Chuck Pierce and Dutch Sheets: To Cancel Threats of Riots…Give Him 15 (Isaiah 60:18)
Dec 23, 2020 12:30 · 1363 words · 7 minute read
California’s amazing. Let’s say that out loud. [Congregation] California’s amazing. If we don’t start filling the atmosphere with this, we’re not going see this. All right, now, that’s what it looks like. Now, go to the next thing, where we were. Here’s what you’re hung between. There’s an iniquitous root here. Now, iniquity is different from sin. It’s where something has formed a twisted thought process. All right, keep going. It can go from generation to generation. Now, this is what you’re hung between, and this is what I want to leave with you. One of the words for the decade is rioting.
00:46 - California has always been formed out of revolt. When you tried to become a Republic. I’ve studied the difference between California becoming a Republic, and Texas becoming a Republic. Texas was a sovereign, legitimate Republic, that was absorbed into the U.S. California was a Republic that formed out of revolt and rebellion. And it never did come into a legitimacy of it’s revolt, and rebellion.
01:25 - Therefore, you have an evil root of revolt and rebellion in the land. It’s down in the land. It’s not just in the air, it’s in the land. It tries to come up through the political structure to illegitimately change freedom. All right, now here’s what God says. This is my word to leave with you. “Threats of violence will no longer be heard in your land, (congregation shouting) nor destruction and ruin be found within your borders. You will name your walls.” Julie sang it. Now, when you’re singing things, record ‘em down in you.
02:13 - There is some reason the Spirit is bringing this out. “Your walls will be called salvation and your gates will be called praise.” (congregation shouting) You will no longer be in the coming year. Now, you’re going to have to war through this, revolt and riots. And riots will break out next year, and when you see that, you say, “Salvation and praise is coming. “ You will be known as being walls of salvation and gates praise. Not only are you the gate of the West, where the wind of the West comes through, the West wind means revival. Where revival comes through, you will be known as a gate of praise. Therefore, out of this healing place that we are in, there will be a move of healing praise across this state, and it will not just be worship that has been planned, it will be heaven coming down and being expressed and changing the atmosphere. Let’s stand up and thank God for what He’s about to do.
03:33 - And let’s thank God for Dutch Sheets, who’s called to bring this nation into revival and awakening. (congregation clapping) So we’re gonna decree now, one more time over this region. Can I just have the worship team up here? This lady, Julie, go, you can go ahead. I was in a meeting with her in Kansas three or four or five years ago. We’re finished, the meeting’s over, I’m grabbing my Bible. I hear this, “Dutch!” (congregation laughing) I don’t know if she even remembers it. She’s at the keyboard, “Dutch!” She starts singing about giving God 15 minutes. Do you remember that? And she says, “You’re going to change a nation through the number 15.” Took me a while to figure out what the Lord wanted to do with that, but we have an app now called Give Him 15. It’s a free app. You should go get it. You should get it if you don’t have it. Every day there’s a prayer for, most the time for the nation.
04:47 - Very short, very brief, thousands, I’m gonna tell you, thousands. We have over half a million people that have that app now. Thousands of people are praying the same prayer and decree, making the same decree over America every day now. Because the Word of the Lord came forth and we obeyed the Word of the Lord, and now, and I’m not exaggerating, thousands of people are praying and decreeing the same thing over. Today’s decree is about the armed forces, the military, praying for our soldiers.
05:29 - But I feel like the Lord wants to make some decrees here and us to say some things. Lord, we just agree with You, we say the same thing. We are hearing that Your glory is coming to the West, and that a West wind is going to blow. Your Spirit is coming to this region, to break through in incredible and miraculous way. Lord, we are going to see Your Word come with such profound power, that it goes five layers into the ground.
06:07 - We say California is about to shift into a new phase and season of her destiny. And the demons and the devil, does not own the state of California. Every square inch of this state belongs to the Lord. The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. So we say, the blood of Jesus is gonna break every curse in the soil, every curse in the atmosphere, every curse over government and business, and the Lord Jesus Christ is bringing His power into California. Yahweh is going to be seen. Signs and wonders are coming. Miracles are coming.
06:46 - You’re going to pour out Your Spirit in the state of California. (gentle music) Now, you know when you walk into a place of apostolic authority. Let’s thank God one more time for this place. (congregation clapping) I told Rick and Lori, I said, “There’s a movement, not a ministry, a movement coming out of this place.” Now I want Rick to lay hands on Dutch’s back. And I’m going to say, you know, we made it through from the East to the West, thank God. Now, a little beat up, but we made it through. I got a healed last night, but I’m a lot easier than him and nicer. So, (all laughing). Thank you for having this atmosphere prepared when we got here. Lord, we thank You for being able to press through to this place, press through into California, a gate of the west wind, a gate of healing, a gate of power.
08:04 - And Lord, we thank You for the Healing Movement and the Judah Movement, and the incredible Mountain Changing Societal Movement that is stirring in California. To all of you from Christian International, the Lord says, you’re gonna go back and review all the words that have stirred up, and you’re gonna find sentence after sentence. You will redo the way you decree. You’ll move from prophecy to decree. The Lord says, “You will decree a thing and watch it happen.” Lord, we say right now, California is now, the plates are shifting in Jesus name. (congregation clapping) - Thank you, Lord. Let’s pray right now.
08:58 - Let’s ask God to heal Dutch completely right now in the name of Jesus. It’s the L4 and L5? All right, Lord, right now we speak. We give voice to Your Word, and we say L4 and L5 be healed in the name of Jesus. We command those pinched nerves, be unpinched in Jesus’ name. Lord we speak a creative miracle into his back, into the vertebrae Lord, into all things in his back that’s causing problems right now. Lord, stretch back right now in the name of Jesus. We should say nerves, be free, be loosed right now in Jesus’ name. Lord, we thank You Lord, for healing right now in the power of Jesus name. Right now, I speak to all pain. Lord, I speak to the sciatica, and I say, but hear the Word of the Lord. And I say, be healed in the name of Jesus.
09:55 - I command all pain, leave now, in the name of the Lord. We say never again, never again in Jesus’ name. Let this back be brand new. We say all things new, all things restored. In the mighty name of Jesus, we pray. Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Jesus. Amen, amen. (congregation clapping) .