am i doing VLOGMAS this year?
Nov 16, 2020 16:00 · 2368 words · 12 minute read
- (sighs) Hello, everybody. (chuckles) Welcome back to another vlog. It is eviction day for Donald Trump today, which is wonderful. It’s Saturday, and I’m actually getting ready because, although it may seem like I was just out of town to you, that was actually two, over two weeks ago that we went out of town, and now we are actually going out of town again. We are going up to Prescott, Arizona for my mom’s birthday. We rented a cabin on Airbnb. We were going to hide away, and enjoy being socially distanced, but still celebrating my mom’s birthday. My mom is in our little quarantine pod, and she doesn’t go anywhere, and we don’t go anywhere.
00:40 - So, we actually haven’t seen her since we got back from our last trip. We’ve isolated for the last two weeks, or quarantined for the last two weeks, just because, I don’t know, we were out. I mean, we weren’t out, but when we were on the chairlift thing that you all saw in the vlogs, a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot of people in that line were unmasked. And even though there were signs everywhere that said that wearing a mask was a requirement, they weren’t enforcing it. So, we decided to just quarantine for the last two weeks to be safe.
01:10 - So we did that, and now we’re gonna head up north. I am putting this vlog out, and kind of moving on from the last two weeks because it’s been a really rough time, I know, for a lot of us. What I felt, as far as, and feel still, as far as exhaustion and just emotional distress, is, I mean, absolutely a fraction of what black people, people of color, trans people, I don’t know what’s happening with the light, that’s weird, but the sun’s going around, et cetera, et cetera have felt. But I am an extremely empathic and emotional person, and sensitive, and I feel everything so, so deeply. So I have been in a deep state of depression for the last two weeks, and I do mean deep, but I’ve been emotionally drained, and burned out, and tapped out, and I haven’t been very pleasant to be around.
01:58 - Actually, (chuckles) I don’t really say anything. These days, I’ve kind of just been sitting in my bed. And yeah, I just want you to know that if you’re going through that at this time, you’re not alone. It sucks that we’re both feeling that way, but that’s sort of where I’ve been. So, I don’t really want to get too much into that, but I don’t want to pop on here and seem like I’m like, “Woo, yay, the election results!” We still have work to do.
02:21 - There’s still a lot that needs to be done, but I am fully in support of celebrating today, absolutely. And what great timing. It has been the five days from hell, but we made it, we survived. And as the queen, Tracy Chapman, once said in her song, “Talkin’ ‘bout a Revolution,” “Finally, the tables are starting to turn.” God, we love that. So I’m gonna head downstairs because I actually need to head to pick up a rental car. We’re renting a van, just because we’re going, my mom, me, Drew, the giant cooler, the dog, all of our bags, et cetera, et cetera, and we want to be able to drive up together.
02:58 - So we’re actually gonna rent a van to be able to do so. And it’s gonna be really fun. So, come along on the journey. I don’t know how much I’m gonna vlog, but I’m taking you with me, so, let’s go. I’m trying to close things and hold many things at the same time. Okay, go get the rental car. (chill music) Woo-hoo! (laughs) - Wee! Amen, amen. - [Carrie] Yay! - [Drew] Woo! (chill music) - Carrie Stop.
03:51 - (Drew chuckles) (chill music) Look at this snow, girl. Oh my goodness. Are you so happy? You’re back in the snow! Yeah. (gasps) I’m gonna get it. Oh, my snow angel. (dog barks) Hee-hee! She loves it! Get it. Get the snow. (dog barks) Yeah, you get that snow. She’s a happy girl. You’re back in your element, babe. (dog barks) Yeah. - [Announcer] Four to six days later. - Good morning, everybody. It is actually like a week later. It’s now the following Friday. It is Friday the 13th. Woo. (chuckles) My glasses are very dirty. What’s new? Hi, good morning. It is currently 9:25. (chuckling) I got ready for a Zoom call with my tax accountant that I thought was at nine. Turns out it’s at 10. So, (chuckles) I got ready an hour early for nothing, but that’s okay.
04:47 - Took a shower, got all freshened up, and I’m just editing a video for this week. I have a couple random things to do today. I need to go to Target. I think I need to get my car looked at because my airbag light keeps coming on. I don’t understand. And then I got a exciting package downstairs that I can’t wait to open. It’s from my good friend, Sierra Schultzzie, here on YouTube. I’m pretty sure it’s her new Confident and Kind pants that came out, so, gonna try those on. But yeah, I feel like because it’s been now almost a week since we got the presidential election results, and then almost two weeks since the actual election, (chuckles) it’s definitely, I feel like I’ve just kinda skipped over it. I did talk about it at the beginning of the video, but yeah, I was not, not, not, not doing well last week, and the week before. It was kind of a hot mess, but I’m feeling hopeful. I’m feeling like, obviously, everyone on Instagram was saying this, like we still have a lot of work to do.
05:41 - We still need to hold our new president elect and vice-president elect accountable. We need to make sure that the work keeps going, but it’s not a secret that it’s extremely relieving, and it just feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders in particular, but I also know, especially people in marginalized communities. I mean, it’s just such a celebration all around. So, anyways, okay. Gonna do some editing. I have about 30 minutes before my call, so I’m gonna do that, and then we’re gonna get our day started. I have no idea what else I’m vlogging today, but here we are, nonetheless.
06:18 - Is this entire vlog gonna be me chatting? Yeah, probably. Whatever, it’s my channel. (chill music) I literally just sent you an email like two seconds ago. (chuckles) All right, it’s now actually like 12:30. The Roomba is going off, so, oh, it’s coming right up to me, (chuckles) great. - [Drew] Hello! - But we just got back from Target. Should I pause that? Yes, that’s quite obnoxious. So we just got back from Target, and we got some goodies. I didn’t want to bring my camera ‘cause I didn’t feel like sanitizing it and all that, but Drew got some art supplies to paint some stuff for D and D. We actually got that stuff at Michael’s. We got some fun, cute little miniature gingerbread houses that we’re gonna be making at some point, probably for vlog-mas. I get a lot of questions if I’m doing vlog-mas (chuckling) again this year.
07:18 - Probably, but I’m also gonna be very aware of the fact that it’s incredibly exhausting and taxing on my mental health. So, if it’s not going well, I will stop. But, hi, ma’am. Hello. Where you going? Anyway, so we’ll see about that. But my plan is yes, to do it. It’ll be my fourth year in a row. So, we’ll see. Anyways, we got some outside lights for the outside of our house. So that’ll be fun. We’ll hang those up at some point. They were pretty affordable. It was like $9 for a 25-foot string of ‘em. So, that’ll be fun. We got the kind that looks like how Drew’s and my childhood lights used to look, and they’re kind of like the porcelain, or ceramic, colorful bulb lights. So those will be fun.
08:04 - And then, what else did we get? We got some printer ink, really exciting stuff. - Important. - (chuckling) Obviously. I got some shampoo. This is the Kristin Ess signature shampoo. I am running low on my shampoo, so I thought I would re-up. And then I thought I would also try this Biolage Ultra HydraSource Conditioning Balm. I think I used this in high school. It smells really familiar. It just gives me, I think maybe my best friend used this in high school, not sure.
08:31 - Also, Holiday Nerds Rope because, holidays. And now I thought I would show this cute little package, which came from my good friend, Sierra, that I mentioned earlier. This is her brand, called Confident and Kind. (cell phone rings) Who’s calling me? I don’t know you. Going to open it, and see the, oh God. Gonna see the magical pants that are inside. So it says, “Thank you, Carrie.
08:53 - We are so excited to share our new Confident and Kind perfect pants with you. I’ve also included some of my most loved items from small businesses this season for you to enjoy, love, Sierra.” How cute! Could I do a better angle? Probably. Let’s see what they look like. What do we have here? Oh, cute! We have Clark Soaperie. What is it, like a lip gloss? What are you? (gasps) Oh, it smells so good. I think it’s a lip balm. This is cute.
09:21 - There’s also a card here that says Confident and Kind perfect pants, and then a little bit of their story. How cute is that? So thoughtful. Next we have, this is so cool that she thought to do small businesses included it. How sweet. That’s just so Sierra. She’s just the most thoughtful. Next we have Be-Leaf. It is a scrunchie, made from Alberta. This is cute, natural fibers. This item was made with natural and sustainable fabrics, and may contain recycled and/or unrecycled materials. And you can wash it. How cute, Be-Leaf. This one is called Foster Handmade. It’s a sea salt and orchid natural soy candle. How adorable. It smells so good, and it has a wood wick. - [Drew] Mm, it’s gonna spark. - [Carrie] It’s gonna be so nice. - [Drew] It’s kinda subtle. - [Carrie] Mm-hmm.
10:12 - - [Drew] Or like a bathroom, it’s like when the bathroom’s clean. - Yeah, it is very clean-smelling, it’s good. Oh, and some matches! How cute! Look at this little matchbox! It’s like a little triangle. Freakin’ adorable! Then finally, we have, dun-duh-duh-dun, (chuckles) the pants! All right, here they are, the perfect pants. I think there’s a tie. Yes. Cute, Sierra! Oh my gosh! I’m so excited for her! Here’s what the little tag looks like. Confident and Kind.
How cute! 10:45 - And then I think it says it, yeah, it says it on the pocket as well. How adorable is this? This is so cool. Should I put ‘em on? Doesn’t really go with my outfit. I have to put ‘em on. Hold, please. All right, and here is what they look like on. How fun is this? This is literally so perfect for her. This is literally a Sierra pant. I feel like I’m borrowing a pair of her pants. They’re so, so, so, so comfortable. Really, really high quality, you can tell. They’re sustainably and ethically made. I am just so proud of my friend. This is so awesome! Congrats, Sierra, and thank you for sending these over. These are definitely in my color palette. As we all know, I love a warm, rust, burnt orange, brick color, and these are perfect. They’re so comfy. It literally feels like I’m wearing pajama pants.
11:39 - Super high-waisted, which, as we all know, I am a very strict judge of. (chuckles) And this cute little detail on the pocket. Confident and Kind. Cute little reminder. Oh, we love. I’m gonna link ‘em down below, in case you want to check ‘em out. I am just so, so, so, so proud of my friend, and so happy for her. Sierra, I love you. These are so cute! (chill music) And there we have it. Spit test done. (chill music) All right, y’all, I’m in the bath. I’m doing my bathtime routine. Drew is doing his D and D stuff downstairs. He’s having a blast. I’m drinking a bubbly, sparkly water right here. Good times. And I thought I would close off the vlog here, and kind of give ya a little bit of an update. The fan is going, the drain is going, ‘cause filled up the bath too full.
12:39 - So, forgive me for the noise, but I am going to be doing my annual taking a break until vlog-mas thing. It has begun. I’m gonna take the next two weeks off of November, and just rest, not be vlogging. I want to have some off-camera time, and enjoy Drew’s birthday, which is coming up next week, and just make sure that we’re making memories off camera as well, which I talk about a lot, and yeah, I’m really excited. I’ve got some vlog-mas stuff done already, like my intro. I am keeping the song, for those of you curious. I just made a new little intro.
13:11 - I’ve got some fun little graphics and stuff. So, I’m excited for vlog-mas. So yeah, anyways, gonna take a breather, gonna take a step back, and just relax, and enjoy this time off (chuckles) before the madness begins. So, I love you all so, so much. Thank you so much for watching this video, and I will see you soon, bye. (chill music) .