Apr 13, 2020 19:20 · 498 words · 3 minute read
Hello, my name is Andreas Mühlenberend I am the Professor of Industrial Design at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Hello, I’m Jason Reizner I am the Interim Professor of Interface Design, also here at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and Principal Investigator in the Bauhaus Form + Function Lab Together we have developed a visor …a visor for the Corona Era as a gesture of courtesy to reduce the exchange of droplets with other people as much as possible such as when speaking or coughing The visor consists of two parts: This is an entirely laser cut design We are using no 3D-printed components or elastics The visor that we are presenting today has been cut from a single sheet of PETG film The design is offered under a Creative Commons NonCommercial-ShareAlike license We hope you find the design useful and wish you happy lasering! The visor is produced for a 0.5mm thick PETG film There are no 3D-printed components or elastics I’d like to show you briefly how this visor works It consists primarily of two components: We have a frontal shield and we have a connector, or strap The laser cut components are usually delivered with a protective coating This means that we must first remove the protective coating To make the following demonstration clearer, however, I will leave the protective coating intact. When you wish to assemble the visor take the laser cut frontal shield and the other component: the strap and join them as such Push the strap through the cuts in the shield until you reach the latches and the form emerges This gap is important for those who wear glasses and to accomodate hair or a head covering The second step is setting the correct head size It is not necessary to open the visor every time you wish to put it on or take it off Because it weighs only 60 grams, it is not necessary to tightly affix the visor It’s enough when the visor is worn loosely Here you can see the advantages of having only two components – the shield – – and the strap There are, however, many laser cutters in fablabs that are not large enough to produce components of this size. This is why we have developed a second variant for smaller laser cutters This element is fundamentally the same however the largest component is only 50 centimeter wide The basic form is established I just have to do this step twice now because the strap consists of three parts The function of both of these elements, of both of these strap variants is the same One variant for larger laser cutters made of a single piece A second variant for smaller laser cutters such as those with 60 centimeter work area I hope you find the design useful You can download the production files we have assembled Be courteous, stay healthy, get healthy and feel free to share this project if you find it helpful Many thanks! .