✅ +$650 Day Trading WIN on AMD in 2 Minutes | TRADE #124

Dec 23, 2020 20:00 · 2628 words · 13 minute read could 650 gotten probably stopped

welcome back to the channel happy holidays we’ve got christmas coming up we had another interesting day in the markets a little bit of pre-market activity i’m talking specifically about amd and i want to show you this live trade all captured on film i did have another bizarre issue with td ameritrade and i’m going to show you that i captured it on on the video so you’re going to see sort of the weirdness that’s been happening at toss and we’re going to continue to talk about that because i’ve been getting a lot of comments on the videos talking about a lot of people having slow fills not being able to get out of orders i don’t know what’s going on my only speculation and from what i’m hearing is that toss has free commissions so it just seems to be a volume overload like they can’t handle their capacity i don’t really know it’s just my opinion so let’s dive into this trade and first of all i’m gonna roll the disclaimer i’m not certified by anyone i’m just some random dude that likes to trade stocks and uh just showing you what i’m doing i’m not giving any advice so let’s dive into things so on this trade today on amd this is a scalp trade this is a this took just under two minutes um i ended up booking profit on the p l of about 650 and this one has given me some thought i’m trying to come up with a way maybe you can help me with this drop down in the comments let me know if you have any ideas on how i can better manage the trade so that i can stay in it longer i’ve been trying to move my stop loss to 2r and the only way i’m going to stay along for a continued push to the upper the downside is if it’s really violent and forceful but on days when it’s just gently drifting down i typically am getting stopped out because i move my stop loss to 2r and it just seems to be too tight so i’m coming up with other configurations and i’ll go ahead and kick that to you and we can talk more about that but i want to show you this trade specifically what i like about this today is that we had a little more pre-market activity you can see in here a little more going on this is the 15-minute chart and this is think the thinkorswim platform i like to see some full bars forming we did get into yesterday talking about how we were getting these little dashes which means nothing happened and we were getting that moving close to the open of the market and that was kind of a weird sign in terms of overall volume now it is a holiday week and we can expect these things that’s part of the game but today we look better and today it looked like we kind of put in a little little level here and then we started to move higher so i put my order in above this 15-minute candle and then below this 15-minute candle i put on another order and you’ll see that and it kind of looked like we might go long and then just flipped over and dumped so i’m going to push play let you kind of see what’s happening here so it just we get close to opening right there there’s the opening bell it flashes and then drops and we’re just waiting we want to see a nice forceful push i flip over to where my other order is and then you’re going to see a big big push a violent push here right about there go right there so that big push triggered me and it’s at 92.73 now look i just want to say real quick look how pathetic this fill is i’m going to back this up watch my position i’m trying to short 1200 shares look what happens i get triggered i’m short 10 20 22 122 127 it it took so long to put that order together but now i’m finally short and i’m fortunate because i got a nice push to the downside so now we’re looking at 9270 as my price i’ve got my stop loss and one thing i do want to do real quick is back this up look how long it took my stop loss to move so when i push play so i’m in the trade right now and this stop loss is not active yet watch it move it’ll it’ll shift watch it shift into place right there did you see that shift that’s how long it took for my stop-loss to become active that’s horrific because if this price would have reversed violently on me i wouldn’t have had a stop loss in the system and i would have to call toss and say hey my order got messed up the stop loss was super delayed can you help me and then they’d have to reimburse me for a loss that i had that was excessive and beyond my stop so i’ve got some platform ideas i’m going to talk to you guys soon on a video about a new trading platform i’m considering and what my plan is moving forward i just don’t see thinkorswim being an adequate platform for trading intraday when you want to carry larger size and have the security of a stop loss that sounds really weird to say that because a stop loss is such a fundamental thing that just happens and the stop-loss is part of my initial order that i’m entering in the system so you would think it would be a very quick execution to get the stop loss on the chart but as you saw that took a long time to get that in place so with that being said let’s move on to the rest of the trade all right so i hit play on this so this one moves down nicely and what i like about this so far is that it’s already breached these lows of the pre-market so we’ve already punctured the pre-market low which tells me we could get further downside movement and if we do we might get a little upside protection from this turning into overhead resistance that’s what i like so right here we’re down if it comes back up it might bounce off this level and continue lower so we’re up about 400 and now what i’m doing is i’m watching for the p l to get to 2.5 r which is 750 once it hits that level i’m gonna fire off my stop loss at 2r so i’ll show you that coming up and then there’s something else weird that’s going to happen with my stop-loss so right here you can see i’ve got my stop-loss ready to move now when i move it i’m going to point out another issue with thinkorswim another strange issue so it drifts down further i’m looking for 750 it’s kind of hanging in the mid threes but i like that we’re below that support level of the pre-market i think we’ve got some good room down to at least this 92 level just watching watching watching and we’re going to see 750 800 even 900 on the p l so right there i’m going to fire that off now watch what happens here let me back that up just so you can see it a little bit you’re going to see my stop loss is in place right i just fired it off there it is price comes back skips my stop and look what happens got rejected so what happened there was the stop loss took so long to process in thinkorswim that the price action moved on the other side of the stop loss and then the stop loss got triggered and by that time it’s in the wrong order the stop loss can’t be below the price it has to be above the price for this short order so it rejected it so now i’m naked on the trade with no stop loss and this is just the stuff that happens i mean what if i would have punched that and then walked away from my computer i would have had no idea so after that happens now instead of being able to try to stay in the trade i got to make a decision on should i just flatten it right now and i ultimately decided that because technically i would have been stopped out on my strategy or my trade management plan so i’m just watching this looking to flatten it you can see my flatten button up here which just closes me out i get a pushback above 600 and i hit flatten right there so that punches me out for almost 650 dollars which is about 2.2.15 r on the day really great trade i’m really happy with it but to have one two minute trade that has two think or swim stop-loss errors i just don’t know what to do with that so i’m i’m really down on thinkorswim right now i am going to move platforms i am going to reveal what platform i’m going to move to and i’m going to do a whole video on it thinkorswim is fine if you want to buy stocks and hold them or if you want to take an entry and swing trade for a week or three days if you’re doing slower type trading it’s probably fine but again you might be saying jimmy it’s a free platform of course it’s slow and i get it so i’m going to move i’m going to start paying for my data i’m going to start paying to execute trades and i’m going to explain all this in an upcoming video but i got to find a platform that can execute trades quickly and put a stop loss in place within a reasonable amount of time especially when it’s a bracket order when it’s attached to the order so i want to flip over let’s look in here this is the actual live chart for today i just wanted to show you uh here’s my trade my p l right here that 6 41. i just want to show you what happened ultimately we got that push down it was gorgeous great push down but then we got this big reversal so the thing i’m struggling with that i want to talk to everyone about is how could i better manage this i would like to brainstorm on this and see you know i move my stop loss to 2r and then wait for continuation and then play it bar by bar but it seems to be stopping me quite a bit so some thoughts that have come into con the comment section have been what if you took half off at 2.

5 10:21 - r and then move your stop loss to break even and i thought you know what that could be interesting because my break even would have been 70 it would have been 70 right there so that technically would have worked um if i tried to go to a half an r you know that would have gotten yeah i would have gotten probably gotten stopped out of half an hour as well so i don’t know maybe i do some back testing at half off at 2.5 r and then move my stop to break even and wait to see what happens if it completely reverses on me that’s going to be a much smaller win day than i’m used to at 2.5 r i’d be getting one and a quarter r so it’ll be um three about 450 dollars which is still fine i’m any profit is good but it would give me the chance to let these trades move further and that might be something i do because if i back test a bit you know and i figure out where my 1r is there’s might be a chance that a very low percentage of them get stopped out and if that’s the case that’s fantastic because then i can just let it move and get beyond 5r which my rules say anything beyond 5r you can take off at your own distribute your own discretion follow it bar by bar till we get to 5r and then cut the trade so i want to hear your thoughts on that drop down the comment section let me know what you think of that um it’s an interesting thought and one other thing i want to point out was in the video i mentioned that i was happy we breached these lows let me draw a line right here let me go right to these lows and let’s roughly just draw this line and i want to show you something interesting look what happened it was actually protected i just noticed this we got the pre-market lows we got the dump with the pierce i’ll stop saying dump we got the drop with the pierce and then it came back and look what happened it touched the pre-market lows and got rejected so that begs another question maybe i could move a stop loss to that point because it’s 73 that’s 73 so 1 r from here would basically be like um 75 to 50 would be like 50ish let’s see if i went from 75 down to 50 maybe 52 no that wouldn’t have got me one alright i got so that would have stopped me out at 1 r yeah i got to figure through this i got to think through some scenarios but if you have thoughts on this or you’re managing your trades in such a way that you’re able to not be so tight on them and you’re having decent luck staying in a tray let me know i’d love to hear about it but um great green day christmas is on its way i am going to trade tomorrow so expect another video from me um i don’t take days off even near holidays because i’ve done that before and i’ve seen some monster trades take place so i will still be risking one hour tomorrow to take a trade and see what happens but we’ll we’ll kind of go from there then we’ll have we’ll have friday off and then i’ll be back on monday and i’m going to have a lot of information for you starting next week about trading platforms about think or swim about the future for 2021 and sort of where the channel is going but i appreciate all the support last night we picked up 22 new subscribers on the youtube channel and i’m super pumped if you’re new to the channel right now and you enjoyed this content hit that subscribe button and join us hit the like button to help the channel help the video get out to more people and come on over to the youtube banner and click the facebook link and that’ll take you to our private facebook group where i’ll approve you and you can join just under 200 of us who like to just talk stocks bounce ideas off each other we have experience levels from novice very newbie beginners to very veteran senior traders that are consistently profitable so come on over there join us and we’ll see you tomorrow you .