✅ +$900 Violent Scalp Trade in AMD | TRADE #106 FULL DAY TRADE BREAKDOWN & ANALYSIS
Dec 4, 2020 19:43 · 2005 words · 10 minute read
[Music] all right we had some violent activity today you guys are gonna amd if you didn’t see amd this morning it was extremely violent out of the open and i consider myself fortunate because it just was violent in one direction sometimes amd gets crazy and it whips up it whips down it whipsaws everywhere it stops you out in every aspect of every trade so i was lucky this morning in that it just got violent to the downside i’ve got it on video i’m going to show you every second of it i made almost 900 today in i think it was 52 seconds i went back and looked at the time stamps super super quick trade i didn’t expect this and then in the middle of this trade something crazy happened i tried to move my stop and i kind of kind of fumbled it so i want to show you that and talk through the logic of why i exited when i did and how i put that together but you can see right now on here that i’ve got this trade set up and it’s an order for 1200 shares and you can see my short order here i’m looking to go short below the low of this candle here now the weird thing about this is when you put in a stop limit order sometimes it shows it a little odd like it looks like i’m trying to enter here but this is actually the extended far limit of the stop limit order the actual trigger for the order is up in you know 10 cents below this low so it kind of looks funny from this angle but just so you know that’s why this is down here but i’m looking to get short below this low you can see that when the bell opened it whipped up but it didn’t breach me to the upside if it would have breached me to the upside i do have an order waiting at that point so i would have been triggered in i wasn’t triggered in it whipped back down and i’m just going to let you watch it and i’ll comment here as we go but you can see a really hard push down i got my fill at 92 45 which was 10 cents below the low of that last candle now i want to stop it right here you can see how crazy this fill was i was getting filled one share 18 5 a really slow and sluggish fill today i don’t usually like seeing that that usually causes some issues but today it didn’t seem to be a problem so as i continue on i’m filled at 92 42 and a half so actually a really nice fill and then we just start watching it and you’re going to see in a second i’m going to come over and i’m going to take a look at this stop loss and i’m going to edit that order as most of you know i like to edit that order and i’ll explain real quick what i’m doing i’m editing that stop market order because what i want to do is when i see 2.5 r on my p l over here 2.5 r for me is 750 as soon as i see it flash 750 i’m going to fire off that stop loss and i’m going to move it from where it is now to a positive 2r in my direction so that i can guarantee that no matter no matter what happens in this trade i’m locking into r so i’m going to do that but you’re going to see a little bit of a blunder so i got the edit i put 50 cents lower which is 2r for me and now i’m waiting i’m watching this p l i’m saying okay when do we hit 750 whenever we do i’m firing this off and there it was but here’s the crazy part i fire it off when it’s trading for 762 on the p l right so it’s a perfect fire and i’m going to put it at 2r which is 600 but in a microsecond as i advance this it’s immediately at 546. it was so violent it whipped back below 2r so that when i put my stop loss out you can see it it gets put out right here but the price action is already back below it i’m actually on the other side of my stop loss so what the system will do is actually just cancel the stop loss which is what happens here you can look up here it canceled it because you can’t put it you can’t put it on the wrong side of the price action so now i’m naked and i’m considering you know what i need to do i need to click over here in the chain set a stop loss edit it make it a stop market order and then send it out but in my head in real time i’m thinking that’s going to take multiple seconds at which point this stock could whip all the way back to break even or even put me down so what i decided to do was watch it for a second see what it does if i get a big push in my favor take the profit so that’s ultimately what i end up doing here it pushes down i’m just waiting i’m like well let’s see what happens it pushes over nine 900 almost 900 and i just click flatten you can see that again right here it pushes down 757 810 858 870 846 i hit flatten and i’m out and you can see my order i got filled at 91 6898 for 200 shares and 91 6898 and another order for a thousand so i got filled and finished the day up 882.38 which is almost 900 in just 52 seconds so incredible price action today incredible trade very very violent i haven’t seen a violent trade like this on amd i think since october the whole month of november i don’t remember one being this violent back in october i had a few trades where i was actually being punched out with a 2.5 or a 2r p l within you know sometimes less than 30 seconds so this was great to see this is sort of an indication to me that you know maybe amd is picking up a little momentum going into the holidays maybe we’ll get more violent moves like this now the thing you might be saying to yourself is well jimmy you didn’t follow your plan and you’re right i didn’t bungling or fumbling that that stop-loss edit threw me way off and so i punched out so now my concern is what if this is a monster what if this is a 14r runner so i can play this a little bit i think i cut the film off pretty soon but it continues to push down it pushes down hard for a while and ultimately it went as low as 7.
5 r 06:52 - so it would have been really nice to be along for that and i would have been if i would have been able to get that stop loss in but what happened is after this played out it crept all the way back up before this candle closed and it would have stopped me out at 2r so if i would have stayed with this trade i would have been committed to my trade plan and i would have been stopped for 2r if i would have broke my plan and just flattened it as it was raging to the downside there’s a chance i could have locked in between 6 and 7r possibly close to 7 and a half hour if i’d had gotten lucky and bottom ticked it but i didn’t i just punched it out i’m very happy with what what it is given that i screwed things up i i messed up the stop loss but what you can see and i’m going to flip over the chart real quick is that over here it did come back this was where i’d be stopped out that was my 2.5 r if this candle came back it stopped me out it dropped and it finished right here and then you can see it matched itself back and then created sort of a nice breakout zone here and then went long so it ended up being a great price action to both sides i caught it to the downside you could have also at some point possibly taking it to the upside depending on what your trade plan is and it could look good both ways this morning in the facebook private group if you’re not part of that private group go ahead and click the link in the youtube banner and put in a request and i’ll approve you but in the private group we had all kinds of great discussion this morning on um opening range breakouts different strategy talk a lot of back and forth so there was a lot of great engagement in the private group this morning so i want to thank everybody for that but this trade was super interesting and i’m just going to show you the uh just going to show you the p l so you can see it but um 882 38 is where it ended up great trade great to see some some violent volatility out of amd right out of the gates you can see if i move myself out of the way this first 15-minute candle brought in a little over 5 million shares traded you can see that right here when i hover that candle 5 million shares in that opening 15 minute candle so a lot of great action at amd a great winner today almost 900 ends up being a full 3r almost a full 3r position for me so it’s gonna end the week for me at uh 7.5 no 7.75 are almost almost an eight hour week for me so really really exciting great start to december and we’ll see where we go from here if you have questions about your strategy or your trade management drop in the comments below if you’re new to the channel please subscribe we’d love to have you hit the like button if you got any value out of this video or if you just want to see me continue to produce these live or these recorded trade recaps because i think it’s helpful for people to be able to see price action and see how someone’s trading it and have somebody comment on why they did this why they did that and just kind of go through the ins and outs i find it really helpful i want to keep providing it for free but i want to have a lot of people come to the channel get the subscribership moving in the right direction and also if you haven’t checked out our private facebook group look at the banner on the youtube channel click the facebook icon it’ll take you over to our private group submit a request i’ll prove you right away we’re getting a lot of great discussion in there and a lot of good people who are trying to learn we got people who are brand new we got people who have been trading for quite a while a lot of different uh mix of experience so go ahead and join us over there hope this was helpful comment below and we’ll see you next time oh this was trade 106 i forgot to mention that trade 106 amd violent push to the downside almost plus 3r all right have a good day [Music] uh .