My Air Jordan 1-23 Collection
Jan 29, 2021 19:02 · 2056 words · 10 minute read
so i started heavily collecting sneakers back in 2006 2007 and in that era there was this era of the retro card right here and i’m telling you right now there’s a lot of nostalgic vibes behind this little piece of paper right here so in today’s video i’m going to be going through my collection and putting together every single air jordan 1 through 23 and trying to complete a retro card on my wall i just got some red sneaker thrown containers in the mail i’m excited to put these things together and get this wall going so let’s go ahead and get into the video welcome back to the channel what’s up with you guys how you doing how you been if you did not know by now my name is dj and this is the dna show if you haven’t already make sure you hit that subscribe button don’t forget to hit the bell notification for every time i upload a new video and make sure you hit that like button because that helps the algorithm owe so much so like i was talking about earlier if you know what i’m talking about this retro card right here bruh changed the game i still have so many of these things laying around it’s ridiculous i know a lot of sneaker heads in this era when the retro cars came out always had these on their wall always had one and they always wanted to make sure they completed the set and had every single shoe that was on this piece of paper right here and as i look at it and just reminisce from those times of like meeting up with the homies and having one and scratching one off the list and exiting them all up like so when i was editing this video i ended up finding my retro card that i used to scratch off as a kid when i first started collecting bruh i got to frame this thing i’m sure i’m not the only one let me know down below in the comment section if you felt the same way now as you guys know i have been collecting for almost 15 years now and i have amassed over a thousand pairs of sneakers in my collection i have touched and owned so many shoes it is ridiculous multiples of each retro multiples of each color different eras and generations of the same exact shoe so many different sneakers back in 2017 i finally was able to downsize my collection and start investing more into real estate so i ended up getting rid of a hefty amount of sneakers for my future investments and now i don’t even remember if i have all 23 shoes anymore so first things first let’s get these containers put together i’m gonna put them on the wall right over here this is gonna be my jordan 23 wall i’m excited to have this new addition to the room so with that being said let’s get the time lapse going all right so we’re making some progress we got all the containers on the wall right here and i’m telling you right now it is looking good and i get this question all the time dj where did you get your containers from i got these from sneaker thrown so if you want to check them out check out the link down below in the description and if you end up purchasing something don’t forget to use the discount code dna show and that’ll get you an additional 10 off of your order so i did a little bit of digging and i was able to surface almost every single number from the jordan 1 through 23 set they are not all the original colorways or the actual original sneaker i’m gonna get through every single number and at least do that and then at the end of the video we’ll talk about the shoes that i’m missing and then the ones that i plan on replacing to get a different version of so let’s cue the next time lapse and get all these things in the container so as you can see right here out of jordan’s 1 through 23 i am missing two pairs that i need in my collection again one of those is the air jordan 20 and the other one is the air jordan 22.
when it comes to the 20 i used to have the gold pair the red pair the blue pair the white and black pair the black pad leather pair the cdp pair decided to get rid of them when i was making different changes in my life and now i need a pair back when it comes to the jordan 22 very similar not as many pairs i used to have the basketball pair the white leather and the suede cdp pack pair and again i need to have at least one in my collection besides from that as you can see left to right top to bottom we have jordan one two three four and then five six seven eight and as you can tell all the way to the bottom jordan number 23.
in that bottom corner down there i’m not exactly sure what i should put in there maybe some pop toys or i don’t know if i could fit a basketball in there so probably some little toys or something to fill up that little space right there let me know what you think i should put down there in the corner i also have the higher number jordans in my collection but those don’t make the cut i want to just do one through 23 so no shame against those but they’re just not making it on this wall now let’s take a quick run through of all the shoes that are actually on the wall so i can show you guys which ones i do plan on replacing as well that way i can have the exact look of the og retro card so as most of you guys know jordan had the home and away versions white and black and then obviously your chicago bulls bread different stuff like that but there are two different types of ways we could go about this we can have the all white set we could actually even do just any color for that specific shoe and have my favorite color colorway of it there’s so many different ways we could go about it so i’m definitely going to need you guys help in the comment section on how i should go about the color pattern for this wall me personally i like the og style most because if it wasn’t for those we wouldn’t have nothing else so i still don’t own an og pair of chicago ones i would love to have those instead of the 2015 version and then here’s a pair of og jordan 2’s as you can see they’re crumbling and everything like that crazy nostalgic vibes i bought these off a soul collector for like 30 bucks way back in the day when i first started collecting definitely happy to have these in my collection here’s a michael jordan pe for himself i don’t think any other shoes should go in this place besides this one right here next up we have a retro with the nike air the white cement air jordan 4.
definitely a solid shoe i think we can keep that one there another theme with the shoe that’s not gonna fall apart anytime soon the retro with the nike air on the fire red five here we have the 2000 infrared six one of my favorite sneakers of all time this is a raptor sevens sample pair so there actually is a lot of different options on where i could go with this i’m thinking more of a hair 7 in this position let me know what you guys think here we have the playoff 8 from 2007 one of the first sneakers in my collection next up we got an og pair of cool gray nines i would love to get the white and black pair instead but i’m not mad with these right here shadow teens can’t go wrong with those here we have a mjpe himself size 13 and a half made for him again can’t get rid of those on the concord 11.
next up is a gary payton air jordan 12. obviously there’s a lot of options with this taxi bread you name it cherry but i think we should switch this one out here we have the cdp air jordan 13. i think that one’s deserving of its spot right there next up we have that new ferrari joint i think these should go and definitely get like an og style with the white and black toe let me know what you guys think or even a last shot here we have a reggie miller pe air jordan 15.
i think these definitely need to get replaced as well but i think it’s a good spot for them now but i definitely want the og colorway instead next up is the jordan 16 it’s missing the shroud so you know what that means i gotta complete this the proper way here we have a jordan 17 this is a mike bibby pe and as you know this is not the og colorway so i definitely need to get either the red or the blue colorway to have those in my collection going back to the og vibes with the air jordan 18 this is the retro but again that resembles the og so i’m glad with that being there next up we have a og air jordan 19 and that’s the shoe that’s supposed to go there so we’re going to keep that one there we’re missing the 20 bump now this one right here is my favorite air jordan 21 of all time i love this one so so much i would potentially replace it for og colorway but these ones right here bruh i don’t think i can replace these missing the 22 and then we have the og air jordan 23.
so i’m excited to see what you guys think about the new wall this is gonna be a great new addition obviously a dope little spot for some ig pics and i cannot wait to complete this set and again don’t forget to use the discount code dna show and that’ll get you an additional 10 off of the sneaker thrown containers i’ll have the link for you guys down below in the description and once you guys get yours in the mail make sure you take some pictures and send me some dm so i can see your wall as well so this is the beginning of a new series of me trying to complete this wall in the og set if i actually end up getting the original sneakers for every single number that might just actually be insane which might be a goal of mine so stay tuned i’m excited to post more videos about this wall i hope you guys enjoyed it i appreciate you for tuning in and just watching my journey of my sneaker collection grow as well and i think that’s it so i’m going yo if you enjoyed this video and you want to make extra money or grow your shoe collection i want to give you a free video with my three tips that were the most powerful that will help you grow your sneaker collection and make an additional one thousand to ten thousand dollars a month all you need to do to get this free video is click on the first link in the description or the comment that’s pinned in the comment section that’ll take you to a page where you can enter your email address and i’ll make sure that i send you a video right away and if you enjoyed this video again don’t forget to like comment share and subscribe my name is dj i’m signing out i gots to go i’m gone peace.