[EN] [내 여행이 들리니 : Can you hear my trip] 골든차일드(Golden Child) Ep.1-1 속초에 가면~ 바다도 있고,골차도 있고~
Dec 21, 2020 10:00 · 1128 words · 6 minute read
The clean blue ocean is beautiful in Sokcho. Which K-pop idol is the first guest? #cool_energy #universal_k-pop_idol The leader Daeyeol Y rabbit Sweet guy Juchan ThePocket boy Seungmin The ASMR travel with Golden Child in Sokcho To feel the travel by your heart The new kind of traveling for your healing Let’s go to Sokcho with the Universal K-pop Idol Golden Child What brings us here in Sokcho? Sokcho is the one of famous place to travel To eat or take a picture Today we’re gonna have a special trip for sound A trip for sound?? The sound of wave, wind like this Did you mean ASMR? That’s what I meant Do you guys usually listen to ASMR before sleep? Nope, never I often listen to ASMR for remembering a day So let’s make some special ASMR for Sokcho There is some unique sound only in Sokcho Many many What is the most famous in Sokcho? Red crab! The eating sound of red crab How about seagulls and waves? Seagulls scream squawk when people give them some snacks Grabbing sound! That sound! Seagulls make some sound when they grab snacks Today’s goal is viewers want to visit Sokcho After watching this episode To introduce lots of fun activities in Sokcho To feel travel with us even though viewers are at home by ASMR made us They feel like they are in Sokcho with us right now! Let’s make the best ASMR for viewers! Daeyeol will be the first sound director? Do you remember the actor in the movie
02:53 - Awsome! JODO! It is not as good as my eyes when I use my cell phone camera It is always not as good as my eyes The best camera is my eyes Let’s record the sound of nature here Great! The sound of waves ASMR of Sokcho Can Daeyeol record good? I doubt it. Be careful bro! That machine is sooooo expensive! You can lose 10,000$ I can’t move because of the price of this machine!!! Watch out! The expensive machine is coming! Your pet~ What is its name? This one? The sound of my mind Sigh… So… Sim(my mind) Um(the sound) Sim Gum Sim-Gum ul ulida = Touch one’s heart Goose bumps…!!! He told us that name and he proud of himself immediately Is there any problem? Take a picture of me~ The first meet with Sim-Gum in Jodo OK, I’m gonna start to record the easiest one the sound of waves This is really awsome Really? This machine is really detailed more than in the record office I wanna hear it too May I…? Oh my god, it’s awsome! I could hear the sound of waves even far from here Daeyeol didn’t lie I wanna here it more It is super awsome! So, let’s record the first sound 1st track.
The sound of waves near Jodo hit the rocks in the Jodo 04:20 - Shorten - The sound of waves in Jodo OK, The sound of waves in Jodo Oh my god! Awsome!!!!! Oh, oh Awsome! Sim-Gum has a superpower for sound I can hear the detailed sound like ‘bbodeudeuk’ Don’t you wanna here it again? I wanna here it too Seungmin fascinates, too It’s really awsome I’m recording the sound of waves in Jodo 5, 4, 3 Is he right?? Sokcho ASMR Track 01. The sound of waves in Jodo You looked like a Feng Shui master Did I? Find the water veins in Sokcho ocean! How about Feng Shui here? Very good! Daeyeol! Why did you move that mic here? The track name was the sound of waves in Jodo… Didn’t you here it? Haha So you need to pick the sound here The truth is… the sound of this small boat was louder than waves Let’s change the track name the sound of small boat The sound of waves is really good to me Let’s record the sound of a moving yacht The sound of a moving yacht Let’s move to the next place Hurray I wanna record the exciting sound Ah, the yacht sound? Sokcho ASMR Track 02. The exciting sound on the yacht with waves 5, 4…
06:16 - The yacht sound is more dynamic The sound gives them a cool feeling like waves What did you say? What did you hear? Did you hear anything? It said…Stop to record waves Was it excing sound? It was awsome just before Was it? Yes! The wind and waves! I recorded it very good in 20 seconds I trust you Caw! Can you hear my voice seagull? Caw! I need to record the voice of crow It’s a seagull not a crow I thought it is a crow because of my sound, caw Wow, I really like this moment I wanna stay here peacefully Golden Child get +1 cool-energy They look like rich Chaebol kids on the yacht And Yeol-Jitae in One Fine Summerday Sexy Y-Rabbit on the yacht Talking behind Daeyeol’s back Why my ears are burning? What is the next sound? Did Daeyeol visit the hair & makeup shop? His hair is messed up and his face also He didn’t need to visit that shop Why did he visit… I don’t know We recorded to talk behind Daeyoel’s back Dizzy… Let’s record the sound of ocean again There is a seagull What…fly…what…um… I’m gonna start to record The target is the eating sound of seagulls It’s coming! I can see a seagull Seagulls approach the yacht Flinch You need to keep quiet when the seagull bite snacks because we need to record it Nice catch! How they know we have snacks? The sound of seagulls is clear than before Yammy Thanks for Y, seagulls have a snack party Y and a seagull have really good chemistry even they meet just before Thank you Golden Child! Is it sound like a crying baby? Juchan is also good Mission completed: to record seagulls’ sound .