Unreal Engine 4.26 + Brushify. Part 3.
Jan 5, 2021 10:48 · 1118 words · 6 minute read
Hello everyone! With you - Andrey Krivulya Charly And this is the third series of Brushify tutorials.
00:08 - Previous - can be viewed in the pinned comment.
00:10 - In it, we will talk about volumetric clouds, new realistic lighting, and water in 4. 26 Also, if you want to support this channel.
00:20 - Then write your comments Like it. Subscribe and share this video on social media.
00:25 - This is very important for its development.
00:28 - Buy any of the plugins from the links - in the pinned comment.
00:31 - Also buy any of the models from my CGTrader, Artstation Or buy any of the prints - ibid.
00:38 - So. In the last episode - I promised to talk about the shadows from the clouds, until I figured out the new ones - in 4. 26 But now I have already figured out them So I will tell you how to add volumetric clouds to your scene And how to add new water.
00:51 - And then let’s talk about roads and other interesting points.
00:56 - So, First of all, let’s set up the lighting in UE 4. 26.
01:00 - Secondly, I will try to explain why I removed the water and decided to talk about the new one.
01:05 - Because, firstly, I don’t like SSR on this water and I don’t know how to remove it.
01:10 - And secondly, the developer simply did not answer this question for me.
01:13 - Yes, and I see no reason to fool my head with this water when Epic released a very cool new one - with a bunch of settings and features.
01:27 - Therefore, we immediately delete it. Next - we finally need to enable Raytracing.
01:34 - To do this, go to Settings - Project Settings and write in the search window - raytracing.
01:41 - And we activate this option. For it to work 100%, before, you had to write a special command in the shortcut, but now it is enough to simply write in the search box - default rhi and select DirectX 12 for the option that appears.
02:08 - After that, restart the project using the button. which will appear somewhere here.
02:12 - And to make sure that ray tracing works, just go to “Lit” and there you should have “Path Tracing” render available.
02:18 - If it appeared, then everything was set up correctly.
02:20 - If not, review this moment in the video again and repeat the steps again.
02:24 - After that, remove SkyDome. Because now - we will be setting up all the lighting from scratch for Raytracing.
02:34 - Also - remove “Skylight”. “Sunlight”.
02:40 - “PostProcessVolume” “Exponential Height Fog” “Atmospheric Fog”.
02:47 - The Lighting folder. “ProceduralFoliage” As a result, you will have 3 such objects.
02:53 - Now in the search, write - “Sky Atmosphere” and drag it into the scene.
03:01 - Reset all coordinates to 0. Next, add “Sky Light”.
03:10 - We make it “Movable” and enable the new option “Real-Time Capture”.
03:16 - Next, add “Directional Light” In its settings, enable the options in the “Atmosphere and Cloud” tab.
03:43 - Next, add haze using the “Exponential Height Fog” But there is one nuance.
03:47 - If you start moving the sun by holding CTRL + L + LEFT MOUSE BUTTON then the sunset gradient will not be as interesting as without the haze.
04:23 - It is clear that in reality there is such an effect.
04:25 - But I want to show how to keep the gradient of the sunset.
04:27 - But at the same time - leave a realistic haze.
04:29 - So, first go to “Project Settings”. And write “height” in the search bar.
04:36 - Next, enable the “Support Sky Atmosphere Affecting Height Fog” option.
04:42 - Save the scene and reload. And the last step that needs to be done to preserve the sunset atmosphere - Select “Exponential Height Fog” and in its settings activate black color for the “Fog Inscattering” and “Directional Inscattering” parameters.
05:10 - If you need a thicker fog, you already know what to do.
05:14 - Let’s check how such fog reacts to changes in the position of the sun.
05:27 - I like this result. Go ahead. Now let’s add volumetric clouds.
05:37 - In the object search line - write “Volumetric Cloud”.
05:42 - And drag this object into the scene. As a result, you will get volumetric clouds that can be customized.
05:48 - I also - recommend enabling the “Volumetrics” plugin to extend the settings.
05:53 - Go to “Plugins” and enable this plugin. Also, “Landmass” and “Water” will come in handy.
06:07 - Next, we save and do a reboot. Then select “Direct Light”.
06:18 - And include the rays from the sun in “Light Shafts”.
06:19 - And also - “Bloom”. After that, adjust the “Bloom Max Brightness” and “Bloom Scale” a little.
06:34 - Now, when we move the Sun with CTRL + L, we will have nice lighting.
06:46 - Next - select “Volume Cloud” And open the material settings.
06:52 - Next, we change various parameters and customize the clouds to our liking.
08:51 - Now let’s talk about how to add water. In the search bar for objects - write “Water”.
08:55 - And drag “Water Body Custom” into the scene.
08:57 - Then we change the “Scale” and raise it to the desired level.
09:07 - This water has Raytracing enabled and reflections work as expected - by default.
09:22 - Also, this object has very cool stuff with a lot of settings.
09:30 - I recommend looking at the documentation and experimenting with each one.
09:32 - I will not talk about this anymore. Since I want to talk more about roads and other things - in “Brushify” itself.
09:40 - So, I showed how to set up new lighting in 4. 26.
09:43 - Next, I want to show the recording that I made before this video.
09:48 - I think you remember my promise about roads, palms, displacement, etc.
09:53 - I made the recording without this lighting, as I said earlier.
09:57 - Since I have no desire to rewrite everything from scratch, but I want to fulfill my promise.
10:03 - Why? The channel will soon release a video about my plans for 2021.
10:07 - Alas, the next episode or several episodes with roads, etc. , will be the last.
10:11 - That’s all I wanted to tell in this video. Thank you for watching and wish you a good mood!.