Why You Should Buy the 2019 5k iMac

Jun 4, 2020 14:00 · 1240 words · 6 minute read uninstaller past couple months time

What is going on everyone welcome I like to make tech kind of lifestyle videos I also am a full-time software developer so a good chunk of my videos are about that as well and for those of you all who have been here before and have been following me the past couple months you know that I’ve been testing out a couple different laptops the 16 inch MacBook Pro and now the Dell XPS you’re probably wondering why did I get an iMac I’m going to give a special shout-out to our sponsor today CleanMyMac ex for sponsoring this video I’m heavily invested in the Mac ecosystem and for the foreseeable future I plan on staying that way I have an Apple watch an iPhone I don’t have an iPad pro right now but that is something that I plan on investing in in the future especially now and that the iPad OS is getting a lot more powerful and it’s almost like a full-blown laptop at this point iMac I decided to purchase is the base model 5k 27-inch this iMac comes packed with a 3.0 gigahertz 6 Core i5 8 gen processor with turbo boost up to 4 point 1 gigahertz 8 gigs of RAM one terabyte fusion drive that I do plan on upgrading to SSD in the future and 4 gigs of Radeon Pro 570 X graphics this tool in desktop also has a beautiful 5k display that I’ll talk about later on in the video I did miss being able to airdrop assets and things that I needed for my YouTube videos from like my phone to my laptop and from my laptop to my phone that’s something that you really don’t think about until you can’t airdrop anymore and how come be and it is another thing is that I do miss using Mac OS don’t get me wrong I don’t miss finder at all by any means but there are some quirky things that I’ve been having to do with the Dell XPS that I’m not used to doing that I feel like I shouldn’t need to do for a laptop that’s north of $1000 and the purpose of this video is to not compare the Dell XPS 15 to this iMac by any means it’s just a natural thing to compare your old or existing tech with the new tech that you’re using to my software development and design experience is desktop and web focus however mobile iOS development native iOS development at that has always excited me the most I got a little bit of that experience using Swift and Xcode when I was a senior in college but haven’t been able to sense because one the laptop I had just wasn’t powerful enough to run Xcode efficiently but now with an iMac I have the ability to gain those skill sets and mobile development but the iMac not only can I do content creation but I also can efficiently and effectively do some mobile app development the display was a major factor for this purchase as a full-time software developer and youtuber I greatly appreciate having colorful displays that are accurate for video editing and large enough to multitask while programming with one billion colors and 500 nits of brightness the retina p3 color gamut fills the screen with spectacular color but before we continue to talk about why I chose to get an iMac I want to show you how claimed my Mac X can help maximize your Mac when you first open the app you’re gonna notice that it’s probably the best user experience you have ever seen in a utilities’ app the first thing CleanMyMac X does is scan your heart where for any unneeded junk such as unnecessary files that are being used as you can see only have 536 megabytes of unnecessary junk but you can imagine how many large unused files are on a computer that someone been using for an extended period of time without cleaning their Mac on a consistent basis although most of the unneeded files in my Mac are cache files I wouldn’t have even thought that these cache files could take up so much space so quickly clean my Mac X also checks for and fights any malware ransomware adware and all the other where specific to Mac OS when an issue is detected the app delegates it right away they regularly update their malware database and clean my Mac X’s protection module always has your back another feature that I find so helpful is the duo of uninstaller and updater CleanMyMac X provides an easy way to remove any of those unneeded installers and apps you don’t use and allows you to update all your software those are some things claimed my Mac X did for my system you can see what it can do for your system by clicking the link below you have a free trial so you can give it a try if you want to buy an annual membership or make a one-time purchase to use CleanMyMac X forever be sure to use promo code GL 10 off for 10% off CleanMyMac X license for a subscription or one-time payment you can get one two or five licenses which i think is a great deal to maximize and protect your system thanks again to CleanMyMac x for sponsoring this video wanted a dedicated desktop computer for a while and to be honest i never even considered a pc but I’ve always had my eyes on the iMac because this seamlessly works with other Apple devices like the iPhone so I can stay connected with friends and family while staying focused on my work a 2:1 desktop is where it all started with color grading and video editing hitting my first thousand view video that was edited on this computer so you can say there’s a special connection between the iMac and I outside of having dedicated graphics and a lot of storage I decided to get the iMac because of all the things it has at the MacBook lacks starting with the price face off the specs you get a multitude of ports I can easily connect other computers and devices to 4 USB 3 ports plus 2 Thunderbolt 3 Us PC ports an SD card slot which is something you can take for granted being able to easily input an SD card for video editing and file exchange iMac is also upgradable which was another reason that sold me on this computer so I’m glad I waited for the latest version you pair the custom upgrades with a 5k display and operating system that is reliable and worked seamlessly with other devices you use all the time you have yourself a pretty future-proof machine alright so with that being said that concludes this video give it a thumbs up if you liked it at all comment down below some of your thoughts also if you’re interested in learning more about the iMac and how I use it or my desk set up comment down below or give this video a thumbs up share with someone who you think might benefit from it and as always have a blessed rest of your week and I’m praying that your family and friends are staying safe and healthy I’ll see you all soon peace .