GNOME Desktop for our Parents (Feedback)
Oct 1, 2020 23:25 · 485 words · 3 minute read
So it is kinda a common scenario people in Linux to also installing Linux to their parents. Or should I say it was used to be? You see, today with the 6” display phones, nobody needs really a PC for reading on internet. As a matter of fact I have forgotten when it was the last time I used my laptop to read something, or even watch a movie. For me? Linux or any desktop operating system like Windows and macOS, are really meant for people that are onto computing, and in fact I strongly believe the true target is the developers. And I’d like to have your personal experience on that.
00:37 - Do your parents still need a PC like 5 years ago, or they’re happy with their phones? It is not a secret that GNOME forces the use of workspaces on their workflow, which is something I’m completely in love with, but it can also be very confusing for some people to adjust to the concept of virtual desktops. But you know what still impresses me on this desktop after all these years? We can transform it to something completely different, and everything will still feel so solid, like it was the default thing! And it is also very easy thing to do! First, we need to enable Dash to Panel Extension, and by the way no serious complains that extensions aren’t part of Settings, as long as we get this app! Then, from Tweaks we can set workspaces to 1, that basically is like we have no virtual desktops at all. And to remind you they were plans, and also working patches, for moving this functionality into Settings app. And lastly, for people with shaking hands, we can disable the hot corner! And perhaps we can extend pretty much any Linux desktop, but there is none other desktop that customization will look and feel as part of the core system! Oh, and I didn’t forget about the menu! But I don’t trade it with anything in the world! Besides, that’s an application launcher that our parents are very familiar from their phones! Meanwhile I clearly remember I used to have 3 application pages 2 days ago, and since then I installed a few more apps! I mean where the Libre Office and Unity Hub went? Where is GIMP and Visual Studio Code? Pff! But don’t worry! Lots of fixes are coming in GNOME 3.38.1 release this week! Anyhoo! Please write down in comments what desktop you put in your parents and no-nerd friends, if any! And for more, read the pinned comment! Always read the pinned! Retarded kid! She makes a video to tell people to read the pinned! Retarded but with a mo********** gun! Cocoa? It’s not yours! You are not even holding it! I don’t care! I need a knife to hunt him down and skin him alive! .