Jan 1, 2021 18:00 · 2171 words · 11 minute read

Hi traders done for 2020 in here’s a review of what I did today take a look at ZM that was my first trade today.

00:07 - It just came down close to breaking down under the lows as you can see here is trending lower big move down, a nice bear flag formation, its consolidating here and I’m about to short 4,000 shares right now.

00:20 - I’m short, expecting at that point ZM would move to a new low and the new low is just happening.

00:27 - Once it moved to a new low, you can see that the volume is growing.

00:30 - The volatility is growing and ZM is now moving to the point one point mark bounce basically little bit it did reach my target but I kind of missed it.

00:40 - So I was waiting for another move down and of course, you know, I always like to get my partials on the first move down.

00:46 - That’s my 1:1 risk-reward ratio, but I missed it.

00:49 - However, it kept to the lows and look whats happening now, a new low two points a little bit more than that, and I’m about to take my partial; taking right now, leaving 400 shares and it could continue to come down.

01:00 - So that was my one of my best trades today.

01:03 - You’re going to see a few more now, but as you can see now ZM behaved exactly as anticipated it initially came down with a lot of momentum it consolidated a little bit and then it came down again.

01:16 - That was the break down under this lows, which was the bear flag, but notice I shorted it before it moved to a new low.

01:23 - The whole idea of day trading is expecting a new low.

01:26 - You expect a new low and you short it before it moves to a new low.

01:30 - Don’t take the breakdown, you expect the breakdown.

01:33 - And traders. If you are enjoying this video so far, please don’t forget to give us a thumb up.

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01:46 - So let’s move on to the next trade that I had today.

01:49 - The next is my Boeing trade, now Boeing is kind of going sideways, but initially it came down in the airlines coming down and I was watching this very nice red candle over here thinking that it’s going to come down and probably going to come down on the lows and I’m about to short Boeing, shorting it here 6000 shares expecting a new low soon.

02:07 - Well, it didn’t happen. Now look at my stop.

02:09 - It’s a very clear stop just over 215. 60, but you know, you never move out on spikes, not moving out on spikes is extremely important.

02:19 - Now, it just spiked over my stop. I don’t have a hard stop in the system.

02:23 - I’m waiting for it to pull back down a little bit it did that and now it’s moving over a little bit and I’m moving out of this trade right here.

02:31 - It is important not to move out on spikes. You need to let it cool down a little bit.

02:35 - You saw Boeing coming up moving too quick over the highs, then you wait for small pulled back, you’ve got a nice technical formation there and then over the recent, the last high, you move out that cost me another 20 cents, but sometimes it helps me gain much more than that.

02:52 - Now moving to MRNA here and I’m about to short it and I’m shorting.

02:57 - It was a very quick trade. I really liked it so short it at 8,000 shares and as you can see MRNA is a nice technical formation, it in fact has a V-shaped formation, you know, MRNA initially moved up then came down.

03:10 - I was asking the trading room whether I should take it on the short side.

03:14 - Now, I’m going to fast forward it so you can see what’s going to happen.

03:19 - When you have a V-shaped formation, the stock is likely to continue coming down.

03:23 - That’s the V-shape right over here. So I did go short 8,000 shares, now it’s kind of going sideways.

03:28 - It’s okay. The trend is still down.

03:30 - There’s no problem in that. Of course, I was hoping to see it moving to a new low.

03:34 - I’m about to add now because it is approaching to a new low.

03:41 - So I’m thinking this should be a good opportunity and I’m going to add another 2,000 shares as you can see here.

03:46 - And here we go. It’s about to move to a low and that would be the point where I added.

03:54 - Yes right over here 2,000 shares because it’s proving to me that it wants to continue lower.

03:58 - So now MRNA has a new low. It’s clearly is trending lower.

04:03 - Although it took it quite a long time now, I’m fast-forwarding at a very high speed now so you could see what happened.

04:09 - But you need also to notice the fact that MRNA really kept the downtrend.

04:15 - I mean it was going sideways but it kept the downtrend so it’s not bouncing way too much where I would have had my stop, of course, no somewhere over 110 or so.

04:26 - I should have had my stop and look at this new low right over here.

04:30 - So I’m not adding at this time, but take a look again.

04:32 - You can see that it’s very clearly coming down.

04:35 - If you take a look at the daily of MRNA, you can see that it’s also coming down under a lot of pressure.

04:41 - So I was expecting it to continue. It was on my short list today.

04:45 - And as you can see here, still going sideways it took it quite a long time.

04:49 - I’m not used to that. I always like to get to my first partial real quick and put the danger behind me, but I had large-sized look at this beautiful breakdown right over here just broke down again under the lows.

05:00 - Whenever something like this happens, I’m always waiting for the big break down that just didn’t happen till now but it is about to come right now.

05:07 - So take a good look here comes the new breakdown.

05:10 - That’s another very nice technical formation.

05:12 - And that’s the big one with the volume and now about to take my partial.

05:16 - So as you can see, I’m up like 13,000 - 14,000 dollars and I’m about to take my partial at any sign of a pullback and seems to me like it’s about to do that right now again watching the buyers watching the sellers and at that point when I see little bit of a weakness, I mean weakness moving up took my partial and that ended up as a beautiful trade.

05:37 - Now here comes my last and best rate for the day.

05:39 - That was Tesla. Of course. Now take a look at Tesla.

05:42 - Tesla came down initially closed the gap so continually little bit more, but now it’s trying to move back up.

05:48 - Now, it’s very clear to me that it’s about to move higher.

05:51 - So I’m about to go long 4,000 shares buying right here 4,000 shares.

05:56 - I’m going to fast forward it so you can see what happened now Tesla the interesting thing about Tesla is that it was my pre-market pick.

06:03 - I posted it in the trading room premarket time because the daily of Tesla, and we’re going to take a look at daily of Tesla later.

06:10 - The daily looked fantastic for a long. Tesla just moved to a new high and the way it behaves right now is just nice because it’s trending higher shows me that it wants to continue higher and so I keep watching it and now I noticed that it is trending higher and take a look at the 702. 50 point that’s the point where I would like to add because here right over here of this line, you’ve got a beautiful technical formation for a long and it seems to me like the original point.

06:40 - In fact, the one I moved in wasn’t as good as the 702. 50.

06:44 - So once it moves over 702. 50, I will add some more size, you know, when a stock is going your way you’re supposed to be adding if it proves to you that you will write like what happened earlier with MRNA and now is about to happen with Tesla.

07:00 - Look at the way Tesla is approaching this 702. 50 mark beautiful technical formation just crossed it.

07:05 - Well, it kind of spiked up didn’t really give me a chance to buy exactly what I wanted but I did add because is a big mover.

07:11 - So now I’ve got 6,000 shares and hoping that its going to continue higher here comes the highs and it’s about to move over the highs and this 702. 50 was in fact was probably the best entry point, but I couldn’t have known that when I moved in over 702 and look at the way it just breaks up to a new high.

07:31 - That’s just a beautiful trade and you know when Tesla does that there’s a lot of people who who love to join it because Tesla is a well-known stock, a lot of people are following it when you have a nice technical formation intraday right now in Tesla, then you could expect a lot of help you could expect a lot of people to watch and follow and probably join you now again, let’s fast forward to what happened in Tesla, and I’m about to take my first partial because it’s kind of stalling here in my opinion which proved to be a big mistake later, you’ll see, but I’m about to sell taking my partial.

08:05 - Took right here my partial. That was a $13,000 winner also.

08:10 - And anyway, Tesla did continue now, I do want to take a look at what happened to Tesla on the daily take a look at the combination of the daily and intraday.

08:19 - You see my entry point was right over here when it moved to a new daily high when the stock is moving to a new daily high.

08:26 - You’re not the only one you and other traders are not the only one who are buying there are a lot of other long-term investors, not trading, who are buying.

08:35 - So a lot of people are following the stock, you know, the technical analysis really like a self-fulfilling prophecy.

08:40 - A lot of people see something a lot of people are buying a lot of people and getting into a stock because it just moved to a new high so it’s not just the intraday.

08:49 - It’s also the daily, now let’s take another look at the intraday here that the point where my trade was and that the point where I also added and look at how it continued higher.

09:00 - Well, I did have some more size to enjoy that move.

09:03 - You could see that my results here is fantastic.

09:05 - I mean, I’m up over $34,000 for today. I couldn’t think of a better way to finish my trading year and traders as I mentioned earlier, we would really appreciate if you could give us a thumb up if you liked this video and of course if you want to see more of my trading content, please make sure to subscribe and you can turn on the notification bell, so you will be notified of my future uploads and if you do want to trade with me and my group or with my book or get a lot of other free trading resources.

09:36 - There’s a link right here below which you can check it out right now below this video and just stay green, have a fantastic end of the year.

09:45 - Enjoy your holidays, and I’ll see you all here next year in a few days, Monday.

09:51 - Thank you. Bye Bye. .