterprises. Obviously, there needs to be some control when it comes to, for example, deploying new services. You want to allow customers to keep that control and also integrate some approval steps. I know you have some solutions there as well.

19:11 - Can you talk a little bit about that? >> Absolutely. When we are talking about optimizing Cloud spend, there needs to be also guardrails and checks and balances along the way to ensure that you’re not scaling off your path. From that standpoint, we provide a few ways to enable that at different points in this lifecycle. Starting from the provisioning process of a resource. Our VConnect resource provider enables seamless end-tier approval workflow.

19:39 - Wherein when you initiate provisioning of a resource and it can go to, say in enterprise scenario, a developer or an employee provisions resource, it can go to the business units head’s approval from a group, specific [inaudible] approvals, and then they approve it. Then it could go to probably a second level of approval to the IT admin who makes sure that there’s enough quota, enough capacity available in the system to accommodate that provisioning request, and then they approve that after which the automated process kicks in to go about provisioning the resources. That’s one level of control that we can enable during the provisioning process. Now post the provisioning process, you want to see the ongoing costs and then you want to generate bills, particularly for service providers. Now, when you generate the bills automatically, service providers always want to be able to review the automatically generated invoice and then be able to add any custom items that they see fit.

20:28 - That’s unique or they want to add a custom discount for whatever reasons. They could do all of that and then explicitly approved the invoice at that point in time so that it is then made available for the tenants, the end-users to be able to view it. All for that matter, upon approval, it could be automatically sent to a downstream centralized billing system, which can then generate the unified invoice. Beyond this, when it comes to invoice and bill generation itself, there’s a lot of customizability that we enable in our solution. Be it supporting multiple currencies or for multiple languages, localizing the invoice itself into language that the end-customer would prefer. We enable all of that.

Then you also 21:06 - can define what is the layout of the invoice, what specific information you want to provide there, and whatnot. Again, all of this can be customized at a customer level if you want. Because it’s always going to be different needs for different markets in different countries and different customers. There’s lot of customizability and configurability that’s enabled when it comes to generating invoices as well. >> That sounds pretty cool. Again, a lot of companies and service providers, they need a lot of control when it comes to these things.

21:32 - Obviously, this is a great solution to do that. I want to switch back to Ravi to talk a little bit about the actual implementations, like all of these great solutions happening. >> Sure. Thanks Thomas. That solution that we have in Azure Stack are very unique in a way that they are built as a native resource provider with integrated UI experience within the Azure Stack Hub portal. Outside of Microsoft, we are one of the couple of Microsoft partners who are able to do that because it takes lot of time to implement that. We took the time to do that because it brings tremendous value to the customers by being natively integrated within the Azure Stack platform.

22:25 - How this helps customers is by having a single portal and a consistent experience for their end-users to go for leveraging the awesome services in Azure Stack Hub, as well as look at their ongoing cost from within the Azure Stack portal through Cloud Assert’s billing solution, to do other operations across multiple Clouds and the datacenter virtualization platforms from a single portal. We are able to do that because of the way we implemented the solution within Azure Stack Hub. Like I said, it took quite a bit of time for us to work with the Microsoft Team, but it is helping our customers in way to fulfill the promise of Azure Stack Hub being the consistent experience across Azure and Azure Stack. We extrapolated that to bring the same experience for billing, monetization as well as to manage the enterprises, other datacenter resources like VMware, OpenStack, System Center, and public Clouds like AWS, Azure, and whatnot. >> That’s very cool. Again, I like that there’s such an integrative part.

23:34 - Now, we briefly talked about your different customers and partners you have like service providers, enterprises, and OEMs. Can you talk a little bit about the differences and explain a little bit more how you work with them and how you help them, and how you build your solutions with and for them? >> Sure definitely, Thomas. Let me first start with the enterprises. How our solutions help enterprises to leverage and maximize the Azure Stack. Like I said, just before, we bring in that consistency across one stamp or multiple stamps and across multiple Clouds and datacenter through Azure Stack. For the enterprises, it becomes very easy to have the centralized governance and control through Azure Stack for all their assets across the Clouds.

24:25 - That’s a very big value prop for the enterprise IT to be able to have one place to control and govern and at the same time provide the flexibility of modern Cloud services for their end-users. We bring in tracking the usage and cost out of the box for Azure Stack so that the enterprises can track utilization of the resources by business units, by departments, teams, and so on through Azure Stack Hub with the Cloud Assert billing solution. We are bringing the ability to generate invoices, to do the show back, and charge back for the down-level business units or down-level customers, if you’re a reseller and service provider, and whatnot. We bring in this automation and self-service nature through the Cloud Assert’s VConnect solution so the tasks that would’ve been taking lot of time through the existing support ticketing system. Through VConnect, we enabled that to be automated.

25:27 - We enabled the augments to automate any of the support tasks through a user-driven experience so that they can extend the functionality. If they have Powershell script, they can automate and get the inputs from the end-users to the UI and all the support tasks can be automated. In fact, we have seen this happening with one of our major, almost top five health care provider. They did this in a mega scale. They took our VConnect solution and then they automated all their support tasks through this automation, flexibility and extensibility that we have and that has helped them tremendously reduce the time for doing some of these tasks as well as bringing that customer end-user satisfaction for their customers. All the solutions that we have, billing, VConnect for the Azure Stack Hub resource providers, are built with the enterprise business critical needs in mind with built-in BCDR, business-continuity, backups, as well as each of these solutions can scale independently to meet the business demands.

26:38 - We bring in all of this out of the box so the enterprises don’t have to worry about this, and maximize the Azure Stack Hub value prop for their end-users. For the service providers and OEM, I would like Aravind to talk about that. >> Talking about service provider OEMs. From a service provider standpoint, majority of the service providers that start offering Azure Stack Hub as a service, one of the first things that they worry about in terms of taking the solution to the market, is figuring out a way to offer Azure Stack Hub services on a consumption basis. Because there’s a lack of a built-in solution to track usage and billing within Azure Stack Hub out of the box. That’s where Cloud Assert comes in, in that we provide an integrated solution within the Azure Stack Hub portals.

27:23 - Just like Azure Public Cloud, you can go click on “Billing” menu and then be able to see the ongoing costs and buy subscription and be able to drill it down to the specific resource level in terms of what the consumption is for the given billing period, and the associated costs, and see unified built at the end of the month, and be able to pay for it and so on and so forth. In fact, for all of our customers in Europe, who has been a service provider for three decades. When they started offering Azure Stack Hub as a service, and they also became a CSP partner of Microsoft. They have this challenge of finding a way to offer Azure Stack Hub as a consumption-based service for the end customers. Also they wanted an integrated experience where they could make the CSP offerings available on a self-service basis as well.

28:04 - The Cloud Assert billing solution for Azure Stack Hub, also has a CSP self-service add-on wherein you can not only track ongoing usage and costs for Azure Stack Hub services, but also provide a marketplace catalog experience for the CSP offerings, where somebody can go and search for Office 365 or Azure or any of the offers that Microsoft offers via CSP program, and be able to purchase them on a single click. Then manage the related licenses, and assign it to their users within their organization and so on and so forth. Instead of having to hop on to different portals to consume different services, and then be able to track the consumption of those resources and charge back the customers for those respective sources and respective portals, you’re bringing all of this in a single pane of glass, that makes it easier for operators and end customers alike to have a central place to track everything that they want and manage all the resources that they are transacting with this particular service partner. Then be able to get a unified bill including Azure Stack services, as well as CSP services at the end of the month. That was a key win for one of our customers that we enabled in Europe.

29:11 - Tied to that, like I mentioned earlier, they also had this unique requirement because them being part of Europe, they had local regional needs in terms of customizing invoices in a certain way, having regional configurations in the way they want, looks and feels, the language in which it has to be customized. We enabled all of that. Basically all that enabled was from a service provider standpoint, it reduces the time-to-market the Azure Stack Hub as a service because they don’t have to go and worry about, “Hey, do I have to write something on my own to monitize Azure Stack Hub?” They just install a resource provider and they can just start offering Azure Stack Hub as a service on a consumption basis. Secondly, they’re also able to easily measure the return on investment when it comes to CSP services, because Microsoft is going to charge them for the CSP program in terms of what they’re purchasing on behalf of the customers. The service providers are in turn able to set custom pricing for the end customers to meet for Azure Stack Hub services or in our CSP services. Then they’re able to compare what their ongoing costs are in terms of offering the services and then what is the ongoing revenue that they’re able to gain from the end customers by offering these services and then measure that and calculate their margins.

30:17 - Those are key wins, and from end customer standpoint, obviously, as I said, managing Cloud Pen is a key priority for them, so we’re providing the visibility to ongoing costs and enables in knowing customer trust and satisfaction, as well as controlling it within their budgets. This is the story from a service provider standpoint. When we talk about OEMs, with OEMs, basically we’re trying to help them, we strike partnerships with them to help them offer an integrated solution, because when you take say Dell for example, they have their aptitude window for offering Azure Stack Hub as an appliance. Now as an Azure Hub partner, at the same time, Azure Stack Hub itself has certain limitations in terms of offering extended story beyond what is available out of the box. For example, FileShare, it’s not available as a service, FileShare is not available within Azure Stack Hub today, unlike it is available in Azure Public Cloud.

31:09 - Whereas OEMs like Dell offer scale up net solutions like Isilon, which can easily be used as an external storage to scale out the available storage within Azure Stack Hub. Similarly, there’s no native backup and disaster recovery solution for tenant workloads in Azure Stack Hub. Of course, you could look at Azure backup as a service, but for sovereignty reasons, and customers do not want to even backup their resources to Azure Public Cloud. They need a solution that can back it up to a backup target within the datacenter. That’s where again, Dell solution like Data Domain as an example, is a great choice for using as a backup target.

31:43 - Now, how do you offer the solutions like Isilon, Data Domain as an integrated service or solution within Azure Stack Hub? There isn’t a way to do that today, and that’s where we come in. With our weekend resource provider, which is built for extensibility and integrability with all these third-party services, we’re able to easily light up integrations with solutions like Data Domain or an Isilon, etc., and offer it as a native service within the Azure Stack Hub portal in a matter of weeks, not months. Thereby, when OEMs go and sell Azure Stack Hub to their customers, they don’t have to sell Azure Stack Hub separately and sell Data Domain separately or Isilon separately. They can package it all as a single offering, as a value added offering, and then sell it to their customers.

32:21 - That’s something that we’re enabling for OEMs. As an extension to that, you also are able to offer private label solutions when they want to offer this as an integrated solution, obviously, they don’t want to have different names in different places. They want to offer it all, say as, “My own OEM brand,” and they enable doing that as well with our weekend resource provider. Along the way, we’re also able to share with the OEMs our Azure Stack Hub expertise as well as we worked with various vendors, various customers around the globe. We’re always able to share our expertise in terms of how we can materialize integration of all these external services into Azure Stack Hub and provide a seamless user experience.

33:00 - When we build these experiences for the OEMs, we work jointly with them in understanding these are the scenarios and then saying, “Hey, this would be the scenarios that you would want to immediately license the Azure Stack Admin Center portal, and these are the scenarios you want to materialize on the tenant portal.” Then we come up with the solution that we then go on and build out. Solutions that we currently have in the market that we worked with OEMs are for example, Isilon integration. Wherein as a tenant, if I want to be able to store, I now increase a storage for a given Azure Stack VM and I want to store it say in an external [inaudible] solutions like Isilon. I don’t want to go into a different portal and create and share my Isilon and mainly mount it to an Azure Stack Hub VMs a drive.

33:43 - Rather right within the Azure Stack Hub portal, I’m able to go and create and share an Isilon and then be able to easily mount it as an additional storage for the VMs. That’s something that we enabled for Dell EMC Isilon. Similarly, we enabled an integration with Data Domain as well for Dell, wherein you could easily configure shares out of the storage units in Data Domain to act as a backup target so that then you can use a backup solution to easily pinpoint to the backup target and then back up your resources in Azure Stack Hub. These are some of the things that we’re working with OEMs and they’re always looking for new opportunities with various OEMs. Other OEMs that have similar such needs and similar such service and they’re looking for integrating with Azure Stack Hub as a native solution, you should look at Cloud Assert as a go to partner to enable that. >> That’s really good.

I really like 34:31 - the solutions you offer to service provider, enterprises, OEMs, all the way to actually the end-users right off the product. Now that’s fantastic. Obviously we’ve talked and I want to ask now, if the viewers want to know more, where should they go? Where can they find more about Cloud Assert? >> Yeah. Thanks for asking that question, Thomas. There are several avenues available for customers to get to know about Cloud Assert solutions. website is a great starting point. It has information about all our solutions and products, and then there’s links to go about requesting a demo or requesting price code and so on and so forth, so that’s a great way to start. Then there are also regional partners that we work with.

35:14 - Sometimes, large enterprises or even small enterprises in certain regions, they have a local SA partner that they trust and they want to work with them to determine which solutions are best for them and then purchase them. We have such regional partners as well in various regions that represent our solutions in those markets. Talking to your regional partner is also a great way to getting to know about the solutions and see how it could be of help for your specific scenarios. Then we also work pretty closely with the Microsoft GBB team, the field team at Microsoft who pretty much advocates of Microsoft Azure Stack Hub on helping customers understand the value of what Azure Stack is and how it is relevant to their needs. They are also made aware off towards its solutions and the scenarios we can enable as a partner.

35:56 - Whenever they come across as a scenario that Azure Stack may not fulfill out of the box, but it’s a gap that we can come in and address a custom solution or can be addressed with an existing product. They always know person and then bring us to the table for such conversations with the customer. That’s another gateway to engage with this. We also work closely with MVPs and influences like Thomas himself or MVPs across the globe, getting to familiarize our solutions so that when they come across, needs for end customers that have to be addressed, they can bring us in. Beyond this, we also have, as we talked about OEMs, we also share good relationships with the OEMs.

36:32 - The OEMs are also made aware of about our solutions. When they go and sell Azure Stack Hub and they again have an opportunity to see if our solutions could be a fit to address some of the needs and gaps for the customer service. There are several channels as a result it, and you could contact [inaudible] in a person for a given context and then reach out to us. That’s pretty easy, just hopper to our way in the worst case to get through and help you out. >> Perfect. Thank you very much. Again, we will put all the links, you can connect to Cloud Assert down in the description of this video.

37:07 - If you have more questions, just reach out to us or to Cloud Assert directly. I want to really thank you Ravi and Aravind for being in this video. Really great solutions we see here, and also thank you to Tibe for being here and connecting me with Cloud Assert. Thank you very much. For the viewers, thank you for watching. Hopefully see you in the next one. >> Thanks. Thank you very much. >> Thanks for having me. .