No Time To Wait S04E01 Istvan Rev and Alessandra Luciano
Jan 25, 2020 15:40 · 1628 words · 8 minute read
Here in this archive the archive some of you might know is part of the Central European University Which the government without wasting much time expelled from Hungary but the archive will stay somebody should stay especially in the midst of raging culture of war and one of the main frontlines of this culture war, not only in Hungary, but In most of the countries similar to ours is history. So a historical archive, which is an archive of An important archive of post Second World War history the Cold War and one of the largest human rights archives in the world should stay. Although we have been intimidated by the government, I think we don’t have to worry too much because the government is not really interested in historical documents. It is able to produce its own documents to justify its historical claims, so they are not interested in a real archive. Allow me to read you just a few sentences because you don’t have much time to waste either so just a few sentences from The Hollywood Reporter published about a months ago on the 6th of November.
The title is 01:53 - James Dean reborn in CGI for Vietnam War action drama. This is an exclusive report The cultural icon who died in 1955 will return to the screen via CGI using actual footage and photos for the film Finding Jack. James Dean who died in 1955 in a car crash at the age of 24 is making an unexpected return to the big screen. The cultural icon known for Rebel Without a Cause and East of Eden has been posthumously cast in the vietnam-era action drama Finding Jack, Directed by Anton Ayres the project comes from the filmmakers own recently launched production house Magic City Films which obtained the rights to use Dean’s image from his family. Adapted from the novel finding Jack is based on on the existence and abandonment of more than 10,000 military dogs at the end of the Vietnam War.
03:00 - Dean will play a character called Rogan considered a secondary lead role. We searched high and low for the perfect character to portray the role of Rogan which has some extreme complex character arcs and after months of research we decided on James Dean said the director. We feel very honored that his family supports us and will take every precaution to ensure that his legacy as one of the most epic film stars to date is kept firmly Intact. The family views this as his fourth movie a movie he never got to make. We do not intend to let his fans down. But Finding Jack will be live action, The Hollywood Reporter understands that Dean’s performance will be constructed by a full body CGI using actual footage and photos.
Another actor will voice him and 03:58 - Unquote now, you can draw two lessons from this from this article. Lesson one is that perhaps you can go home you don’t have much to do here? You don’t don’t need preserve films or moving images or images in general because James Dean can be resurrected. Budapest at the end of the 20th century can be reconstructed by using computer-generated images So there is nothing to be preserved. The other possible lesson from this article is the opposite. It seems that they still need footage and images at least by now, to reconstruct resurrect James Dean for the movie, so we still need footage and image, so we have a lot to do.
Now 05:00 - We can choose two strategies One strategy is the more the best the quicker we try to preserve and digitize the more documents we can in the best available quality it’s better in this way We are able to save for posterity important documents. The other a possible avenue is the less is the better. The more we can try to deaccession to get rid of, to shread all those images which we consider to be less important more time we will have to preserve those documents which seem to be really important which have historical value. Now the problem is how can we decide what are those documents which will have historical value in the future? How can we foresee what will be important in times to come? Now, here is a definition about historical documents which says that, if I find it, he says that historical documents and this definition are original documents that contain important historical information about a person, place or event and can thus serve as primary source. Significant historical documents can be deeds, laws, accounts of battles often given by the victors of persons sharing their viewpoint or the exploits of the powerful.
06:50 - Though these documents are of historical interest they do not detail the daily lives of ordinary people or the way society function. Anthropologist historians and archaeologists generally are more interested in documents that describe the day-to- day lives of ordinary people indicating what they ate their interaction with other members of their households and social groups and their states of mind. It is this information that allows them to try to understand and describe the way society was functioning at any particular time in history. Now as you can see, these are two contradictory considerations. First the exploits of the powerful The deeds the laws the names of people of fame and the other one is the ephemeral the alltagsgeschichte, the day-to-day activities of ordinary people.
Now, how can 07:52 - how can we decide how can we solve this conundrum? Now fortunately the National Archive of the United States came up with a solution according to a document by the National Archive the way to decide historical value is the following. Historical documents are those that are most likely to be stolen Those that would be marketable to manuscript collectors and dealers particularly items with names, images and signatures of notable individuals or a relationship to a notable event, example war disaster, or celebration. Illegal attempts may be made to sell such documents over the internet or through private auctions or catalog sales, so probably the best way to determine whether a document has historical value is to try someone to steal the document and if he or she is able to sell the document on the black market then it proves that this is a document of historical value now, this is a complicated way to go for us The conclusion is most probably that especially in the case of archives like us which are not constrained by government guidelines and documents it’s up to us to try to decide what might have historical value in the future. In this sense the archivist has real freedom. In this sense It is the archivist who makes history because it’s up to the archivist to decide what will be retained, what will become accessible for future generations to learn about the past. So you are here with a real social historical responsibility and with the freedom and the importance of the archivist and I’m really glad that a group of such important people are here with us today. Thank you very much for being with us. Hi, good morning.
Thank you Professor Rev 10:24 - for these thoughtful opening remarks. Hi, welcome to Budapest, to No Time To Wait 4. Yes very much looking forward to these the next couple of days. For those who came to the code day yesterday I hope you already had a really good start to the conference. On behalf of the organising committee I would like to thank the Open Society Archives for having us in this beautiful space full of light, and particularly thank you to ZsuZsa for making this all possible. But of course thanks to all the sponsors. Without them, you know, we couldn’t do this but also without all the volunteers, so thank you to anybody who signed up to you know print the programs prepare the programs do the livestream, welcome us all here.
So thank you volunteers and to all the contributors 11:12 - for your time to create a really great program, so Yeah, as I said It wouldn’t be possible without you and I’m just kind of like reiterate Joanna White’s sentiment that I do think that the No Time To Wait Effect is in full swing and I think that’s great So a couple of things if you have not signed up for dinner, please do so the dinners tonight at 6:00, its called Kõleves. It’s not far from the official No Time To Wait 4 bar Also, we had to split you into groups for lunch You get the same amount of food and the same amount of time to eat. It’s just for organizational purposes we had to split you. For those who are interested while they’re waiting for their food slot to tour the archives. We can accommodate 15 people today and 15 tomorrow So if you’re interested see me or ZsuZsa during the break, which is at noon.
12:05 - And then I would like to remind everybody that we have a code of conduct if you’re interested in reading it again let us know we have printed copies, please adhear to it. We will enforce it And then finally there’s a live stream hello live stream. Good to have you with us, so please also contribute from home Which leads me to say now, we have collaborative notes. So if you’re taking notes, please share and Yeah, that’s it. So, thank you so much and have a great day and tomorrow as well. Good to see you all. Thank you .