30) Cratere Terra Americhe Ribaltate - SOTTOTITOLI-SUBTITLES
Dec 5, 2020 18:00 · 1503 words · 8 minute read
Hi guys yes i know you think there is, someone at home… but not! However you can leave it to me after the beep so then I’ll get you back. This is my message, now you speak. welcome back everybody first of all i want to thank manuel from germany for keeping his critical thinking [Music] these images are not from the bigger earth they are from namibia ouch this one hurts remember what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger so where did i go wrong remember my previous mistake where i thought these images were from the bigger earth i have been thinking about it and now i realize the answer lies in color take a look at this picture the closest objects are vibrant of color the further you go things are changing into a bluish color so the color will give away the distance by consequence this picture cannot be from the bigger earth nor can this one [Music] because pictures of the entire ball will have been taken from the thermosphere that’s more like it with this new information let’s do a quick recap of my evidence let’s start with the good ones of this one i’m 99 certain it’s our crater other ones that seem to have the right color same story here seems okay what about this one it seems to have this bluish color but the more i look at it the more i’m thinking now it’s an air view of the cyril’s valley where they are rebuilding our crater the only thing i don’t understand is this white spot here if it’s water it is not the cyril’s valley if it’s snow well it might be possible why would they rebuild this whole disney world map a possibility might be when the shuttle is landing in our crater it uses the terrain as a sort of beacon [Music] a landmark maybe pilots are exercising in the searles valley to put the shuttle in our crater this one of mars probably not [Music] ninety percent not what about this one well this is another story of course on the right you see brownish colors but the difference between these images and the images from the shuttle is that the spaceship is moving from low orbit to high orbit so you still might see some color [Music] here an animation of it ascending vertically showing the disney world map [Music] and from there you glide down [Music] back to the crater that would be space tourism is the virgin galactic going to space well the colors are okay what about this one well the colors seem right look at the corners it’s a ball no it’s not a ball [Music] it’s hollow it’s a ball it’s hollow no it’s a ball no it’s hollow it’s a ball you see look it’s a small ball the desert of new mexico has become a little blue ball flying in space it’s hollow it’s a ball look at the helmet that’s a strange pattern there [Music] my guess would be that the only correct images are the opening ones the rest is cgi see how very very thin a little coating it is compared to the rest of the size of the planet it’s not like the peel on a grapefruit or the peel on an orange it’s not even really like to me the shell on an egg for relative sizes if anything it’s almost as if we’re covered by that thin little membrane between the eggshell and the egg itself that’s the tiny little membrane of air and gases that keeps us all healthy well she might be telling us there is air on the bigger earth [Music] now i wouldn’t be making a new video if i hadn’t some new material but first let me give you a recap on the disney world map you will probably say where there he is again with his disney world map the reason i’m doing that is because i’m looking for evidence of our crater so the terrain around our crater would be very important to notice because that way you can situate our crater take a look again at the patterns they might have some use in the next video look at the date these images are very recent [Music] the coast of africa so we have our little insectoids the anunnaki gods doing some artificial space insemination the colors are right followed there by nasa astronaut kate rubins on her second uh journey to the space station look at the blonde hair of our viking girl male skull way too big shoulders for a girl this time there’s some success the first egg landed in the water now for the last one alone at last [Music] so here are the images now i will show them at real speed take a good look and remember you are looking for patterns above west sahara [Music] the range is 120 velocity is 0.67 we see the docking target using alaska copy [Music] so [Music] automatic talking is continuing nominally looking down uh the barrel at the orbital module of the soyuz that connects to the descent module that the crew sits in let’s start with the first one probably the most difficult one airports of the future now an easy one the entrance complex [Music] compare it with the virgin galactic one moving up to the industrial park area in case you might not see it [Music] and then of course the next one epcot but it’s not the pattern on the right side it’s the one on the left side because of the clouds you can only see the center of it then the virgin galactic center [Music] so let’s recapitulate airports of the future entrance complex industrial park area epcot and now of course we have to see our crater [Music] well nothing to see there or wait a minute turn that back let’s enlarge that and compare it with our 3d crater map [Music] well if i’m not mistaken you see antarctica here the entrance into the crater draw a few lines line two line three and then line one would be the ice wall and what do you see there in the middle between line one and line two if i’m not mistaking this image is confirming everything i have been researching for for about three years now the americas are lying at the exact position i have been showing in the 3d map of our crater well i should be jumping a hole in the roof but i’m not why well i have become very careful after a few mistakes sorry for that people you know i’m searching i’m searching i don’t know what i’m going to find so sometimes i take the wrong door oops try again but i have to be honest this is the first time i have the feeling that something is playing me i don’t know what it is but it’s very strange it’s almost too good to be true so to be sure i started looking again at these images and i saw some strange things especially with the spaceship at a certain point you see this strange movement for people who have some experience with editing you know that is something that is happening when you put two markers too close to each other you get this strange hopping also when you zoom in this spaceship is like a 2d object it has been cut out [Music] and very poorly but there’s something else let’s do a simulation a spaceship is flying around the earth now you zoom in on our crater because our crater is very very small so now your spaceship must be bigger but it’s not it is still that little small spaceship flying by so it should be way bigger than they are showing us so my conclusion would be that these images have been edited you show some vital information about our crater and you let an amateur edit these images oh no he forgot to erase the crater i think not i heard once on the internet a guy say nasa is always giving you hamburger truce you have one truth in the middle with two slices of lies or you have one lie with two slices of truth the conspiracy theorists will only see the cgi and say these images are fake and the so-called scientists who have lost all critical thinking will refuse to see the cgi they only see the little blue ball flying in space red pill blue pill our enemy is very very very clever people we have been given the scientific knowledge the technical ability and the materials to pursue the exploration of the universe to ignore these great resources would be a corruption of a god-given ability 10 9 ignition sequence star 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 all engine running [Music] you .