OLS-3 Week 13 - Social & Skill-up Call (Sketchnoting and visual storytelling)
May 6, 2021 14:12 · 3095 words · 15 minute read
Emmy Tsang: Recording to the cloud. Hi, everyone, welcome to the OLS-3 week 13. This is, I guess, not a regular cohort call but rather a skill up call and we have very exciting skills that we have a very just awesome guest speaker will be joining us and sharing his experience in this area. Anyway, before we head into that little reminder that we will have, we have a code of conduct operating in this call. So generally if you experience a witness any unacceptable behaviours or have other concerns, you are more than welcome to contact the organisers at team@OpenLifesci.
org. Or if you wish to email one of the members individually, all of our email addresses are also on the agenda now in the middle of page two.
01:01 - So anything else I need to say hi, right now. I will put the link again to the document. I believe that’s everything I need to say. Cool. So as I was saying, very, very delighted and honoured to have the Dasapta with us today, we will be talking about sketchnoting and visual storytelling. We’re also going to try for the first time to do this in a slightly different format, which is sort of live interview. So I previously sent some questions this after and where I’m going to ask those questions.
But when we as we begin to talk, if you have other questions that you would like to ask as well, please do put them on the agenda. I believe that it’s a question section after this, which is currently towards the bottom of page four. If you or you can put your questions in the zoom chat, and they can also ask them. So I hope that’s clear. Without further ado, yeah, Dasapta if you want to quickly introduce yourself.
02:11 - Unknown: Okay, now I’m nervous. For the record, it’s the first time for me to, to, I wouldn’t call it to teach how to draw but to share my experience in drawing, this is the first time so that’s why I’m very nervous about it. Thank you me for making me nervous, okay? Okay, I will share my screen. So my name is Dasapta. My background is geology. And during my study, until I get my PhD in 2009 I was focusing I’m focusing my research on hydrogeology.
So I study groundwater and hydro chemistry and try to analyse the chemical of the water to to understand hydrogeological behaviour of the water. So that’s my formal sort of expertise. If you might say that, this is my ORCID link, I will set the slide after the after this talk and put it in Google Docs. I think that’s that’s all me for me.
03:53 - Emmy Tsang: I am on it. Awesome. Thank you. Um, yeah, so just curious, you know, with with your research and how did you get introduced to Open Science? Unknown: Okay, so I have this narrative in text, but I will try to draw try it myself. So it’s starting in 2013 This is me. This is me, in my boredom state. So I got my PhD and and I am busy with my research and also in management of my university. And then I’m sort of cut them off of how we we assess our reserves, right.
So this is how I draw research assessment. So this is we, what more things in prestige than in, in the substantial aspect of our results that the first thing that came to my mind in 2013. before 2013 I also, I’m one of those people who keen in sending my articles in high impact journals, which is most of it, yes, was rejected by the journal, of course, but I did publish, I think, to two articles in hydrogeology that admits to go to Springer and Elsevier.
So, before 2013 I was those people as well so and then I met a blog written by this guy. I met him first with his small hot hair, rebellion style t shirt and the man the person that I met, met online is Jon Tennant and he managed to write a very resourceful and very, very interesting blog on I draw correctly crocodile So the, the, the person Jon Tennant is palaeontologists and he studied crocodiles for his master and PhD. So I thought he was, I never seen palaeontologists that as passionate as him to share his thoughts and, and his research in in most interesting way.
And then I think it was him that only him that erasing all the the writings in his city, you know, when you have this #CPU#, you write your articles and then when you publish it, and he just put it the list on the list of the articles that he wrote and then erase all the journal names right. So I I asked him why and then he he said so I would like people to judge my writings after the reading it not based on the journal where where it published.
I think this guy is very weird. So I following him in his blog and his tweets, so that’s how I introduced the word Open Science and then and then in 2017, I started a preprint server for COS INARXIV COS and then in 2020 I moved this service to Indonesia this name Yeah, of course, I get helped by people, many people in Indonesia to start step #startup# this group in servers with collaboration with LIPI. LIPI is Indonesian Science Institute.
09:25 - So it’s this is a government Institute. So that’s how I join this movement. I mean, Emmy Tsang: thank you. It’s really inspiring, inspiring to see how you got from you know hearing the stories and enjoying your story as well. I mean, your says there’s That’s an incredible life drawing crocodile definitely. Love it.
09:52 - Yeah. And that you that motivated you and you kept following and learning and started your own initiatives in Indonesia, where You are as well. So, um, what about this sketchnoting? When did you? Why did you start sort of what motivated you to keep doing this? Okay? Unknown: That’s also started with my boredom, right, though, right? Or points like, I just got very, very bored to open bar for in and then just type typing text. And then I see this YouTube channel called “Verbal to Visual” where you can search it on YouTube, the channel was started, I think back in 20, don’t know, maybe 2015 2016, it’s about this person who draw on top of a piece of paper, and then he set up a nice camera on top of this desk and share it on YouTube.
And I saw him. And then I tried to make this, this simple mind maps. So whenever I present something, I make this one, whenever I teach, instead of writing on board, I share the PowerPoint to my students, but but alive in class, I just pick up a marker or a chalkboard and we’ll start to draw this thing. And then when you do this, the same thing over and over again, and then you start to get bored.
11:53 - So I’m guessing that I, I’m a person that get bored fast. So when I do something, the same thing over and over again, I started to think how do I how can I make this more interesting? So I start to make daily stuff, right? This is pencil. And then this is scissor, right? Just simple, everyday stuff to add to my schedule. And then how then I came up with this picture, which is really related to your question. Next question.
12:49 - Emmy Tsang: You’re ahead of me, no, great, it’s really fantastic to see that you’re striving for to communicate better and better and make your you know, your what you’re trying to say more and more interesting for the audience. So yeah, I was gonna ask, you know what your favourite sketch notes that you’ve you’ve drawn to this day is, or are Unknown: if I may, if I if you let me choose two sketch notes, then then I chose these two sketch notes, which both are not from my original thinking or statement.
One is this one. It was an article by Jordan Baker, she was covering story about the Vice Chancellor of Australian National University. It’s Brian Smith. He is a Nobel laureate in physics in 20 2011, if I’m not mistaken, and this Brian Smith said that global rankings of distorting universities decisions which, which is very much aligned with my original concern, in a previous light when I started this in 2013, so global rankings are distorting University decision and then I’m starting to think how can I draw something that distorted enough and then and also represent the word global, right? And then and then I came up with this sort of map of Globes, which Indonesia map on a focus and then how should I draw the distorting but how, who’s going to distort the picture and then I’m, I’m I came with this concept, which is also written in the in articles, university rankings, and then the findings and the workloads and I The rankings and global market and so on and keep pulling this globe around and then and it looks like right now, right, this started.
The second one is this one. It was based on Jon Tennant articles, by the way, Jon Tennant is passed away in 2020 last yeat right here in April nine, nine. This is one of this is article.
15:33 - The title is this one and let’s stop exploitation of the academic labour. So, I also think, how can I draw this? And then I was watching this net National Geographic episode about Egypt and this, Pharaoh Pharaoh and this pyramid and then I started to think why why don’t I draw an Egyptian right Egyptian god or a Egyptian environment? And then I experimented with several drawings. So drawing like this, I sometimes I did not. I did not complete it, I cannot complete it in just one go.
This drawing of Anubis I think this is the sevent seven trials of drawing Anubis from different sources.
16:31 - And then I try to put this and Anubis in to this layout in people building pyramids pyramids. And then yeah, I came up with this one, but in all times people are forced to build something big for their leaders. Right. And then this situation is, is continuing right now. As we speak, sir. And then the funny thing is when I shared this, the drawings in Twitter, and then more people and then keep asking me and they grow this conversation about whether in old days the Egyptian is, is the it was the slaves who built the pyramids, they, they digging up about those stories, and then they come up with several theory.
That’s how this this drawing can engage more people to, to entertain the conversation with us. And also, I know, okay, you’re you can have a question? Emmy Tsang: No, I just want to say it’s really, I mean, I think you’re incredibly, just, it just amazed me how you managed to pull, you know, things that you see from different places and combine it into, you know, a strong narrative. And I’m gonna I think along these lines, Hillia, yes. It’s a question from Hillia.
Yeah, I saw your sketch notes posted daily on Twitter and telegram channel, how do you find or get ideas for the sketch notes? Unknown: Okay. Okay, test the idea. The idea was actually coming from my difficulties in finding open source picture.
18:37 - Right, especially in geology, if you search for Lombok fault, that’s fault that, located in Indonesia. It’s very difficult.
18:49 - But if you try to look for San Andreas Fault with is located in America, and then you started use, you will get so many open source picture on those on the on a specific object. And then I started to think, why if Why don’t I share this, this picture, everything that I draw everything that I sketch as open source, open source, drawing, and then I started to share all my drawings and write it and the CCO writing here’s as a sign that you can do whatever you want with my picture.
And then I did, I learned about Wikimedia Commons. And I started to upload it, upload some of my picture. I tend to upload all of them but it’s just too many. So some of my pictures is already available on Wikimedia Commons and then Another person suggests, give suggestion to me it was Stefania from Open Science TV. And she says that people she know people that an artist and share their paintings on telegram channel or in Twitter. Or how about sharing your my drawings also in those social media? And then why don’t I try that as well.
So I came up with this hashtag #365figures, which is I think I have blanks for several days, but I think it less than a week, up to now, during 2021. So the 365 figures, I think that that was the story.
21:05 - Emmy Tsang: Right? Yeah, no, I just love the that you’re sharing your work openly and others can use it as well. And so if you if you could, since you know, you’ve got a lot of experience, and if you could share a few tips with our participants on you know, how you communicate and for sketching? How, let’s say, I’ve never done this before, how do I get started? Thank you, there’s so you’re on mute.
21:53 - Unknown: Just create and darw every day. If you see a calendar here, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, just draw and share with you you share your drawing to get to get feedback and to get the first initial comments from people.
22:11 - Right, that those initial comments would be the most honest ones in my experience, right? And then try to test try to find analogy. So if you can find analogy of your materials, and, and then you can find several things to simplify the materials or the concept that you want to draw. Right? So if you do it daily, and then you start to connect the dots faster. And then you can just draw, like, you never thought about it. Just Just instead of drawing in this thing I’ve got.
23:02 - That’s all. Emmy Tsang: Thank you. Yeah, practice makes perfect. That’s That’s awesome. Folks, we I am aware that Dasapta also has to go if you have any questions for him. This is now maybe one more minutes. But I while you’re thinking about your question, which you can put in the zoom chat with a Google Doc, I just want to say thank you so much for joining us today.
23:30 - Unknown: I mean, if you would like to add, if you have a question or comments, just leave in the chat. And then I will answer it as live drawing and put it on YouTube.
23:44 - Emmy Tsang: That’s fantastic. That should be enough motivation for everyone to go ask questions. Thank you that so so much for thank you for sharing your experience. Yeah, I just love your work. And everyone, please go follow us on twitter path and on his website and blog as well. To see more of his work. I’m excited to see what’s going to come. Thank you. And I hand over to Yo and Malvika.
24:20 - Yo Yehudi: Malvika. You want to do this one? Oh, shall I? Go for it? Oh, you set up everything. Okie dokie. Right, folks. So again, huge thank you to Dasapta for a quite interesting and exciting presentation. It’s not often you get to mix sketchnoting and Open Science. But what we thought was that it might be nice to actually just give everyone a chance to give it a try themselves. And so I don’t know if y’all have ever used played maybe Pictionary or charades or anything like that.
24:50 - This tends to be where you have to guess at a at a term that some one person in the group is aware of. So what we’ve done is we set up a Little application called scribble scribble. io. So if you scroll down now to line to, page five that partway through page five, we have a series of breakout rooms where we set up some Open Science terms. And the goal is in the breakout rooms to actually you will get given a term one person will draw.
And then the others have to guess and there will actually be like a hangman style blanks along the top of the screen. And the idea is that you just type into the chat what you think the thing is whilst people are trying to draw. So we’ll send you all into breakout rooms. I actually I think probably one breakout room is sufficient. I think we’ll all fit into the one scribble for this.
25:47 - Unknown: So Yo Yehudi: but Oh, yeah, one more note is that when people are you switch, they get about 80 seconds to draw before guess before the guesses cancel and then it moves on to the next one. So it’s a really fast pace and usually quite hilarious.
26:04 - Game and all the terms will be Open Science. I think I’m it’s harder to describe less vaguely then. Just to say maybe now go for it. So I know we have a bunch of comments in the chat. A couple of people have had to run off me and Aida. It’s been lovely having you. And thank you very much if you haven’t already dropped off I think you probably have and Yeah, thanks. Thanks again to Dasapta. Dasapta actually shared his Twitter handle in the chat as well to @dasaptaerwin on Twitter.
And so without further ado, I think I’m just gonna post the first link to the first scribble and I would say everyone pile in and maybe keep on mute while you’re playing but I think that we can all stay.