XGEN FOR PRODUCTION - 01 - Model and scene setup
May 13, 2021 17:56 · 8860 words · 42 minute read
Hello. Hello everyone. As you may remember, I used to do tutorials about XGEN and here we are again. So we have been doing the success path for patron and I have several success paths that I want to build.
00:19 - And for them to be successful, I need to reduce certain things.
00:26 - So we will start remaking the base Series. So the creature dreaming series, and for this, we’re going to use these lovely friends.
00:35 - So let me show you how these render it’s looking right now. So I think I close it.
00:41 - Nope, it’s here. So this is the little render.
00:45 - So I left that without optimization, full specs and ever then, and it’s taken a lot of time, but I didn’t care because it was just a full render.
00:54 - So these are little guy. We have a basic feature to Groom.
00:59 - These is the library. So my scene it’s messy and I did it messy on purpose. So if you look at my outliner, oops, it’s here.
01:08 - These lights it up. By the way, it’s been done with quick light.
01:11 - These plug in here. That is pretty good.
01:14 - I’ll talk about it later on. Let me show you.
01:20 - So this is everything from the light rake there, but also these is my blob blurb.
01:26 - I need to slightly, let’s say organized, but it’s not perfectly organized.
01:33 - So we will start with the folder structure.
01:38 - We will leave on there a folder structure, right? So let’s come here.
01:43 - And these folder structure is called well or blop.
01:48 - And I have several folders, the base that are where I’m putting my models.
01:52 - I have several bow blops, as you know, that are my char for the spirits.
01:58 - We have the concepts and I have a slight concept.
02:00 - So I have some, some tests here and there about how this may look and how we can create certain things.
02:10 - So I’m basically sketching basic ideas for qualities, different areas.
02:18 - I think this is fucking awesome. It’s super fun.
02:21 - And it’s going to be complex to do these things, the odd shape around some, for things.
02:28 - Maybe this is too broad, too much, but it’s just a basic concept.
02:32 - Then we have the light and here’s where it’s the light.
02:35 - The scene. Remember always saving with MAs might look Def I have nothing, but I created everything.
02:41 - My ref that is for differ. I have some refs that I saved over from Unsplash.
02:48 - So I have some reference here that may be useful.
02:52 - This is where I took that part. So you can see that there are big references, good resolutions, all of them.
03:00 - So they will help a lot to whatever we need to do. And we have several reference here, right? That’s good.
03:09 - Now we have the render and I have a light folder.
03:15 - I here you can see my small little renders is more render and the front render 10, eight, right? So there’s, they’re nothing fancy, but we don’t even have a project folder.
03:29 - So the first thing that I’m going to do is to create a mayor folder.
03:33 - So this is going to be my Maya folder. This is where my project for Maya is going to live, because I don’t even have that.
03:40 - As many of you, when you start, you don’t have a project and this is maybe the most common issue that we have.
03:47 - So I will create a project. Now, remember that every time before you start, and one of the most common issues that we normally have it’s this.
03:58 - So the projects are not sad. You lose your, your information and they’re gone.
04:04 - So let’s just start when you work with external app, think off these as a full pipeline that we will animate and take across every discipline.
04:15 - So the first step is going to go to set project or the project window.
04:20 - No, it’s a project window. Why? Because we’re going to create all the things that we want. So I’m going to create a new one.
04:27 - So new project and this new project, it’s going to be on my Maya scene so I can create different branches on my Maya scene.
04:36 - So it’s going to live inside of the blop. Miocene so right.
04:42 - That’s good. So this is going to be the one that we are going to use, and the project is going to call.
04:47 - We call blop one or chart blop blop eight. Okay. We have a name chart, block eight because it’s my first block chart in minus caps or lower caps and be on capitals.
05:04 - So we lived there. We need the scenes.
05:07 - The assets is good images. We need it render data.
05:11 - We don’t need it clips. We don’t need it yet to sound.
05:13 - We don’t need it. A script stunt data.
05:15 - Yes. Movies for play blasts. If we do some translator data, no time editor note out to save.
05:23 - I’m not going to use it. And as he the assembly, I’m not going to use it.
05:26 - So that’s fine. That’s what I need.
05:30 - So use defaults everything on default. There’s no problem there.
05:34 - Use default and that’s good. Let’s click accept.
05:40 - And this is going to create char block a inside of blop Maya, and is going to create, actually created all the ones that I don’t want.
05:49 - So that data assets is gone. Script sounds and time editor are gone.
05:55 - So I don’t need that a rather date. I don’t need it.
05:58 - Let’s just keep the things that we will need actually, just for action.
06:02 - So let’s just focus on extent and let’s remove this and cash. We may need it, but if we need it, we will add it.
06:11 - So let’s go through the basics, images and scenes and source images, right? The doc like the X and file is going to be created.
06:19 - The moment that we create the extra Groom. So that’s fine.
06:24 - Now this is not going to be my light rig. Right? So everything here goes to hell.
06:36 - Yeah, it does. So we’re not going to use this as into render.
06:41 - This is going to be our basis scene. So let’s go to perspective if you like, I don’t need a perspective one, because this is not going to be for rendering.
06:52 - That’s good. Now let’s clean these also.
06:55 - So my, I appreciate anything that is not going to be used.
06:59 - Delete uni notes charc and Fisher. These will be gone, lights off a shark and Fisher.
07:10 - This will be gone. And I don’t know what the hell are you? Nope, you’re gone.
07:16 - So materials. I have materials that I need to rename.
07:20 - So they’re being used for charcoal and Fisher, and this is my iron material because I have some named spaces and then let’s put it first, everything correct Matt, on their score, Matt, on their score, cornea, Matt underscore skin.
07:51 - So what you can do this way, or you can do it the other way around the other way around.
07:55 - We’ll be we’ve come here to, to the scheme, Matt, and you will be skiing.
08:06 - Matt G just because I lost the proper name of this thing. So these will be cornea, Matt. I will explain you later, why I’m using the convention that I’m using.
08:23 - So Courtney madness G and this will be I for crystal water, whatever.
08:30 - So basic ice. So this is going to be, let’s just keep an eye.
08:37 - It’s not complicated things, Matt, and this is going to be mad as G.
08:46 - So let me see if I put everything. So this one is not encapsule.
08:50 - Let’s put it in caps. So scheme Matt G on this one.
08:56 - So you need to keep a convention. This is the most important part.
09:00 - And this, this may sound okay. You’re you’re over complicating things.
09:03 - No, this is pipeline. This is full.
09:07 - How things should be. You should have constant naming and constant conventions.
09:11 - Why? Because if you need the materials, you can search for the materials, how you wild card things and they will appear.
09:21 - So if what I want is an iron material, I can get the iron material if I want the skin.
09:27 - So justice King material from stone of materials, skin, and I have the skin material, right? So if what I want is a light, the light will have light that everything that you have here, texts, you will have displacement, normal, whatever you have, you should use a convention that you know, how it’s built and how to search for it.
09:48 - Right now, we have these parts set let’s save.
09:55 - And the first thing that we will do inside of the scenes is create one that is called model.
10:01 - And we’re going to create another one that is called Groom.
10:05 - Why inside of Maya, why not outside? Yes, we will create outside of this.
10:14 - Another one, if we want that is called model and outside of this, another one that is called Groom.
10:22 - These can be completely up to the user. If you want to create your main disciplines outside, and then you create your projects inside is up to you.
10:34 - If you create your projects inside, it’s up to you, I will create them inside for per, for these purposes.
10:42 - So I will have inside of this, all my files inside of a scene.
10:48 - And so in this moment, I will have my Groom I’m model because those are the versions of sharp bop.
10:54 - The ones that I will have here will be the ones that are going to be used across all Charles blob, because I will have several charts plop.
11:04 - This may sound confusing. So let’s do a small graph.
11:07 - So we have the whole of the project, right? So this is the folder.
11:13 - Cole blop let’s make something that looks a little bit more obvious. So block right inside of blob, we have folders and these folders are Groom Moto light concept, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
11:42 - So several disciplines there, but inside of blop, we will have different types of blops.
11:51 - So these, these seaplanes that we have here are going to be general, but each of them will have different types of plot.
11:59 - So block a block B I’m blocked C. Now we can create different disciplines inside of each of them.
12:14 - So model Groom textures, And he’s going to work because all of these are going to be different for each.
12:26 - So this one has three and these one has Three, but then We have the light rigs that is going to create the turntable.
12:36 - I want the light rig to be the same for all.
12:39 - And I want the cameras To be the Same role in it. And if I have a background And Presentations want to be the same for role, and I want the, the HTRI to be the same for all and the jest of the models and different things that can be the same for all.
13:01 - This is where the chart block disciplines are.
13:06 - So that’s why we have the disciplines here too, because we may have things that are going to be shared between all of them, which means that Y are then we’re going to create one inside of H we will need to have a shared area.
13:23 - The share area is going to be that one. So the finalist structure looks like this.
13:28 - We have blocks. Blop has to share it area.
13:35 - And blop has the variations. In this case, we can call this char.
13:44 - So char has the variations. It has, the shared variations can be A, B and C.
13:53 - And if you have more a, B, B, C, C, blah, blah, And share Is going to be everything that the variations may use every time that they need to call for something.
14:06 - So we shared these data here. We shared this data here, and we shared this data here.
14:10 - Let’s say that we updated the HTRI and the textures of the background, Right? So all of them, the moment that we rendered them, we will be able to render them with the latest.
14:26 - Let’s say that we updated the hair shader, and we have a basic hair shader that will be shared between all of them.
14:33 - Let’s say that we updated the eye shader, that the eye shader will probably be the same.
14:38 - So we want all of them to get them. So we will have a custom library for characters, but we will also have a base library for all of them. So that’s where these things come from.
14:51 - We can call these file bar relations. If you want these Maya file, here can be corporations.
14:57 - That’s not a problem. Well, I’m just calling it Maya, because, so that will basically, you decide how you want to call it.
15:04 - Variations could be good. Charters could be good.
15:07 - He doesn’t mind as far as you know what you have and you repeat it every time.
15:13 - So I’m going to be inside of Maya, char blop, the scenes model.
15:19 - This is important. This is going to be, my model was seen.
15:22 - And I, they have to bearish on these things up manually because we are not going to use any pipeline for this project.
15:29 - So chart, blop, a version one, that’s my Maya scene.
15:36 - And I will save it. Now, these Miocene has a lot of issues.
15:41 - Why? Because these outliner it’s a slightly organized, but it’s a mess.
15:48 - And this is way better from what I have normally from a lot of people.
15:53 - So I normally have, so yeah, these has names.
15:56 - At least I normally, I don’t need current cool for this guy.
16:01 - No, I’ve had only current code. So let’s delete that one.
16:05 - That I don’t need it. This is my base IGO.
16:08 - The one that looks like this, I need to optimize and to make a new idea by the way.
16:13 - But the base is good enough to work, but the problem it’s we have two deals here.
16:21 - We didn’t know which one is, which we have things that doesn’t have named at least nothing has poly surface.
16:29 - Something that a lot of people lost everything every time.
16:32 - It’s like, let’s say I have these, the sky here, this flower here, and what I get.
16:37 - Yeah, it’s this folly surface with no names.
16:44 - No. So either of you give me a combined you for the Groom because these things are not going to have Groom or you give me a separate geo with proper naming the same geo that you will give the rigor.
17:00 - And if the rigor change a name, you have to change it back in your main model.
17:05 - So the rigor cannot change names, Heider. They need to discuss it with the model because the model has to be the one that defines everything down in stream. So we have concept on their concept.
17:20 - We have is Colt. We don’t care about the scope yet because that’s free.
17:28 - This copes are free off the biology free off everything.
17:33 - As far as they match, once we have an approved cult, we go to modeling.
17:39 - So modeling those, the rip, topple, those, the UBS, do the UV, sad. It does everything there.
17:49 - Once the model is approved, it has to have a proper hierarchy.
17:53 - It has to have proper normals subdivision levels.
17:57 - It has to have everything that the package should have.
18:01 - And that naming convention, that everything that you see there should be kept.
18:06 - Then it goes to several places in parallel.
18:10 - This is called streams. So each of them is a stream and this is downstream and this is upstream things.
18:28 - Normally don’t move upstream unless you need to do changes.
18:33 - Downstream means that everything that you do here will ripple across all the order departments.
18:39 - So if you change, the scope is going to report across a model.
18:42 - If we changed, the concept is going to ripple across.
18:46 - If we changed the concept, we may need to send the model back to scope.
18:51 - So it’s upstream. It affected the model.
18:54 - And by the way, once the model is a proof, it goes back under.
18:58 - Then we have to report across the other departments.
19:01 - So if we have UBS texture, if we have Groom Groom and then we have wreak, the rigors are the ones that are most affected by model changes, because Groom is mostly not affected by model changes.
19:21 - If that topology and the Burdick’s order is the same.
19:24 - So we can iterate really fast with modeling.
19:29 - So or upstream department and grim, they communicate really well.
19:33 - So you can do model changes in Groom and then your judgment and send it back.
19:37 - And I’m, Groom, it’s none that destructive, as far as you don’t change that typology or that UBS texturing text stream is really friendly.
19:47 - And you can do topology changes if you keep the UBS.
19:51 - And if you change the shape, a lot of change or UBS, do you need a bridge? Same as Groom, but Greek, if you change the position of one, the shoulder or the ankles, or if you change any position of any joint, you pretty much need to rebuild the weak and you need to recast a lot of things.
20:10 - And those are really effected by it. So normally Rick just works.
20:15 - We approve models. So rigging will work with just a proof models that are already proven to be working for Groom and texturing and rigging and modeling.
20:29 - Normally Clint, a lot as we can work a lot without it, they can iterate a lot on what things they need to move. I star or an angle, a little bit odd, upwards of blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
20:43 - So these it’s quite decoration, but we can work alone.
20:48 - Once these things are approved, this is moved to look deaf and look deaf can move independently and looked at doesn’t care about Rick.
21:02 - Mostly most of the time there’s some complex cases Groom can be marriage and texture can be marriage.
21:10 - And these two can be merged. So the Groom can have looked deaf and texture, or the Groom can live without textures for awhile.
21:18 - The textures on deliberative can live without the Groom.
21:21 - If so, it’s, it’s something that we can share, but we don’t need to exist by the order.
21:27 - And they get complete to go to the light. The light is a combination of the lighters, light rakes, grooms, look, and texture.
21:36 - Normally the light it’s post two. So this is not the model that goes through in depots, because light is normally a fancy render.
21:46 - So you can get on people’s, but it looks better if it’s already post and after it’s approved online, we can take it finally to animation.
21:56 - Rick can bring animation in. So this one does, these two works the same and normally animation is before light.
22:04 - So this is a really weird thing because this comes here and him and Rick are the best friends that they hate.
22:10 - The charter is like Scrome syndrome. And once the animal is Dawn, it goes to light.
22:17 - So life lives in a bridge between boats and anim leaks live next to Rick and anim live lifts, downstream rig.
22:25 - And then from here, we go to comp that’s if we don’t have any more simulation, right? So I’m not taking, taken him assimilation into account.
22:34 - So these one says, Rick, I don’t like these joinder is moving really awful.
22:39 - And it’s breaking everything. So Rick says, okay, I need a model change.
22:43 - So the model change, and we hate everyone.
22:47 - Why? Because the model change. So the texture needs to check everything.
22:53 - Groom next to check everything. And then look, there has to check everything.
22:57 - And if, yeah, so that’s what we call downstream.
23:01 - If we have to send something upstream and requires a change from a department upstream, we’ll have to report cross.
23:08 - So yeah, these are the pipeline is now.
23:11 - So that’s the reason why we need proper naming conventions and the departments below.
23:16 - They shouldn’t change. They should not change the names on mess.
23:21 - You talk with your modeler, don’t change the names of things.
23:25 - Leave it to the modeler. Even the Reger.
23:28 - If you, if the reader is normally the one that is organized because no one else has organized.
23:34 - So the rigors organize everything and then they start changing names.
23:37 - And then the groomer works with no names and poly surface.
23:40 - And then the Reger organize everything. And then they send it back and they say, Oh, but my Groom is not working anymore.
23:46 - It’s was like, yeah, what happened? All I changed the names.
23:49 - It’s like, yeah, it’s broken. That’s because you didn’t, Groom on a fine loss it again, out of modeling, it should have proper naming conventions.
23:59 - That’s really important. So let’s do them.
24:03 - These is bop. So we said that East coast is going to call chart blop. A and I could add that this one is the lot, a level of detail, a, this is my hero Carter and why? My level of detail, a, because these characters, even if you see them like cute and everything, they are third party Carter.
24:29 - So they’re going to be crowds. They’re going to be crowds of these guides running on the forest. So yeah, that was a massive spoiler.
24:40 - I don’t want them to be just low ease. I want to have
24:47 - So latte now block one body scan year. What the hell is this? Oh, this is the basic one.
24:56 - And this one here, it’s my posts. So you might little guys shouldn’t even be here.
25:04 - So I will think these guys here and I will click export selection and it seems model hunting for posts.
25:17 - So here we need to decide, I will put it on post.
25:23 - And this is a personal naming convention. Normally this will be on Cassius.
25:30 - So Cassius will work if we call this a cash.
25:36 - So renamed cache, that works. So what’s going to be the Cassius poses.
25:46 - And this one is going to be, how do we call it? It’s idle.
25:54 - That’s my idol posts. So this is going to be my acid first.
26:00 - So idle version one, because he’s a model version one.
26:03 - So the full name is going to be char blob, a version one idle one.
26:10 - So char lop, a version, one idle one.
26:16 - Why on are we making things so complex? We’re making things so complex because we need to know the version of the model that these cash originated from, because we will need to blame ship it.
26:27 - And we need to know the number of the posts that we are using.
26:31 - And that way we can keep track of everything.
26:33 - So we’ll save this and I will export selection.
26:35 - I know that this is a cash. So I will also create an Olympic cash export tool ambig here, and we need to do some important things.
26:49 - So my start, end time. I will start on 1001 because he’s a cash.
26:54 - And we try to start here if we need to do any pre simulation.
26:58 - So all the times when you work, all your projects start on 10,001 or 101.
27:06 - You never start in Sera because you may need to run a pre simulation.
27:12 - So this is going to run to yeal. Let’s call 100 frames.
27:18 - That’s good. 100 frames of cash. This is just for the sake of rendering the cash.
27:25 - And I want to ride the UV sets. Yep. That’s that’s okay.
27:33 - So export selection. And we will put the same name, export selection.
27:39 - So we have the Maya file where we used to generate this. And we also have our Alembic that’s it? We’re done.
27:47 - So these little guy, because we saved that guy there, where are you going to delete it? Now we don’t have that guy because we are not going to Groom impose.
27:58 - We’re going to Groom here. If we need to important, we will do it later.
28:02 - Now, block is not the name. We will have Charlotte, a lot eight body skin.
28:13 - So this is the name, because this is my lot a off chart.
28:17 - Blob buddy is King G. So why it’s using them weird naming convention, char block a so char lower why chart? Because it can be a prop.
28:35 - It can be effects. It can be seen. It can be, I don’t know.
28:40 - It can be a lot of things. So this is a chart block name on this case chart block propagation, char block a underscore lot.
29:09 - So level of detail, lot a body. So what type, what part is? So in this part, in this case, it’s part, the part is body.
29:33 - Then we have ideas skin. So this is the material ID.
29:41 - Oops, why it’s ideas gain? Because if we use an outdated system that we kind of script really easily, this will look for anything that has on their score ID and read the next part after this.
29:59 - And I signed the material I have on theory that is called skin mat, right? Remember skin mat.
30:10 - So if these area matches with this area assigned the material, that’s basically what the script does.
30:17 - So if we have a proper naming convention, we have an automatic render generation.
30:23 - So we have basic materials for everything right away.
30:26 - That’s why we use the material ID. And then finally G underscore G why? Because it can be curves.
30:38 - It can be, I dunno, whatever. But then these case, we have a geo.
30:43 - It can be a group for anything, but I know, so this it’s the naming convention.
30:52 - Now I forgot to do something. This is a group.
30:55 - So every group will end with RGB. So that’s the naming convention.
31:02 - And now we need to repeat this. So this one has a proper name.
31:05 - So this is left flower, but we have several flowers, fungus, and grass.
31:12 - So this is a flower. This is a flower, just have two flowers, right? So I will combine this and output flower.
31:32 - So these are my flowers. There’s a difference here.
31:36 - There’s a weird name on the STEM of these rows.
31:43 - And this thing is, okay, it’s this one.
31:47 - So Rose geo and this I will for now, for now.
31:53 - Remember what I’m saying? And let’s see if the UBS are correct just before I do anything crazy.
31:59 - Oh, wow. Okay. These shouldn’t have UTMs unless it’s super, super mega superhero.
32:05 - We are not using a super mega superhero. So we will have to, let’s just combine this really fast Rose geo.
32:14 - So let’s put it here and let’s delete, delete all by type history to remove that.
32:23 - And that’s done so flower group, and this will be Rose and we’ll be ID.
32:34 - We’ve probably don’t have this, but I will put ID flower will be really weird to have an ID flower.
32:43 - It’s not a normal ID bot. We may have a material for flowers, like basic material.
32:50 - We will have a basic material for subsurface, maybe, or plants thing.
32:54 - Nature. Plants will be a better one, but just to add something off subsurface, but these will be the rows.
33:07 - And this will be the other flower that I don’t know what flower it is.
33:11 - So I’ll remove that. And we have the flower group.
33:14 - I, the flower Rose, I flower Jew. So that’s done.
33:19 - Now. These will be the left EIT. Why? Because we don’t take a screen.
33:24 - So there’s two ways to read the right and left.
33:27 - We have charter light, right on left show, char this it’s in chart base.
33:34 - This will be the left. And this is the right of these car charter, right? So the Carter has right on the left and then we have this screen.
33:46 - The S is the left on, this is the right.
33:49 - If we read on the screen monitor. So we normally use these stupid notes on animation, on his screen, right? So the screen ride hunt is broken.
33:59 - So we know that he’s these Han because he’s a screen right hand, but that’s when animation, normally on the comments of assets, we call it on the char level, which is really confusing.
34:12 - But yeah, we’ll have two level. So we’re, don’t call it there.
34:16 - And these, it will be the right. I have my character.
34:18 - So the easiest ways to put it on, look it from behind.
34:22 - And this is going to be the right eye group.
34:24 - And this is going to be the left eye group.
34:27 - So left eye, right. Eye and vote will be the eyes group.
34:37 - Oops, ice group. That’s good. So ice group, flower group grass, it’s already one deal.
34:50 - So I could make a bigger group Cole nature group.
35:00 - But to be honest, the grass should not be in one single geo.
35:06 - And it all shares the same UBS, apparently, which is not good either.
35:12 - So we will need to do some variations. Each of them should be a different geo, but I will not do it yet because those parts are not going to have Groom.
35:21 - So we’ll need to decide, do we want to rig this and out to make the motion or not? We want to simulate them if we do, we can do it.
35:30 - So let’s do it. So mesh separate, and we have what we see everywhere, the beautiful poly surface.
35:41 - Right? You don’t need to do that. So just click here, go through rename and put the name that you want.
35:49 - So grass ID, brass geo. No. Right.
35:56 - So, ah, grass ID, grass, and that’s all.
35:59 - So I have Ross ID grass to 100 and I come here again and go to the full rename.
36:10 - So the full rename was here or near, near BB I’d remember, I remember it doesn’t happen to you that you lose always the same things.
36:24 - I don’t remember. General general Channel Namespace editor, Display modify.
36:37 - Maybe it’s here. Yeah. So your search and replace and prefix hurricane names.
36:46 - So I don’t want to prefix. I want a suffix.
36:51 - I search every replace. Okay. So search for no.
37:05 - So I don’t remember how to do this of the suffix here. Let’s see.
37:14 - Okay. We found it on, see you Michael birthplace.
37:17 - So search for that means that search for type dollar signs take all the linked and in the wrong place, weight field in your postfix.
37:27 - So this will append box with fixes in Maya.
37:30 - So replace weight eat. Let’s see, Probably not.
37:40 - I have a custom tool to do that. So I’m not using anything.
37:44 - So this and replace replace we’d geo fly. Yes, it works.
37:51 - So now we have all of them named correctly.
37:55 - The thought it’s not correct at the same time.
38:00 - So let’s go to rename again, because grass should be the one that has this.
38:05 - So grass is there. And then we will add ID RAs with lower caps because I need the name, not on the ID.
38:16 - I need the name, this apply. So that’s done.
38:20 - So grass ID, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. We have history date, delete all by type history.
38:27 - So this is not an easy process. It’s already 40 minutes explaining the process on having a proper naming convention in the more, this is important.
38:35 - If you want to work with action, you need to make things right.
38:39 - So if you need, if you want to be professional, we’ll be professionals he’s to start and put not proper name at conventions, get everything correctly built.
38:49 - It’s it’s fine. It’s not that hard.
38:51 - If you think about it. And by the way, my OCD is killing me because the numbers are embarrassed.
38:57 - I don’t know if you have the same thing, but it’s killing me.
39:02 - So we have the right eye. My right eye already has all the name.
39:05 - Information’s correct. My left. I don’t know.
39:08 - My left eye is called differently. So again, let’s go to the modify and we will use search and replace, and we will replace our on the risk score with left under score, and we will apply.
39:23 - And now we have the proper naming conventions for all my parts on the left.
39:28 - Right? So nature actually nature. Cool. Be called plants, plants, groups, bland group and grass.
39:47 - So we have fungus and this one, so this is my fungus group.
40:03 - And this one is going to be inside of plants and it doesn’t have a bad name.
40:12 - This is confusing. So left back and it’s not in the back.
40:19 - So this left front from goose, right? Okay.
40:29 - Left front the season. Okay. You can see it, right. The name of commercial is not constant.
40:37 - So this it’s on the center. So this is center and this one hears it’s right? So that’s when the rigors get like, what the hell are you doing? So you need to have a coastal naming convention.
40:58 - This it’s left. This will be okay. Meat is a good name.
41:05 - So meat or front meat from left. Yes. I think French should be able to start.
41:11 - So front meat. So let’s copy paste this from left.
41:27 - I swear if you, the days the rigorous will love you back left on biplane.
41:32 - They will kill you if you don’t do this. But if you do it on not pipeline level, the rigorous will, you will be the best friend or of the rigors.
41:41 - And believe me, you should be. They’re amazing.
41:44 - So back meet, you always want to be on good terms.
41:53 - Wheat rigor and DCS right front, right from right fungus.
42:00 - Now I will not put a fungus. I will put a newsroom miss room.
42:16 - So let’s like everything because it’s the same name.
42:20 - So now we’re starting to make things friendlier.
42:22 - I should’ve stopped closing this thing. So search for this search for fungus.
42:32 - Let’s add this here supply. And actually we need to add this.
42:42 - So among most rum underscore ID mustard or ID Shroom ID mushroom should exist.
42:52 - Mushroom going to be just a subsurface again, a simple subsurface scattering.
42:58 - So most room ID miss room. Now I don’t think it works.
43:09 - So basically we need to define that if the object doesn’t exist, it’s just Dawn put an ID.
43:17 - So ID that should do something like this. So one again like this too, if you have just ID, because it’s an object that is just specific, you just don’t put the material.
43:32 - So if it finds an ID, just use the ID in this case, grass is fine, but Muslims should not.
43:37 - ID flower should be fine. I, it has ears areas, eyes, Clara, beaches, and cornea.
43:44 - Everything has correct names. So we have meat plants, low plant and block.
43:50 - So we have, right? So yeah, these ones doesn’t have back or front.
43:59 - So back meat. And this will be ID, plant ID cross.
44:06 - I think this will be plant and the ID can be rats because it’s a normal ID.
44:14 - The ID set material. So let’s lower just left plant.
44:22 - I think this one can be right path because we just have to, so right.
44:27 - Applying an ID grass should be fine and Char-Broil blow a lot of skin.
44:36 - So now this is going to be my perfect lot a model. So before I do anything and before I do something really silly, I will just, before I override this file, because I will override version one, this will be my first released version.
44:55 - I will open my again. And what I will do is that I will go and import my Emmy, the one that I used.
45:04 - So it was scenes. These product is not set.
45:09 - So I will go to the blop Maya trip-up project.
45:14 - And I woke to cache Olympic and I will, Oh, didn’t I save an ma.
45:29 - You see, I thought that I saved and I may, Oh, it’s cash.
45:38 - If I put cash inside and I save outside. So the MAs here.
45:44 - Yeah, I will see. So at the ma it’s here.
45:47 - So this is my basic ma so we have it. There, no material, no anything.
45:54 - So let’s clean this a bit. Let’s see what we have here.
45:58 - There’s no material, no textures, no lights.
46:00 - It’s fine. I didn’t cash everything on this guy.
46:06 - I’ll just cash the post idle. So let’s just save in the correct position because I didn’t save it in the correct position.
46:12 - That’s still override this only. So idle version one.
46:16 - Yes. And let’s export again, the cash cash Olympic sports selection Olympic, because I didn’t put it on the correct position start end.
46:28 - So 101, 100, one, 100 and right.
46:37 - BB resets. And yeah, you can see it there.
46:40 - I, they didn’t put it in the correct folder was 18 char blop scenes cash, but I decided to put it, so that should be that shouldn’t be here.
46:53 - It should be outside. So let’s save that there.
46:56 - So the one that is wrong, it’s the Maya scene because I put it on there.
47:02 - I need the cash of the main one that should be here. So we’ll just take Ms.
47:06 - Scene and go to scenes cash that shouldn’t exist.
47:11 - There should be here. And I will just probably write this.
47:14 - And now I have Olympic and poses idle and there.
47:19 - So let’s put forces there and this one inside and this one inside.
47:27 - So I have my ma and my idol. So that’s fine.
47:31 - I can recover everything if I need to. And let’s save this guy.
47:37 - So now the only thing that I will do is that I will go, I closed it.
47:43 - I shouldn’t have closed it. I will put the name of my post, the same name of these geo and under the same group.
47:52 - Just if I need to import something with a script, it will be in the same thing.
47:57 - So I could actually just get everything, but I will not extend that much.
48:06 - I will. I will explain this later, to be honest, I will not extend that much on the lesson here.
48:12 - So we have the model. We have everything.
48:14 - We know that the post is safe. We will add the plants to the plants grip.
48:24 - So we have plants. So let’s grip this, and this will be plans group.
48:35 - And we have a folder. So we have a file.
48:40 - Let’s go on, use an edit, delete, Oh, by type history, safe. And before doing anything else, I will show you something else that always happens.
48:51 - When you send your models to someone else, you shouldn’t have any type of no note.
48:59 - So we shouldn’t have anything from Redshift.
49:01 - We shouldn’t have anything for our note. We shouldn’t have anything from any render system when you save your model.
49:07 - So what we’ll do, it’s unknown note, Maya, you will appear this one is, this is the coat.
49:25 - Yeah. So if something like freedom and I’m known from items in a known, it’s going to do this.
49:32 - So basically if you do this import my commands as my commands and delete commands, it will give you the data or this one here.
49:43 - But there is one that is an official one from Maya.
49:46 - And you can run this script. So if you go to out to desk and go for five contention, no notes when saving us, my Assini nasty that you cannot save because the Miocene has trashed you just wrong.
50:00 - These codes that we will run it right now, here on mail.
50:05 - So let’s put it here. Let’s make it bigger.
50:10 - If you run it on male, it will delete all the folders or all the files that are unknown.
50:17 - So you will have a clean file. Now, these folder, these Carter it’s ready to be raped.
50:26 - And Groom, I actually have a little bit of a secret Santa there.
50:34 - So it could be that I have a namespace. So let’s check something.
50:37 - Let’s check. If the model has namespace, that is something that no one’s ever searched for.
50:42 - Well, we have namespaces so let’s content. We have trash And all things that you can see here.
50:55 - It’s this little thing. So you see there was a steal things that shouldn’t be there. So let’s delete this merge.
51:04 - We’re root. Now let’s refresh this.
51:08 - So we don’t have to anything. And these things here let’s display hiding in outliner.
51:19 - So it has a really weird name that he’s not the one that I want to use.
51:23 - So this is model by
51:31 - Normally you shouldn’t add things like this, but adding them as a copyright thingy because of the type of project that this is.
51:42 - So I will just hide in the outliner again and ignore if you didn’t.
51:50 - So it exists. There doesn’t have any thing related to the old names and should be fine.
51:58 - So these model now has proper naming conventions.
52:02 - The project was set. So we have a project set on block a and this is ready.
52:09 - So things that we may need to change later, probably we will need to separate this flowers.
52:15 - So instead of having something like this, we will have probably for, for texturing and for look Def or maybe simulation, we don’t know what’s going to happen.
52:28 - We will have something like separate. And these ones here are going to be pedals.
52:42 - And then we go here modify, And we do this, and this is going to be petal ID, pedal Geo.
53:04 - And then we go to flower. The second flower that is here.
53:07 - And actually I think I didn’t do everything.
53:11 - So just the pedal, this it’s STEM, Rose STEM, I grass gr I could add prefix here.
53:33 - And the prefix will be rows search for Nope.
53:43 - This one was the prefix Rose. So Rose petals ID pedal.
53:57 - And this will be, I don’t know the name of this.
54:05 - That’s one of the trickiest parts. So pros, parts names.
54:11 - So this is called sepal don’t. We have anything more friendly ovary.
54:22 - Thomas Sippel receptacle STEM. Beautiful. So STEM petiole don’t.
54:38 - We have something that has a better sounding name than simple.
54:43 - Well, it will be called CEP Holden. So this is Rose Sippel ID scores.
54:52 - We will not have a simple, so grass geo, and this will be, and this one, probably this one is something that I don’t know what it is. Oh, I’m missing one pedal.
55:05 - Ooh. So Rose petal is going to be hard because now we have a mess of petals 14.
55:15 - Yes. So Rose petal, 15 iDegLira and this one will be Rose leaf.
55:29 - I, the dress do you, these will be lift one and this is going to be lifter. And it, it delete all by type history.
55:48 - So you see naming conventions are not as easy, right? So we need to repeat the process for this one.
55:55 - I will not repeat the process for that one, that one, and this one has too many parts, so I will not do it here on the wall.
56:03 - It’s just petals to be honest, but that’s the process.
56:08 - I will try to clean it fully, not on the stream, but this is how you clean your scene.
56:16 - You clean everything. Then you delete history.
56:19 - It’s also really important that you select everything and everything is with no transformation.
56:26 - So freeze transformations, reset transformations, and you select all your groups now and you repeat the same. So freeze transformation, freeze. First reason.
56:39 - Second, once you have it within there, just do a history, delete again and safe.
56:45 - So now everything is ready for Rick looks like I kill one. I beautiful.
56:57 - I hit recent transformations first, instead off freeze.
57:08 - So that was what happened. It went back because I didn’t have that freeze.
57:14 - So now the only problem of this is the, I inverted the scaling X.
57:19 - So it could be that my normals are now different.
57:23 - So let’s go to display, politicos and face normals.
57:30 - And it looks like my face normals are pointing out.
57:32 - So that’s fine. It’s good face normals.
57:39 - So I want to see every part of this thing. So let’s go and check this.
57:45 - Ah, you can see the normal, sorry, inverted, but this is a scleroderma.
57:50 - So it’s no, it’s not right. So mesh reverse.
57:57 - So that’s better. So poop, my normal, her fine, my normal, her fine on my normal horrifying.
58:08 - So I don’t need to face normal DS anymore, but probably my, as Clara here, it’s also in Berta.
58:15 - So let’s repeat. So mesh display reverse.
58:21 - And that will be all. Now, before we finished this, we will select everything because we don’t have anything that is non soft.
58:31 - We will do as soft a niche. Well, maybe the grasses, I want to show you this.
58:42 - So now we have everything that is ID grass may have a hard edges, right? So we will go at here, just click here and select by name.
58:59 - And you put at wild card or multiply symbol.
59:06 - It’s a wild card. And you put ID, grass and Bula everything with the ID, grass name it’s selected.
59:18 - I don’t, I didn’t say these flowers or these things because I didn’t have them selected at the moment.
59:25 - So the thing is that I will do a mesh display.
59:30 - I will do a soft and hard edge for dose. So now my grasses have proper normal Stu.
59:39 - So that’s why we are doing naming conventions, because if we want to select all the grips, wildcard grip, we select them all.
59:47 - If I want to select my idea skin. So I just put here skin and I need to put the proper name.
59:55 - If I put it in caps, I need to use caps.
59:58 - So skin and I select everything that has the skin.
60:01 - So if I want to select, for example, my sclera, so sclera and I have my sclera selected.
60:11 - So the naming convention has a lot of different purposes.
60:15 - So I want to select everything that is on the right.
60:23 - So everything that is on the right will be right under score. And we have everything that is on the right with the name, right? If we want to select everything that is on the left with the left underscore, we will select everything that is on the left.
60:41 - So that will automate a lot of the process.
60:44 - Once you start working with it. And it’s really, really powerful.
60:48 - So we have everything done. The lead history, we have a little guy and this it’s done.
60:55 - So they took us one hour to clean the whole thing, and it was already slightly organized.
61:02 - But now we have a full character that we can use property for all the departments.
61:08 - This is by no means perfect depots. I just made it really fast for the sake of this example, but I hope you like it and see in the next one. .