GNOME 3.36: How many keyPresses to Reboot?

Apr 12, 2020 14:44 · 139 words · 1 minute read next feel ?. three keys

This sounds like a stupid video, but maybe it isn’t! Look what I mean! The first and fastest way is to press “Ctl+Alt+Del”, and I will count this as a single keystroke. Then right arrow, 2 keys. And Enter to restart. So, in total 3 key-presses. Three keys is the fastest way, and next I will restart from Shell Overview. Super to open Overview, one key. Type “reb”, that’s the minimum search to get the entry, 4 keys. Enter, 5 keys. Right arrow, 6 keys. And Enter again, 7 keys in total from Shell search. And now the original reason I’m uploading this. Super +1 to open terminal, one key. Type “reb, four keys. Tab, 5 keys.

00:51 - And Enter! So that was 6 keys in total, which was faster than Shell overview! How that does it feel?.