Nov 7, 2020 10:00 · 856 words · 5 minute read
Hello JT Squad, welcome back to our YouTube channel That’s something weird Today we are reacting to weird things Turkish people do Trying to translate to Turkish language It was funny at the end Can you mention one weird thing Turkish people do? Some Turkish people ask “How many cm?” I was gonna say that, you stole my answer from me When Turkish people see a black guy with a Turkish girl, they get jealous even if they don’t know the girl It’s true, it’s true I don’t think that’s true…It’s true It’s true? They may not think it’s something weird, but I think it is weird Yea it’s weird Even if they don’t know the girl, they stare and feel uncomfortable…I don’t know why For me, Why would you ask me “How many cm?” Forget those weird things, Turkish people are wonderful For example, our subscribers…You guys are amazing He committed a grammatical blunder During the period our channel was hacked, a lot of you kept texting us to make sure we were okay To be honest, you guys are amazing Anyway, weird things Turkish people do This are not words from our mouths This is a video by Chelsea Elizabeth If she says something wrong, you know where to go He loves violence, why are you being violent? Because my favorite color is Cyan (San)…Violet (Quincy) Before we get into the video, please smash the subscribe button, like the video Share the video because it helps INSTAGRAM It helps Instagram? What are these guys doing today? It helps our YouTube channel Let’s get into the video Follow us on Instagram as well Okay, sorry…
I feel like she is a foreigner that visited Turkey and noticed some weird things 03:40 - There is somebody walking behind us, if you know his name, write it in the comment section It’s true in some cases and the direct opposite in some other cases I think when it’s a conversation with a stranger, then they hang up immediately I think they say the proper goodbye when you are talking with your friend Actually, my Turkish friends hang up immediately I have warned some people to never hang up on me again You mean without a proper goodbye? They hang up immediately and don’t wait for your response Oh, okay. This is slow I am sorry, this is slow…This is how you should talk to your friend I guess But I think it’s different with Turkish people Maybe I am so used to it already She moved to Turkey? That’s true She, you may think the person is rude Sorry, whose channel is this? She will think the person is rude That’s why you are used to it She said “Ya” Yea, this is true…which bulldozers? They like to watch construction workers Some will put their hands behind their backs and continue watching…I have to start noticing that We just walk past without noticing Staring at bulldozers Do you mean people that are working? Of course, they cannot stare at empty bulldozers Now, she is exaggerating But they like doing it Please explain to us too She is staring at bulldozers Random To be honest, “hahaha” “lol” “Lmao” are now weird for me I just love the way it looks I love “random” so much I’m sure she was surprised the first time she saw it…I was surprised too! I asked San to explain to me and he told me she was just laughing I asked him, who laughs this way It’s true, very accurate This is not related to what we are watching but she has beautiful eyes She said it looks like they are having a stroke In Russian language True The English version is “hahahaha” Or “lol” or “lmao” It’s like they are starting a car engine Who comes up with these ideas? What is this? Please explain to us I am so used to it and I don’t complain anymore…
I use it every time 14:01 - That’s what I use too I can’t remember the last time I used “lol” or “lmao” I use “lol” when I am talking to my Nigerian friends I texted Richard the previous day and I used “jsdsdhsjdkhds” for him. He asked me wtf is this? I also texted him with “random” some days ago I am so used to it It’s more fun I always compete with myself, I think of which letter I wanna start with or what combination of letters I wanna write jajhahjasjsjsa If I start with a “m” I will delete it and start with “k” Most times, I make sure there are no vowels there…I like to use consonants Some people go as far as using special alphabets I think girls use it more often Of course That was fun did you guys enjoy this? Of course you enjoyed it Let us know why you guys use “jhadskjadkjhdudas” I don’t think there is an explanation for that I am very sure it started with just one person Thank you so much, like, share, comment and subscribe, till we see next time…Peace .