Jan 29, 2021 19:00 · 1059 words · 5 minute read

Oh boy what a day! Hi traders! Thank you for joining. I’m about to show you my best day ever. I’ve been trading for 21 years and I’ve never had a day like that that’s all thanks to GME; now take a look at what happened to GME. This stock started today at $260 and look at the way it’s just moving up that’s the first few minutes of the trading session. I got prepared for this trade. I knew pre-market time  that something big is going to happen to GME, well actually I thought I knew that for the past three days and it did not happen, so I’m still waiting and today I came up with a plan which was a very, very extreme plan.

I was planning on a one million dollar trade and I knew that I’m risking one million dollars. Now take a look at the daily of GME to understand why I’m doing that. This stock was at $19 just recently moved up over $450 just yesterday and the way it started today with a big move up after a big gap down - that indicates just one thing; there still is short sellers who are being squeezed out of this stock and this has to be stopped sometime and I’m about to take advantage of that.

So I’m planning a trade in GME and I did announce in my trading room today that I have a target which is around $200 and I’m expecting the stock to come down, I did not expect it to come down today. I did say that it’s gonna take probably a few days, maybe two or three days, I didn’t know how long, but this time I’m going to hang on and just you know take the heat. Now take a look at the point where I started selling that’s the point where I’m about to short 4,000 shares right now because it moved down from the highs, well I was wrong.

I did have a stop loss my stop-loss was not a technical stop-loss because I stopped trusting GME recently. I stopped trusting the technicals in GME recently because I just learned from the past few days that well it’s a short squeeze it doesn’t have to work according to the known technical rules now look at this point I’m down two hundred thousand dollars and remember my stop is one million dollars, which is approximately half of what I earned last year.

Now four hundred dollars down, five hundred thousand dollars down and that was it. Now GME started to come down you’re seeing it being halted several times that’s one of them because when stock is coming down a lot it’s being halted it’s being stopped now it resumes and it starts trending lower now it’s getting to be a little bit more clear. Now I’m understanding that that would probably be it and at that point right now it crashed I missed that point really because I wanted to add right there under $400, in fact Scott in the trading room, he just shorted it at $400 now it pops up again and I’m getting ready to add another 2,000 shares because I like the trend right now.

It looks to me like it’s failing now it’s hard to see because it’s a fast forward here but you need to take a look at the buyers and the sellers to understand why I thought there will be a pressure now I’m about to add another 2,000 shares and look at the way it just comes down now very nice technical formation here fall short and at that point, again halted, so I will wait again until it resumes here it goes again it resumes. Added two thousand shares.

Now traders if you like this video so far how about giving us a thumb up it’s right here that button it helps our channel helps more people like you who are interested in trading so we will really appreciate that. Now let’s take a look at what continues to happen here today in GME now I just want to remind you, my target was around $200, $250, but that was not an intraday target. I knew I’m getting into this trade for several days. I was surprised. I was surprised.

Now here it is being halted again. Now at that point it’s quite clear to understand that the stock is coming down, look at what happens right when it opened; just moved in, halted again and again when it’s going to open you’re going see a lot of sellers coming in and look at how it goes I’m up four hundred thousand dollars, five hundred thousand dollars and again it’s being halted as you can see here several times as it came down now look at the way it just crashes down and that’s the time where really it’s starting to go back to its senses.

Another crash right over here and at that point again halted. Look at the results here I’m up 1. 2 million dollars. Taking my profits right here. Moved out of the trade. You see the price is around $140 I was really planning for $200. In fact, I was saying to myself that if it only comes down to 250 dollars intraday I would take it. Now take a look at the results over here I had several trades today that’s not my only trade but definitely my best trade ever up 1.

278 million dollars. Well, I’ve never had the trade like that and I hope you enjoyed this trade and if you’d like to see more of my videos you do have the subscribe button right over here and you can hit the notification bell also if you want to be notified of my future uploads and if you like to trade with us and join our team there’s a lot of links right here below that you can join; free trading room link and free courses and so on and we would love if you join our team and again don’t forget to give us a thumb up if you like that video.

05:33 - Thank you very much for watching and I hope it was helpful and educational for you. Thank you. .