HO INTERVISTATO "THE KING OF ETORO" \- English Interview! - Etoro top Investor
Nov 17, 2020 17:30 · 5002 words · 24 minute read
hello everybody my name is pascuala this is your spammy my personal project to reach financial independence by age 55 and it’s going to be you know quite difficult but today i was very a very special person a vip person coming directly from the top of the top investors of vitora platform jay nemesis how are you jay i’m good i’m doing well today uh happens to be probably my best day of the year in terms of uh portfolio performance i’m pretty happy today pretty i’m not copying you at this time so actually you are i understand you are a celebrity now because if i’m not mistaken you were interviewed by cnbc recently uh bloomberg bloomberg oh yeah um better yeah i’ve i’ve been uh been featured in a few bloomberg articles now um i’ve been on channel 4 bbc uh yeah quite quite a lot of stuff seems to ever be increasing so you’re on a busy schedule now thanks for accepting my invite this interview so um i have a couple of questions that could that you know that my curiosity every time i see people like you being so successful in this world and reaching the top investor on a platform like etoro and try to understand what brought you there so the most probably uh important question for me to understand it’s really where are you coming from where are you now and where you want to be in the first next verse in the future i mean you had the quite a long story on the toro and i presume also you know other investments how did it happen yeah um i mean i guess it spans back to my childhood really like my teenage years um by the time i was like 13 i was really interested in politics and in economics and in investing you know i just found it super interesting um anything that was some sort of a big kind of system or ecosystem was um just kind of interesting to me to learn about so yeah i learned about investing i learned about how money works how currencies work how markets work fully self-taught uh and yeah i i always knew that i you know i figured out from a young age that investing um early is important and compound growth is you know basically the most powerful force force in uh in making money that there is if you want to make money then the best way to do it is to start investing um as soon as you can so that’s that’s what i did and you know i started investing when i was about 18 and joined etoro back in 20 2013 and the rest is history really yeah well hopefully it’s going to be a long history it’s not starting soon but how did you approach the world of investing because it’s not something that everybody at the edge you started wants to do probably people you know look at that age to drive a sports car to go out with ladies or something very very completely different what he did to actually it was my life i mean i’m 42 now and probably was um dreaming a ferrari at the age you started investing so how did you know what was the big uh ignite that it’s something they ignite your passion on this on this world um i just i just find it all fascinating you know um i just like learning about stuff i think really um that’s that’s really the core of it i i like learning about new products and i like technology and i like thinking about where society is going to be in the future um you know i was thinking about electric cars and green energy and things like that you know 20 years ago when i was a teenager i was thinking ah you know what’s what’s the work going to look like when you use hydrogen power we’re going to use wind power are we going to use tidal power and the same for computers i was thinking you know which way is this going our graphics card’s going to become a thing um back then it was kind of up in the air we didn’t know if um computers were going to have graphics cards or not and obviously now now we look at it and we think well that’s obvious and it’s the same thing for everything even even you know modes of transportation airports like everything any any sort of system um you know how we’re working online what documents we’re using the whole thing i just love thinking about it all and trying to figure out where it’s going in the future and that kind of just lends itself very well for investing you know because if you’re kind of thinking about this stuff all the time you get a good idea of which technologies have have some sort of a future in which ones don’t okay so basically the fuel of your success is just curiosity yeah exactly exactly and you know i mean as far as i can see you have also some other question because if i read your bio properly on etoro you started something like a computer technician so you were already something passionate about electronic and i he seems to see you know some of your videos on youtube you’re a gamer because i saw some doom stuff behind you yeah yeah no um i was actually a professional gamer for a while as well um back when professional gamer meant earning you know just about minimum wage if you were one of the best in the world so it didn’t play very well but yeah i i’ve been a gamer since you know the same sort of age i love games again it’s the same sort of thing you know i love the strategy of it and and the kind of thought processes that go behind it uh trying to find the most efficient way of doing things so i play a lot of um strategy games those are the games i play the most and uh yeah and board games and stuff as well and as as you say it just lends itself very well into uh you know getting interested in technology okay just a bit of curiosity did you play civilization in as a one of your games yeah so i uh civilization five i think i have like 4 000 hours played on steam so yeah and i used to play civilization 3 and civilization 2 as well so yeah those those are exactly the kind of games that i love so where you can put down your curiosity about so you will to develop whatever you’re doing yeah you know the the kind of idea of uh shaping society the way you want to shape it and building your own civilization you know as the game suggests uh i mean you know i play a lot of political games as well um there’s a game called democracy democracy four that i play which is basically you know you taking over uh the the country you know pick a country the uk italy france uh us you take over the country and you decide the tax policy and you know the business environment the laws everything um and i find that really interesting as well it’s good uh good way of like you know theorizing stuff so you work on macroeconomics by playing games and then you put in your yeah yeah i just enjoy thinking about it all you know something that very my curiosity here is that you succeeded in on it or as a platform as a top investor but do you see something different in yourself compared to other people that like for example i was trying to be a popular investment toro i i joined the partnership and so on but then at a certain point i realized that it was too heavy for me to carry on my shoulder other people money because it was a big responsibility whatever you’re doing you can lose other people money what do you think it’s something that is you know define you differently from other people there join the platform or in general term on investment i think to some extent you’ve got to be a little bit robotic right you you can’t be too emotional um and again another thing that i learned early was you know to not give money as money but everything in terms of percentages today is a really good example right so today i’m currently up around six percent on my portfolio which is you know an amazing day of profit but if i think about that in in terms of numbers in terms of the amount of money i’ve made for copiers it’s like four million dollars if i am thinking to myself about opening and closing trades that are worth you know half a million dollars with other people’s money um i would trade differently uh you know i would be more fearful and more cautious and i wouldn’t trade the way that i really want to so the way i tend to think about it is that i imagine that nobody else is copying me um you know i i warn people about volatility as much as i can so that you know i feel a little bit better about you know having warned people that you know these things go up and down and i just treat it you know treat it like it’s my own and just think about the percentages okay yeah that’s that’s a good point actually for me instead was just seeing um a red dot somewhere in the month and then i was thinking oh i’m losing some other people’s money how can i avoid that and then it was doing other mistakes so yeah like you said being a bit robotic and just not to think what in terms of money but just percentages yeah i mean it was a it was a real learning curve even even with that kind of mindset going into it i still uh you know when i first became popular on etoro to to a large level you know i was getting like my first thousand copiers at that kind of point and managing my first you know uh 500 thousand dollars of other people’s money at that point was where you know i kind of had to come to terms with it um and it did take time because you know for the first month or so i was chasing profits and chasing trades i was like oh no this person’s just copied me i need to make the money like immediately and get them in the green and eventually you learn to just kind of not care so much about that and you know focus more on telling people to think long term and you know just let your portfolio do the work for you you just learn to stick to the plan and to your strategy and let the emotions go yeah exactly exactly um you’re an investor as we’re telling the whole interview but are you something different also do you save money or do you plan other stuff rather than being just investment like i don’t know some some people when they reach certain point they think about um real estate investment or somebody drive some money on the peer-to- peer lending do you have other kind of investment or you just focus on the stock market at the moment stock market anymore yeah so um i got into cryptocurrencies in 2013 and basically all of my cryptocurrency essentially is outside of etoro um so i still have that and you know i used to trade actively but these days i tend to just kind of leave it alone and let it do its thing um i haven’t gotten into real estate i’m not sure if i will or not um you know i own my own house but that’s uh that’s about it um i think you know it’s it’s a it’s a good safe investment but for me i much prefer to invest in things that are really going to impact the world you know i want to be able to look back in in 10 years or 20 years time and think that my decisions have led towards good things right good products being made or jobs being created and and a building doesn’t really do that land doesn’t really do that so it doesn’t really fill that gap in me it feels more like i’m leeching from society than than kind of this give and take relationship where i’m i’m helping companies build stuff and i’m um directly funding stuff and i mean that also is a big part of why i like etoro you know the fact that i’m i’m helping my copiers at the end of the day you know i’m i’m earning them money and yeah i’m getting paid while i do it but um that the fact that i’m helping people that maybe don’t have that much in savings and they they start with 500 and by the time they stop copying me they have five thousand dollars that’s um you know that’s kind of the dream really to help normal people understand um better ways of saving money um yeah yeah and on that side you can also think that you’re helping other companies to grow if you believe in a business you believe what they’re producing or what they may produce in the future you’re just giving them your trust your confidence then they grow yeah exactly i’m providing them with resources to help them achieve their goals and and and you know i i’m i try very hard to be like an ethical investor as well you know i don’t invest in oil and guns and smoking and anything that i think is you know a net negative to the world um even companies like facebook i i won’t i won’t uh go long on facebook because i’m not convinced that they’re actually good for the world um so you know i i want i want to be able to look back with a with a clean conscience and know that my money and my resources my time was spent making things better not worse and that’s that’s a big part of how i uh look at investing so you can make money being ethical you don’t need to be like uh yeah i i think that there is you know i i mean i i hope that i’m starting to get to the point where i’m i’m evidence of that for people right that you can invest uh in in good things um and and still make money at the same time okay now that we are talking about investment uh probably this evening we will know who is going to be the next president of the united states how do you think this election will impact the investment in the medium term because obviously in the long term you know every four years they change the present but in the medium term what do you think is gonna happen um i think the markets are gonna continue to go up basically um you know i i did uh i’ve been through a few elections um while i’ve been investing and one thing i’ve kind of come to realize is that it doesn’t matter who’s in power companies still make good products they still sell those products the economy still grows as a whole and everything generally trends upwards you know it may be a bit bumpy sometimes um especially around the election like that the month of the election is always pretty bumpy um but really markets respond more to uh more to the kind of global macro trends than than any single nation even the u.s stock market you know that the trade war with china will have more impact on how markets perform than uh who wins this presidential election i think um so yeah that’s that’s kind of the way i look at it and actually um you know i i went and read quite a few um scientific studies and and journals um about this actually this year and they basically reinforced that belief you know that actually it doesn’t really matter who who’s in charge um red or blue and the same for other countries as well to a large extent unless it’s something really extreme things tend to still continue you know pretty uh pretty much in the same direction the market flow just uh followed the flow of the river and everything else is forgot probably yeah pretty much pretty much um do you have any other project in your mind because at the moment i presume you have your hitoro partnership but do you have other projects you are planning to develop in the foreseeable future yeah i mean i’ve thought about all sorts of things um you know i’ve i’ve been approached by by family funds and and small hedge funds of different types before to work for them but that doesn’t really interest me um i’m quite entrepreneurial i actually used to run a gaming tournament website um and i think when i’ve got a bit more funding behind me i wouldn’t mind trying to give that another shot i think it was a good good idea and a good project but i was a bit young when i when i first was working on it so i’d like to work on that again um i’ve considered making youtube content as well like financial content uh and you know i’m on the fence about if it’s worthwhile or not you know i don’t one thing i really want to make sure i do is is not spread myself too thin um you know i’m my number one concern is is making money for my copiers um and you know that’s that’s it at the end of the day so so nothing else um nothing else big really planned but you know i do have some ideas and and the other thing of course is that i i do enjoy investing generally and and so you know but perhaps in the future maybe a venture capital fund or something would be really cool to do yeah um but that’s that’s a few years away yeah yeah it’s not in the in in the short term probably yeah yeah uh yeah i was i was actually um asking something else about the youtube channel because i was thinking some a person like you with so many coppers and so many followers on etoro i was expected to find a huge youtube channel instead i think you don’t at the moment you are not developing that much but probably is something that you want to do in the future yeah as i said it’s something that i’ve thought about a lot and you know in in 2018 um when i first kind of started to see a lot of success i i experimented with putting out like weekly update videos and and i i experimented with some slightly different content i did content um covering cryptocurrencies and and other stuff but i’m i’m not a very good presenter um you know i’m i’m not uh super charismatic on camera i don’t think so um it’s it’s not really where my strengths lie and as as much as i think um i could add quite a lot of value uh and and help people learn the kind of stuff that i’ve learned um i’m just not sure that i’m the right person for it right and so i need to think about things like hiring an editor and hiring someone to present the information and before i know it you know it’s turned into like quite a big risky venture to take on so um you know that’s that’s why i’m kind of on the fence about it i don’t want to rule out uh doing it because maybe i will at some point decide to do that but for the time being i’m pretty happy with the kind of content that i’m putting out at the moment you know okay and to follow all your daily routines are you strict in your daily routine do you plan it are you able to manage your day in the way you want every day yeah i’m not at all strict um most most like big important ceos and investors will tell you that they wake up and they read the news in the morning and then they do this and then they do that and they read an ebook or whatever um you know i get up at different times every day i go to bed at different times every day sometimes i stay up all night watching election news sometimes i play games when i should be uh should be watching the markets not not too often um but i think that’s kind of what keeps me sane you know um investing is actually a really lonely job so i think making sure that you kind of have a flexible lifestyle around it and you’re able to kind of you know drop it and and do other things and go outside for a walk or you know play some games or socialize with your family um is is important and you know for me i trade uh mainly us markets but i also trade european markets and asian markets and cryptocurrencies so you know essentially that’s 24 hours of my time right i can’t i can’t be watching it all the time so generally i try and uh try and make sure that i have time off but that being said i do try and stick to a rough schedule you know my working my core working hours are basically when the us markets are open sometimes i’ll you know take an hour off or go do something but essentially i’m always watching at market open and the market closed regardless yeah even having said that nowadays with your mobile phone you can check every time if you need to if you are something important happening yeah no i never i never go anywhere that hasn’t got an internet connection so no small houses in the mountains of italy no no exactly exactly uh do you think you need any kind of special gifts to succeed in the world of investment or i mean the right education makes everyone everyone possible to succeed in this field um i think to some extent you need you need certain certain qualities i mean there’s different styles of investing as well that lend themselves to different types of personalities um but i think one one thing you need is is you know as as bad as it sounds this kind of lack of emotion um because that that’s the hardest thing to control um and every investor every every book you read on the subject will tell you that um you know the fear and greed cycles and and how they can kind of uh play with your mind um on trades and and also even just you know um having regrets and stuff you know once you do a trade you need to forget about it and move on to the next trade it doesn’t matter if it made lots of profit or if it made a massive loss you need to just forget about it and move on because it’s no longer important um in terms of learning about it i i think anyone is capable of understanding how how financial markets and work and and you know what good investing strategies are i think the hard part is um is predictions um trying to figure out how the market is going to view a certain event for example these elections you know the market has moved pretty wildly up and down throughout the u.s elections as it’s kind of looked more obvious that biden was going to win then it kind of favored trump and now it’s kind of swung back to biden slightly um and i think you know for for me what’s made my portfolio perform well during this time is that i i was very sure in my head of which way things were going to go before that event um and and i had contingencies in place if it didn’t um so it’s about being prepared and it’s about uh kind of you know being being sure of your own ideas as well so some people are going to be good at that and some people are not going to be quite so good at it so you always wait you have to prepare for the good investment but also you have to pray for the black swan that you can encounter doing this yeah it’s interesting you say that you know a lot of people talk about black swan events and how you know you can’t predict them and it’s true that you can’t predict what the black swan event is going to be but you can identify it early and act early um and and that’s what i did with covid and that’s how i managed to um do so well through march and that’s also what i’ve done with the us elections um so you know i i don’t buy into this idea that you know um everyone is gonna end up being victim to a massive market crash um it’s likely that most people are i have been i’ve been caught out by the cryptocurrency crash in 2018. um but at the same time i do think that all of these things are avoidable if you’re paying enough attention to the right places um and and constantly you know focusing on on what’s happening in the world so you can’t avoid it completely but you can actually turn the events in your favor if you are able to foresee what is going to be happening in close to the event to that event yes exactly um if somebody wants to start investing now i mean 2020 with internet connection there are brokers everywhere there are information everywhere free of charge you can you know watch video on youtube do you have any specific advice you can give to those people that want to start now as a fresh investors um i think the number one golden rule that i see so many people breaking is uh leverage do not use any leverage do not use do not trade options markets do not trade uh do not short stuff do you not go uh on five times margin or lending money or anything like that don’t don’t invest money you don’t have those are the things that really undo people quickly um as long as you do that and and you start off small you’ve got a good chance of of learning what you’re doing um while keeping the price of that learning low right everyone’s going to make a lot of mistakes in their first few years trading and i’ve been trading for you know over a decade now and i’m still finding that i’m learning a lot every year um even this year i think i’ve learned so much more than i knew back in 2019 and in 2019 i thought the same thing of 2018. so it all takes experience um so you know start off slowly uh and don’t use leverage those are at least not at the start those are those are the things i would recommend okay and what about there’s a big debate about this if using the demo account or not because some people are saying if you use the demo account you don’t put your emotion on your money when you’re trading well if you use the real money you’re probably treating the trade differently do you think the demo account is a tool to be used or is not i i think demo accounts are really useful um but only really for learning how trades execute how to use the platform where everything is um you know what it’s going to look like when you’re making a profit how to set your stop losses and your take profits you know more experience in looking at candlesticks testing out different ideas different strategies um you know i think uh there’s definitely a place for demo accounts in the first few months um but after that i would say that trading with real money is better um yeah okay so good advice from one of the top experts of vitora today um thank you very much for being with me this evening has been a pleasure and you know and giving some kind of advices to people that are not so expert from a person that throughout the decade that you as you said before did his own mistakes and learn from what he did in the past to bring exceptional um an exceptional future to himself and to all these coppers is an honor for me thank you very much for being this evening jay has been a pleasure thanks for thanks for having me and everybody for everybody else thanks for following this video up to the end my name is squad this is your espanol and see you next video bye you .