ТЕСТ-ДРАЙВ ЖИДКОЙ ГУБНОЙ ПОМАДЫ-Эликсир SPF 15 Giordani Gold | Oriflame 2020 | 4K

Nov 9, 2020 12:49 · 581 words · 3 minute read oriflame lipstick tighten expect always

I greet you, my dear viewers, with you Lilia Donskova and today we will talk about a new product at Oriflame we are releasing four new shades of the giordani gold series this is an elixir lipstick this lipstick is good because, firstly, it is a liquid lipstick, it has this property, it transforms into matte after applying her high durability, this lipstick does not collect in the folds of the lips, it does not spread and its convenient application, when I tested this lipstick, I immediately realized that it is ideal for those who want their lips to be painted and at the same time often have to wear a mask, it really does not print and yet such a moment if you treat persistent lipsticks negatively, that is, they dry you or tighten your lips, you experience some discomfort, then this lipstick is comfortable and at the same time persistent, it surprised me because I honestly did not expect this lipstick looks so beautiful I will show it to you a wonderful brush which is really very convenient to apply lipstick on the lips and the color is warm cashmere we it now you try so my lips are now without lipstick without balm see what will be cool application I usually use contour pencils for lips but not always, sometimes you want a quick flick of the wrist to put the lipstick that is what we are now you will do so attention went hue stunning it seems to me such a color will suit any outfit, but I usually choose lipstick not according to the color of the eyes, not to the color of the hair, but specifically to the clothes, this shade is generally neutral therefore it will suit any clothes it smells delicious by the way I did not say such a sweet candy aroma is very pleasant I did a great job without a contour pencil, as you can see, the brush has such a convenient sharp tip that neatly runs right along the contour of the lips what needs to be done apply and wait a little, that is, do not lick your lips, do not rub them against each other, but let the lipstick settle down so that it fixes well and after that I do such a test, I take a blank sheet of two sides, because it is absolutely pure chu Of course, you need to give a little more time so that the lipstick is absorbed and fits into place, but we will do it right now, so the experiment a little where more applied was left from this country, it was not printed at all, and with this drop right here, it means that it was shaded badly, you feel how cool it is this lipstick we need it to be light, persistent, does not dry, does not tighten lips and looks beautiful if you have already tried such a lipstick, because we have four new products in the collection and already had eight shades, that is, this is not entirely new if you tried, write your feedback in the comments about your impressions I think that this will be useful to many, because now we are choosing such products to take and be satisfied once and for all, thank you for your attention if the video is useful of you like subscribe to my channel and all the best beauty and happiness to you for now .