Upgrade Your Skyminer to 0.3.0

Oct 22, 2020 03:27 · 537 words · 3 minute read hit enter upgraded

It’s time to upgrade your Skyminer to version 0.3.0 This is the latest upgrade, and it comes with a slew of enhancements and bugfixes for Skywire, including support for a Skywire VPN, which is very cool! This upgrade is easy to do, and future upgrades will be much easier thanks to improvements in the built-in update mechanism, which is also very exciting. I’m going to be following along with the GitHub guide, and I suggest you do the same, as the most up-to-date instructions will always be found there. It says here that users running version 0.2.3 on their Skyminer boards are strongly encouraged to update their Visors to Skywire version 0.3.

00:34 - Let’s take a quick look at my HyperVisor dashboard to see what version I’m running, and it looks like I’m running version 0.2.1, so I’m ready to go. Since I’m already in the HypervisorUI, I open a terminal, and I’m going to want a “Full terminal” for this, not a “Simple” one, and once that loads in a new window I can execute commands on this visor. There’s a command I need to copy and paste from GitHub. Note that you may need to use the menu rather than a keyboard shortcut to paste into the terminal, depending on the browser you’re using. Hit ‘enter’ and the visor gets updated and restarts! When it restarts, you may see a black screen.

01:14 - You can safely close that terminal window and head back to the Hypervisor. That visor that you just upgraded will remain red as the visor restarts, but will be green again after the reboot is complete. And that’s it! Then all we need to do is move on to the next visor, repeating the same process, launching a full terminal, pasting in the code from GitHub, for each one. You can check on the visors you’ve already done, to confirm that it’s now displaying that you’re running the new version of Skywire. After the visors are all updated, it’s time to upgrade the hypervisor itself, which needs to be upgraded last.

01:45 - This will require using a terminal on your computer, like PuTTY on Windows or the Terminal app on a Mac. We need to SSH into the hypervisor, using the IP address assigned to it by your internet router. Check out my video on how to SSH into your Skyminer for more detailed instructions on how to do this, and how to figure out what your Skyminer’s IP address is. In my case the command is ssh root@ When it asks for a password, I type the default password, which is “skybian”. And once it’s logged in, you just need to paste in the exact same command as you did for each of the visors.

02:19 - Once that’s done go back to your HypervisorUI and log in. You remember that cerulean blue, but now you should see a sleek dark look to your dashboard. You may need to clear the cache or refresh the browser to see it. And that’s all there is to it! Good luck, and don’t forget to log into the Telegram chat for Skywire if you’re having any problems upgrading your Skyminer. .