Unofficial End User Guide to Microsoft Ignite: Check out The Learning Zone!

Sep 14, 2020 08:00 · 406 words · 2 minute read led session patch 38 topics

[MUSIC] >> Hey, everybody. Welcome back to another Unofficial End-User Guide to Digital Microsoft Ignite presented by the Patch and Switch consultancy. Today, we want to talk about the Learning Zone, and I’m super psyched about this. This is probably one of my favorite parts of the digital experience. >> Right. The Learning Zone also was only available, like the Connection Zone, if you register at for the full experience. But the Learning Zone is a separate area from the main page that specifically targets upskilling and learning for yourself and for your colleagues that are involved in the Microsoft Ignite. Interesting things in here.

00:38 - We actually have a Learn workshops, which are extended versions, 75 minutes long of a instructor-led session where you can follow along on Microsoft Learn on a variety of topics. You just add these to your schedules and you’re ready to go. Let’s say you get 20 or 30 of these different types at once. We have a section specifically on folks that are new to the IT industry and that are retraining to become people that work as IT professionals, developers, and others, and students, called Intro to Technical Skills. These are entry level sessions that are designed to on-ramp you into these different types of technologies.

01:13 - Then finally, my favorite, which is the Cloud Skills Challenge, where you are basically signing up. There is no schedule to block off, but you’re competing to see how many different Learning Path modules you can finish on Microsoft Learn, and get into this death match five and five kind of thing about death, see how many of your team can compete. >> Death match in completing Learn modules, that’s fantastic. I absolutely love this. I love the fact that we have content available for those people who are just coming in, and creating a career in IT, and getting those introduction to those tech skills. Listen, these Learn workshops, being able to do Learn modules in a guided experience, fan-freaking-tastic. >> Right.

01:56 - >> You don’t get any of it unless you’re a registered attendee, so head on over to Register because it’s free. Then you’ll gain access to all of this content. Hey, for more Unofficial End-User Guide to Microsoft Ignite, head on over to the Patch and Switch consultancy blog posts located below, because we’ve got more headed your way soon. [MUSIC] .