MÄHWERK - der RASENFREAK baut den KUBOTA Z122R auf SEITENAUSWURF um - Mähspaß pur!

Oct 3, 2020 06:00 · 752 words · 4 minute read side discharge mower think last

So dear lawn freaks, what are we doing today? We’re going to be rebuilding this Kubota Z-turn lawnmower today. He installed a mulching mower and I want to convert to a side discharge mower. I made a deal here with our mayor. Because I can mow the public roads in the village, the side edges. That doesn’t work so well with the mulching mower. Tall grass can be mowed much better with the side discharge mower. And we’re rebuilding that now.

Have fun with it 😁 01:15 - Dear lawn freaks, this is the Kubota mower, and this mower was delivered as a mulch mower. Now I have to remove all these sheets, install the side discharge and change the knives. And for that I want to raise the front of the mower a bit. I have old metal ramps from my grandfather, they’re not that great, but maybe we’ll use them now to drive him up a bit at the front. To come downstairs… What is it now? Maybe we’ll use it now to get underneath, to unscrew these metal sheets here so that we don’t have to remove the whole mower.

02:07 - You keep asking me: What about your Toro, your big Toro Greensmaster? Yes, my Toro Greensmaster is standing in the garage crying. I have to put money into it once again. I have the plan to completely renew the spindles. And I still have to replace a few hydraulic hoses and unfortunately the cooler is leaking somewhere, so I have to go again. I just can’t do that. Nevertheless, I’ll drive him out now, then you can see him for a moment. At some point it will run again, probably not until next year. In winter I have the time to work on it. And now finally to finish it. I would like to keep using it. I would also like to use it to mow on the soccer field here in the village.

02:51 - That’s why the 8-knife spindle is very important. But at the moment it is unfortunately not operational. I’m sorry 🙁 👍🏼 But he’s running. [Music] These are the fat knives, this is a sickle knife. It’s unbelievable. Incredible! The Kubota representative said that you don’t have to remove the mower. You can do that too. well, now it’ll probably all fall down. That’s loose too. Okay, now this is all open. The knife, what a screw 😳. Probably exactly the 30s that I just destroyed.

05:40 - Crazy, of course I wonder why I have to change the knife. Yes, that has a little now… well… maybe I’ll ask again. So dear lawn freaks, we have now removed the baffles. I have now decided not to convert this knife, because I think a mulching knife is not bad either. Then the grass thrown out to the side is cut a bit small and then thrown out. So I’ll leave them out now. So now a baffle comes in here. That I still have to assemble. That’ll probably go back here. There is the hole 😅. This is not good now Andreas 🙄, now I have to clear the dirt away After very tight comes very loose.

08:01 - The last thing that comes on here is this side ejection. cool number This is plastic and not rubber. You probably have to watch out that you don’t hit something. This feather belongs up here… probably the one here… the other one has to go in there… Wasn’t bad in itself… Or… now comes trick 17… we’ll do it from behind… now watch out… The Rasenfreak is doing something wrong 😏 So we go from behind… That was the trick. Ohh people… I don’t think so… ohh there is tension on it… awesome From behind 😑 So dear lawn freaks, ear pops are in, now comes the first test.

10:09 - We mow from our village over to the next village, left and right of the road. I’m really curious. [Music] That was fun, a lot of fun. Incredible, the machine is totally dirty 😁. It was dusty and torn. But that looks so good. Cool, really cool 😃😃😃 Mowing is really cool Yes, dear lawn freaks, thanks for watching. I’ll clean the machine now. And then I look forward to seeing you in the next video. Subscribe to me if you like. And ring the bell, then you’ll always have my new videos. Your Rasenfreak is looking forward to you bye .