Science Guys Rambling on Covid-19

Apr 4, 2020 04:38 · 2294 words · 11 minute read non medical professionals maybe things

good afternoon good morning good evening wherever you are so today it’s different that we are at home due to this virus Kona virus or cookies 19 so if one is at home staying put try to stay away from this virus so even though I’m at home so I can still bring a guest to our studio and today I’m sure now with our science guy bill Cole it’ll bill good afternoon what you are in Central Time so how are you doing today I’m doing pretty well so since everyone is hiding at home y’all I am as well so how are things going for you but they’re going okay I’m glad I have lots of hobbies it keeps me busy it’s starting to get you know warm enough he can be outside now probably up to 50 this afternoon so that’s pretty good I was pretty cool so you are basically hiding inside for now when it comes out to the corner I was ready yeah and then I try and get the exercise but I’m you know not around anybody else very close oh I keep hiking her I’ve been hitting golf balls like that so that is good so the the clubs are still open by you or you are basically throwing out some balls on someone in the woods somewhere somewhere well I’m just going some all property okay some school property Wiccan windows at home relax you know and you are basically breaking windows on school properties so I guess the kids are safe because they are not there right right the kids receive everything so what is on your advice to the people who are now the state of panic when it comes out to the virus corner virus my advice I don’t have anything so what are you doing yourself so maybe that is working for you you can probably say to them this is what I have been doing and it works and maybe you can try it if it works for yourself so what have you been doing yourself well I guess staying away from crowds that’s the main thing you know I haven’t been anywhere where there’s been big concentration of people okay and I guess I’m staying inside maybe more than I would normally you have to you know cook for myself or get takeout no can’t go to any restaurants I was what I bought not their old-fashioned home cooking but you know it’s just hard to know what to believe somebody just sent me something and one theory was that if you take Advil that made it worse that the corona virus but title was okay but advil made it worse now whether that’s true or not I don’t no but you know they’re so you know I do not know all the side effects of these things because the virus itself is new so there are many things people are saying but a lot of other things that they are saying are false they are not actually on any true science so unfortunately we have non medical professionals who ever known researchers and the field of medicine all these people are now giving advice to people so it is a very bad thing what I always not tell people if you are about not to get some news make sure that it is from a reputable source and not only a reputable source but who is saying it or who is giving that information so is that person a person of science or the medical community or just someone in rumbling I bought some fads to some extent so it is a very important not to do that and not listening out to what people are saying and again since on the virus is so new in such a way we don’t have all the data and all the research that I will come to a conclusive state of saying certain things if you take this you take that so of course on you know we have a president as well who is now a medical doctor prescribe many people certain drugs on TV without a script so you never know so if the prisoner can do it I guess I was gonna do it you well I guess what kind of puzzles me is that you know some people seem to get through it fairly mild but you know other people its fatal and and even seem like some of the people that were you know like middle-aged and pretty good health you know it’s been just terrible for them but you know it just seems to affect people differently but this is a notion that some people believe that they are invincible it doesn’t matter your age but you may be young you may have uh some on the light condition that you may not aware of and just because you are twenty okay you think that you’re on good health you can recover based on a past experience because you are young so the body can fight much better but this is a navajo virus no one knows exactly how such a virus is going on - we are and also having uh some underlying problems and that is going to be problematic so the virus ah doesn’t have any border the Barossa does not have two symbols eduardo call it any age restriction and I even heard there was a seven month old baby who passed away from corner virus this past week I didn’t read it but I heard it over the news to some extent but actually believe the virus doesn’t have any agent specific or gender to some extent so this virus does not know age will show component or whatever so we have got to be careful and be prudent on our activities that’s all right so I promised long I have been well you know watching the news quite a bit and it’s like you can watch them not so much of it and it’s like wow you just did see information overload yeah so to some extent I try to watch the news as much as I can but I simply do not glue to the screen because everyone is talking about the same thing corner virus because we can hear so much about it and the many things that the media are not talking about wash your hands - this - that I always believed that we were a first world nation we were suppose not to be doing these things anyway so these things are should not be new things to us we should have been doing them all these years okay so I do not understand as to why wash your hands not touch your face not put your fingers and your nostrils and things like that we were supposed to be doing all these things so I do not understand the measures some restaurants are not taking in other establishment are taking but it was supposed to be doing these things all all this time so now the question that I have what what would what were they were doing so that is the question okay so I do not know but I’m very confused by the reaction of all these things so things that were supposed to be doing anyway and we’re not doing them and now due to the virus we are trying to do them so it makes it to some extent complicated or challenging so and the best thing we can do we need to stay away from large group of people and try to eat healthy to boost our immune system and that is not the best thing that I can say so I’m trying hard to do the same thing myself trying to stay healthy trying not to go anywhere so even if I have had to go to the grocery stores I am extremely careful so and again if you go to the grocery store to get some water and you get the water what make you believe the person who was on stuck in the water was not infected with Kona virus so it is a risk that we are all taking at this point okay so now we have the restaurants you cannot go inside and sit down for your meal but they offer takeout or delivery what make you believe and the chef who’s cooking the meal does not have porno virus inside the restaurant cooking it for you okay but this is not one of the many reasons when you receive that milk you do not eat it and the container the mid arrives so what you basically do you have a to transfer such meal and to yon continent home and we hit the middle and your microwave and before you eat make sure you wash your hands again because on that container maybe we are well contaminated by the person delivering to you so very important does that make any sense it does so just because on we’re not saying in the restroom and that does that mean that the food that is coming to us is not going to be contaminated things like that so it’s very crazy I guess I’ve been thinking some you know about you know how are things change in the future it seems like you know there’s got to be maybe things like this you know will be more important or other things that can be done with new technology or what but it just seems like you know there’s been warnings of this sort of thing happening and we really haven’t taken them just too serious so as a matter of fact I have been talking about this on for the last ten years how we are not ready so yes we are the United States of America supposedly we are a first world class country but at the same time there are many holes in this country we are not ready for certain things so now we can see it is evident that the health care system is very in bad shape isn’t bad shape the health care system okay so we do not have enough hospital beds would you not have enough medical professionals it is very simple and that stem at the educational level and I have been talking for years how to experience a paradigm shift and the medical field as to how we trained nurses doctors and other people so what I have been saying is this you don’t need to go to medical school for four years after college and things like that so if you have an educational system that is are very serious about health care so you can train medical professionals who do not have to go to a four- year medical school okay we can show them the process just like I will have our physician assistant who go to school for two years but at the same time we can also have another system where by the time you finish your folio degree you are a well trained professional to take care of our sick people okay so often time I’ll go for a medical checkup I tell the doctor what I need that person agree with me okay that’s sad you don’t need a miracle doctor to tell you you have a headache or you have a fever okay you already know you have a headache you already have a fever so basically they are gonna to prescribe you something but you can also have another layer of healthcare professionals who can take care of these things what the cost is going to be cheaper why did I have had to pay so much money and similar to nurses and so on okay so the healthcare system needs to experience a paradigm shift because it is not working we can see it now okay not in our beds okay so we don’t have a healthcare system in the u.s. an opinion I felt on we have some form of companies making money on the back of sick people so they’re not there to keep you healthy but they are there to make money that’s what they always do it and I have been audition for the last 10 years as to how we shoot to some extent experience a paradigm shift when it comes out to medical services in this country and we are so far behind and now we can see it with this group it 19 suddenly it is true all right bill so stay safe okay okay so I look forward to see you and your second here every time it starting next year 2021 so be safe so stay away from large group and things that you should be doing anyway why should I hand them often okay all right so anyway thank you for being here so that now we will talk about the many things that are happening 20 the new trends the new normal to some extent so until then my friend take care thank you for being a great guest on on GSN gives a stab Network so by the way you are doing very well when it comes on to your video editing is so much better man yeah that’s good keep it up all right so I wish I could do that but I think I have a different calling all right my friend so take care and be safe we’ll be in touch soon okay very good okay bye right .