Dr. Imogen Coe - Chemistry & Biology Prof
Feb 7, 2020 20:38 · 170 words · 1 minute read
- [Imogen] Every baby is born curious. Every baby starts out life trying to figure out how the world works around them. Every baby is a natural scientist. (upbeat music) As a professor, I really enjoy the fact that I get to do the research. I get to study how cells work and I also get to teach the next generation. (upbeat music) it’s amazing to think that one cell can be one organism or trillions of cells can got to make up a human being. So, if we understand one cell, that’s the universe, and if we put them all together, we can understand how people work.
00:33 - (upbeat music) If my research were a movie, it would be something like The DaVinci Code, it’s like searching for clues and trying to put together the pieces of a puzzle so that you get a story about how things work. (upbeat music) My name is Dr. Imogen Coe. I’m professor of chemistry and biology in Toronto, Ontario. (upbeat music) .