Nov 22, 2020 11:30 · 1299 words · 7 minute read
Asalaamu alaikum guys and welcome to a very important, concerning and… there’s a lot of lessons to be learnt, let’s jump straight into this one yeah. A long-awaited report says there is credible evidence that Australian elite soldiers unlawfully killed 39 people during the Afghan war. A young man is captured, he seems to be unarmed. “Do you want me to kill him?” the soldier shouts at his commander. -“Craig…no! Craig stop!” -There are shots. The prisoner is dead. Nor was this a one-off.
Soldiers sent to liberate, accused instead of cold-blooded murder. But what’s even more concerning is, why on earth is the BBC not using the word Terrorist here? I mean if there’s any situation to which this term is more applicable to, it’s this situation right here. Well it seems that either they’ve conveniently opted not to mention it, or they’ve got selective amnesia or the fact that they’re biased towards Muslims and it’s just becoming more and more evident now. But let’s add another worry on top of this yeah and that is the fact that the BBC is; taxpayer-funded. In other words they are not supposed to be bias in their reporting yeah? Even though when Corbyn was running for prime minister, their bias was exposed for the whole world to see frankly.
01:40 - And being a taxpayer, if I had a choice, I would rather give my money to a hobo (homeless guy) who still has cocaine residue on his top lip, and no I’m not talking about Dominic Cummings. Even though it looks like he fits that criteria really well. Say what? And there’s a little interview segment that comes to mind of Denzel: If you don’t read the newspaper you’re uninformed, if you do read it your misinformed. To the people of Afghanistan. On behalf of the Australian defence force, I sincerely and unreservedly apologize. If you stick a knife in my back 9 inches and pull it out 6 inches, there’s no progress.
02:24 - You pull it all the way out that’s not progress. The progress is healing the wound that the blow made. Whoa! You guys are witnessing something special right here frankly. Forget your Harry Potters and your “expelliarmus” and Avadaka- flipping- davra(s). Here indeed you have the apology. And this apology is special, yes, it’s gonna bring the dead to life! I don’t think you have the facilities for that big man.
03:01 - Surely these words can reverse an entire decade of islamophobia? Don’t forget the New Zealand shooter was actually from Australia; yes. This man told us about the day his brother was allegedly killed by Australian troops. “We were fishing and having a picnic. Around noon the foreigners carried out their raid. They arrested my brother and took him to a corner. A few minutes later they shot him in the head three times. It has been killings like this, that have created terrorists.
And that Muslims have been saying 03:35 - for- the last I’d say last couple of decades- but anytime we mention ‘foreign policy’… na na na We have totally destabilized the Middle East; it’s a disaster. Okay okay okay, let’s not get political yeah, let’s just look at our culture, movie culture yeah. Everyone’s familiar with movie culture. The movie Taken; in which his daughter got kidnapped and he spent the rest of his life tracking down the gang, and when he did- pow pow pow, he shot him all dead. You had Law Abiding Citizen; in which his family got killed in front of him.
04:12 - And then the law didn’t do him justice frankly yeah. I saw their faces, I saw them do it, I mean -he killed my little girl man. -You blacked out Clyde, your testimony won’t be reliable when you get on the stand and the defence will tear you apart. So the guy took the law into his own hands and went on a killing spree, to get justice himself. You think your wife and daughter will feel good about you killing in their name? My wife and daughter can’t feel anything, they’re dead. -Release me and drop all charges by 6 a.m. -or what? Or I kill everyone.
04:56 - And let’s not forget John Wick yeah, in which his dog dies and the guy goes out and kills 77 people in revenge. It’s just a [ __ ] car, just a [__] dog. Just a dog? And you’ve got other movies like the Punisher and, you got child-friendly movies yeah like Spider-Man and Dark Knight yep; where even those superheroes, they go towards evil because a family member dies. In Spider-Man his uncle and in Batman, well his mother and his father. Allegations include junior soldiers being coerced into executing prisoners to get their first kill, in a practice known as Blooding, and that weapons were planted on victims to make it look like the killings were legitimate. But it seems in the Middle East loads of John Wicks and Punishers have been created thanks to Australia and the UK.
05:49 - There’s been an inquiry here but no one will face prosecution. We lost this war and one of the reasons for that, is that the message we were giving to Afghan people which is, we’re here to protect you, was being totally undermined by people who would raid houses in the middle of the night and murder people who were not involved in any form of terrorism or insurgent activity. But in the Middle East they’re not allowed to be angry and do terrible things because of emotional anger, frustration and trauma. They’re expected to sit down shut up, and not have the basic emotion of anger. But if that’s not all they’re having to deal with crappy strawman arguments that are pointing fingers towards their religion, and they’re being told to reform it.
06:36 - The only thing that needs to be reformed frankly, is the foreign policy and the crappy law. Because apparently I just killed two people. And you were about to let me walk right out that door. I feed you a couple of bull [ __ ] legal precedents and there you go, you jump on it like a [ __ ]. A special investigator will now be appointed to look at the findings, gather evidence and then present it to the public prosecutor, it’s a process that could take years.
07:03 - And even these four years aren’t a guarantee that these people are gonna get justice. Imagine getting robbed and waiting four years for the police to arrive. Who on this planet is gonna say, “yes, that’s a very good law system that you’ve got right there”. In that time I’d probably be married, have two kids and be on the verge of divorce because my wife says I stand around waiting for the police all the time. To some degree there is a bit of progress with Australia yeah, at least they have acknowledged the mistake, and they’re doing something, unlike the UK who think their law is some sort of Wikipedia article.
07:37 - The UK government is changing the law to make it harder to prosecute soldiers for alleged war crimes. What a joke that our system is and what our governments are doing frankly. But… I guess the bare minimum that we can do is educate ourselves from instances like this, and the next time our religion is blamed… mate, I want you guys to see right through the bull crap. I would say pardon my French, but I mean Macron is frankly swimming in bull crap so…
Let’s leave it at that guys yeah? 08:13 - Look after yourselves until next time, Asalaamu Alaikum. .