Repotting ZZ plant ! Saving my ZZ plant using ZZ plant propagation !
Dec 1, 2020 14:45 · 1096 words · 6 minute read
Hi everybody! Today we are going to be repotting a ZZ plant that is in a lot of stress. Okay, coming up. OK my friends, so there are many signs that we can look out for in order to see if our ZZ plant is in stress. The first sign is the branches. So if you see that the branches are falling over like with this one right here, this may mean that your plant is under stress and it needs repotting. Another very good sign to know if your plant is under stress in the pot is actually when you see that the plant is growing outside of the pot, like here. This again, means that the plant doesn’t have so much space inside the pot, so it’s trying to get more space outside.
00:47 - And this is another pretty good sign that your ZZ plant needs repotting. And the third sign, actually I didn’t know about this, and when I saw it, I was pretty excited because I only knew that with the ZZ plant is really rare that they flower, but unfortunately, this is not a good sign. When your ZZ plant flowers, this means that actually the plant is under stress. And this is a sign that they are trying to reproduce before they die. OK, so as you can see, this has been a learning curve for me, but I wanted to share with you just in case it’s helpful, and hopefully, we can make this plant feel better. But now, let’s get to repotting.
01:23 - OK you guys, so as you can see, I’m actually massaging the soil, and trying to take as much soil out as possible, so the roots are released, and we can try to pull it out of this pot. And we start to see the roots, so that’s good. So, I’m just going to try to take more soil before I start pulling out. Just so it’s not so bound to the pot. And it’s easier to take it out. So I placed the bag here, just to protect the floor a little bit, And we can maybe later use the soil as well, when we are repotting the plant. OK so now I’m going to try to place it on the floor very carefully.
02:11 - So where we don’t have so many leaves, so maybe on this side, And I’m going to try to pull it really gently, so let’s try. Yeah, I think it’s coming out guys. OK, I just have to be very careful. It’s coming, oh! Look at that! There they are. I mean, the roots look really healthy. But as you can see, they are very in the pot. OK so wer are going to try to lose them up a little bit. And very carefully so we don’t break them. And I’m still trying to massage the soil out, because what we are going to try to do now is divide this plant. so depenting on the root system that we have, we will try to divide it so it’s good for the plant, and we don’t have to cut it, but we divide it naturally and organically. But we will see how it goes. And this soil we are actually going to use when we repot it too. So I’m going to use new soil that I need, but I think this soil is also good to re-use it. OK you guys, so when we were deciding where to divide our plant, this one actually came out really easily, because it’s one of the clusters.
03:28 - So as you can see, it has a very big root base, and then it has some branches here and leaves, that of course we want that, right? I mean, we could divide it here maybe and cut it, and make two clusters here, maybe that’s what I’m going to do, so we are going to cut here, there. So then we have one part here, right there. And another one here. So we ended up with one, two, three. Three cuttings. For the ZZ plant, you can always use an all purpose houseplant potting mix, but today, I’m going to be using my recipe for potting mix, just to give her an extra care. And what I am going to do is I’m going to add this soil to the potting mix, just to, just to re-use this soil, and also because It has some nutrients that the plant may be accustomed to already. So I’m just going to mix my potting mix with these ingredients here.
04:32 - And I always like to add to the bottom of the pot these clay pebbles, so these ones actually look like this. And basically they help us with humidity levels at the bottom, and in the soil, and also for drainage. So that’s why I always like to add to the pots here. Now we are going to add some soil to our pot, So we want to add this soil so the pot has some base, and the roots can actually seat on this soil as the base. So I’m going to cut a little bit of these roots, maybe here so they are not as long. and now we are going to plant it.
05:10 - So let’s just put them over here, We want to really give the plant a lot of support, so once I’m done adding the soil, I’m going to press it down a little bit, just gently but, we are going to compress. Like, not too much but just so it has a strong base. And on top of that, I’m going to add some of these clay pebbles. These ones are pink, so they are going to serve her as support and also as decoration. OK, so now the three parts are in their new home, I hope that they will feel better, now that they have their own space, but this plant was actually a gift from our friend, and it came with these three feathers, and I just noticed that the feathers are the colours of the clay pebbles.
05:57 - So I decided to put them in each of the pots, and this is just kind of like maitain them as a unit, but also they are going to have their own essence. So yeah. I hope that you liked this video, and as always I will see you in the next one. OK, ciaooooo ! .