Nov 15, 2020 16:00 ยท 1544 words ยท 8 minute read
Lara Mesanza : traveling the world in camper we are moving from living in a campervan to a campercar ! well guys , we are back to vanlife! well better said, welcome to carlife, since its slightly more appropriate at the start of last year, we were living in a very comfy van with its tall ceilings…. with its pretty kitchen… but this year we decided to go a bit mad. i know moving from a massive van to a tiny car seems insane but being honest, covid is making us all do whacky things… thefore, throughout the next couple of weeks we are going to show you how we convert this car step by step for less than 50$ how we created a hot water system for less than 20$ to have a proper hot portable shower and how we travel road triping around australia , well specifically the east coast living and traveling in our little toyota camry during a worldwide pandemic if you want to join our adventures, watch us fail, use it as inspiration or to watch a realistic way in converting a car not your cliche influencers who are selling you a dream join our we little family and subscribe ! hit that notification bell so that you dont miss an upload etc etc etc im not going to bore you anymore, so lets get into the video lets start off by getting you guys up to speed my name is Lara, ive spent about 6 years travelling the world and last year i decided to move to australia so that we could buy a van and convert it with zero experience ! and to travel the country after working full time for 4 weeks 13 hours a day 7 days a week and 800$ later we created this super van ! using 90% recycled materials for the build since we really enjoyed the conversion process our super duper plan was to sell this van… and with the profit earnings to repeat the process and buy a new one. the good part? we did sell it , and we did make a few bob! we spent the little profit we made on a 2 month holiday in Malaysia the bad news was that when we arrived back in Australia at the beginning of the year everything had changed….
02:12 - welcome to 2020 , where the entire worlds plans have gone down the toilet im not going to bore you and get into the economic complications we have had revolved around covid 19 , since the entire world is suffering too… but let’s just say i didn’t have the money to buy another van and convert it! there is an english saying “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade” and using this metaphor as our analogy, our toyota camry 1992 which we bought for 480euro are the lemons…we bought it at the beginning of the year to get us to and from work so guys, slight change of plans ! our plan was to move to adelaide, to live in Australia for the year settled, go clubbing, cocktails bars, a LIFE ! but that obviously didnt happen ( covid) so we have decided to go on a little adventure we our on our way to convert the car into a camper car using recycled materials we found on the side of the road and we need to drive about 2000km to get to Queensland :) the reason we were going all the way to Queensland from Adelaide is because we found a job opening on a facebook post a motel in the middle of knowhere ( shitts creek style) that needed a chef and a cleaner / waitress we knew it was going to take us quite a while to get there so we wanted to take our time driving up , and gave ourselves 3 days to convert the car into a campercar we were super happy with the progress we had made on the first day ( about 4 hours) but that same day, in the evening, everything went to $h1t@ ! puff, guys… well anxiety is to the max right now… they have closed the boarders we have left our house, we have left our jobs, our house is packed with things we need to get rid of… I don’t know where we are going to get the time to sell it , or give it away , or throw it away! our options are, do an all nighter, clean up the entire house and get up at 6 am to drive 16 hours straight to make it to the border on time before it closes..
04:16 - or option 2 , is to drive at a normal pace, get there in a few days and pay 2800$ each to quarantine ugggghhh the anxiety…this is so stressful what a fail, well lets see how this pans out well guys, lets not panic! 5 ciggies and 3 bars of chocolate later i entered super motivation positivity mode i decided it would be posible to clean an entire house by myself in 12 hours starting at 9 pm at night so we got right to it ! We spammed gumtree & facebook marketplace with ads, selling all our belongings the bed, sofa, chairs, even the fridge! and we had people in and out of the house all night till 2 am we even made a little bit of profit lol well boys and girls, its 3 am, look at the state of me we have managed to clear out the whole house, don’t ask me how. still cleaning the kitchen the problem is i cant drive, since i dont have a licence, lol since im a ball of stress, i had a panic attack in my practice exam and totally failed… so thats why smail is sleeping since he is going to have to drive us 16 hours straight, and my task is to clean a whole house alone i did an all nighter to finish cleaning the house. as you can see , the car is half built, with a make shift bed.
05:34 - we have a platform for a bed and thats about it we obviously want to deck it out more, but we were a bit on a time sensitive matter! well, since we are going to have to do this dreaded journey, we might as well stock up… we just bought about 40$ worth of chocolate and sweets :) oh wait its gonna fall! Queensland border control ( with a few hours to spare! ) this was a very stressful journey that i wouldn’t recommend anyone to go though but we finally arrived at our destination! Taroom, a town in the back arse of nowhere here we spent the next 3 months working. YES GUYS, WORKING like normal humans the number one question i get asked is “ how do i afford this lifestyle”…travelling the world all day long well, like a normal person, by getting a job. we managed to save a lot of money here, and that will allow us to travel the rest of the year without working which reminds me, if any of you are interested in me making a video about traveling to Australia, visa options, and how to find jobs, let me know in the comments section below! and we have also taken advantage of the space these last few months to convert the car properly! with a closet, drawers, hot shower, even a 1.
2 m table! want to have a look? 07:13 - guess you are going to have to wait till next week! what i want to show you in this series is a realistic and easy way to convert a car into a campercar with little to no experience and see the non glamorous side to living in a car since (even though i love them) i dont want to be another vanlife cliche youtube channel where they all have a super duper time, make bucket loads of money for creating content and literally live off living a vanlife we get our hands dirty, and have worked in bars and all sorts, we are a normal couple just like you i know its not for everyone, but i wanted to create these videos for those of you who want to give this lifestyle a go to show you it is possible to do, you don’t need experience or much money and showing you an unfiltered version! Next sunday… next sunday ( parrots interrupting) next sunday will be the premiere of the carlife conversion series nd im going to give it a go uploading it live, ( or a premiere as youtube likes to call it ) which basically means you can ask me questions live whilst everyone watches the video together or if not, you can just comment below any questions you have about the build you would like answered, and il mention them in next weeks video! thanks again to all who watch and follow our adventures. and to all the new faces who like to watch our stindgey shanannigans ! and il see you guys next week ! piece out .