Como Hacer Beats de Reggaeton ft @CrivasOficial

Nov 16, 2020 22:40 · 2129 words · 10 minute read putting something load prefer like

Hello my people write to this side and in today’s video we are going to start a new series here with my friends from BeatStars where I am going to teach you how to make reggaeton from the beginning that you can do to make a good reggaeton, ready? let’s go to go to the computer here well, the first thing you have to know is that for reggaeton we are going to stretch the time normally the time in a reggaeton will be between 80 and 95 of viviane there are times that it can be faster there are times that It may be slower but we are going to be more or less around that area and I would say that a good average or a good starting point could be 88 86 there so the first thing we are going to do is we are going to put here we are going to put it in 86 that is going to be our time to make a reggaeton beat, the next thing we are going to know is that reggaeton always has the same percussion sequence, what varies are the sounds that we put to that sequence so let’s see here which one is the Reggaeton sequence for the kick we have to put it this way the first gray the first red gray the first red has finished for the snr is the fourth gray third robbery fourth gray and third red and here we have the reggaeton sequence you do that with sound and reggaeton and it’s going to sound like reggaeton and we’re going to the test right now there’s nothing because that doesn’t really have any sound right now but we’re going to load it with sounds that are reggaeton for you to see we’re going to listen to them it sounds like reggaeton and if you change that for two different sounds reggaeton is also going to sound reggaeton now really in reggaeton there are many times that we also make sounds like this from scratch but there are also many times that loops are used and here I have a few loops for you to see how It may be in this case you are simply going to create a new channel because of the slide sex or the slide ser and slideshare is here and then it would be simply adding the loop to that channel of the strange p For example we have this one and we can put it here we are going to erase everything else and we have this there you see that it has a slightly different variation we are going to look back so that you see that this variation we are going to eliminate it for now we come back here and that Variation that it has is that it has a stick that would be that sound we put it here and that would be good, we had to adjust the volume and it also had a role that that also had a characteristic sound reggaeton we do not have for example we put it here and we put that in the third red from the end we lower the volume is also the super super super super classic sound of reggaeton ok now let’s go with the melody really the melody in reggaeton is super simple and in fact if you complicate a lot with the melody it may not be like that with such a reggaeton sound we are going to put for example we are going to follow a piano here in the nexus and we are going to choose for example that we are going to lower the volume a little and we are going to choose the chords It is for example they can be all minor and G minor an easy way to do it for example if we want a reggaeton to sound more dance style because in fact we are going to do something we are going to change the sounds this same sequence but we are going to change it for sounds from dancehall once to put that click here and now we are going to find a snr to put that one and we are going to remove these two sounds because those sounds even more of the classic reggaeton something that we are going to add is a hi hat for example s we are going to put it simply there every two steps and now we are going to make the chords that we live remaining and we are only going to give it here to record 321 i i ok that we are going to quantify them in reggaeton many times good idea with chalk there are people who prefer not to count to there sound that I do not quantum but really in most yes yes I leave it with chalk do so let’s put everything here and something to make it sound like a little more interesting that a lot is being done in reggaeton now it is to filter the sound so we are going to activate the filter we are going to lower the cut off a little here we already have a reggaeton base we are going to make the bass the bass almost always I do it with the 3 x here we are going to set this to 0 this in 0 and the bass is super simple we are simply going to make the tonic of the melody we take out what in this case we did we are going to open here it was 2 minor and G minor so the bass would be at 2 and in G which would be the tonic and we put here although I ah ah and there we have a reggaeton style we are going to turn this into another reggaeton style a little differently, the first thing we are going to do is change the sounds for another sound that is a little more classic reggaeton maybe we will change the kick for this and we will change the snet and for this we will see we will remove the piano ok so we are already sounding a little different, right now we will change the sound of the piano for a sound that is more like blues so I’m going to teach how to make another est Different reggaeton style, what we can see, for example, we are going to modernize it a little more with the melody, what I am going to do is that I am going to turn it here into how we were going to erase it on a tiny line and I am going to put it instead of putting it on start putting it here in the third step and the first’ll put this note and here too the notes to the tonic tonic tonic chord chords and pam pam pam pam will put again this so and crisp crisp crisp and now we will add a little uneasiness because this reggaeton style is still a good idea that we add a seasoning mentioned but also complex the reggaeton sounds very good if you add looks so we are going to look for another plug that same but we are going to put a lot backwards more to see everything well And I remember that reggaeton now has it, it sounds nice if you filter the sound it sounds nice now let’s see with this we can make it a melody but melody with the sounds as well chopped as they are as a tap that sounds to plug the do chords and the other is the sun so let’s see what we will do will that ia inventory going to do something like that and then if we have to modify modify yi there I’m wrong a little bit at the end person anything because select it and quantum mos e and that will put more river still going to take the wrong side of the frequency display filter that does a bit of background and and and we will add some sonidito the more so go marking and that’s a nice one and that sounds nice if we play it as in seeing it play like that we play it and that we are going to lower the volume a little bit what I did was I play it all together the sounds the marking accord so I already played it like doing that it goes away so then it slows down and that’s what I love how it sounds and we can also add another sound to that as well as a plus that in reggaeton that plug sound sounds super super good and what I would add from here would be simply sound as makes to mark the background chord or maybe something like this and that background sound and that’s what we are going to see that the quantum moss we are going to put it here we are going to make all the volume the same the first one almost does not sound so I I am simply going to remove it because it is competing with this sound and what are we going to do and I think that with this base and we can maintain it, I knew from here that I would add a few vowels to it, for example here there are three sounds, three vowels that I I added let’s listen to it is the first is this in this of another and the third is are some consequences and that we are going to cut only the bit that we want and it is simply here the link we are going to cut it because we are not going to be only with that initial part So it would be like this, let’s go in a little bit and that we can put it here at the beginning in the eyes of people we can put it maybe there but we are going to make it start from the beginning and we go a little bit the volume this way Well, we are going to cut only the one at the beginning and we remove a little here we have times and we put it perhaps where here from there we can move here to the play list which is where we are going to start aligning it. What I did was that the digits in channels so that each sound stays in a different pattern to practice in one the snr in something else because so I can start to structure it we are going to bring it we select everything we bring it here and we copy it with control controls see like this and we start to structure ok for the beginning we are going to remove all the percussion we are going to remove the bass we can remove the vowels too and that sound of the nexus and we have we are going to cross here we have this and we are not going to remove here it is in the one that is dead no and here it comes the and this we are going to cut it all this and that bass how to create the only thing and what we are going to do is where it deals here we are going to double click it and put the slide here and we are going to put one without slide up here so that it sounds di Jo working here, not ok, that from here to the front I began to structure that it sounds nice that this sounds better here that we cut that bit go and so my people we have a reggaeton beat we are going to use it again here from the beginning and here where the reggaeton player He always says of his name he says and there and things like that and here we are already singing and we enter the choir in my mind so a reggaeton beat is made of course after titles keep working to make it a little more complex than the instrumental you stay like that You saw that we did this that right now it says 20 minutes on the camera that we have 20 minutes recording this I do not know how much is left at the end but in 20 minutes we were able to make this base since it can here we begin to make it a little more complex and so a reggaeton beat is made that I hope you liked we’ll see you next time bye .