Carrot noodles and chicken Stirfry | Healthy and Diet recipe for weight loss | Tamil with Eng Subs
Oct 30, 2020 18:48 · 851 words · 4 minute read
If you are new to my channel, please subscribe and enable notification. Today you are going to watch a wonderful recipe video So we are going to make a main dish only with chicken and carrot And we are not going to use any other ingredients like rice or flour so it’s going to be a healthy chicken recipe It’s a quick one to make as well It will be something similar to stir fry noodles which is going to be yummy Firstly we are going to marinate our chicken So I have taken 250 gms of boneless chicken breast pieces Cut it into small pieces like this, so it will get cooked easily First add 1⁄2 tsp of salt then add 1⁄2 pepper powder and ypu can always adjust the quantity based on your spice preferences then 1 tsp of ginger garlic paste Then add juice from 1⁄4 of a lemon (approx 1 tsp of lemon juice) Mix everything together and let it sit for 15 minutes Next let’s move on to cut and prep our vegetables First slice up half an onion Half onion is enough as too much onion will change the flavour Finely chop 2 green chillies (this is optional) As there is nothing else to add heat to this dish, so I’m adding chillies Next slice up half a green bell pepper / capsicum This is also optional, but this will give a nice flavour to the dish Next one of the most important ingredients in stir fry is ginger and garlic So I’m grating an inch of ginger and 4 fat garlic cloves you can even chop it finely, but grating makes it easy So we got around 2 Tbsp worth of grated ginger and garlic Next comes our star of today’s dish - carrot first let’s peel the skin off carrot Now let’s just continue to peel the entire carrots to get thin stripes of carrot These peels will mimic the noodles and will act as a base of our dish So I have taken around 250 gms of carrot and on the whole this dish will serve 2 people. After peeling the carrot, we need not discard the cores Let’s just chop them nicely We have cut all our veggies, let’s start to cook the chicken Add 1 tsp oil to a frying pan Once oil is hot, add the marinated chicken pieces and cook in medium flame Cook it for around 10 mins It’s almost ready now, we need to cook this chicken in open flame as closing it with lid will make it watery Let’s keep it aside and let it cool Now let’s start with our stir fry Stir fry has to be done in high flame to impart smoky flavour into the dish Add 2 Tbsp of oil Once the oil is hot, add the grated giner and garlic Saute it until the raw smell goes off When it turned golden brown, add chopped green chillies Reduce the flame a little bit now Next add sliced red onions and saute it for 30 seconds Next let’s add sliced bell pepper / capsicum and saute for another 30 seconds Now keep the stove in high flame Next let’s add the chopped carrot cores As it’s thicker than the carrot peels, it’s better to add it first Let’s continue to saute when all the veggies turnes soft, let’s add the peeled carrots Fold and saute it as shown in the video in medium to high flame It will only take around 2 mins to get cooked You can also use tongs to saute it, as it makes the job simple Next add the another important ingredient of the stir fry - Soy sauce Let’s add about 1 Tbsp of low sodium soy sauce Soy sauce will be salty, so let’s just add only a pinch of salt It’s smell so good after we add the Soy sauce After few seconds, let’s add the cooked chicken pieces Our chicken cooled off completely Mix everything together I always feel that tongs are very helpful while making noodles stir fry, as it won’t break anything The final 30 seconds - let’s keep the stove in high flame and saute everything well That’ all !! we can switch off the flame now Our delicious carrot and chicken stri fry is ready !!! Wow !!! it’s looks so colourful and appetizing!!! I hope you found this recipe intersting, so please try at home This recipe is suitable for all the fitness freaks, those who weight trains a lot and also for those who are trying to lose fat This is very high in protein yet very low in carbs Also it fills you for longet time so do try this for sure And to watch more videos like this, subscribe to my channel also don’t forget to follow me on other social media You can find teh links in description box I will also list the ingredients in description box for your quick reference See you all in my next video, until then bye !!! .