Run BTS! 2021EP. 130 Full episode [ENG/INDO-SUB]
Mar 4, 2021 06:45 · 10273 words · 49 minute read
[RUN BTS] [EP. 130 Long-term Project Tennis 2] [This content was produced in sponsorship of FILA, WILSON, and Banyan Tree Club & Spa] [Previously] We finally [BTS started the first long-term project] have a long-term project.
00:22 - [For tennis beginners] [National team tennis players are here] - Seriously? - Really? Great.
00:28 - Great job. It was the best. [A special lesson with special teachers] - What was it? - j-hope’s backhand! [Final goal is to participate in a tennis tournament] Sports competition for all.
00:43 - [Despite the busy schedule] [they’ve been practicing] Okay. Again.
00:51 - RUN BTS continues. RUN BTS! [The last story of the first long-term project, Tennis project, begins now] 1, 2, 3.
00:58 - RUN BTS! [It’s been a while since they gathered at a tennis court last time] It’s been a while.
01:02 - That’s right. Why do we keep showing up here…
01:05 - [A little trigger SUGA pulled] - You know our plan. - The long-term project.
01:08 - [The first long-term project, tennis] We have tennis for a long-term project.
01:10 - But as “Dynamite” [Being proud of themselves] came out, [Congrats on “Dynamite” in Billboard Hot 100 for 22 weeks] - suddenly… - Got busy.
01:15 - - We never know how our lives will play out. - That’s right.
01:17 - [A person left out here] - We fortunately got good results. - Right. - Right.
01:21 - Can you guys please look at this way, too? [1 person who needs attention] - To sum… - We’re all taking like this.
01:25 - To sum it up, we didn’t practice much.
01:30 - [Conclusion] - In fact… - And we won’t. - We won’t.
01:32 - - When we started the long-term project… - I know. - Right.
01:34 - [Copy and paste] - Why did we start the long-term project? - Please understand.
01:36 - - Wait. You’re talking at the same time. - I think we can continue on this.
01:38 - - Excuse me. - What? [Please refrain from speaking at the same time] Armatures, please talk over there.
01:42 - [Unfair] - You were the only ones talking. - Please stop talking.
01:44 - Raise your hand before talking. [Me] Okay. Go ahead.
01:48 - [Clearing things up] What are we doing now? [Great timing] It’s RUN BTS, the tennis episode.
01:52 - - It’s the second time as a group. - Right. - Right.
01:55 - It is? I feel like we did 3 to 4 times.
01:57 - - The 2nd time as group. - As a group. - It’s a match now.
02:00 - When did we first practice? In summer.
02:04 - - I remember it was really hot. - It was getting hotter.
02:06 - [Agreed] - Right, it was really hot. - It was starting to get hot.
02:09 - [Great day for tennis] - It’s good to have breeze. - May? Everyone, please understand we practiced just once [Making an excuse] in 3 to 4 months.
02:17 - Some members practice hard since then. [Lacking confidence] - We forgot anyway. - That’s true.
02:22 - It was 5 months ago. - Before we start, - 3 times? - we need to make something clear. - That’s a lot.
02:28 - How do you like a long-term project? [I want to be a comedian… ] Our organs are in a great shape. (pun in Korean) [Loving the joke] - Organs in our bodies… - These organs. - They are fine.
02:35 - My lungs are fine. [Regretting] We wanted too much.
02:39 - It should’ve been easier to access. A talent show would’ve been better. (pun in Korean) - Right. - Rather than a long-term project.
02:46 - Well… let’s just try, then. You ranked #1.
02:50 - [They didn’t have time for practice] Along with individual schedules.
02:53 - [Even a concert] - You did a concert, too. - Sure.
02:54 - And SUGA can’t play for personal reasons. [Today’s special MC and commentator, SUGA] - Today we have MC SUGA. - MC. - Talking is…
03:01 - [We’re playing tennis] - Go over and get it. - Get them.
03:03 - SUGA, before saying the first line, [For the beginner commentator] we thought it would be hard for you to handle.
03:08 - Sure. [Special guest, practice coach and sportscaster] We have your practice coach.
03:11 - - It’s been a while. - It’s the first time for me.
03:14 - [Correct it to 6 coaches] Can you call them 6 coaches? - You’ve never seen him? - Please welcome our coach.
03:19 - [Welcome] - Coach. - Hello. It’s been a while.
03:22 - - We met him just a couple of times. - Hello.
03:24 - [Members didn’t have much time to practice] - It’s been a while. - We didn’t meet much, either.
03:26 - 3 times? I did just once. - He was really good, but I forgot them all. - That’s true.
03:30 - - I’m sorry. - You worked really hard, but we…
03:35 - Hello, I’m coach Kim Sang Kyun, today’s commentator and referee.
03:40 - - Good to see you. - Great to see you. - Thank you.
03:41 - I wonder how you’ll comment… - Hope you have something to comment on. - Right.
03:44 - I just hope so. [Preview 1] That’s why they should’ve practiced.
03:47 - [Preview 2] That’s an interesting way of playing tennis.
03:50 - - Right. - We’re not sure if there’s anything to comment.
03:53 - [BTS Tennis championship tournament begins] [At a loss] - Right away? - Okay. The tournament starts now? [Shall we call it out?] Okay. Let’s do RUN BTS, first.
04:01 - - Let’s do RUN BTS. - We say, RUN, and you say, BTS.
04:02 - - Say BTS. - Yes. - RUN BTS! - Let’s go! Let’s go.
04:09 - [Today’s RUN BTS. BTS Tennis Championship] [The first long-term project and the last story] [Who’ll be the winner of the first championship?] Hello, I’m the host of BTS Tennis Championship.
04:18 - [Tennis Championship] I’m SUGA. Tennis champion? [An honor the winner will get] - The winner becomes the champion. - Sure.
04:25 - Okay. Let me explain the rules. [BTS Tennis Championship rules] After [1. 1st round with 1:1 matches] 3 1:1 matches, [2. After 1st round, the winner by default to be determined] We need to decide a winner by default.
04:34 - [3. MC SUGA draw lots for the table] We are 6 people.
04:37 - [One of them wins by default] Winners move up.
04:39 - - And one person will be a winner by default. - A winner by default.
04:41 - With 2 wins out of 3 games under tie-break rules, [Those with 7 points move on to the semi-finals] those with 7 points - 7 points? - will go to the semi-finals.
04:48 - 2 wins out of 3 games and 7 points? [1st round is just a preparation for the final] It’s just a beginning.
04:52 - Now that you know the rules, [Rules explained] it’s time to fill the table.
04:56 - He explained rules? [The explanation is over?] - It was over? - Which rules did you explain? 2 wins out of 3 games, 7 points.
05:03 - [Points only] - Are there any other rules? - Okay.
05:05 - For example, we should stay inside. There should be such simple rules.
05:09 - - Not allowed to hit the head. - Right. How… we are so far apart.
05:15 - - Please focus. - Throw it. The coach will adjust based on our practice time.
05:22 - [The coach has a plan] j-hope and Jin are not going to play.
05:24 - Please explain. [Who does he think will win?] Please predict a winner.
05:27 - Jin practiced the hardest. [Looking great] Jin! [The most attendance] - How many times did you do? - 4 times.
05:33 - - Wow, 4 times? - No, no. [I’m a witness] Jin attended almost every time.
05:35 - [Even with humility] Just 3 to 4 times. And I was told j-hope [Everyone knows j-hope is a medalist] - got a bronze medal in elementary school. - A bronze medal.
05:42 - This bronze medal shouldn’t be exaggerated.
05:45 - There were 3 teams. Which means I was the last.
05:48 - [Hilarious] - Since we have a medalist. - The bronze medal keeps following me.
05:52 - [j-hope says it was for participation] I should be happy to win a medal.
05:53 - But I wasn’t. That’s why we put 2 apart.
05:58 - [Medalist vs. Hard worker] Right. The medalist and the hard worker.
06:01 - [Considering the viewers] The 2 people should match at the final.
06:04 - [A table for fun games] To make this game fun.
06:06 - Just because I worked hard, it doesn’t guarantee I’m good.
06:07 - [Hold on] Which means [Counterparts of Jin and j-hope] The opponents will necessarily lose.
06:10 - [Just scape goats] They are scape goats. [Like sacrifice?] - They are like sacrifice for the final. - That’s not wrong, though.
06:14 - I think this game may end very quickly. So, [The match to decide the loser sounds as exciting] I suggest having a match to determine the 6th place.
06:21 - - to determine the 6th place. - A match for the 6th place? Let’s decide the loser, not the winner.
06:27 - [Good idea] - Sounds good. - Who’s really bad… - Anyway.
06:30 - [RM, all of a sudden] It could be RM. I’m going to [SUGA picks a draw] pick a ball to fill the table.
06:35 - [Agreed] - Of course, we do. - Do you agree? - Sure we are.
06:38 - - Great. - Gotta do our best, and we go up if we lose? - It’s for #2. - Okay.
06:44 - [Who’s #2?] Who’s up against #2? [j-hope vs. #2] Against you.
06:46 - It’s j-hope against #2. [Drum rolling] Who’s the scape goat to j-hope? - Let me pick one for #2. - Let’s go.
06:52 - [Can’t talk] Do you know what’s funny? [An invisible wall] Here is a wall.
06:56 - - I told you so. - Here is a wall. No one looks at that way.
06:59 - [The position that needs attention] I get to move over here.
07:01 - No one looks there. [#2] - Here is the center. - #2.
07:04 - [Focused] That one? - Pick another. - Which one? #2.
07:09 - - j-hope vs. Jung Kook. - Jung Kook. Jung Kook is great.
07:17 - - Jung Kook is good. - He is really good. [Jung Kook vs. j-hope. High expectations from the first game] Can’t wait to see the game.
07:20 - For #3, can you pick one, Coach? - Will you pick one for #3, Coach? - Sure.
07:24 - [Without hesitations] I have no expectations for 3.
07:27 - [We are similar?] Doesn’t matter who’s up against whom.
07:29 - V is good. [V is remaining] - No, I’m not. - V is quite good.
07:31 - - No, I’m not. - V is good. [Shaking] How do I open this? Just turn it.
07:37 - [Giving up fast] Let me pick another since it doesn’t open] - Why isn’t it opening? - Even an athlete can’t open.
07:42 - [Failed again] Let me do it for you. [Trust me] If SUGA opens it, it would be funny.
07:46 - [SUGA opens it easily] - Wow. - It’s how… - It’s V.
07:50 - #3 is V. - #3 is V. - V. - Vwo. - It’s V.
07:53 - - All the aces are out. - This is… Open #4.
07:56 - - Jimin is good. - Jimin… [#4 is RM] - He wanted RM. - RM. - RM.
07:59 - [Happy and sad] I wanted RM. [j-hope is against Jimin] - #5 is… - Jimin.
08:04 - [j-hope, go easy] Jimin is the scape goat for j-hope.
08:07 - Personally, I wanted to stand for long today.
08:10 - [Jimin, don’t worry] I think [There could be a match for the 6th] We could have matches to decide the 4th or 6th.
08:13 - [Expecting to go home early] We won’t be able to rally.
08:16 - We’ll start the first game right away. [Before] j-hope and Jung Kook.
08:20 - [j-hope and Jung Kook] Your thoughts… - Tell us how you feel. - Who? - Show the position. - Can’t you hear? You two.
08:27 - [Can’t hear anything] They can’t hear. - They can’t hear. - There’s a wall here.
08:33 - Anyway, we’re going to have fun. It’s a competition in good faith. Make sure no one gets injured, [Fail play, everyone] let’s be gentle, everyone.
08:44 - Be gentle, everyone. He’s checking his phone.
08:48 - I got a call from dad. - In the middle of filming. - Dad called.
08:53 - He checked a phone. He may get a phone during the play.
08:57 - Let’s not use the dad chance. - You want me to show my dad? - Jin, who’s up against? It’s you.
09:03 - [Moving on quick] - Jung Kook. - It’s you. [Spending an hour for opening] Jung Kook, what’s your thoughts? - I’ll do my best without getting injured. - Sure.
09:08 - - Let’s cheer up. - Okay. [Well said] - It was really well said.
09:11 - Next, V and RM, any comment? [RM and V, today’s specialty?] What are you going to do to win? - I can’t be defended the way I’m born. - Right.
09:18 - [Preview of refreshing foul play] If I get mad, I’ll use my body.
09:21 - He may be hitting balls that way. [You’re watching the shot from the camera most vulnerable to the attack] - I think… - Impossible.
09:25 - [I’m good at golf, though] it could possibly turn into golf.
09:27 - - Driver shot. - Okay. Good. [Next up, V] - V. - Yes.
09:31 - I won’t be cut off at the 1st round. [Looking great] I think I’m going to be cut off.
09:37 - [Moving on fast. Next, Jimin and Jin] Now Jimin and Jin.
09:39 - - Any comment before the game… - What I think? I’ll show you how I can win.
09:47 - [Where is the camera for me?] Who’s for me… No one? [Here it is] Jimin is funny today.
09:53 - Jimin seems feeling good today. [Perfect condition] Let me show you I can win.
09:57 - Jin. I’m 99% confident I’ll win. [Competitive before it starts] Good.
10:03 - - Good. Love the confidence. - Let me teach you.
10:04 - - Okay. Let’s get right to it. - Okay. Let’s go.
10:07 - Someday say, RUN BTS. Our BTS begin now.
10:13 - RUN BTS! Our BTS? Is it Korean? What does that mean? [The final table of BTS Tennis Championship] [j-hope, Jung Kook][V, RM][Jimin, Jin] [1st game of the 1st round. j-hope vs. Jung Kook] j-hope, I won’t wear you out.
10:27 - You seem to think you’re going to lose. I could lose.
10:31 - [Sighing] No way. - First game. j-hope vs. Jung Kook. - j-hope! - It’s… - JK! [Excited] - Practically, the final. - It could be a final.
10:38 - - It’s considered final. - Who serves first? Do a handshake first.
10:42 - [Our comedian] Meet up and say hello. Nice to meet you.
10:45 - Elbows. Great. [Nice to meet you. Good game] - How are you? Thank you. - Nice to meet you.
10:48 - [Let’s have a good game] [Of course, I’m glad to play against j-hope] Do rock paper scissors.
10:52 - [So many backseat drivers] - Rock paper scissors. - Rock paper scissors. - Rock paper scissors.
10:54 - - Why rock paper scissors? - To decide who serves.
10:56 - [Rock paper scissors to decide who serves] - serve. - In Championship, [Great fun that exists only in BTS Championship] I didn’t expect to see rock paper scissors.
11:01 - [Upgrade] Let’s do Minus one. Rock paper scissors.
11:04 - Minus one. [Jung Kook will serve] Such a fool.
11:11 - [No word] Why paper? You fool. We’ll start with Jung Kook’s serve.
11:16 - - Can I go easy on the serve? - Sure. Are you saying you’ll go easy because he’s not your match? No.
11:22 - [Changing the topic] No ball boy? No.
11:25 - [Ball boy] Run fast. [Is it a doubles game?] He’s standing there? You can’t stand there.
11:32 - [Next chance for a doubles game] You shouldn’t be standing where the players are.
11:35 - Come over here. - Here. - Here. - Next to this. - Let’s go. - Okay.
11:40 - [The Championship finally started] It’s started.
11:42 - j-hope, good posture. [OUT] j-hope.
11:48 - [1st point for j-hope] Our medalist! [Clapping] - Is that how a medalist plays? - He doesn’t disappoint us.
11:52 - 1:0. He’s overwhelmed. - How grate Jung Kook got. - Serve change, serve change.
11:58 - [The teacher got overwhelmed to see the improvement of his student] He’s overwhelmed.
12:01 - [Next serve is by j-hope] It’s in. - It’s in. - It was good.
12:06 - [Tik] [Jung Kook’s point] JK! [Sullen] I’m not as good as you think.
12:13 - j-hope. [The game continues] - It’s in. - It was good.
12:17 - Is it out? No. [Unfortunately it was a line out] It’s fun.
12:24 - [j-hope got 2 points in a row] j-hope is good.
12:26 - [Showing a different level] - He’s the best. - 1:2.
12:28 - [Jung Kook’s powerful serve] It’s Jung Kook’s serve.
12:31 - Good serve. [Sighing] [Watching] - 2:2. - He’s in trouble.
12:39 - [Unexpectedly close game] It’s more fun than I thought.
12:40 - It is. [In the middle of a close match] - It is. - Okay.
12:43 - It’s fun to watch. - V, we’re going to entertain people. - Okay.
12:47 - [Feeling like in a baseball stadium] I feel like I’m watching baseball.
12:49 - [Here is the ball] Good. He got it. Like a foot volleyball.
12:53 - [In? Out?] In? - It is out. - It is out, everyone. - It is out.
12:57 - Out! It was good, though. [Serve change. j-hope’s serve] 3:2. Serve change.
13:02 - - Serve change. - j-hope’s turn to serve. [Sounds good] Player j-hope? [j-hope’s stable serve] - It’s in. - j-hope is good.
13:09 - [Got in the net] [Jung Kook 2: j-hope 4] Is the result going to be as expected? - No twist? - Jung Kook seems panicking.
13:15 - Can’t win a sport game when you panic. Uncle Bob of BTS! [Uncle Bob because he can draw] When did I become Uncle Bob? [j-hope’s serve again] - 4:2? - j-hope is…
13:24 - [Service fault] He stepped on the line, too.
13:26 - - Are you ignoring rules? - Shall I go? [Tak!] [But after that] - It’s in. - Came in smoothly.
13:33 - Uncle Bob. [With j-hope’s mistakes] j-hope.
13:36 - [Jung Kook gets points] - Out. - Out. [Finally] - j-hope. - Out.
13:39 - [overturned… ] - It’s out. - Points overturned.
13:42 - - Out? - 6:5. [Jung Kook 6: j-hope 5] It’s 6:5.
13:45 - There could be a surprise with j-hope cut off at the 1st round.
13:49 - [Production crew] - Our production crew is coming - They’re surprised.
13:55 - The rally got longer than expected. [With the appearance of unexpected good players, the rule was changed to 10 points at 1 game] The production crew that underestimated us suddenly changed the rules.
14:06 - They may have a different idea when they see our match with V.
14:09 - 10 points are called super tie-break. Super tie black.
14:13 - Isn’t it break, not black? [Fault. The ball does not land in the opponent’s service court] [Or rules are violated. One fault is allowed[ [But 2 faults in a row leads to double faults, losing a point] 5:7.
14:19 - [Jung Kook 7: j-hope 5] 5:7! I’m in trouble.
14:22 - [Feeling at a loss] I’m in trouble. It’s in.
14:27 - [Watching closely] j-hope. Okay. Good. - Good. - j-hope. Nice move.
14:31 - [Found a loop hole] It was good. He’s cutting him some slack.
14:34 - j-hope, you shouldn’t go that easy. [Oh my god] It’s a tie.
14:41 - [Reporter V] Who is the youngest player? [Jung Kook is a passionate player] He’s very passionate.
14:46 - [Short and clear answer made people suspicious] That sounds like you don’t know him.
14:50 - He stayed after practice time. [Understood] That’s out of passion.
14:54 - [Passionate move] It’s in. It’s good.
14:58 - [In] [Excited] It’s in. - Great. - He’s turned around.
15:03 - Wow, he’s changed after rules changed to a single game.
15:05 - [j-hope started getting points after the rule change] He started being serious after the change.
15:08 - [A big picture to dominate the scene?] He’s making sure he appears more.
15:10 - No, I’m not. [Will j-hope continue to be lucky?] It was a shear luck.
15:13 - Let’s go. [Ah] [j-hope] 9:7. Match point. Match point.
15:23 - He’s relaxed. [Relaxed] Look how relaxed he is.
15:26 - [Jung Kook 7: j-hope 9. Match point] It’s match point.
15:28 - [The last point to decide the game result] We have a match point.
15:30 - Check mate. [Who will be the winner?] Let’s go.
15:33 - [Homerun] [Game finished] [I’m j-hope] - Good game! - j-hope! - Good game.
15:39 - - Shake your hands. - Good game. Shake your hands.
15:43 - [Running] - JK. - Good game JK. Shake your hands, and bow to the judge.
15:48 - [Bowing] Bow to the crowd. [Great job] - Great job. - Good job.
15:52 - - Good job. - Here are the audience. [Audience 1 and 2] [First game finished] We’re moving on to the next game.
15:58 - It’s more fun than we expected. [The result of the 1st match of the 1st round] [j-hope wins] [2nd game of the 1st round. V vs. RM] [Expected to be the most competitive] This is going to be the most competitive one.
16:09 - This is a mini-final. It’s likely to be a final.
16:16 - The manager is here, too. [Manager Jimin is taking care of the player] [Relaxed] Look how relaxed he is.
16:23 - [We’re not losing out] - RM, I’m your manager. - Okay.
16:25 - - Let’s go. - I’m fine. [The player is all over the place] - Why are you holding the ball? - Okay.
16:28 - Rock paper scissors. Shake your hands, and do rock paper scissors.
16:31 - [Getting ready] Shake your hands, RM. [Relaxed] Shake your hands and do rock paper scissors.
16:37 - Is this grip right? Or this? I don’t know, either.
16:42 - [Asking the Coach] - Coach, I have a question. - Yes.
16:43 - - Do I lift the finger for the grip? - No. [Doesn’t know what to say] That’s for cooking knife.
16:49 - [Why do I feel more comfortable like this?] I don’t lift fingers? It feels more comfortable.
16:51 - Do whatever you want. Find your own style. Shake your hands with the opponent.
16:57 - [With manners] [Rock paper scissors to decide the server] - Rock paper scissors. - Rock paper scissors.
17:02 - Wait a second. [Listening to the rock paper scissor angel] - The angel. - Okay. - The angel thing.
17:06 - You’re playing that? Please show the angel in computer graphic.
17:10 - - The angel. - Okay. Rock paper scissors. Rock paper scissors.
17:13 - [Lost. Won] Nice. [The effective angel] - The angel. - Wow, the angel.
17:17 - [V’s step] The step V is doing is called V step.
17:20 - Cartoon characters have that. You know what I mean.
17:24 - We’ll begin with V’s serve. A pretentious serve.
17:28 - [Good job with the serve] [Tok][A big curve] [What?] - It was out. - I don’t know why he did that.
17:34 - [He would’ve gotten a point] It was out. Why did he touch that? This is how RM will move on? Look. This is the psychological war.
17:42 - - The other side. - Yes. [Good at psychological war, but not good at rules] [Was that planned, too?] - The line. - You stepped on the line.
17:49 - [Stable serve] - It’s in. - What? - It was good. - It’s good.
17:54 - [Dropped] So close. [So close?] What was close? [Responsible for reactions] I’m just a good spectator.
18:00 - [Not very close so far] Jin said, “What was close?”.
18:03 - Remove the ball not to get hurt. [RM getting ready for serve] He’s getting ready to show his specialty.
18:08 - A powerful serve. It’s in. [Going forward] What was that? [Performance] [Volley shoot?] Out.
18:18 - [Ended with RM’s point] - It was in. - Okay. - He took points.
18:21 - [Excited] - This game is more fun. - 2:1? I’m out.
18:24 - The psychological war is working. V, pull yourself together.
18:30 - [RM 3: V 1] 3:1. [RM is leading unexpectedly] It would be funny if RM wins the tournament.
18:36 - [Getting competitive] - Let me show you. - Tennis was so easy for me.
18:40 - - Fault. - Okay. I suddenly have a craving for seasoned ribs.
18:44 - Double fault. How did he send to the same place twice? [Like a pine tree] He’s very consistent and honest.
18:50 - [RM 3: V 2] It’s surprisingly close. It’s in.
18:56 - [Jumping] So close. [RM 3: V 3] So close.
19:02 - You should’ve hit it from the back. [It’s a new kind of entertainment] What was this? [Is this a sport or a slap stick comedy?] RM didn’t get to learn backhand.
19:14 - - Really? - I see. [RM, the man with forehand stroke] He’s doing forehand only.
19:17 - [As the game resumed] RM is doing forehand only.
19:18 - Serves are good, though. [Responsible for entertaining the crowd] [Amazing entertainment] His weak point is backhand.
19:26 - He’s targeting backhand. [Watch out backhand] V is targeting backhand now.
19:29 - He’s targeting backhand only. [Short of breath] Why do you laugh so hard? Why does he keep jumping? It was like bunt.
19:39 - [RM 3: V 4] Serve change. V gets points for nothing.
19:42 - [Smiling] [V’s serve] It was good.
19:46 - [Yap] It was good. Why do you laugh so hard? [Homerun] [Can’t stop laughing] - 4:4. - What is he doing? - Psycholo… - RM keeps…
19:55 - [Jumping] Do you know what’s the funniest? It’s 4:4.
20:01 - V’s face is getting darker. Because things are going against what he expected.
20:06 - I’ll try. Here it is. [Hop] - It’s out. - Out.
20:14 - Let me give it a try. RM and Jung Kook, I’ll take revenge.
20:19 - [Pardon… ? What revenge?] What revenge? There’s nothing to take revenge.
20:22 - [Emergency report: Not RM’s racket?!] As far as I know, that racket doesn’t belong to RM.
20:27 - My racket. [RM’s racket is on the stand… ] Here it is.
20:30 - [Medalist j-hope] A master blames tools more.
20:32 - That’s why. [I’ll show you my ability from now] I’ll show you.
20:36 - Maybe that’s how he could make 5:4. [Additional report] RM left a racket to our practice place.
20:41 - Did he? That’s nothing special for RM.
20:44 - Returning to nature. You can see this green, right? [Stable serve with his racket] It’s in.
20:49 - - Out - What? - What? [Is it really because of the racket?!] - Wow, it’s different. - Why is it 6:4? [RM 6:4 V] V, what’s going on? Taekovic, what’s wrong with you? Taekovic.
20:58 - Namderer. Namderer. [Not there yet… lol] - Namderer. - Namderer and Taekovic.
21:03 - - So shameful. - Really? Don’t [RM is excellent at least in serve] - Let’s go. - It’s in.
21:11 - [Hit the net and out] 7:4. - I think… - It’s unilateral.
21:14 - [V is wobbling due to RM’s unexpected capabilities] V is making a lot of mistakes.
21:17 - I think, to distract V, [That action] RM did that action.
21:22 - He no longer jumps. [V’s serve] It’s good.
21:27 - [Oh~] [Light] [IN with accuracy] [Applause] Wow, it’s in.
21:35 - I cannot breathe. - It was a reverse spin. - Yes.
21:37 - - You know what is it, don’t you? - I know.
21:39 - So funny, what’s going on? [Uncommon tennis match that won’t be forgotten] Isn’t it an uncommon match? [Ping-pong+tennis=pingnis] I like pingnis.
21:45 - Semi-western grip. - Semi-western. - Fingers’ up.
21:49 - [Light hit] [Hop] In. [Nonchalant hit] [V won a score lightly] Lightly.
21:57 - [Cool guy’s back] Look at his back, so cool.
21:59 - His competency has been hidden so far. We cannot predict the result.
22:03 - [However] [No disturbance at all] [V won another score] [RM’s loss] It seems like he’s going to win.
22:10 - [Match point] It’s a match point, a match point.
22:13 - No matter who loses, he would have done a great job.
22:15 - I agree. Is this score possible? [Nervous mat] [Running] It’s in.
22:26 - [Good job] - Need to shake hands. - RM is approaching for greeting.
22:28 - [Good game] He’s there for greeting, I believe.
22:34 - [Game over with the greeting] He did a greeting.
22:38 - [V is going to the semi-final] This is so funny.
22:41 - [Result of round 1 match 2] [V WIN] [1st round match 3: Jimin VS. Jin] [Next is the match between Jin VS. Jimin] Please do rock scissors paper.
22:49 - [Good luck] Shake hands and rock scissors paper.
22:50 - Rock scissors paper. [Jimin won] - Jimin’s serve. - JS. - Okay.
22:54 - Is it advantageous to serve first? - Yes, it is. - I believe so. - Really? I don’t think so.
22:59 - [Tough serve for tennis beginners] - Serving first… - Yes.
23:00 - - Serve then fault. - Right. Let’s go! [One shot one kill] [Mouth wide opened] Wow, the ace? Jimin played tennis just one time.
23:12 - Jimin, show them! - He’s playing tennis for the second time. - The beginner’s luck.
23:17 - [Artistic serve] He’s showing something. [Cool] - In. - It’s a standard.
23:22 - [OMG!] [Jin 0:2 Jimin, Jimin won another score] This? [Did you see?] - Jimin… - What happened? [It’s not over until it’s really over] - It’s not over until it’s really over. - 2:0, Jimin won a score.
23:29 - Let’s see. [Adventurer BTS] All the matches have ended up with a come-from -behind victory.
23:32 - Go, Jin’s serve. Fault. - Jin, show them. - Jin is a nice server.
23:40 - Efforts must pay off… [Miss] [Embarrassed] - Continuous betrayal. - Right away. - 3:0.
23:45 - Will it be a perfect game? [Provocation] If you lose here, your self-esteem would hurt a lot.
23:51 - Tennis is a mental fight. These words will add up to explode.
23:55 - It will explode when it reaches 7:0. [Jimin’s relatively stable mental] He has a nice mental status.
24:01 - [Failed to pass over, but still powerful] - Sharp. - Powerful.
24:03 - [Expectations UP] - What? - What? - Sharp. - Jimin.
24:07 - [Relatively easy forehand serve recommended] If you fail the first serve, try forehand.
24:09 - [Jimin’s still easygoing] He believes he’s winning.
24:12 - - He’s arrogant. - Arrogant. [Game resumed with Jimin’s serve] Not in.
24:17 - [Jin 1:3 Jimin] Jimin loses 1 point. - Cannot make a perfect game out of courtesy. - Yes, the Eastern Land of Courtesy.
24:22 - [Lol] I cannot make it a perfect game, because he’s my beloved bro.
24:26 - [Hesitant due to Jimin’s provocation] - Look at his provocation. - Right.
24:29 - He’s also being generous. [Hop] [Rally] - What’s going on? - What? - It was sharp. - What? - What! [Surprised] - Wow… - The first ever rally.
24:39 - [It’s a shame] We’ve s [Jin 2:3 Jimin] - Jimin’s amazing serve. - What! - In. - In.
24:51 - [Another miss] - It’s a shame. 3:3. - 3:3.
24:55 - [Show us your capabilities] Jimin, show us your capabilities.
24:58 - - Do you want me to? - Yes, I do. Okay.
25:01 - [Several minutes later] - Came from behind. - In. - It’s now 3:6.
25:06 - [Jin 6:3 Jimin, Jin successfully came from behind] What’s the score now? 3:6? You know, a drama with a twist is more fun.
25:10 - It became 3:6 from 3:0. - 6:3, a good score to come from behind. - 3.
25:15 - [Jin’s soft serve. ] [Run and hop] Good job.
25:20 - - Out. - Out. [Jin 6:4 Jimin, seeking for a chance] It’s a good score to come from behind.
25:25 - - Go? - Go. - Go? - Go. - Go? - Go.
25:31 - [Time limit] Auto fault after 25 seconds. - Okay. - 25 seconds… in haste.
25:36 - Good job. Did it. [Jimin’s sharp volley] Coming-from-behind? [Will there be another legend?] It’s 6:5. Will it end up with a coming-from-behind victory? You know what, it’s their real competency.
25:52 - [Perfect serve] - Good job. - It’s in, nice.
25:56 - Out. - Too bad. - You know what? - When you see the Russian doll. - The opposite.
26:00 - - Right. - There’s a doll inside a doll. [Skill in a skill in a skill] The real skill in the real skill in the real skill, is coming out endlessly.
26:05 - - Good serve here. - Serve. In. [OMG… ] - As expected, Jin… - 8:5.
26:15 - [Jin 8:5 Jimin, Is Jin going to the semi-final without an unexpected event?] Will Jin be the winner? [Bluffing] Okay, time to take out the skills? In.
26:24 - [Another loss] 9:5. [5959 good luck!] - Jimin! 5959 score. - 5959.
26:30 - A score of 9, the best score to turn it around. Here comes the match point.
26:34 - [Powerful serve] [It was close] He’s kind of teasing.
26:39 - [Giving up a score for a more interesting match] - He’s just giving up a score. - Good to get a head start.
26:41 - He’s teasing him. [Jin’s losing another point] - It’s out. - Out.
26:46 - 9:6 Jimin. Let’s make deuce. [They’ve already prepared a cheering song] Let’s dance.
26:55 - Serve. - Fault, second serve. - Fault.
26:58 - If he fails with the serve this time, he would lose.
27:00 - [Time to show his 95th capability] Jimin, it’s time to show your real competency.
27:03 - [Careful] He’s being careful. Ping-pong, baseball and…
27:09 - [Back to tennis] And badminton. [Snap] The end? The end? [Match finished with double fault] - The end. - It’s fruitless.
27:17 - [Ticket to the final gained through efforts] - Efforts pay off. - Shake your hands.
27:20 - [It’s revenge] The icon of efforts never betrays.
27:24 - - Well done. - It was fun. [Result of match 3] [Jin WIN] [Semi-final: j-hope vs. V] V.
27:35 - [Front-runner who’s laying the groundwork] I’m 100% sure that you’re going to win.
27:37 - [You’re kidding me… ] You’re teasing me. Rock scissors paper.
27:40 - [Right to serve belongs to V] Okay, serve there.
27:42 - [Looking forward to the match] - V vs j-hope. - j-hope.
27:47 - [Because luck helped him] Jin is going to the final.
27:48 - [Jin is going to the final through an unearned win] I feel great.
27:50 - [V… ! Please win for me… !] V, show him that you’re good.
27:52 - V, serve. Show him how you beat me! [Serve failed] [What’s going on] Won like this.
27:57 - [Safe serve with forehand] Got one while trying this.
28:00 - In. [V is lured to the front] - Oh, yes. - V.
28:04 - [Snap] - Ping-pong. - To backward. [Wow] [Applause] Like that.
28:09 - The medalist. [Medalist j-hope] He used the key of his counterpart.
28:15 - [He’s complaining about psychological pain] I was so shameful.
28:18 - So shameful. [j-hope’s serve] - Let’s go. - He was teased.
28:23 - - In very softly. - In. [Band-hand] He just hit it.
28:32 - I thought it only exists in “The Prince of Tennis”.
28:34 - [Match continues] - Let’s go. - It was an impressive play.
28:37 - Fault second serve. He’s teasing. j-hope, stay soft.
28:42 - [Prevent his muscles from disappearing] He’s showing that it’s not that difficult.
28:44 - - j-hope is here. - Look, the main serve. [Go] This is the main serve.
28:49 - [Tears] It was too light. He’s teasing, it’s like, he’s just giving out one point.
28:52 - 1 point is just yours. Your score as well as mine is made by me.
28:57 - Oh my god. - j-hope. - Out. [Homerun] Wow, he hit it.
29:05 - 2:2. - 2:2 tie. Tie with the bronze medal. - You should keep the promise.
29:09 - - A tie? - Yes. [Serve with a light sound] - In. - Good.
29:15 - - Yes. - V. [Oh Oh continuous rally] But countering…
29:19 - [Wrapped with j-hope winning a score] Out. The rally was cool.
29:22 - To be honest, it was cool. It seems like j-hope learned how to play tennis.
29:27 - [He’s indeed a medalist] - j-hope showed his skills. - j-hope…
29:29 - He’s learned how to play tennis. [His skills] - He knows how to play tennis. - Sharp.
29:33 - - Out. - Out. That’s how he beat me.
29:37 - [Respect] He is good enough to beat me. [Intense desire for winning] - I’ll take on revenge. - V, show him! Show him how you beat me.
29:43 - Okay. - It was intense. - It was sharp.
29:48 - Safe. [The ball landed in the line] - Safe. - V.
29:51 - What is going on? It was very cool.
29:54 - - Let’s go. - j-hope is not sleeping, is he? - 4:3.
29:56 - [Semi-final is getting livelier] 1 point difference.
29:59 - In. In? Not out? - Now. - 5:3.
30:03 - V started to tease him. Your score is mine and my score is also mine.
30:09 - Yours mine mine mine. [Lost a score from a sharp serve] Sharp.
30:16 - [Cool but score lost] [With j-hope keep losing scores] [V is getting closer to the final] - It was intense, but… - Even a monkey could fall from a tree.
30:24 - Oh, just came from behind? [V is ahead of j-hope with 6:7] - Coming-from-behind. - 7:6. - He came from behind.
30:26 - - V is ahead of j-hope! - V is winning! V! V! - V. - A riot of the underdog.
30:34 - - Oh, yes. - Let’s go. [j-hope’s serve again] - Topdog’s victory is not that interesting. - Let’s go.
30:39 - In. [It’s stuck in the net] V.
30:45 - V, you cannot collapse here. j-hope, you will be humiliated if you lose with T-shirt on.
30:50 - j-hope! [He threw his body, but… ] j-hope! Put your clothes back on.
30:57 - V! [Nervous] V! - The match point. - The match point.
31:05 - Oh… Injury. [Taking this as an opportunity to start a role play] - Injury. - Medic! - I’ll carry him. Hold on.
31:13 - [Here comes medic Park] Medic! Time to go.
31:17 - [Raise him] Too heavy. Okay, j-hope is going to the final.
31:23 - - What! - j-hope is going to the final. [Emergency treatment] Try CPR.
31:27 - Wait! [Cannot finish it this way] - Need to go. - Let’s go.
31:30 - - He’s resuming despite the injury. - V is trying his best.
31:33 - Give me that. He’s one of the front-runners, but…
31:36 - V’s ball is sharper than you believe it is.
31:41 - [It was close] - I thought it was out, but it’s safe. - Safe.
31:44 - 9:8. [j-hope 8:9 V] Deuce? [If j-hope wins one more score, it becomes deuce] - If it’s deuce… - I’ll make it fun. Let’s go deuce.
31:50 - [Will it be deuce?] Let’s go. [Tick] [Vertical drop] [V is going to the final] j-hope! Lost! V! V! - Lost. - V.
32:04 - [Approaching j-hope] V. - It was an amazing match. - V. - Good.
32:10 - [Result of semi-final] [V WIN] [Final: V vs. Jin] There’s a change of rules as it’s the final.
32:20 - [3 sets 7 points] We have 3 sets. [One who wins w sets first will be the winner] - As many as 3 sets? - Yes.
32:23 - [Best-of-three has returned] - It’s the best of three. - The best of three.
32:26 - [V won] Rock scissors paper. [Manager is also here] Wait.
32:30 - [As it’s the final, let’s listen to their resolutions] Let’s listen to their resolutions.
32:32 - I may have beaten j-hope out of luck, I believe I’ll beat you even without luck.
32:39 - [Expecting a fun match] He’s being successfully provocative.
32:41 - Jin’s smile means that he’s embarrassed. - It’s fun. [Jin’s words] - Jin, please go ahead.
32:45 - - I’ll show you that the underdog cannot get on the top. - Okay.
32:49 - [Finally the final!] The final is getting started.
32:51 - [V, I’m looking forward to the match] V, please this match an amazing one.
32:53 - Hey, I’ll go first. [Serve with easy forehand] Fault.
32:59 - - Second serve. - Clear forehand. Oh, he’s just stretched. There was a silence.
33:05 - In. [Tick] [V won the first score] [Good job] It deserves to be the final.
33:15 - [Trilling enough to be the final] Is this the final? Bunt.
33:22 - [Oh… ] Bunt. It was close. They’re good enough to be the players of the final.
33:31 - [Hit] - In. - In. - It isn’t, is it? - It’s in. - 2:1.
33:35 - [Jin 2:1 V] - It’s in. - In, safe. - Out. - Out.
33:43 - Can we get more balls? I want to put them in my pocket.
33:47 - He strongly wants more balls. [Picking up] He keeps picking up the balls.
33:50 - [Different explanation] When mom doesn’t buy him what he wants…
33:53 - - What are you talking about? - Stop throwing tantrums.
33:56 - The ball is hit. It’s powerful. [The ball is stuck in the net] Oh, yes.
34:00 - - Here… - Jin. [Jin’s serve] - In. - V, focus.
34:06 - Are you giving him a break? [Jin is rolling up his sleeves] Jin has just rolled up his sleeves.
34:12 - Look at him. Isn’t there any problem with his bloodstream? He has two on one side.
34:16 - [Match continues] - Jin, good luck! - In. [Snap] He just hit it.
34:24 - [Out] [Jin’s winning a score leads to a match point] I tried to recognize him because he’s cool.
34:27 - - But this is not the case. - I wanted it. If Jin gets a point, he will be the winner.
34:34 - Let’s see if Jin would become the winner. What was that serve? [V’s missed swing] Serve and missed kick.
34:44 - Please swap places. [Jin is taking set 1] Jin is taking set 1.
34:46 - - The first set. - Jin. [Here comes the second set] Set 2.
34:52 - My butt hurts, so I cannot be sitting longer.
34:54 - [To protect his butt] I wish Jin wins. [Swap places then make a serve] [V won] - Good. - Nice! - Nice forehand. - He’s good at coming from behind.
35:03 - Nice forehand. - V shows some unexpected shots. - It’s in.
35:11 - [Volley failed] [Could have been out][Too bad] - Didn’t need to receive. - If he didn’t, he would have won.
35:14 - He shouldn’t have. Will it lead to a perfect game? I’m not sure because it’s the best of three.
35:21 - Why hit? Yellow card. No. [Match is resumed with V’s serve] What? You? - In. - In? [Jin clearly won a score] Stabbed.
35:33 - - Stabbed. - To the body. Tried to catch it.
35:37 - Will he secure more airtimes or will he wrap up here.
35:43 - [Oh… ] Probably, there’s a wall that cannot be torn down.
35:50 - I told you, efforts pay off. [No smile at all] - V, you should keep calm. - In.
35:55 - [Two players are serious] - In. - Good. Good, went far.
35:59 - [Yay] [Out… ?] Out. - No. - In? [Intense rally] No! It’s like volleyball.
36:07 - [Homerun] [Jin is winning a score after a long rally] Jin is doing a great job.
36:12 - [It feels like they’re real tennis players] It’s just like tennis…
36:14 - - Yes, it’s an uncommon one. - Right. A rally like this should continue.
36:18 - Then we could see this slow motion. Let’s go and watch it.
36:24 - [Tennis court is getting more and more intense] Stable.
36:28 - [Jin’s missed swing] [Analysis started] Luring with an easy serve…
36:33 - - Yes. - And trying to continue the rally. [V is becoming better and better] V’s strategy.
36:40 - Dropped. [Snap] [Caster Kook in the corner] It’s not volleyball. It’s not blocking.
36:46 - [Excited] Could’ve worked, too bad. It reminded me of a tennis animation that I used to watch when I was little.
36:52 - [Stable swing] [Mine1, mine2] Azura! Azura! - It’s homerun. - Azura! Sorry, we’re in Seoul.
37:02 - [Jin 6:3 V] It’s 6:3. [Amazing] Let’s take a look at it, it’s cool.
37:11 - [God of entertainment is here] [The audience is here to see this amazing scene] This is equivalent to the camera shot in archery.
37:19 - [Lost words] Wait, let’s take a break.
37:25 - Let’s take a break. One point. - Players, can you do this (?)? - The coach…
37:28 - [Today’s best scene made with a possibility of winning a lottery] - It’s the possibility of 1⁄10,000. - 1⁄10,000.
37:31 - - 1⁄10,000. - Yes or no with the possibility of 1⁄10,000.
37:32 - - V, buy a lottery. - A lottery called Lotto.
37:35 - [Give one point if it’s recognized as the best scene] Can I get one point? [Recognized] It’s the best scene.
37:39 - [No additional point, but erase one loss] - Your loss will be erased. - It will be.
37:41 - [God of entertainment is here] - It may be an opportunity to get a point. - Right.
37:44 - [Could he seize the opportunity for the victory?] He may come ahead of him.
37:45 - Of course, chances are slim. My expectations for this episode was not high at first…
37:50 - - How can it be this fun! - I know. - In. - In.
37:56 - [The end] - Not an unexpected event. - Okay! BTS tennis champion.
38:02 - - The winner has been decided! - It’s been decided.
38:04 - [This is Jin] Jin! Jin, Jin! Efforts pay off.
38:14 - [BTS tennis championship, the winner is Jin] j-hope, your contribution was big.
38:20 - [Result of the final] [Jin WIN] [Champion Jin] - Well done. - How was the tennis matches today? It was… Jin is the winner.
38:32 - - Congratulations. - Thank you. It’s all thanks to j-hope.
38:34 - No. Congratulations. All thanks to me.
38:37 - [Admit] Thanks to V. Thanks to V, I avoided an encounter with j-hope, that’s how I won.
38:40 - Let’s give a big applause to our coach. To our coach…
38:44 - [How good is BTS?] Mr. coach, how was our match? [Fact] You did a great job considering the amount of practice.
38:48 - - Thank you so much. - Considering the amount of practice.
38:50 - [Shy] So embarrassed. You did a great job.
38:53 - c[Thank you] We want to give you applause of gratitude.
38:55 - - Thank you, coach. - Thank you. We’d like to apologize that we asked you to come, - to show such a match. - You’re an expensive one.
39:01 - - Thank you. - Well done. - Thank you so much. - Thank you.
39:07 - [BTS tennis championship] Today’s winner is…
39:13 - [Champion Jin] It’s Jin! Jin! [Big smile] He’s sweating.
39:19 - [Special gift] There’s a gift for the champion.
39:22 - [Ta-da] [Time to grant a gift] - Come on to the front. - It’s worthy of doing my best.
39:30 - Come here to the side. It’s a golden medal which is made of real gold.
39:35 - [24K gold] Really? [Impressed] It’s very thin.
39:40 - - It’s real gold. - It seems very fragile. [Thin but expensive] Be careful.
39:44 - It should be put on your neck. [Gold medal is on the winner’s neck] Let’s take a picture of hands shaking.
39:52 - [Sound] Click! [The winner of the 1st BTS Tennis Championship in 2021] - Done. - Great job, everyone.
39:59 - [Good job, everyone] Great job. [Winner’s speech] - Time for winning speech. - Let’s hear the speech.
40:03 - I’m not sure I deserve this medal. [It’s returnable] You can return it to me.
40:07 - - Return the medal only. - Talk to them. [Flattered] I don’t think I’m good enough to win.
40:17 - I think I found a thief. [Perfect music to break the ice] I’m grateful for the teacher and the Coach.
40:26 - And thank you, my members, for having fun with me.
40:29 - This wraps up BTS Tennis Championship. [The 1st Long-term project] - Long-term project. - Long-term project.
40:35 - It was a long-term project. - It’s not a long-term project, it’s a talent show. - It took us 5 months.
40:39 - - A talent show. - Whopping 5 months. Members, good job.
40:42 - [5 month-long project was over] Although the long-term project is over, - BTS should continue to run. - Sure.
40:46 - - Shall we run again? - Yes. RUN BTS! We have a gold medalist now.
40:57 - [After BTS Tennis Championship] Today’s [They gathered at a Chinese restaurant] winner of the Championship, Jin is buying. Enjoy the food.
41:03 - [Dining out in exchange for the medal] Jin is buying this with the money he got from the medal.
41:05 - [Tennis champion Jin buys] Thank you. Thank you very much.
41:07 - That’s what it is. [Clapping] Thank you for the food.
41:10 - [I’d love to… ] - I left my wallet at home. - What? [The main dish came in at the perfect timing] This is what I ordered. It’s called lobster.
41:16 - [j-hope’s camera][Today’s insert by j-hope] - These are what I ordered. - We couldn’t eat.
41:22 - [Focused] [Camera appears] This is my order.
41:26 - Isn’t that pine mushroom? - It’s sirloin with pine mushroom. - That’s a good one.
41:30 - [MC SUGA is the host] Shall we turn the table? [Tiki] Spin. Spin. Spin the table.
41:33 - [Taka] What are we going to eat today? - Jung Kook. - SUGA can eat nothing here.
41:40 - [No where to put the spoon] - It keeps turning. - Take the spoon.
41:44 - [j-hope’s getting excited] DJ Jimin. (Djing sound) [Checking the ingredients] Is this seafood, too? [Sweet] That’s beef and pine mushroom.
41:51 - [Relieved] [Humming to the food that never stop coming] Thank you.
41:57 - [j-hope’s camera][Excited] - Sweet and sour pork. (Tang Su Yuk) - Why is it left out? - V. Tang. - Su. - Yuk.
42:01 - - Tang. - Su. - Yuk. [Looking at Tang Su Yuk, they started the Tang Su Yuk game so naturally] That’s so lame.
42:06 - [j-hope’s camera][Out of interest] - Yu. - Chi. (meaning lame in Korean) [Back to sweet and sour pork] [The best meal in the world is a free meal] It tastes even better since Jin is buying.
42:14 - [A handsome brother who buys me food] [Turning] [j-hope in danger] V. V.
42:21 - - Have some manners. - Manners, everyone. [j-hope’s tip on manners at Chinese restaurants] When you turn the table, make sure you look around first.
42:28 - [Quickly picked up] - Turning now. - Turning.
42:30 - [Stretching] It’s right next to you. Okay.
42:33 - [Chewing] [Impressed] It’s really good.
42:37 - Sweet and sour pork is great. Sweet and sour pork is great here.
42:41 - Your English is very good. [Got a compliment. Here is another one] Thank you.
42:45 - You are good. [English time] - Let’s speak in English only. - Okay.
42:49 - How are you? I’m fine, thank you, and you? And this food is very delicious.
42:56 - [English time over] [The last main dish, Fried pork belly in soy sauce] We have Dongpayuek here.
43:00 - - What? - Dongpayuek. I’m already full.
43:04 - [And eats] We should try Dongpayuek. [According to SUGA, it’s the signature dish] Dongpayuek is the signature dish of Chinese restaurants.
43:08 - I should take an insert. They’re all gone. [j-hope’s camera][So responsible] This is Peking duck.
43:14 - [Jung Kook’s camera][Shots from Kook’s camera] Sweet and sour pork.
43:16 - Peking duck looks like dumplings. [Dynamic moving] He’s taking off lobster shell.
43:21 - [Yum] I love the pine mushroom. - I want to be a lobster. - Lobster.
43:25 - Let me try this Peking duck. [j-hope’s camera][Wrap it to a bite size] Make it to a bite size.
43:32 - [Put it in the mouth] [ASMR] [#Listen to the sound #Recommend using an earphone] I should take the mouth for this.
43:40 - [Approaching the same dish] Order one for you.
43:44 - Jin, can I have some? [Guarding] I don’t want to see it wasted.
43:47 - [Spear] Wasted? What is going to be wasted? [Shield] I know you can’t finish that.
43:50 - We have all the main dishes, don’t we? [All the main dishes cleared in 10 minutes] I think we’ve finished main dishes.
43:56 - What did you order a main dish? - I didn’t. - Really? [j-hope is investigating menus] - What did you order? - Why? - I didn’t.
44:01 - - Why? - Why? - I ordered the lobster only. - Really? I ordered Peking duck.
44:05 - I ordered the pine mushroom one and sweet and sour pork.
44:08 - We all shared, then. [Tastes better by sharing] We shared the food.
44:10 - The others didn’t order any, so we can order some meals now.
44:13 - - You ordered fried rice. - Crab fried rice.
44:15 - [Pre-ordered] - We’re going to share that. - Sure.
44:17 - [More people joining] So am I. [Sharing a fried rice] Let’s share it. We’ll put it here.
44:20 - We can have black bean noodles. [Friendly BTS] - Meals… - We’re going to share that, too. - Put everything up here.
44:24 - [Maintaining neutrality] I’m going to eat this and that.
44:27 - [Here are the noodles and fried rice] Look at me now.
44:32 - [Speaking in a dialect, looking at Jin] He’s speaking whatever.
44:35 - [Taking a big bite] Black bean noodles is great.
44:38 - [Shameless] Let’s share it, then. Why aren’t you eating? [Serious about black bean noodles] Why? You didn’t order a meal? [He’s already said his intention] I’m going to eat this and that.
44:48 - [Noodles almost overflowing] It’s almost one serving.
44:54 - Gave all. Jung Kook, share it with SUGA.
44:59 - [Reasonable suspicion 1] How tough will the next episode of Run BTS! be? [Reasonable suspicion 2] Why are they treating us so well? [Just have a feeling] It feels like we’re having the last supper.
45:07 - [Welcome to Jimin’s lunch talk show] I went that… that place to get a haircut.
45:09 - - Sookdae (Sookmyung Women’s University). - Meori. (Korean pun) I visited that area, [Jimin tried asymmetric hairstyle which was popular back then] I had a haircut and tried asymmetric style.
45:14 - And members elder than me all laughed at me.
45:16 - I think I remember that. When did you get asymmetric haircut? [Memory 1] In the past.
45:21 - [Memory 2] Wasn’t it when you shaved your side hair? [Memory 2] Wasn’t it when you were a trainee? [Most concrete memory] Well… When we were going to take a profile pic.
45:27 - Right. [Foggy] I brought him to the hairdresser’s, didn’t I? I brought you to the place, didn’t I? After I got a haircut, SUGA avoided an eye-contact with me.
45:37 - [SUGA is staying silent with the vivid testimony] SUGA left to see his friend.
45:39 - And I walked to the dorm. I opened the door and entered the dorm, and j-hope…
45:44 - [He made an eye-contact with j-hope who was in sleep] He just woke up and happened to make an eye-contact.
45:46 - Fainted. He laughed hard, and almost passed out.
45:51 - [It was j-hope’s fault] How could you pass out to see one’s hairstyle? Because his image has totally changed.
45:57 - [Jimin’s lunch talk show THE END] It’s truly a legend.
45:59 - [See you again on a good day and at a good time] Is there sugar-glazed sweet potato? Normally at a Chinese restaurant, [Food expert SUGA’s best tip] to see if it’s a good restaurant or not, you should order sugar-glazed sweet potato.
46:06 - Is there sugar-glazed sweet potato? What else? There are many cases where members laughed at me.
46:11 - [Opening a memory pocket] Jimin’s notebook was very funny.
46:13 - [Jimin drew every part of choreographies on his notebook] - Choreographies on the note. - Choreographies? Can we go for preparation? [Sweet potato lover] [it is not here yet… ] - We haven’t got sweet potato yet. - Let’s wait for it.
46:22 - [Here comes sugar-glazed sweet potato] Thank you, I’m good.
46:26 - [Let me taste it. ] Wow! [Beautiful flavor] [Tastes delicious even before chewing] Why? Does it dwarf Jung Kook’s sugar-glazed sweet potato? [Impressed] It’s real.
46:37 - [BTS-chelin] Honey-flavored sweet potato. It was very funny.
46:40 - [Please refer to Run BTS! Ep. 20 Korean Food War] That was so funny.
46:42 - [Jung Kook’s sugar-glazed sweet potato that defied Newton’s law] It was funny that it was sticking hard.
46:43 - First, hygiene. - Second, hygiene again. - Hygiene.
46:47 - [And third? Adhesion strength] Third, adhesion strength.
46:48 - He said adhesion strength while holding it high.
46:50 - [Endless episodes] Amazing. How long have we done Run BTS? - About 10 years. - A long time - It hasn’t been 10 years since our debut. - I believe we first did it on 2015.
46:59 - [Run BTS! first episode was released on Aug 1st, 2015] We started it during “Dope”.
47:01 - - In 2015. “I NEED YOU”. - A collection of Run BTS! legends.
47:04 - [It’s even nice to see replays of Run BTS!] It’s so fun to watch the collection.
47:06 - It’s still fun even if I already know what will happen.
47:09 - Let’s leave. [Good, neat. ] - Let’s get a cup of coffee. - Let’s go.
47:15 - Let’s brush our teeth. [Tight schedule] - Okay. - Let’s do it.
47:18 - [The comment is not planned] We had a really nice meal at The Plaza in Jongno.
47:20 - [Don’t forget the owner of the wallet!] Congratulations on Jin being on the first place.
47:24 - [Congratulations!] Let’s give him a big applause.
47:26 - Jin. - Jin. - It was awesome. Everyone, let’s move on to the next place.
47:32 - - Run! - BTS! Let’s go. [Bye, j-hope’s hardworking CAM] I’m too full to get up.
47:56 - [Run BTS!] [EP. 130 Long-term project Tennis 2] [This content was sponsored by FILA, WILSON and Banyan Tree Club & Spa Seoul] [Run BTS!] [EP. 130 Long-term project Tennis 2] [This content was sponsored by FILA, WILSON and Banyan Tree Club & Spa Seoul].