Oct 24, 2020 14:00 · 396 words · 2 minute read cold good freezing remind trying

Yo, what’s up JT Squad, welcome back to another reaction video Today we are reacting to “Being racist to a Syrian in Turkey” Let’s see the reaction of Turkish people to someone being racist to a Syrian ut before we continue, I want you guys to smash the subscribe button Like the video, comment something nice, share the video Follow us on Instagram, join the membership platform Let’s get into the video…Shoutout to Ridvan Cakmak He is our social experiment source Please show him some support I was going to say something but never mind If I was the girl in that kind of situation, it may have turned into violence I like that, if we were in their position…Maybe they would have helped us too Actually, he has some harsh words in his mouth The things he says, he makes it look real This guy is a very good actor The subtitles have disappeared He said he can never call them humans What’s wrong with this subtitle I really want to understand her reaction She was the one that slapped him, right? She said “what’s the difference between you and him” The guy is stepping back This guy I like this guy, see the way he is acting He went there to remind the girl of who she was fighting for This guy is not concerned What was the question? He said, what is my fault? He said your fault is “trying to humiliate this guy” He didn’t want to receive another slap I like this girl The slap was very good The guy is so cold When the world was corona-free I think the weather is really cold This guy is freezing When will the world get back to this? Touching anyone anyhow What do you want to touch? Not in that sense I mean being comfortable with shaking hands I think this guy is shy That was amazing! That’s one of the best social experiments I have seen Shoutout to Ridvan Cakmak, you are doing a very good job I wonder how he gets these ideas Anyway, please I want you to smash the subscribe button If you need a reaction to another social experiment, drop the link in the comment section Follow us on Instagram, drop a comment, share the video Join our membership platform and till we see next time…peace .