File Options Add On Test in Mac

Apr 17, 2020 12:26 · 173 words · 1 minute read click queue button got eight

First, we have to make sure that these items that I’m going to highlight are installed. I’m going to create a quick and simple document for this demo. Using the rectangle shape, let’s create a place-holder for our replacement images. We have to convert the shape to a smart layer first. With the smart layer selected, click File… Export… Smart Layer Replace… But first, we need to save the document.

01:12 - Let’s browse for some input images to test. We’ve got eight images as input. Click Queue button. In the File Options tab, we can set our custom file-name format. Click Run button to start processing our smart layer replacements. Now that it completed successfully, let’s take a look at the resulting files. They’ve been automatically saved to a new location outside or inside our PSD’s folder location. Here it is.

02:49 - The file-names of the exported files are according to the format that we have set. For more information on buying Smart Layer Replace, read description of this video. .