5) Viviamo su una Terra più grande, svelata Atlantide SOTTOTITOLI-SUBTITLES
Oct 24, 2020 17:00 · 1663 words · 8 minute read
welcome to my fifth video today I will show you the exact location of Atlantis all the present theories try to locate Atlantis on the little ball Antarctica is Atlantis it’s in the Atlantic Ocean or the latest theory it is in Spain and so on they try to portray it as a big city but when you put Atlantis on the bigger earth it all becomes so simple and obvious for me it’s yet another puzzle piece falling on its place for the people who think what the hell is he talking about the bigger earth you have to watch my previous videos links are above their eye state we are living on the bigger earth so let’s take a look at Atlantis the description of Plato how could we recreate that image well you would have a crater in a crater in a crater but hey where did I hear that story before exactly remember in my previous video I made a 3d object in which I simulate light that gives the reflection of Saturn so let’s go back to Saturn on the moon map called lynnie let’s fill the Dark Shadows with water one ring two three let’s compare that with Atlantis three rings of water three rings of water so the conclusion is Saturn is Atlantis but now a little bell starts ringing I’m starting to realize why all the occult societies are obsessed with Saturn now the rest of the story is getting very simple let’s go back to the moon map you have two important players here you have moon crater Lynnae with the star named Saturn and the earth named Atlantis and you have crater so paquius calls em star named serious our by sphere earth thirdly you have a big plane called Marie Sarah neat at ease come see I guess it wasn’t that calm so watch the location of Atlantis and of biosphere earth Atlantis is in the middle of the sea by a sphere earth is on the shores of a rich now let’s presume there is a tsunami on the bigger earth and the whole crater of Atlantis was flooded that would have been an enormous disaster with earthquakes and their whole biosphere would have been swallowed by the water part of the population could escape by boat and managed to save their family and some livestock was it Noah or Gilgamesh one boat several boats we don’t know but part of the Atlanteans managed to escape so Noah started sailing and managed to reach the shore here you see a simulation on the moon map must have been an enormous trip I estimate it to be 2 million kilometers finally lands here you see an aerial view of their landing place our crater finally they landed their boats on Mount Ararat a mountain near crater earth once the water returns to a lower level the Atlanteans and their family got out of their boat from there they started walking that would have been 40,000 kilometers with a family and livestock that could have taken 40 years 40 years in the desert where did we hear that story before look at the position of Greater earth it is very close to the shore on the site of Greater Earth you see an opening that is lower than the rest once in a while when water on the bigger planet is rising water could leak into our crater maybe at a certain moment in time a huge piece of ice slipped into the crater and caused an enormous destruction the so-called ice meteorite that meteorite was responsible for the rising of sea levels and I think it sealed off the gateway to the bigger earth earlier people could enter our crater on foot now they need a boat slowly this information of the Gateway got lost to the point where we are now and now at the present time how are you going to explain water levels rising if you don’t want to tell the people about the bigger earth well you invent climate change and you tell people the ice of Antarctica is melting because of fossil fuels no I think it’s the water of Marie sarony Tati’s that is leaking into our crater so what’s next the Atlanteans enter the Promised Land and discover the Garden of Eden it must have been a beautiful world there must have been hominid races in the biosphere I think that because of their higher technology they must have been seen as the gods maybe some of the gods had difficulty breathing because of the different mixture of oxygen and needed some kind of respirator were they seen as bird guts because of that apparatus another question would be were there Giants of course this is blasphemy for mainstream science was homo-sex qs me was Homo sapiens around I don’t know I’ll make another improvisation here it’s purely speculative don’t take it for granted here I go the gods of Atlantis forbid their people to have sex with the hominids but a few fallen angels disobeyed and the crossbreed of Atlanteans and hominids was born Homo sapiens because of that Adam and Eve were cast out of paradise the Garden of Eden they had to leave greater Earth so I would guess Adam wasn’t Atlantean and if a hominid so if you are looking for the missing link in the evolutionary story you won’t find it bye-bye Darwin this is blasphemy so the gods started rebuilding their world and built the megalithic structures maybe with some advanced technology because we still don’t understand how they cut those gigantic stones this technology might have been put in a special protective box later when the gods died out or they left again there was a fight over the left-behind technology of the gods with the whole story about the Ark of the Covenant this story of course is so absurd and out of the blue that the Freemasons decided to build a replica look at the menorah in front of the Ark another reminder of the rings of Atlantis the Atlanteans probably had some advanced knowledge I suspect they had explored and mapped out the complete bigger earth I did use that from the several star maps that were built in our crater like the Golan Heights Stonehenge the pyramids and so many more now I will show you some knowledge hidden in the monuments okay let’s zoom in on Stonehenge what is left of it okay let’s move to the right and there you see in the soil I don’t know if anyone has seen this before you can see clearly the sign of Orion move to the right you see a bull’s head Taurus move to the right and there you see the seven stars of Pleiades let’s zoom out move to the left and then there you see Saturn aka Atlantis well if you wonder why those trees are still standing there I think underneath you would find the rings of Atlantis so let’s summarize if you go from right to left you have first to Pleiades next you have Taurus and then you have a Ryan so what would Stonehenge be then let’s take the star map on the right you see Pleiades next tourists Oh Ryan so on the left you have serious that means that Stonehenge is serious crater earth so if that is true let’s compare Stonehenge with soapy kiss gallows M and with a photograph of serious sadly there is not much left of Stonehenge but luckily there’s still an old drawing let’s take a look at it well I would say that’s bingo let’s compare here you see the circle in the center photograph the stones and Stonehenge then you see the two notches on the photograph of serious and the two circles on Stonehenge and now the most important the gateway so PQ scalos M photograph of serious and here on Stonehenge you see the Gateway this is the information our ancestors have put into the monuments now you understand why they are destroying these buildings exactly on the spot of the Gateway they have built a road okay let’s have another example of the star map I found a very strange coincidence when I compared Mars with Silbury Hill okay let’s zoom in watch the exact same proportion let’s flip it one is a crater the other is a mountain and look at the black snake-like line at the bottom of the building well that looks like the same to me and again the same tactics let’s put a wrote on the monument I think our ancestors have been building miniatures of certain places of the bigger earth okay let’s go to Egypt now to the pyramids everybody probably knows the link between the three or ein stars and the pyramids but did you know that people think that the Sphinx might not be a line but a dog Anubis okay let’s look at the star constellations you have a Ryan and next to it you have canis mayor the big dog so if you look at the Star constellation you see that Sirius is at the chest of the dark now let’s assume that the Sphinx is a dark then there must be something on the chest of these things here you see there is an opening on the head of the Sphinx and supposedly a guy named George Reisner discovered empty rooms in the Sphinx well that wouldn’t surprise me and it wouldn’t surprise me either if they were hiding this from us okay that’s about it for this video I hope you enjoyed it conclusion Atlantis is Saturn and that is the reason all the occult science has a connection with Saturn I would like to end with the words of thoughts from the Emerald Tablet see you next time you you .