Adapting in a Time of Change

May 20, 2020 18:03 · 394 words · 2 minute read like benefit let amazing time

Hey NASA colleagues and colleagues from all around, thanks so much for spending some time with me here today and focus on the special time that were in. Frankly, it’s a time of change and whenever there’s change there’s real challenges, there’s also real opportunities. For me for example, I’m sitting here with my family, my two children and a dog, my wife, doing work and I’m really loading up the Internet. I’m learning a lot about the YouTube habits of my kids that I’ve never knew and my daughter actually came from a foreign exchange year prematurely and I had to wait two weeks to hug her. I still I just remember that amazing time to finally hug her again. For me, things have been challenging as well.

00:53 - It’s just like for you and I recognize we are have all different environments, all different situations. We are different personalities. I’m a pretty strong extrovert it turns out and so what happens is that frankly I struggle looking at this monitor. I struggle so much that I realized that I need mid-morning breaks and a mid-afternoon break and actually in the midday a time to a walk around. I realized that the absence of that I cannot efficiently do the work that I’m supposed to do. And so I don’t know what it is that you learn about yourself but what’s really critical is that you recognize that we all have these limitations, you all have opportunities here to really adapt your work and I want to make sure that you know that we want you to implement those to the benefit of all of us.

What we do here at 01:49 - NASA remains absolutely important and I just I want to be sure that we recognize together that what we’re doing has never been more important than right now. And so I really hope and I trust that together as a team of diverse individuals that come together for that noble mission of exploration, both human and scientific exploration, building technologies, new tools of understanding, nature and making them useful for society, that those objectives are driving us forward. Yes, there’s change, but yes there’s also opportunity. Let’s go find those opportunities and implement them. And in the meantime I wish you all the best in your respective circumstances. .