Distributed Algorithms 2020: lecture 2a
Sep 13, 2020 22:27 · 2166 words · 11 minute read
Our course is about distributed algorithms, but this week we won’t talk about distributed things or algorithmic things. We will study graph theory, because we will later need plenty of it in this course. In this lecture, I’ll introduce some basic graph-theoretic concepts with the help of an example. In the course material you’ll find the formal definitions of everything we use here, but I hope you can follow this presentation as long as you are familiar with the basic concepts like graphs, nodes, and edges. I’d like to emphasize that here all graphs are simple, undirected graphs.
00:51 - There is a finite, nonempty set of nodes, and a set of edges, and each edge is a set of 2 nodes. To illustrate some key ideas, I’ll prove the following theorem: In any d-regular graph (where d is at least 1), a minimum vertex cover is always a d-approximation of a minimum dominating set. Let me decompose this and explain all words here, so that we understand what we claim here. The degree of a node is the number of neighbors. And a graph is d-regular if all nodes have degree d.
01:44 - So we are focusing here on graphs in which all nodes have the same number of neighbors. Here are some examples of 1-regular graphs, 2-regular graphs, and 3-regular graphs. For example, this graph here is 3-regular: if you look at any node, you’ll see that it has got exactly 3 neighbors. Good, so now we understand this part. Then what about vertex covers? Let’s assume C is a subset of nodes. We say that C is a vertex cover if, for each edge, we have got at least 1 endpoint in set C.
02:37 - For example, here this set of nodes is a vertex cover. If you take any edge, you will see that at least one endpoint is in set C. You can have both endpoints in C. But you must have at least 1. For example, this set of nodes is not a vertex cover, as we’ve got this edge here that doesn’t have any endpoint selected. So you can think about vertex covers so that each node covers all of its incident edges. And a set of nodes is a vertex cover if it covers all edges.
03:21 - And we say that C is a minimum vertex cover if it is a vertex cover that has the smallest possible number of nodes. So for example this one here is a minimum vertex cover. It is a vertex cover with 2 nodes, and for this graph there is no vertex cover with fewer nodes. This one is not a minimum vertex cover, because it has got 3 nodes, while 2 nodes are enough to cover the graph. Good, so now we know what this part means. Then let’s look at this part, dominating sets. Let’s assume that D is a subset of nodes. We say that D is a dominating set if each node is in D or has got at least one neighbors in D. For example, here this set of nodes is a dominating set. If you take any node, either it is already selected, or at least 1 of its neighbors is selected. For example, this set of nodes is not a dominating set, as we’ve got this node here that is not selected, and none of its neighbors are selected.
04:47 - The intuition here is that a node can dominate all of its neighbors. And a set of nodes is a dominating set if all nodes are dominated. And now D is a minimum dominating set if it is a dominating set that has the smallest possible number of nodes. So for example this one here is a minimum dominating set. It is a dominating set with 2 nodes, and for this graph there is no dominating set with fewer nodes.
05:21 - And this one is not a minimum dominating set, because it has got 3 nodes, while 2 nodes are enough to dominate the graph. Good, we are making progress, we know also what this part means. Finally, we need to understand approximations. When we say that set D is a k-approximation of a minimum dominating set, we mean the following. First, D is a dominating set. Second, the size of D is at most k times the size of the minimum dominating set. That’s it. That’s the full definition, nothing more.
06:14 - Please note that approximations have to be feasible dominating sets. It isn’t roughly a dominating set. It has to be exactly a dominating set. The only sloppiness is in the size. It doesn’t need to be a minimum-size dominating set, it can be larger by some factor. For example, this is an example of a 2-approximation of a minimum dominating set. In this graph the minimum dominating set is 3 nodes. And here we have a dominating set with 6 nodes. Six is at most 2 times 3. So this is a 2-approximation. So now we understand all terms.
07:07 - Let’s rephrase the claim so that it is easier to follow. We can take any positive integer d. And we can take any graph G that is d-regular. And we can take any minimum vertex cover X. And the claim is that X is also a d-approximation of a minimum dominating set. And to make it more clear, let’s expand it a bit. Consider any minimum vertex cover X and any minimum dominating set Y. Then we claim that X is also a dominating set, and its size is not more than d times the size of Y. Does this claim make any sense? Let’s quickly go through some examples. Here d = 1. We have a 1-regular graph. Here is a minimum vertex cover X with 1 node, and a minimum dominating set Y with 1 node. It’s easy to check that X is also a dominating set, and indeed its size is 1 times the size of Y. Here d = 2. We have a 2-regular graph.
08:36 - Here is a minimum vertex cover X with 2 nodes, and a minimum dominating set Y with 1 node. We can check that X is also a dominating set, and its size is 2 times the size of Y, just like it should be. And another example for d = 2. Another 2-regular graph. A minimum vertex cover X with 3 nodes, and a minimum dominating set Y with 2 nodes. Again, X is a also a dominating set, and its size is at most 2 times the size of Y. Please note that here we are doing a bit better, the size of X is only 1.5 times the size of Y, but that’s fine. And here d is 3.
09:26 - And here is an example of a graph where a minimum vertex cover has 3 nodes and a minimum dominating set has got 1 node. Again, the size of X is at most 3 times the size of Y, and X is also a dominating set. And a yet another example here. A minimum vertex cover with 4 nodes. A minimum dominating set with 2 nodes. Factor-2 difference, which is at most 3. Good, so the claim at least seems to make sense in these examples, and we know also that the claim is basically the strongest possible. In the previous examples we saw that sometimes the ratio is exactly d, sometimes less. Now let’s prove this claim! We need to prove 2 things.
10:29 - First, we need to prove that a minimum vertex cover is also a dominating set. Second, we need to prove that a minimum vertex cover is not that much larger than the smallest dominating set. Let’s start with the first part. Let X be any vertex cover. We don’t need to use the property that it is a minimum vertex cover here, so we can just look at any vertex cover. We need to show that X dominates all nodes, that is, all nodes not in X have at least one neighbor in X. To do this, consider any node u. The graph is d-regular and d is at least 1, so node u has got at least one neighbor, let’s call it v. So in the graph there is an edge {u,v}.
11:28 - And X is a vertex cover, so it contains at least one of the endpoints of this edge. So u is in X, or if this is not the case, its neighbor v is in X. So we are done: X is a dominating set. Now comes the more interesting part. We need to bound the size of X in comparison with the size of Y. We don’t need to use the property that Y is a minimum dominating set here, it is enough to show that X is at most d times as large as any dominating set, and then it of course also holds for the specific case of a minimum dominating set. Let’s use n to denote the total number of nodes in the graph.
12:27 - We will first compare the size of Y with n, and then compare the size of X with n, and this will give what we want. Let’s start by analyzing set Y, which is assumed to be some dominating set. Let’s put some tokens on the nodes as follows. Each node in Y puts one token on itself and one token on each of its neighbors. Because Y is a dominating set, each node got at least 1 token. And because all nodes in Y have exactly d neighbors, we used d+1 tokens per node in Y. So in total the number of tokens we used was d+1 times the size of Y. And because each node got at least 1 token, we must have used at least n tokens. So n is at most d+1 times size of Y. Good, let’s keep this inequality in mind, we’ll use it soon. Let’s next analyze set X, which is assumed to be a minimum vertex cover.
13:59 - We’ll again put some tokens but with a twist. Let’s define set A that consists of those nodes that are not in the vertex cover. Now each node in A puts one token on itself and one on each neighbor. So the total number of tokens is d+1 times the size of A. And I’m claiming that each node got at least one token, so we had to use at least n tokens. Why is this the case? Well, let’s image that there was a node v that didn’t get any tokens. So v itself has to be in the vertex cover, otherwise it would give a token to itself. And all neighbors of v have to be also in the vertex cover, otherwise they would give us tokens. But what would this mean? All of these edges incident to v have both endpoints in the vertex cover X. If X is a vertex cover, we could remove v from X, and it would still be a vertex cover.
15:23 - So we could construct another vertex cover that is smaller than X. But we assumed X is a minimum vertex cover, so this cannot happen. So it has to be the case that all nodes got at least 1 token, and the number of tokens is therefore at least n. So we have that the size of A is at least n over d+1. And now we know enough about the size of X. It’s the complement of A, so its size is n minus the size of A. And using this gives this, so the size of X is at most d over d+1 times n. Now let’s recall what I told you to remember. We already proved that n is at most d+1 times the size of Y. So the size of X is at most d times the size of Y, which is exactly what we were supposed to prove! So a theorem proved.
16:43 - Why did we do this? Not because this is an important result in graph theory, it certainly isn’t. But because this proof demonstrates both key concepts and some useful proof techniques that we will use in this course. By the way, it’s good to note that we didn’t really ever need the property that X is a minimum vertex cover. We only need to assume that if you remove any node from X, it is no longer a vertex cover. So it was enough to assume that X is a minimal vertex cover, that is, you can’t remove any nodes from it.
17:30 - On the other hand, if you only assumed that X is a vertex cover, this claim is no longer true. Can you see why? What’s the simplest counterexample? .