Welcome to Your Kaiser Permanente Surgical Experience - Richmond Medical Center | Kaiser Permanente

Jun 13, 2017 17:33 · 1208 words · 6 minute read

[music] Hello, I’m Dr. Judy Park. I’m a surgeon and the Physician-in-Chief.

00:19 - It’s my pleasure to welcome you to the Kaiser Permanente Richmond Medical Center.

00:25 - As the Physician-in-Chief, I’m responsible for the medical care delivered in this hospital.

00:31 - Here in our state-of-the-art facility, we perform over 6000 surgical procedures per year.

00:38 - It’s our goal to make certain each of our surgical patients and their loved ones feel comfortable, informed and well taken care of.

00:47 - This video will give you an overview of what you can expect with most surgical experiences.

00:54 - [music] Hi there. My name is Jose Duran-Mendoza and I’m a Kaiser Permanente member.

01:03 - I’ve had surgery here before so let me provide you with a few tips: Wear loose fitting clothing, leave valuables at home and please follow the eating and drinking guidelines you were given so that your surgery can proceed as planned.

01:16 - When you arrive at the hospital, you’ll find that there is a free parking garage attached to the medical center.

01:22 - After you park, come in through the main entrance.

01:25 - [music] You’ll walk past the front desk to the hospital elevator bay on the left.

01:34 - From there, take the elevators to the second floor.

01:36 - This is where you’ll check in. Please arrive for surgery at the time you are given so that your care team can adequately prepare you for surgery without delay.

01:46 - When you get to the second floor, you’ll need to register.

01:49 - Hi, welcome to admitting… It should take a few minutes and involves filling out some paperwork.

01:54 - You’ll need your Kaiser Permanente card and a photo ID.

01:57 - [music] Hi, my name is Mia Pannell and I’m a registered nurse in Pre-Op.

02:07 - This is the area where we’ll get your ready for your surgery.

02:10 - Hi, my name is Saroj. I’m one of the nurses.

02:14 - We will call you from the waiting area and bring you back to pre-op.

02:19 - That means your family and friends will stay in the waiting room.

02:23 - But don’t worry, you’ll have another chance to see them before surgery.

02:29 - The first step is having you change into a hospital gown.

02:32 - This is also a great chance to use the restroom.

02:36 - So I’m going to look at your arm band… Next is for us to do private history with you.

02:42 - We’ll do some routine care including taking your vital signs and getting your weight.

02:47 - Then we’ll get your IV started and draw any necessary labs.

02:52 - Next, you’ll get any medications that your surgical team has ordered.

02:57 - At this point, family members or friends can join you if you’d like.

03:02 - If you didn’t lock up your valuables at registration, we’ll do that for you now unless you want your family or friends to hold on to them for you.

03:11 - Hello, Linda. Good to see you again. Do you have any questions for me today? The last thing you’ll do in pre-op is meet your surgical team who’ll be taking care of you: your surgeon, anesthesiologist or nurse anesthetist, and your OR nurse.

03:28 - They’ll go over the surgical plan and give you an opportunity to ask questions or clarify issues.

03:35 - Throughout the pre-surgery process, expect to be asked multiple times your name, your Kaiser Permanente number, your date of birth and what procedure you’re here for.

03:46 - This is an important safety check for you and for us.

03:51 - [music] Hi, my name is Jamilla Churchill and I’m one of the anesthesia providers here at Richmond Kaiser Permanente Medical Center.

04:02 - After pre-op, you’ll be taken back to the operating room where your surgical team will be waiting for you.

04:08 - They’ll be wearing caps and masks to keep your OR suite sterile.

04:12 - It’s normal for the room to feel cold. This helps with sterility.

04:17 - You’ll be assisted onto the OR table where you’ll be attached to heart and lung monitors and stockings that squeeze your legs - these help with circulation.

04:26 - The team will review the consent with you and with each other.

04:29 - Linda Choy, procedure is laparoscopic… no site or site markings necessary…

04:34 - I’m Brygida I’ll be the circulator. Sequential stockings are on and activated.

04:38 - I’m Kayla and I’m going to be your scrub tech today.

04:41 - I’m Jamilla from Anesthesia. Our plan will be a general… .

04:44 - This is done as a final safety check and sets expectations for the surgical team.

04:49 - Once we are all in agreement, the next step is to get you safely off to sleep.

04:53 - I’ll have you take some nice deep relaxing breaths.

04:55 - This is just oxygen. Family and friends can follow your progress on the surgery board in the waiting area.

05:01 - We’ll give them a color-coded chart so they’ll know how to read the information.

05:05 - When the surgery is finished, your surgeon will call your family or friends or will talk to them in the waiting area to give them an update.

05:13 - No problems. Everything went great. To learn more about the OR, you can experience our virtual reality video by clicking on the link on our website.

05:21 - It gives you a bird’s eye view of what happens in the operating room as your OR team prepares for your procedure.

05:28 - [music] Hello, my name is Gabriela Valle-Ramirez and I’m a registered nurse specializing in patient recovery after anesthesia.

05:40 - After surgery, you’ll be brought into the recovery area.

05:44 - As you wake up, I’ll closely monitor your vital signs and pain level.

05:49 - It’s our goal to keep your pain at a comfortable level while maintaining your safety.

05:54 - On average, most patients spend about an hour to an hour and a half in recovery.

05:59 - When you’re ready to go home, I’ll give you and your designated caretaker your discharge instructions.

06:05 - If you’re staying the night with us, you’ll be transferred to your hospital room from here.

06:10 - You might be forgetful in recovery, so key information will be communicated a few times to you and to any family members or caregivers who are there with you.

06:19 - The pain medication, mom, you’re going to give it every 4 hours.

06:22 - We hope this video has helped you to feel prepared and reassured about your upcoming surgical procedure.

06:28 - If you have any additional questions, don’t hesitate to ask any member of our staff or give us a call.

06:35 - Here at the Kaiser Permanente Richmond Medical Center, we’re working together to make your surgical experience with us a positive one.

06:44 - We’re all looking forward to taking excellent care of you so you can get back to doing the things your enjoy… and thrive.

06:51 - Thank you. .