Travis Scott Air Jordan 1 vs Mocha Air Jordan 1
Nov 2, 2020 18:00 · 2528 words · 12 minute read
today we are going to settle the debate i did a poll on instagram to see if the mocha or the travis scott one was better and you’re gonna be surprised by the numbers so stick around welcome back to the channel what’s up with you guys how you doing how you been if you did not know by now my name is dj and this is the dna show now if you haven’t already make sure you hit that subscribe button don’t forget to hit the bell notification i’ll let you know every time i upload a new video and smash the like button because that helps the algorithm oh so much so with all that being said i think first you guys have an idea of what the travis scott one looks like so we’re gonna eliminate this shoe for a second i’m gonna give you guys an in-depth look at this sneaker first that way you at least have an understanding about the mocha one first before we get into the comparison between the two so starting with the mocha one i’m going to run through this real quick and let you guys see what this shoe has to offer looking at the outsole you have all black air jordan one outsole i love that hit on the sneaker because that makes it easy to rock looking at the midsole you have a white midsole with a white stitch and then going to the upper you have a solid leather not too bad i’m not mad at it you got a black toe similar to the black toe air jordan one here’s a look at my pair right here i like to wear these a lot this original color blocking style right here is from way way way back in the day and i think anytime you put this color blocking style onto a sneaker and change the back color it will always be a hit simply because this color blocking style alone is a classic style so that makes it really hard not to love a shoe like this with a color blocking style just like the og style so that alone right there is gonna make a lot of people like the shoe and me personally i love this shoe simply because of the same reason one thing that i am noticing about this shoe is the white leather kind of has like that creamy look to it it’s not exactly pure white and that’s one thing that i do like about these ones as well looking at the tongue you have a white mesh tongue with the black nike air branding right here we have two different lace styles in here specifically because that has been another debate as well so as you see right here we have the tan laces that come with the shoe and we have the black standard laces that come already laced into the shoe so what i did was make sure that it was laced in two different styles and i want to see what you guys say in the comment section down below which style do you like more as you can see from the results right here this is what the people went with me personally i like the black style a little bit more i tend to rock my chicago’s or my black toes or anything like that as you can see from this pair black laces i tend to go with darker laces because i know for one they’re not gonna get dirty and you can’t see it and for two i just kind of like to make my shoe look a little bit darker so it doesn’t look as big because i’m a size 13 so when i personally wear a shoe with white and it has white laces it just makes the shoe look a little bit bigger on my foot so i tend to go with darker colors and darker tones on sneakers and that’s why i love this one as well because of the brown and the earth tones and different things like that now looking at the back of the shoe this is one thing that everybody’s been saying this is the poor man travis scott air jordan one or these are just like the travis scott jordans they’re fire oh my gosh i love them they should have done these over those so i’ve heard different results and different answers from so many different people so let’s go ahead and compare the two shoes okay so let’s talk about numbers first retail on the mocha air jordan one is a hundred and seventy dollars retail on the travis scott air jordan one is a hundred and seventy five dollars now the travis scott air jordan one actually comes with four different laces you got your kind of like tan you got your pink red brown so really you got five different pair laces that come with the travis sky air jordan one so that’s already like one point for the travis scott now i think it would be really dope if people started taking those pink laces and different stuff like that and putting them into the mochas because that’s gonna give it that same type of vibe that a lot of people wanted with these and bringing that over to these since we’re on special touches and collaborations obviously as you can tell the box is brown with the reds so a lot of people like that for collection aesthetic purposes as well and then when you look at the back on the hill right here as you can see you have your cactus jack logo and nothing here on the back but when you look at the materials right there you can see that the cactus jack air jordan 1 has a little bit more kind of feel a little bit more touch to that suede when you see it on the back of the shoe and the colors are very very close but i personally think they are different colors you guys can decide that down below in the comment section from seeing the pictures right there let me know what you think do you think they’re identical or is close enough or why are you even tripping about it like i’ve heard so many different things about people’s opinions about the two materials right here me personally i think the cactus jack is just a little bit better when it comes to that as well also you have a stash pocket right here around the ankle all the way around the foot now this is something that’s like a cool hit or whatever but realistically you’re never gonna use it what are you gonna put inside of it it’s a dope concept i understand it but i’ve personally never seen anybody put anything inside of that so yeah that’s cool and all but i’m not gonna give that like a bonus touch to the shoe to make it better than the other one so another big thing that obviously stands out like i said before is the swoosh so as you can see you have your regular swoosh and your backward swoosh now this is another 50 50 thing some people just like the regular classic og style and i get that some people like to change up and to switch to directions and like whoa this is something different i understand that i appreciate this a lot i really do but if they started making a bunch of jordans with this backwards swoosh on them like i wouldn’t be like oh yeah i need those i need those i need those if they made them regular style like this i’ll be like yes i need those i need those i need those so i think this is that one you know unique rare just you know that one time type thing or every other time or his collection only or something like that so i get that that’s cool and all but me personally i like the og style just a little bit more so when it comes to color blocking you have something more similar to chicago color blocking style right here and then you have like a black toe color blocking style right here those are two iconic color blocking styles and i think that’s a big preference thing as well so that kind of comes down to you which one do you like more i’m kind of 50 50. i like wearing my chicago ones i like wearing my black toe ones it’s really what type of day i’m feeling and what type of you know outfit or all those different things i do like the leather quality more on the travis scott one as you can see the difference between the two ones a little bit more like tumbled pebbled and the other one’s a little bit smoother uh i would say the newer retro is a little bit stiffer and not as soft and the travis scott feels a lot softer so i think that might be one up on that one as well so now overall which one would i pick why like all these different things price you know hype all these different factors if i could only pick one of these shoes if this wasn’t a crazy hyped up shoe if this wasn’t a crazy hyped up shoe and i was like i got one option what would i pick functionality i’m rocking with this one uniqueness i’m rocking with this one so yes i just gave you two different answers and yes i’m the type of person that buys both so it’s hard for me to say but i know if i were to rock a pair i would rock these way more often than i would rock these knowing that i’m gonna mess up the suede on the toe and all those other factors like these have a higher chance of getting you know just so many other things not even just because of the value or the rarity or whatever but literally functionality and rockability of a shoe i’m going with the mocha all day now i do think if travis scott dropped this shoe right here and it had the logo on it and it was a travis scott collab and they switched the box color and gave you extra laces and maybe put a little cactus jack somewhere on the inside or whatever this shoe could easily be worth a couple thousand dollars just like this one and that’s why i think this one right here is a steal of a deal yes the retail was 170 dollars and immediately on the release day the shoe was selling for close to 400 or you know high 300s and people are like yo that’s kind of high like you know the shoe just came out and i’m like bro low-key it is but at the same time it’s only going to go down a little bit like it might hit low 300s high 200s but at the end of the day and another thing people say oh well there’s 280 000 pairs available that’s fine and all but i’m telling you right now a lot of people want multiple of these and they’re telling me right now this is one of the best ones of 2020 and that’s a pretty bold statement but it’s so neutral so easy to rock and i understand when people think about functionality like like this is a win right here and these right here i’m still like it’s like a trophy item you know i’m saying like i do want to wear them but i like them and i don’t want to mess them up type things so if i bought a used pair yes i would rock them to death but having a new pair it’s just hard to undead stock these right now like yeah i know i got two pairs and all but i’m just struggling like maybe one day like it’s just not gonna be today and the way the winter is set up in portland with all this rain yeah these ain’t coming out for a while so when i posted the poll on instagram if you haven’t already make sure you follow me on ig so you can participate in the polls as well but basically i asked them which one is better this one or that one this is what the people said 62 percent of the people went with the travis scott and 38 of the people went with the mocha again i think it’s hype that got him on this one it is unique but this is like a 50 50 toss up for me it’s all situational based on the exact question and conversation that you’re having based on you know uniqueness or functionality all these different factors so for me 50 50. that’s what i want to see 50 50. gotta have both in your collection obviously this one’s way more affordable so overall let me know what you guys think down below in the comment section i’m excited to hear what you have to say what price do you think these are gonna be worth down the road a lot of people have been telling me like these are gonna be worth six or eight hundred dollars i mean that’s a bold statement but the shoes already like three or four hundred bucks so it just could be like you don’t want to miss that train and i get that people got the fear of missing out on all those things but if you want a shoe and you want to actually have it in your collection and you got to pay resale you might have to do it soon so my name is dj i’m signing out i need 17 pairs of these okay now really i need like three so i only got one right now but i definitely need a couple more so i think that’s gonna do it i hope you guys enjoyed this i gots to go yo if you enjoyed this video and you want to make extra money or grow your shoe collection i want to give you a free video with my three tips that were the most powerful that will help you grow your sneaker collection and make an additional one thousand to ten thousand dollars a month all you need to do to get this free video is click on the first link in the description or the comment that’s pinned in the comment section that’ll take you to a page where you can enter your email address and i’ll make sure that i send you a video right away and if you enjoyed this video again don’t forget to like comment share and subscribe my name is dj i’m signing out i gots to go i’m gone peace you .