Ready to Collect a Sample from Asteroid Bennu

Oct 19, 2020 19:00 · 189 words · 1 minute read sample back team persevered questions

Hey this is Dr Thomas Z, and we’re so ready to go get that sample. I have to tell you this is a first for all of NASA to really go actually pick up a sample at a celestial body like an asteroid or in general, and we have been waiting for that the team has been preparing for it and we’re ready to go do this. It’s a historic first for all of us we look forward to it. This time capsule that’s out there from which we try to steal a sample and bring it back to earth to the best labs we have in all of humanity that time capsule has been out there and has the mysteries and the answers to questions about the beginning of the solar system As we bring that sample back with it come answers to questions that we’ve had for many many decades, and I just want to say how grateful I am to the team that got us that far and through this the team persevered a lot of issues both technically but also with COVID. Thanks team! .