What Will Happen If You Start Eating Carrots Every Day (Benefits and Harms of Carrots)
Dec 15, 2020 06:59 · 2264 words · 11 minute read
Carrot is an amazing food that has a huge number of beneficial properties. In Russia, this root vegetable is known for a very long time not only as a delicious ingredient of many dishes, but also as a useful plant that helps with various diseases. Improving your eyesight is not the only benefit of carrots: there are more of them than you can imagine. Welcome to Big Progress, and now we are going to tell you about it in detail. First of all, carrots contain large amounts of vitamins and microelements.
00:28 - These are vitamins PP, A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, E, H and K, as well as ferum, zinc, iodine, copper, manganese, selenium, chromium, fluoride, molybdenum, boron, vanadium, cobalt, lithium, aluminium, nickel, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, chlorine and sulphur. In addition, carrots are low in calories - only 35 kilocalories per 100 grams. This is why the vegetable is often included in various diets. Still the specialists recommend not toeat too much of it. 11 properties of carrots you may not know about It improves eyesight Carrots have a positive effect on many parts of the human body, but the effect on the eyesight is particularly well known.
01:15 - This is due to the content of vitamin A and carotene. A Lack of these substances in the body may cause night-blindness and other eye diseases. So if you don’t see well in the dark, add some more carrots in your diet. It`ll help you forget about the eyesight problems. Its good for diabetics Carrot is an indispensable help for people with diabetes. The patients are advised to eat boiled carrots because they contain 34% more antioxidants. Its good for the heart and blood vessels Raw carrots have a nice property to reduce blood cholesterol. It’s good for the heart and the vessels. Also, if you consume this vegetable regularly, you reduce the probability of a stroke by 70 percent. And the thing is, it’s very good for stimulating the circulation of the brain. Another good thing about carrots is that they contain potassium.
02:01 - It reduces blood pressure, so it is recommended to consume for the treatment of hypertension, atherosclerosis, varicose vein expansion, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases. It helps with cancer Carrot is a good cancer prevention mean. According to scientists, 1.8 to 2.8 milliliters of beta-carotene can reduce the risk of cancer by 40 percent. And an average carrot contains about 3 milliliters of the substance. But the root vegetable is not only a preventive measure. It also may improve the condition of those who have cancer. Eating the vegetable may significantly slow down the formation and growth of cancer cells. In addition, carrots are rich in antioxidants, which remove free radicals that cause cancer, hypertension, and Parkinson’s disease. Some scientists claim, that carrots help prolong human life by an average of seven years. Its beneficial for digestion Carrots control carbohydrate metabolism and normalize the digestion in general.
02:57 - In particular, the vegetable prevents the settling of carbs in the form of cellulite. Carrots are a good help in case of constipation and hemorrhoids. Also it is a perfect addition for an anti-obesity diet. The root vegetable helps to empty the intestines, perfectly removes toxins and heavy metals. It normalizes the work of liver and kidneys Carrots have the property to cleanse kidneys and liver and rejuvenate their cells. The vegetable has choleretic and diuretic effects. It can remove the sand-like particles from the bladder and kidneys, which makes carrot an excellent mean for preventing gallstones. It helps you look better Carrot has a rejuvenating effect, which means, that it prevents skin aging. Therefore, the vegetable is often used in cosmetology. A lot of homemade face masks that prevent the formation of wrinkles can be made with the use of carrots.
03:45 - In addition, these masks will give the skin a smooth and fresh look. It helps with wounds Eating the vegetable is not the only way to get benefits from carrots. For example, a compress of fresh carrot gruel can help with burns and purulent wounds. Actually, this root vegetable has excellent wound-healing properties; and carrot juice can be used for cleaning some wounds. Benefits for women Pregnant and lactating women are advised to drink carrot juice, as it improves the quality of breast milk.
04:13 - Also, this vegetable helps the normal synthesis of female hormones, which is key to staying young and beautiful. And, of course, as mentioned above, many cosmetic products can be created on the basis of carrots to help save the beauty, youth and freshness of the face and body skin. Benefits for men Carrots can increase sexual potency of men. Therefore, on the basis of the vegetable pharmacists create remedies for men, who have problems in this field. Also, drinking carrot juice may help you recover quickly after hard physical work.
04:43 - Benefits for children Children are also advised to consume more carrot, as it protects the young body from viruses and inflammation. Vitamin A helps children grow faster and get healthier. Their teeth and bones are getting stronger. And the sweet taste of the vegetable makes it a perfect snack for children. The history of carrot Carrot did not always look the way we know it today. The origins of the vegetable are in Afghanistan and Iran. In the past, carrot was purple in color and did not have such a bright taste. It is known that carrot was discovered more than 4000 years ago. An interesting fact is that earlier carrots were cultivated not for roots, but for the juicy tops and seeds. The first mentions of use of carrots for food and as a medicine date back to the 1st century AD.
05:30 - Since the 9th to 13th centuries, carrot spread throughout Europe. Then it went further to China, Japan and India. In 1607 it was brought to America. And in the 17th century, as a result of selection, obtained through the long and hard scientific work of Dutch breeders, the carrot as we know it today appeared. Another great advantage of carrots is that it goes well with many other foods, complementing them with fresh and sweet taste and mouth-watering crunch. Be careful with boiled carrots, as its high glycemic index can cause rapid increases of blood sugar and whet the appetite.
06:04 - Harms of carrots Like with any other food, it is important to adhere to the recommended daily norm. Eating too much carrots can lead to upset stomach and intestines or cause allergic reactions; and even an overdose of essential vitamins can make you feel sick. The use of carrots in medicine All parts of this vegetable have benefits for health, so it’s a part of many traditional medicine recipes. Because of its nutritional value, the most popular way of using carrots is just eating them. But there are other ways as well. For example, a medicinal powder is made from carrot seeds, which prevents kidney stone formation.
06:40 - An unusual carrot tea is prepared to support the immune system. And for diseases of the respiratory tract, fresh carrot drink is used. Carrot is quite popular in cosmetology, as it is a component of numerous masks for face, body and skin nourishing. How to consume carrots Both raw and boiled carrots have beneficial properties. The vegetable does the job, regardless of the method of cooking; but of cause there are nuances.
07:05 - The beneficial properties of carrots do not disappear after cooking, but at the same time, its not recommended to fry carrots: this treatment may be too hard. Raw carrots Raw carrots are rich in vitamins, which are partially destroyed during cooking under the influence of high temperature. So in case of vitamin deficiency or night-blindness, it is recommended to eat the unprocessed vegetables. There are many useful substances in the carrot peel, and therefore, young carrots are not recommended to be peeled; to wash them well will be enough. Unfortunately, it is less digestible in its raw form than after boiling.
07:40 - A raw food diet is contraindicated in case of some gastrointestinal diseases. If fresh carrots are grated on an iron grater, they will also lose some of their vitamins, so its better to use the plastic one. The carrot puree may be mixed with apple and 2 or 3 drops of vegetable oil. Such a dish will help you meet daily needs for all nutrients. For the prevention of colds and for the treatment of sore throat, you can use the remedy made of grated carrots, celery and garlic or honey.
08:08 - The ingredients contain phytoncides that destroy bacteria and viruses. For the treatment of constipation, it is advised to grate carrots and mix them with vegetable oil. Carrot juice Carrot juice is tasty and its absorbed well by stomach. It’s better to make it yourself and drink fresh. Juices from shops are full of preservatives that are not good for health. You may even find a carrot drink that contains only 20 % of real juice. If you prepare the drink at home and store it for future use, it will lose some properties. However, carrots are stored for long time, so it is possible to get fresh juice until mid-spring. Its advised to drink after a meal, in this case the healing property is stronger. The use of carrots in cooking Carrot is a versatile root vegetable; it may be an ingredient of soups, gravies, main dishes, salads, desserts or may be just cut and eaten raw.
08:59 - Red lentil cream soup You`ll need: 200 grams of red lentils; 1 carrot 1 onion 1 large tomato 2 or 3 cloves of garlic; couple of pieces of lemon coconut oil for roasting; 4 glasses of water Salt and pepper to taste Cut the onion and grate the carrot. Then cut the tomato into cubes of middle size. Grease the frying pan with a drop of coconut oil and put the onions on it. Fry it until soft and transparent. Next, add carrot and roast it with the onions for about three minutes. Then add the tomato and garlic. Stew all the ingredients for five minutes under the lid over low heat. In the meantime, wash the lentils and put them in a pan. Put the vegetables to the same pan with lentils; add some salt and four glasses of water. When it starts to boil, reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and boil for 30 minutes. After the soup is ready, blend it. Finally, add lemon juice and some herbs. “Kindergarten” beef stew Take: 400 gr of beef middle size onion; half of a carrot; one clove of garlic; 1.5 litters of tomato paste 1 litter of sour cream; 1.
5 cups of water a couple drops of coconut oil; 10:08 - 1 teaspoon of cornstarch; Salt and pepper to taste; Greens for the decoration. Wash the meat and dry it with a paper towel. Then slice it into 1x1 cubes. Grate the carrot and cut the onion into small pieces. Put the vegetables into a pre-heated frying pan greased with a drop of oil. Fry until soft and then add garlic. The vegetables are ready; put them to another dish. Put the meat to the same frying pan and cook it over strong heat for about two minutes. Then add half a glass of water and roast it over low heat for 35 minutes. Then goes the gravy: tomato paste, sour cream and the remaining water. Mix them all together and add to the meat. Put cornstarch and mix everything. Let it fry for 3 minutes. Then add salt and spices. Sprinkle the dish with greens before serving.
10:55 - How to buy carrots Despite the fact that the majority of vegetables and fruits should not be chosen according to appearance, the main indicator of good quality of carrot is actually the way it looks: the brighter the vegetable, the more vitamins it contains. The carrot’s surface should be smooth, with no deformation, damage or cracks; it must be firm; the area between the top and the root must be green; There is no difference between washed and not washed carrots, except that washed ones may be stored a little less longer. Don’t buy a carrot if: its damaged or broken, as it may affect the taste; if it has black spots or dots that may indicate the beginning of the rotting process; If the core of the root is very different in color from the surface part; it’s the sign that the carrot was grown with the use of large amounts of chemicals; if there are green spots that mean that the vegetable is not ripe or that the roots were stored in the sun for too long (such carrots may taste bitter); if the vegetable has outgrowths; its over-ripe so its flavor is not as bright (it also may be a sign of nitrates or diseases); If the root surface is soft; it means the rotting processes inside the carrot are likely to have already started; Storing carrots The best is to keep the vegetables in a dry, cool place. A cellar or fridge would be good. The optimal temperature for storing is 2 to 5 degrees above zero. That’s all we wanted to tell you today! Like the video if you enjoyed it, subscribe to our channel and share it with your friends! See you in the next videos! .