Get Free from Demons | Deliverance
Jul 1, 2021 02:37 · 14432 words · 68 minute read
can discover this video and eventually be blessed like you are so today we are talking about demons and we are going to be praying today here in just short 20 minutes we’re going to be ministering and we’re going to be praying and we’re going to be casting out demons distance is not a barrier an anointing works sometimes even greater at the distance so Ibelieve there is going to be many people that will be set free from different bondages even sicknesses in their body that are caused by demons my key verse today comes from Matthew chapter 8:29.
Matthew chapter 8 verse 29, it says this what do you want with us son of God the demons shouted have you come here to torture us before the appointed time we see in the scripture that it clearly says that the demons were shouting through the men so who are those demons where they come from what do they do how can christians have a demon and how to spot them and today we’re gonna pray for you to be delivered so who are the demons there are three different um four different uh views uh main views general views on who who uh who are demons where they’re coming from and uh pastor vlad this sunday was preaching a phenomenal message Idon’t have time to go in some of those details but uh the the message called uh three main questions uh three uh answering three uh three questions about demons three main questions about demons you can find those online on youtube on podcasts i’d highly encourage you he goes in a lot more details and some of these questions that i’m just going to skip through because for the sake of time and to leave time for ministry so demons are spirits without bodies demons are spirits without bodies and therefore they earnestly seek to possess a body preferably a human body but if not human body at least a an animal body because you have to understand as a spirit they can’t perform their function and we’re going to learn about their functions and their functions are evil and cruel and they’re messed up but they cannot perform their functions in the physical world by being a spirit they have to possess a body so they can perform that evil through a physical body and bring pain harm and bring uh all the bad things that we see today in the world so where demons come from four major views and i’m just gonna list them and if you want more details on those things again go and listen to la santa’s podcast that pastor vlad preached there’s two two messages both of them are really good take your demon to church and three questions uh three most important questions about demons and you can you can watch uh both of those and you will be greatly blessed but four views where demons come from one view is that it’s a spirit of evil men and women that died it’s mostly held by non-christian uh it’s a non-christian view none non-christian belief so but we don’t see that support anywhere in the bible and number two is that it’s a disembodied spirit of pre-adamic race again we don’t see much support of it in the scripture just some um and when Isee the the full context of it and so um three it’s a fallen angels cast from heaven with satan bible says that he deceived one-third of angels and when satan tried to lead a rebellion against God God cast them down with the third of the angels that rebelled with satan against God listen satan has satan is no match to God satan is a creation and God is a creator with a snap of a finger bible says with the breath of his mouth uh in in book of revelation he will defeat the satan he is no match to satan even sometimes preachers say like you know satan is trying to fight uh God listen it’s not possible he cannot fight God he comes before God uh trembled and he comes into the uh into uh to God uh humbled uh we see in the book of job so satan has really no power against God that’s why he fights against God’s creation to inflict pain to God’s creation to get to to to get at God to come at God because that’s the best he can do kind of like this Ihave Ihave three children one of them is six four and three months and so we have this neighborhood where there’s a lot of kids and let’s say if one of the neighbors that’s not the it’s not the case not the situation we have one of the neighbors a boy is about eight years old and let’s say he did not like me for some reason well that eight-year-old boy cannot compete physically with me Ican blindfold it with one hand or with just three fingers hold him at bay and he has nothing he cannot do harm to me he’s just physically we’re we’re not compatible i’m much much stronger stronger than him but he if he would want to bring harm to me or bring pain to me he could pick on my six-year-old daughter which he is bigger and older than her this for inflicting me pain and discomfort and so that’s how it is with with satan and his fallen angels and demons listen he cannot fight against God by no means so what he does is he gets back at you and me trying to enslave us bond uh keep us in bondage yeah bring us harm bring us pain fight against us fight against creation of God because he knows we are dear to God bible says he loved us so much that he’s given us his only begotten son that’s how much he loved us so satan knows that he fights against us he brings all this pain and suffering to get back at God but he cannot stand against God but uh and so that’s that’s that’s uh that’s the third uh world view of where demons came from and there are some scriptures uh in the bible that that um in in certain contexts support that and then fourth uh a fourth uh view of where demons come from is they are the spirits of nephilim’s it’s the giants that were birthed on this on this earth when angels of God or sons of God left their domain meaning left their their domain was spiritual in the spirit realm and they came down on earth and they had intimacy they had intercourse with women and they birthed giants bible says and then when these giants died during the flood and during the conquest of israel throughout the mesopotamia they were killed and those spirits now are roaming around seeking to possess a body and bring harm anyways i’m not gonna go to all four whether they’re uh which one’s correct which one is not that’s for you to decide but one thing that Iwant to underline regardless where they come from regardless what’s their origins we know one thing is they they they came to do evil they do evil and they want to harm God’s creation and second of all and second thing what is clear is what we must do with them as believers which is Jesus said to cast them out we have to spot them we have to spot that activity and we have to cast them out so it doesn’t matter where they come from but we know where they’re going they’re going to the lake of fire they’re going for eternal uh eternal torment that’s the original reason why God has created lake of fire it was not for humans that rebelled against God to suffer but it was for demons and the fallen angels that rebelled against him so with that being said in order for us to deal effectively with demons that are tormenting our lives we must discover or recognize their activity because as long as they’re hidden in their activities hidden and not recognized you will not be able to deal with them thief as such thief is as successful as he is hidden as he is unrecognized if something got stolen in your house and you did not even know that it was missing the thief succeeded he got away but when his works get exposed and you begin to do some research and due diligence who might have taken it look through your cameras look uh who was in your house do some investigative work and then figure out aha it was this person that was in my house after that that item was missing then you can so when you identify the work then you can identify who did it and then you can expose it and hopefully recover your thing back same thing with demonic unless you recognize the activity and the works of demons that have been performed in your life or even the life of a person you will not be able to expose the demon and if you don’t expose it and their works you will not be able to get rid of them so let’s look at some of the characteristics of demons okay demons are called spirits unclean spirits familiar spirits lion spirits and even angels of satan demons they do these things and Iwant you as we’re talking about demons and i’m going to be breaking down and addressing different demons and their functions Iwant you to begin to examine your life ask God right now as Italk that in the light of his word right now that he will begin to scan your mind your soul and if any of these activities are spotted in your life perhaps there might be a demonic influence in your life perhaps maybe there is a demonic oppression in your life and you need freedom and the good news today Jesus is ready to set you free so demons they entice they harass they torture they come they compel they enslave they cause addiction they defile they deceive and attack physical body again demons they entice they harass if you’re experiencing harassing thoughts something that just constantly uh attacking your mind it will not leave it perhaps that might be an active a demonic activity if you’re experiencing torture whether in your soul in your mind or in your body that perhaps might be a demonic influence they compel like compulsive thoughts um enslave if you in bondage to something and you cannot break out of it they cause addiction they defile they deceive and attack physical body if any of these activities are present in your life or heavily dominated in particular one of the areas of your life today Jesus wants to set you free let’s look at some biblical names of demons the reason why we want to look at their names because their names reveal their function demonic names reveal their functions let’s take a look at first one spirit of fear second timothy chapter one verse seven it’s a demon that causes unnatural fear they invade your life fear of storm consensus fear of death fear of driving a car fear of people fear of insanity uh chronic timidity paranoia fear of isolation fear of failure fear of losing the job fear of getting married fear of getting attacked of fear of getting sick horror and nightmares any abnormal fear what I mean by abnormal fear there are natural fears like if you go to a third story building and you stand on the edge and you naturally should be afraid to jump you should be afraid to jump because why you can harm yourself so there are certain fears that are natural you know being being afraid of of certain animals because we know they can they can bite they can uh uh poison us uh and even kill us so there are some natural things that are part of uh instilled emotion in in our in ourselves by God to keep us from harm but when things begin to go outside of logic outside of explanation outside of normality there is potentially a demonic influence let me give you an example this one lady comes to the church to our church here it was pastor vlad minister to her and uh she came and she said she said that she got in a horrible car accident I believe that somebody in a car accident even died she was the one driving she survived by uh by the grace of God and since that accident she had an extreme phobia extreme fear of driving she had a driver’s license she had a car but for years after accident she was taking public transportation because anytime she would get in the car fear would grip her she would not even be able to start the car and move has has an ability to drive has a car has a drive lice driver’s license but not able to drive she came and asked for prayer said i’ve seen something similar in your ministry who somebody who was struggling with spirit of fear I need I think I have the same thing I need deliverance I need help pastor blood gave her an assignment and he said that that verse from 2nd timothy chapter 1 verse 7 where bible says for God has not given us a spirit of fear but a spirit of love of power love and sound mind take that verse meditate on it and write it out a thousand times on physically on the piece of paper every time you write it recite it meditate on it and do it again and when you do that when you finish that come and we’ll pray for deliverance and so this lady was disappointed with an answer she thought that she’s just going to get her hands laid on her and she will be free at that moment and she will go back home but nonetheless after she got over her disappointment she began to do the assignment that she was given and few days later we noticed that a person the same person that we prayed for or we didn’t pray for but gave her instruction came on the car in the parking lot gets out of the driving seat happy as it can be coming back comes up to the offices and says you would not believe what happened as Iwas doing what you were told me to do as Iwas writing meditating on the verse that God has not given me a spirit of fear but power love and sound mind when Igot to about halfway about 500 times that she wrote it down she said Ifelt that something just snapped in me something just lifted from me and as soon as that happened I got in the car started the car and I drove here and here’s i’m here i’m driving and Ihave no more fear i’m free in Jesus name those types of fears are demonic and whatever those fears are whether their fear of death fear of driving a car fear of people fear of insanity fear of getting married fear of getting sick or horrors or nightmares or paranoia fear of isolation fear of failure fear of losing a job uh chronic timidity whatever that is it’s not from God because God has not given us a spirit of fear and spirit of fear is going to go today um for the sake of time we’re going to go a bit quicker uh second second spirit that we see in the bible the spirit of death john chapter 10 10.
this demon brings constant thoughts of suicide he is behind murder epilepsy self-mutilation abortion abnormal grief mourning and sorrow and can convulsion Ican’t tell you how many people that i’ve prayed for that have thoughts of suicide thoughts of suicide or attempted suicide or self-mutilation or survived Ifailed abortions and they struggle or they were under influence of this demon of death and when they were delivered those thoughts left them those tendencies left them and they lived happy alive Ibelieve that most suicides are caused by demons not all of them but Ithink most of them are caused by suicide sometimes there are instances very few very that it’s a it’s a chemical thing in the body but most of the time that i’ve seen from in my life of 15 years in in deliverance ministry watching many other deliverance ministries worldwide that behind murder behind suicide tendencies suicide thoughts behind uh epilepsy self-mutilation abortion abnormal grief mourning and sorrow and convulsions are demon of death and that demon will leave your life if you’re struggling with that in Jesus name spirit of lust is the third one it references in hosea chapter 5 verses 4 4 it’s an evil force behind pornography adultery fornication prostitution homosexuality many times this demon brings sexual dreams and appears as a spiritual husband or spiritual wife in a dream Iheard even people having entire life families and children in the spirit world in a dream world where every time they go to sleep they are in this world where they have a family they have children they have they have a spouse and uh that’s not normal that is not normal behind that is spirit of lust that bring those things and if you’re married and if you’re experiencing wet dreams uh well if you’re married or not if you’re experiencing wet dreams behind it often as a spirit of lust prayed for many people after the prayer of deliverance people received freedom never had those again if a person is married and they are possessed uh they are influenced or oppressed by the spirit of lust oftentimes that keeps the intimacy broken in the marriage there is no desire for their partner for their spouse because either they um they get sexual dreams or they get things in their dreams or just that demon because these this demon of lust is a jealous demon and he does not want a person to be in love with somebody else or to have intimacy with somebody else or if a person is single after time person that struggles with demon of lust those demons will keep them single they will keep they will mess up they will break up they influence uh the relationship a potential good relationship and i’ve seen many heard of many and a person just was not able to get married relationships get broken relationship after relationship gets broken and oftentimes when the spirit of lust is cast out and broken off the person’s life they get married their intimacy in marriage gets restored and a person is able to function normally um and and and operate normally uh so that’s spirit allah spirit of bonding romans chapter 8 the reference scriptures romans chapter 8 verses 15 this demon stands behind addiction of alcohol drugs smoking gambling and video games some lighter addictions like addiction to food television for computer money work sleep constant tiredness sorry constant tardiness or even coffee so if you can’t live without it you’re addicted if you can’t stop it you’re addicted and perhaps behind it is a demonic influence and a spirit of bondage spirit of bonding today we’ll leave you in Jesus name if any of the things and if any of those things that i’ve just mentioned are operating in your life Jesus has freedom for you today and he will set you free next on the list is a spirit of infirmity and death and dumb spirit recorded in multiple places like luke chapter 13 verses 11 mark chapter 9 25 these demons many times are behind allergies diabetes arthritis cancer constant weakness mental disorder hunched back organ failure nerve disorders chronic rash and fungal infections Ican’t tell you how many people that i’ve prayed for in my in my personal ministry that came to pray for healing every every month we have prayer lines where we pray for people and people would often come to be prayed for healing they would come to be prayed for healing little did they know when they receiving prayer demon manifests and they get set free and the sickness leaves so that that sickness the demon behind sickness that spirit of infirmity was the one that’s causing that sickness the the interesting thing is that see there’s some natural sicknesses that we have our bodies can fight and then there’s some sicknesses that um with help of medicines and doctors who are able to overcome there are some natural sicknesses i’m not saying that every sickness is from the devil but those that are not from the devil usually our body or with the help of especially with the help of modern medicine and doctors we are able to overcome it we are able to conquer it our body is designed in such a way by God that it heals itself that it restores itself and every time this natural order is disturbed or interrupted usually that means there’s a demonic influence and so if any of those things that you’ve been trying to treat you’ve been trying to fight with healthy living exercise and diet with with with the helps of medicine and doctors and you still can’t overcome those things perhaps maybe we got a deal with a spiritual perhaps we might have to deal with a spiritual root next uh his spirit of pride goes before destruction proverbs chapter 16 verses 8 pride is not just an emotion it can be a spirit spirit that brings arrogance revenge rebellion uh egoism lust for power criticism anger independence cruelty um and and jealousy a spirit of pride that could manifest itself through these things and if you find yourself in spirit of pride is one of those difficult ones because prideful person is the last person to know that they’re prideful but if you notice any of these activities or if somebody tells you listen you’re you’re acting out of pride you’re arrogant you’re egoistic you are you you easily angered you criticized you you vulgar you you jealous or you have this lust for power maybe you should pay attention i’m not talking about when people get in the heat of the moment they start calling each other’s names but i’m talking about where people that you trust and people that are Godly perhaps maybe even or your family members they begin to point out some of these things you might need to take notice of it and ask God whether the spirit of pride whether you allow the spirit of pride to operate in your life and if it is we can address it today and cast it out in Jesus name and the last one that i’m going to address today is spirit of snake or spirit of python and we see that in acts chapter 16 verses 16 when this woman was prophesying but the source of prophecy was an evil spirit as a spirit of divination bible calls it or spirit of python and she was actually prophesying true her prophecy was true not every true prophecy is from God but that’s another subject that was coming in this case in objects chapter 16 verses 16 from a spirit of divination or spirit of snake or spirit of python and she was prophesying about paul that they’re that they are uh preaching the gospel which exactly that’s what they’re doing they’re preaching the good news but apostle paul recognized it through a discernment of spirits and he rebuked that spirit and cast it out out of that woman the main assignment of this spirit is to deceive the girl who had the demon was saying everything right but under demonic influence many times the spirit operates through a cult like masonry mormonism scientology secret societies new age jehovah’s witnesses eastern religions uh fortune telling chain letters black and white magic calling out the devil hypnosis numerology satan worshipping uh water witching levitation charms uh ouija boards gypsy curses horoscopes zodiac signs acupunctures and dream catchers often through these things or in these things spirit of python spirit of divination operates that spirit its main force its I mean its main task is to deceive as many people as possible away from the gospel even if that means telling the truth sometimes even if that means doing the right things at times so that even bible says if even if the even if he could even seduce or deceive the elect ones those that are saved and so we see that pandemic today even in america in a christian uh a christian world where new age is being mixed with christianity and that’s dangerous my friends the new age theology’s new age believes one out of six I believe that’s the statistic uh that one out of six christians that endorse or accept at least one of the new age beliefs and that’s behind it is a spirit of divination is spirit of python who’s trying to deceive people and and and snatch them away take them away from God and keep them away from the light of the gospel so these are a few categories seven categories of demons and that pretty much covers most of it there’s there’s more and there’s we can go in more details but that pretty much covers most of it and um couple things that Iwant to address and we’re going to pray right now uh can a christian have a demon this subject is is widely debated in in christianity some say a christian can have a demon the other uh the other people say christians cannot have a demon and uh i’m gonna present to you what Isee from the scriptures what we believe is hunger generation first in order to understand uh how the demon operates in our lives we have to understand how we create it and according to genesis 1 chapter 26 that we are created in God’s image we have body we have soul and we have our spirit God has given us a body so that we can interact with physical world touch all the five senses touch smell sight and all of those things he’s given us a soul so that we can interact with each other and we can have meaningful connection and he’s given us a spirit so that as a physical being we cannot interact with spiritual God so he’s given us a spirit so that we can connect with God through our spirit when the holy spirit when we are saved holy spirit comes to live in our spirit according to romans chapter 8 verses 16 our spirit is saved and we are sealed by the holy spirit until the day of our redemption but we also have a soul according to the scripture that our soul is being saved by the renewing of our mind and our soul consists of our consciousness our will and our emotions uh our mind and so our soul is being saved and our body according to the scripture will be saved in the day of the lord when the lord comes back God’s going to redeem our body and we’re going to have a new body it’s going to be upgraded let’s say let’s put it this way but in our soul we can be grieved we can re um in our soul we we we we can be sad we can be grieved we can weep we can rejoice uh at the same time we can be traveled and we can hate on our soul our mind emotion our soul is our mind emotion and will those can come under demonic influence bible says that our body is a temple of the holy spirit so how can christians somebody you know some some people say well if our body is the temple of the holy spirit how can demon have access to our body but we see in luke chapter 13 verses 16 that when Jesus was casting out a demon out of a woman that was banned he called her a daughter of abraham which means she was in the covenant with God just like you and I in covenant with God but yet she was bound by satan Jesus said that so somehow it could happen and so I believe that our spirit is saved uh and and belongs to God but our soul and our emotion can come under influence or under oppression of demonic spirit demons demon possession is about ownership and full control but being oppressed or influenced is partial control Ibelieve that when we give our life to Jesus he becomes the owner he becomes the lord of our life he is the owner so satan cannot he we we are possessed if Ican put it this way by his spirit we owned by him and so but different areas in our life in the area of our soul and body we can come under demonic influence or partial control or oppression possessed by demon is not same thing is being in possession of a demon christians cannot be possessed by the demon because we are possessed by God we are owned by God but we christians can be in a possession of a demon and let’s look at some scriptures that tell us that in ephesians chapter 4 27 apostle paul writes to the church says nor give place to the devil now let me ask you this thing if you were not able to give place to the devil as a christian why would paul even mention that in his writings if as a christian you cannot be influenced or uh oppressed by demonic spirit or be in a possession of demonic spirit why would apostle paul even mention that we see that first time Jesus casting out a demon in mark chapter 1 verses 28 21-28 was casting out in the synagogue out of his people out of people that were in covenant with God remember people in old testament were looking forward to the cross as much as today we’re looking back to the cross but we are all saved by our faith in our religion allegiance and our loyalty to God so was the people of old covenant and people of the new covenant and the fact that Jesus was casting out demons out of the people that were in covenant says something that they that we as christians we could come under demonic influence in ephesians chapter 4 4 27 like we read says that believers are capable of opening doors to demons even though our heart and our spirit belongs to God in matthew chapter 15 verses 21-28 and i’m going to finish with that Jesus clearly states that deliverance is the bread for the children this gentile woman was asking for her demon-possessed daughter that Jesus would set her free and Jesus rejected her in a sense first time by saying that the deliverance is only for the children deliverance is not just for anybody because for unbeliever there’s no point for them to be delivered because if they’re not possessed if they’re not giving a life to Jesus if they’re not given control of their life their lordship to the Jesus those demons will come back and bible says it’s going to be even worse for them so it’s it’s useless for them to even be delivered it’s not even for their good but the deliverance belongs to children belongs to those that believe there’s many more scriptures many more things and that we can go in details pointed out from the scriptures that uh in galatians chapter 5 verses 1 as well it points out that uh i’m paraphrasing apostle paul says that you’ve been liberated by christ so don’t go don’t go back and again and and open don’t go back into the same bondage again again showing that you can be liberated by christ you can be saved by by christ but can go back into that bondage and be enslaved once again many more scriptures to bring out but Iwant to go into the time of ministry and Iwant to pray for people today that that are in bondage to demonic spirits if you’re experiencing any of the things any of the symptoms that Iwas reading throughout when Iwas when we were looking at different demons whether it’s demon of a fear a spirit of death or spirit of lust or spirit of bondage spirit of infirmity and sickness or whether it’s spirit of pride or it’s a spirit of divination you find yourself in tangled in all these religions and and dream catchers and zodiac signs and horoscopes and then casting curses and all that stuff listen God wants to set you free today God wants to deliver you let me read some testimonies before we go into before we go into ministry before we go into the ministry Iwant to read some testimonies from online viewers this person clearly was struggling with the this person was struggling with anger he said yesterday I lost my cleaning job because I didn’t have good self-control and Iyelled back at my boss and when Iwas watching how to spot a demon on youtube I felt when Iwas praying Ifelt something leave my body first I felt like go uh move from my back to my front like some kind of a mass then I felt something like a snake moving in my test intestines and then I begin to cough and clear my throat and start uh like phlegm like things started to begin to coming out Istarted coughing things up and Ifelt free thank you Jesus for my freedom i’m excited today uh for for my freedom and I believe that God’s gonna bring me a new job amen so this is a person that was watching a youtube video just like you’re watching now connected with us and they receive their freedom and so will you today there’s another person jason that wrote to us watches was watching pastor vlad’s stream on thursday and he said this I had a lot of demons messing with my demons i’ve lost perversion blasphemy intrusive thoughts and much more I went to re-watch the stream and felt the power of God move my body I was shaking a lot I was yawning I don’t know what what this means but I feel lighter all thanks to the uh all all thanks to uh be to the glory of God that’s jason and one more person uh dosha deutsche wrote this Iuh I was watching wednesday’s stream Ilive that that’s a testimony of healing but i’ll read it a person lived in philippines was diagnosed with pelvic ulcer disease and hyperthesis hyper acidity elastin and abnormal menstruation my stomach towards my back and right shoulder got pain also and my urinal test numbers bacteria inside my body is not good and on on wednesday when when Iwas watching pastor ilya was praying and I received healing I feel lighter and I feel better in my body thank you Jesus that’s some testimonies that’s some testimonies that of people that got delivered and got healed through livestream I want to encourage you right now as we’re going to start ministering to open your heart to lay aside all kinds of pride to lay aside all kinds of things that may be hindering you but you open your your heart to open your mind and say lord Jesus scan me by your light scare me by your spirit if you recognize any of these uh activities of the enemy in your life that we talked about ask the lord to expose the demon to expose the demonic influence so that you can be free i’m not saying that if you have demonic influence in your life or demons operating in your life that you’re a bad person that you’re a bad christian no you’re a child of God and because you’re a child of God freedom belongs to you liberty is your portion so right now we’re gonna be we’re gonna be praying and uh connect with us as i’m gonna pray against these different demons in your life if you begin to feel like something is happening maybe you’re gonna start getting angry you start getting anxious maybe some fearful thoughts will will start running through you you’ll feel like you know going to the bathroom you feel like turning off the livestream listen this is demons being exposed just stay through it let the fire of God expose it if you begin to yawn begin to cry excessively yell excessively if you if you begin to uh vomit things that’s the demonic power leaving your body oftentimes they come out through um through the eyes to the ears through through nose through through mouth uh many different ways that they can they can come out if you feel hit in your body like electricity going or numbness listen that’s the power of God that’s setting you free and Ibelieve today people will be healed because demons of infirmity will leave you and today people will be set free some marriages will be restored some relationships will be restored anger will leave suicidal thoughts ptsd and all kinds of things that will tormenting you today you will be set free can we amen if you’re ready for prayer type in i’m ready to receive i’m ready to receive if you’re ready for prayer right now type in that i’m ready to receive Iam ready to receive in Jesus name i’m ready to receive those of you watching us on zoom are you ready to receive this prayer if you are ready to receive this prayer wave at me wave at me wave at me those are watching us on facebook and youtube if you are ready to receive this prayer type in i’m ready type in Iwant to be free lord Jesus set me free put your hand on yourself right now put your hand on yourself right now can we have this table moved put your hand on yourself right now say this with me son of david son of david have mercy on me lord Jesus let your mercy and let your favor speak for me lord Jesus locate me now by your power lord Jesus locate me now by your spirit oh lord touch me now set me free from my bondage just leave it right here in Jesus name son of david have mercy on me listen just repeat this prayers with me open your mouth i’m going to pray here shortly for you but right now you pray for yourself begin to pray say son of david all those of you on facebook those are you on youtube on on on zoom this is your moment say with me son of david have mercy on me let your mercy and let your favor speak for me let your mercy locate me locate my health locate my family locate my children locate me today lord set me free by your power in Jesus name in the mighty name of Jesus christ in Jesus name keep your right hand on yourself right now the right hand of God by one says is power and right now this power your right hand together with the right hand of God his power will begin to move in you and set you free in Jesus name in Jesus mighty name Icommand every demon that’s tormenting God’s people right now every demonic influence to loose your grip over their life in Jesus name loose your grip in Jesus name in the mighty name of Jesus christ I come against every spirit of fear you spirit of fear spirit of death spear of dr fear of driving fear of people fear of insanity chronic humidity paranoia fear of isolation fear of failure fear of losing a job fear of getting married fear of relationships fear of getting sick horrors and nightmares you unclean spirit Icommand you to lose your grip and leave God’s people right now in Jesus name i’m addressing you spirit of fear you have been exposed and right now Icommend you out in Jesus name come out in the mighty name of Jesus christ leave God’s people live God’s people leave God’s people holy ghost fire holy ghost fire holy ghost fire holy ghost fire holy ghost fire in Jesus name Irebuke your spirit of fear come out of their life right now in Jesus name where are you hiding in our life come out in Jesus mighty name in the mighty name of Jesus christ I come against every spirit of death right now the demon that brings thoughts of suicide murder epilepsy self-mutilation abortion abnormal grief mourning sorrow and convulsion now you demon of death Itake authority over you right now leave God’s people leave God’s people right now in Jesus name be free in Jesus name be free in the mighty name of Jesus christ you demon of death live now leave now leave now constant accidents right now be delivered from it in Jesus name be free from it in the mighty name of Jesus christ in Jesus name Icommand every epilepsy go now live in Jesus name every suicidal tendency and suicidal thoughts every impulsive thought right now come out in Jesus name be free be free fire fire fire fire fire fire the holy ghost fire the holy ghost fire holy ghost be free right now in the mighty name of Jesus christ let there be light in your life let there be light in your life let there be light in your life let there be light anywhere there is darkness in Jesus mighty name in the mighty name of Jesus christ right now I come against every spirit of lust every spirit that behind pornography adultery fornication prostitution homosexuality any spirit that brings wet dreams every spirit behind spiritual husband and wife right now I break your grip in Jesus name I break your grip in Jesus name I break your influence over God’s people in Jesus name come out in the mighty name of Jesus christ loose your grip from their life lose your grip from their life lose your grip from their life lose your grip right now Iuproot every root of lust in your life Iuproot every root of lust in your life every planting that’s not planted by God in your life Iuproot it in Jesus name fire of the holy ghost fire of all the ghosts fire the holy ghost fire the holy ghost fire holy ghost I break every bondage of pornography masturbation fornication prostitution homosexuality every demon’s tormenting you at night by having sex with you or touching you unappropriately every spiritual husband and wife live now in Jesus name in the mighty name of Jesus christ in the mighty name of Jesus christ listen if something’s beginning to happen with you let us know begin to comment if you begin to vomit if you begin to feel in some some urges some things are coming out um begin to let us know if you’re beginning to feel experience the power of God if you’re yawning excessive crying yelling screaming feeling power of God like electricity coming to your body fire of God all over your body begin to let us know right now you are being set free in Jesus name you’re being set free right now every spirit of bondage are coming against you every addiction to alcohol drugs smoking gambling video games any other addiction to food television phone computer money work sleep constant tardiness even coffee and drinks whatever form whatever way you’re influencing God’s people your spirit of bondage I take authority over you and I break your bondage I break your chain every chain of the demons every demonic chain of bondage I break your grip I break your grip I break your grip I break your grip I break your grip I break your grip fire the holy ghost fire the holy ghost fire the holy ghost fire of the holy ghost in Jesus mighty name as i’m praying Isee a gentleman that’s addicted to video games and you’re an adult you have a family you have children and it’s affecting your fa if it’s affecting everything you’re not working you’re not being a functionable husband a father right now that addiction is leaving your body is leaving your mind you are being set free if that’s you unzoom wave Iwant to pray for you if that’s you on facebook or youtube begin to comment Iwant to see you Iwant to hear who Iwant to see who you are I want to pray for you if you have addiction to a video game and then I say it’s a gentleman listen there’s no shame um we’re going to pray in that demonic spirit will leave your body if you’re watching us right now on zoom wave at me let’s go a second page just wanna make sure I don’t miss anybody a a gentleman who’s addicted to video games you’re an adult you’re not a teenager anymore you have a family you have a husband your wife is very upset with you about that she confronted you you guys have many fights because of that the lord wants to set you free I break that addiction in Jesus name I break that addiction in Jesus name I break the grip of satan over your life in the mighty name of Jesus christ you spirit of bondage you demonic chain I break your grip I break your bond right now I break that bondage over your life in Jesus name be broken in the mighty name of Jesus be broken in the mighty name of Jesus be broken in the mighty name of Jesus holy ghost fire holy ghost fire holy ghost fire holy ghost fire holy ghost fire all over your body in the mighty name of Jesus christ in the mighty name of Jesus christ in the mighty name of Jesus christ people are being set free all over the place in Jesus name we’re receiving comments on youtube and on facebook people are vomiting people are convulsing people are yawning people are screaming people are puking things out people are being set free in Jesus name every demon behind that addiction right now is leaving your body there are people that are addicted to drugs and alcohol I want to pray for you I want to pray for you if if you are addicted to drugs or alcohol and you are non-zoom wave at me I want to pray for you I want to pray for you there’s no guilt and shame but there’s only freedom that God offers to you I see some people waving Isee some people waving if you have an addiction to alcohol and drugs I want to pray for you right now in Jesus name I want to break that demonic influence over your life so that you can be free so that you can be functional member of your family and society in Jesus name in Jesus name if you have an addiction to drugs and alcohol on your own zoom wave wave at me I want to pray for you can we pin those people we got bruce here we got rosalie right here can we pin them right now on the screen I want to pray for them in Jesus name in Jesus name receive your freedom receive a healing receive your deliverance in Jesus name every demonic spirit every demonic chain over your life of addictions are being broken right now in Jesus name it’s being broken right now in Jesus name every addiction to gambling right now is being broken in Jesus name every addiction to gambling is being broken right now in the mighty name of Jesus christ in Jesus mighty name every addiction to smoking weed in Jesus name are are being uh is being broken right now whatever excuse you can bring that it’s legal and it’s it’s a it doesn’t matter if you can’t drop it if you can’t be without it you’re addicted and there’s a spirit behind it you need to be free in Jesus name in Jesus name we’ve seen more people on on on on on facebook and on youtube that are commenting or saying they’re being delivered hiccups vomiting yawning and things of that sort right now these demons are leaving your body in Jesus name you are free in Jesus name let’s go to zoom those that are pinned Iwant to pray for them I want to pray for them in Jesus name I want to pray for them in the mighty name of Jesus christ huh this one right here and uh there you go these two in Jesus name in the mighty name of Jesus bruce i’m praying for you and i’m praying for as a leader rosalinda right now holy ghost fire holy ghost fire holy ghost fight in the mighty name of Jesus christ be free be free be free in Jesus name be free from every spirit of bondage be free from every spirit of bondage alcohol drugs smoking right now I break your bond I break your grip I break your chain be free in Jesus name be free in the mighty name of Jesus christ let there be light let there be light let there be light let there be light let there be light fire fire fire fire fire fire fire in Jesus name those of you that have similar addictions receive this prayer as i’m praying for you as i’m praying for them you too receive this prayer fire holy ghost every spirit of bondage right now is breaking off of your life right now in Jesus name in Jesus name Ideclare you free in Jesus name Ideclare you free in Jesus name Ideclare you free in the mighty name of Jesus christ be free in Jesus mighty name in Jesus name right now i’m going to pray against spirit of infirmity spirit of infirmity spirit of sickness the death and dumb spirit the demons that br are behind allergies diabetes arthritis cancer constant weakness mental disorder hunched back or ban back scoliosis organ failure nervous nerve disorder chronic rash and fungal infections right now if any of those sicknesses you are struggling with and you are non-zoom please wave please wave at me please wait wait can you guys watch those that are waving and begin to pin them begin to pin them if you are struggling with these sicknesses allergies diabetes arthritis cancer constant weakness mental disorder hunchback organ failure nerve disorder chronic crash and fungal infection right now i’m going to pray for you those of you in zoom those of you on facebook and youtube i’ll be praying for you as well you can connect we’re going to come against a spirit of infirmity also if you have a sickness that doctors cannot diagnose or sickness is moving in your body and they can’t pinpoint it oftentimes it’s a sign of demonic influence those of you on zoom that want to receive keep waving keep waving keep waving our our moderators are working to pin you to the screen and i’m going to begin to pray for you right now i’m just going to begin to pray a general prayer those of you that on youtube that are waving and one receiving prayer you also pray with me or you receive that prayer as i’m praying and i’m going to pray for you individually here I come against every spirit of of infirmity every spirit of sickness that brings allergies diabetes arthritis cancer constant weakness mental disorders hunchbacks organ failure nerve systems nerve disorders chronic crash and fungal infections right now you demon of sickness leave God’s people leave God’s people I break your grip I break your influence come out leave their bodies right now leave their bodies in Jesus name you demon of sickness you demon that’s causing sickness leave God’s people come out in Jesus name come out in the mighty name of Jesus christ holy ghost fire holy ghost fire holy ghost fire holy ghost fire holy ghost fire in Jesus name be healed in the mighty name of Jesus christ be healed in the mighty name of Jesus christ be healed in the mighty name of Jesus christ be healed in Jesus name you demon behind that sickness behind our pain in our body there’s a person that is watching you have pain in your lower body in your hips particularly lower back and it’s not due to injury or anything of that sort it’s demon that’s causing that right now literally it’s Isee it as it’s wrapped around your hip area and lower back like your spinal it’s demon it’s snake that’s wrapped around you there right now I break that grip you demon of infirmity you sneak leave God’s people now come out come out come out in the mighty name of Jesus christ in the mighty name of Jesus christ fire of the holy ghost fire the holy ghost 5 of the holy ghost 5 holy ghost in the mighty name of Jesus christ in the mighty name of Jesus christ can we unmute mary mary clareen let me ask what’s his mary what do you mean mary how are you doing i’m fine thank you what sickness are you struggling with none okay never mind um altino what what you asked to pray for what sickness what sickness do you want to meet yourself Hi pastor are you hearing me yes i’m hearing you where are you watching us from hIfrom guyana south america guyanas how to make okay what sickness are you struggling with okay two things Iwas the doctors diagnosed me what’s the diagnosis but the demon doesn’t want her to get healed we’ll get back to her amy ignacio hello what is–what is the sickness that you’re struggling uh first where are you watching us from from north carolina north carolina don’t worry i’m gonna get back to you just make sure your internet is works fine amy uh how did I say your name that’s amy emmy okay uh what is the sickness that you’re struggling with yeah I have diabetes hypertension and that thyroid nodule and uh abnormal abnormal growth in the uterus abnormal growth and uterus complications of diabetes okay put your right hand on your on your abdominal area right now Icommand every demonic spirit to leave me right now in Jesus name every curse be broken over her life every sickness right now be free listen as i’m praying for amy you can to receive from that prayer in Jesus name the words have power and these words that are released they go into your life and they can produce the fruit that you desire in Jesus name in the mighty name of Jesus Ipray against every hypertension Ipray against sugar diabetes Ipray against every growth in her uterus right now in Jesus name fire by the ghost five holy ghost five holy ghost five holy ghost all over her body right now in Jesus mighty name every spirit of infirmity right now I rebuke you I rebuke you I rebuke you I rebuke you every demon behind that sickness I rebuke you father ghost in Jesus name fire the ghost in the mighty name of Jesus christ let’s go back to all here let me just stay around okay hey yeah can you hear me we’re having we’re having a hard time hearing you could you just maybe just uh just do your audio right now no no video so we can free up the bandwidth oh sure yeah are you hearing me now yes can you just briefly for the sake of time just tell me exactly what you want to receive prayer for what’s happening in your body yeah I am romantic arthritis and fungal infection arthritis and fungal infection okay all right that’s that’s fine now you can bring your video up let me just pray for you how do I say your name all right in the mighty name of Jesus christ I pray against every fungal infection Ipray against every arthritis right now go in the mighty name of Jesus christ leave her body leave her body leave her body leave her body never come back leave her body every pain in her joints right now every arthritis I command you to live in Jesus name live in the mighty name of Jesus christ listen if you’re struggling with arthritis receive that prayer be free in Jesus name from every arthritis in the mighty name of Jesus christ let’s go to chris uh where did she go well chris christie christie prescott let’s let’s talk to her christy hi, yes hello where are you watching us from from virginia virginia what is the issue that you’re experiencing in your body oh um Iguess basically it’s mental illness it runs in the family and it’s kind of complicated but it’s basically anxiety depression since Iwas a kid but okay put your right hand on your head right now in Jesus name I come against every demonic spirit every generational curse live your life now live your life now live your life fire fire fire fire the holy ghost in Jesus mighty name fire the holy ghost in the mighty name of Jesus christ be free in the mighty name of Jesus christ every mental illness every mental disease right now begun in Jesus name every generational curse right now I break you in Jesus name I break you in Jesus name I break you in Jesus name I break you in the mighty name of Jesus christ I loose you from every demonic stone hold I lose you from every demonic influence i’ll loose you from every generational curse be loosed in Jesus name be loosed in Jesus name in Jesus name be blessed amy what’s happening in your body when Iwas praying for you yes I feel here you felt heat yes I believe that the power of God touched you we’re looking forward to hear your testimony okay we’re looking forward to it when when uh just no don’t don’t say Ithink so you know so that’s your confession of faith you have received healing today you have received the touch from God when you get tested by the doctors and doctors confirm that those things left your body be sure to let us know so that we can give God the glory and rejoice with you amen amen amen amen be sure to uh those of you that Iprayed for those of you that have spoken on zoom specifically please respond to our private message from our moderators we want to connect with you and we want to follow up with you and continue to pray with you so please respond to our moderators in a private chat can I pray for this uh woman right here veronice soto hIcan you hear me yes I can hear you where are you watching us from from granada hills california california what’s the issue that you have in your body allergies and sinuses sinuses allergies and sinuses pressure in my head okay allergies and sinuses all right let’s put put your right hand on your on your head right now i’m gonna pray Icommand every allergy and sinus and every pressure in her head right now to leave in Jesus name leave love in Jesus name every spirit every demonic influence over her health over her sinuses right now I command you to loose your grip loose your grip come out of her now in Jesus name leave your body every generational curse I break every darkness I disconnect you from her body in Jesus name if you’re suffering with headaches if you’re suffering with sinuses allergies right now watching us on youtube and facebook connect to this prayer as I praying for her you too can receive your healing in Jesus name we hear many many stories of healing like that right now connect as I praying for very nice you receive your healing too in Jesus name Icommand every sinus to leave her right now Icommand every infection to leave right now Icommand every allergies go in Jesus name go in the mighty name of Jesus christ fire holy ghost fire of the holy ghost fire of the holy ghost all over you all over her body all over her sinuses right now in Jesus mighty name Iopen her airways right now in Jesus name all the pressure in her head right now be released in Jesus name fire fire fire of God in Jesus mighty name in the mighty name of Jesus christ in the mighty name of Jesus christ very nice what what do you feel in your body as i’m praying for you I feel warmth and bit busy oh come on that’s the power of God touching you right now what Iwant you to do is I want you to begin to take deep breaths take three deep breaths with your uh through your nose one two one more be healed in Jesus name be healed in the mighty name of Jesus christ may your healing be permanent in the mighty name of Jesus christ very nice the lord Jesus christ has touched you and he healed your body giving the praise given the honor uh when you confirm when you confirm or you see from some time that uh when those symptoms don’t come back be sure to come back and give God the testimony those of you watching us online same thing you can do that you can go to hungergen.
com testimony let us know what the lord is doing in your life let us know how he’s touched you today and how he’s healed you in Jesus mighty name raquel let me talk to her hIhello what’s happening in your body um Ihave like a pain like on my left rib but also my back like when you said something about the back it started hurting okay like it was not hurting all day so okay put your right hand there let me pray for you if you have any issues with your back lower back scoliosis if you have any issues uh with misaligned hips those especially after the after the birth if you have any issues and pain walking or misalignment in your hips right now i’m going to pray as i’m going to pray for raquel you to receive that healing anointing that breaking of that bondage of that wicked spirit of infirmity that’s tormenting your life in Jesus name raquel put your right hand on that spot where it’s hurting right now we’re going to pray in Jesus name Icommand every demonic influence to go now in Jesus name every spirit of infirmity every demonic influence over her body over her over her health right now I commanded go every pain in the lower back every pain in the rib leave now every demonic spirit every generational curse attached to her body right now I break your influence and Icommand you be free from every pain in Jesus mighty name be free from every pain in the mighty name of Jesus holy ghost fire holy ghost fire holy ghost fire holy ghost fire in Jesus name Jesus be free in Jesus mighty name thank you in Jesus name what are you feeling in your body right now um I feel like dizzy and like a little bit like I don’t know like like like like whenever nauseous okay the power of God is touching you right now just put your right hand on on your chest right now on your and in Jesus name I commend every demonic spirit tormenting her to leave her right now and never come back every demonic influence over her life to live and never come back I break your influence Istop your influence over her life right now in the mighty name of Jesus christ in Jesus name be free in the mighty name of Jesus christ ricky i’ll be blessed in Jesus name can Italk to this lady uh jana janalsIor janalis hello hello how did Isay your name jenna izzy you know Iwas close where are you watching us from from texas from texas what’s happening in your body um lower pain on my back and mental illness okay put your hand on your head right now in Jesus name I break every generational influence every generational curse I break every demonic influence over her life or her mind and over her body right now in Jesus name holy ghost fire holy ghost fire holy ghost fire holy ghost fire holy ghost fire holy ghost fire in Jesus name I break every fear every anxiety every every anxiousness right now in Jesus name in Jesus name be free in Jesus name go every spirit of fear go come out of her life every demonic influence over her body right now every spirit of infirmity and sickness leave her now read Jesus name leave her now in Jesus name come out in the mighty name of Jesus christ be free in Jesus name be free in Jesus name be free in Jesus name be free in Jesus name be free right now in the mighty name of Jesus christ let there be light let there be light let there be light in her life let there be light in her life let there be light in her life let it be life in Jesus name death you have no hold of her in Jesus name you lost your grip in the mighty name of Jesus christ life in Jesus name life in Jesus name life in the mighty name of Jesus christ life in the mighty name of Jesus christ in the mighty name of Jesus christ what’s happening with you right now as i’m praying um like my heart is like um Iwant to come out come on that’s the power of God touching your life right now in Jesus name receive your freedom change your confession and walk in the light of God’s testimony the light of God’s word in your life in Jesus name amen be blessed let’s go to this person i’m not even sure how crow croton hello pastor can you hear me yes I can hear you where are you watching us from yeah i’m watching from india from india how did I say your name okay Iwas close what’s happening with your body yeah so i’m having this chronic sinus allergies sinus yeah chronic sinus allergies okay put your hand on your head right now right hand on your head Icommand every sinus and every allergies right now to live in Jesus name come out leave her body right now every spirit behind the infirmity every spirit behind those allergies and sinuses sinus infection right now come out and Jesus name be free come out and be free I break every bonds of satan every bondage over her life I disconnect her right now from every demonic influence be free in Jesus name be free in Jesus name fire the holy ghost fire the holy ghost five of the holy ghost five holy ghost five holy ghost all over your body right now five holy ghost all over your body in Jesus name Icommand for sinuses to clear up Ibreathe the breath of God in her life and her lungs and your sinuses Icommand a lot allergies to live and never come back right now in Jesus name live and never come back in the mighty name of Jesus christ in Jesus name who told me what’s happening with you right now as i’m praying for you yeah I feel it’s chicken and I feel cold in my hand okay yeah what I want you to do right now is take three deep breath through your nose just take three deep breaths breathe in and breathe out in the mighty name of Jesus be free be free be free now be free be free in the mighty name of Jesus christ never come back never come back never come back never touch your body again you unclean spirit behind that sinus behind a disease never touch her again in Jesus name be healed in the mighty name of Jesus christ in the mighty name of Jesus christ thank you lord thank you lord thank you for your touch thank you for your touch thank you for your touch thank you for your touch thank you for your touch thank you for your power that’s flowing right now and setting her free thank you for your power that’s flowing right now and setting her free in Jesus name setting her free right now in the mighty name of Jesus christ be free in the mighty name of Jesus christ be free in Jesus name amen amen you are healed in Jesus name let’s say the last one hello ma’am how do I say your name yohinIyohinIwhere you watching us from uh florida florida what’s the issue you have in your body um I am having a lower my back it’s stiff i’m having pain in the ball of my heel um also having um joint pain and dental issue okay put your put your right hand on your body right now in Jesus name I commend every demon behind that infirmity Icommand every pain in her body right now loose the grip loose the grip loose the grip come out in Jesus name loose your grip in Jesus name be free from every pain every pain in her body in her joints in her heel in her dental right now be loose from it be loose from it be loose from it fire holy ghost five holy ghost five holy ghost five of the ghosts five of the ghosts be free in Jesus name be free in Jesus name be free in the mighty name of Jesus christ be healed in Jesus name let there be light in your body let there be light in your body let there be light in your body let there be light in Jesus name in Jesus mighty name yohinIwhat’s happening with your body as i’m praying uh while Iwas uh giving you my symptoms I could feel like um heat okay where’s the back of my neck Ican feel like there was something moving in the back of my neck okay put your hand there put your right hand there in Jesus name Icommand every demonic spirit everything that’s moving in her body to leave her once and for all I disconnect your influence right now by the blood of Jesus by the name of Jesus be freed in the mighty name of Jesus christ no more pain no more stiffness in Jesus name every demonic influence of sickness every spirit of infirmity you are disconnected right now by the power of the name of Jesus by the power of blood in Jesus name be free in Jesus name you walk in the light of your testimony let us know um after some time how are you doing right now begin to get up move test your body Jesus told the man with the withered hand to begin to stretch his hand when he proclaimed his healing so in Jesus name let’s go back to gallery Iwant to finish praying in Jesus name I can’t against every spirit of pride that spirit of pride manifests itself in in in arrogance revenge rebellion egoism lust for power criticism anger independence cruelty uh and jealousy right now I want to pray if you notice that these things are operational in life and you’re struggling with these things it might be the demonic spirit the spirit of pride behind it right now Iwant to address the spirit and Iwant to put an end to it Iwant to put an end to that influence in your life in Jesus name but listen you have to want it you have to recognize it spirit the pride is one of those things is the person that has pride is the last person to know that they have pride you have to humble yourself before God because God says he gives grace to the humble so I want you to pray this prayer with me before I i’ve rebuked the spirit Iwant you to pray and Isay this lord Jesus Ihumble myself before you I recognize my pride and I repent of it I release it I let go of it have mercy on me I humble myself before you lord I need you amen amen let me pray for you in the mighty name of Jesus Icommand every spirit of pride operating in your life to be broken off of your life be broken now be broken now be broken now be broken in Jesus name be broken in the mighty name of Jesus christ I break your influence over God’s people I disconnect your chain from their life I uproot you from their life in the mighty name of Jesus christ every demonic spirit of pride operating in our life I break your grip and I disconnect you now in Jesus name be released in the mighty name of Jesus christ and last but not least i’m going to pray against spirit of snake spinner of python or spirit of deviation divination which seeks to to distract us from the gospel through our cults through masonry mormonism scientology secret society new age oh witnesses eastern religions fortune telling chain letters black and white magic um hypnosis numerology satan worshipping water witching levitation charms ouija boards uh gypsy curses uh horoscope horoscope horoscopes zodiac signs acupunctures and dream catchers if you have any of those things you got to throw it away if you dabbled in any of those things you have to repent and you have to receive freedom and deliverance it’s a spirit of witchcraft spirit of divinity divination right now i’m gonna pray against it if you’re ready to receive first let me lead you in a prayer repentance if you did any of those things if you partake out of any of those things if you have any of those things in the house you have to you have to ask God to forgive you and then you have to throw them away pray this prayer with me say lord Jesus I repent for allowing these things into my life for allowing false religion for allowing occultic things into my life forgive me lord I renounce them I repent for them and I will remove them out of my life I will throw them away I will never partake of them again in Jesus name thank you lord for your forgiveness thank you for your touch why not put your hand on yourself and we’re going to pray I come against every spirit of divination I come against every spirit of snake and python I come against every spirit of witchcraft right now every spirit of false religion leave God’s people in Jesus name leave God’s people in Jesus name holy ghost fire holy ghost fire holy ghost fire holy ghost fire in Jesus name come out you snake karate python you spirit of false religion come out in Jesus name leave God’s people be free be free be free be free be free in Jesus name holy ghost fire holy ghost fire holy ghost fire holy ghost fire all over your body in the mighty name of Jesus christ in the mighty name of Jesus christ be delivered in Jesus name be delivered in Jesus name be set free right now from every bondage every curse be set free from that spirit that’s distracting you that’s deceiving you right now in Jesus name I break that demonic influence over your life in Jesus name I break that spell over your life in Jesus name the spirit of witchcraft spirit of divination spirit of false religion the occult spirit right now I disconnect you from it come out and never enter again never enter that body again in Jesus name be free in the mighty name of Jesus christ in a mighty name of Jesus christ come on everybody let’s just lift the hands let’s just lift our hands in Jesus name father thank you for what you’re doing in this place I thank you for the freedom that’s taking place in this place I thank you God for your power and and your anointing God that breaks every yoke I thank you for your spirit God that’s locating each one of these people right there that are watching and the thousands that will be re-watching that will be set free through this broadcast in the mighty name of Jesus father I thank you begin to thank him even if you’re not fully healed fully delivered listen a grateful heart thanksgiving opens up the heart of God more opens up the room for the anointing to flow more don’t be discouraged don’t just be disappointed continue to fight and one of the ways you fight is by giving God thanks for what he has already done giving God thanks in advance for he is about to do father I thank you I thank you God for your spirit that’s moving on our behalf God I thank you that your spirit that’s setting people free I thank you for your spirit that’s delivering people right now I thank you for your spirit God that will be continue to do this work God as they go to sleep they will be delivered in their dreams they’ll be delivered God uh through the process God I thank you that your spirit is moving right now and setting people free I thank you though you’re here with us in Jesus name lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you Jesus thank you lord lord thank you that you’re doing your work right now in the lives of people in Jesus name thank you for what you already done God thank you for what you already done lord Iwas we see you we hear so many testimonies already and so many more people that will testify of their freedom and of their healing lord as the days will go on we thank you lord we honor you and we give you praise in the mighty name of Jesus christ we want to thank for every person that’s tuned in and watched with us we want to thank you for being a part of this broadcast and family thank you for sharing go ahead and share this broadcast with somebody send it to somebody that you know that needs this broadcast let them know say hey listen to watch this uh and and and and see what you think uh those that maybe need freedom healing send them this video let’s just spread the good news of the gospel let them know that God loves them he wants to see them free in the mighty name of Jesus christ before we go Iwant to ask you to partner with this ministry financially and with your prayer so that we can take this gospel even further we believe that God called us God called the hungarian ministry to thousands locally and millions globally and you that are watching are part of that vision of millions globally we want to take the gospels to gospel even further but it does take finances it does take resources it takes uh you know it takes a lot of things to be able to do even simple things this so uh if you can go to hungrygen.
comgive you can give online through uh through that or if you want to give through vinmore cash app the the handle is hungry generation you can do through that as well uh some of the links will be dropped in the chat those of you on zoom those of you on facebook and youtube so into this vision when we sow into spiritual things we reap spiritual things when we sow into carnal things bible says we reap carnal things and oftentimes we have no problem you know subscribing to uh this and that and all these things that are fleshly and their entertainment and some of them don’t do any good for our spirit at all actually most of them don’t do anything good for our spirit but we still invest into them we still do it and there’s time and place for everything but how much more we could reap from if we sow into the spiritual thing and I hope you’ve seen what God has been doing in this place right now and through this ministry and you can be a partner and a person and a um a partner financially and help to support this ministry and take the gospel even further so again you can go to hungarian.
com give and give there or give to venmo and Cashup and the handle is hungry generation let me pray for those that are giving in Jesus name father I bless every person that is given right now every person that has given into your kingdom into your purpose into this vision right now lord let your grace locate them let your grace find them God may the windows of heaven will be open over their lives and they’ve got the blessings heavenly blessings will come and overtake them God in their family in their health in their marriages in their businesses and their careers and their studies lord in their spiritual walk in Jesus name God as they obey you as they open their heart to you let them experience your goodness even more in Jesus mighty name thank you lord thank you for every person that is giving in Jesus name I want to thank again every partner that is participating and partnering with us every person that is giving one time donation one time gift may the God–may God bless you and may he see you through there where you at in your family in your business in your career in your spiritual life in a ministry whatever you need him to be at in Jesus name so I hope you’re blessed and you received something I know you blessed and you received something um those of you that we talked to and prayed for on zoom um make sure you respond to our private message we want to connect with you and follow up with you and send you some resources perhaps um and then those of you that are watching us online um on zoom in uh youtube and facebook uh if God did something in your life right now you got delivered you got set free you got healed um something happened in your life be sure to let us know it’s so important to give God the praise and to give God the glory it does two things it uh three things actually it encourages us those that are ministering that the anointing of God is locating you touching you since we can’t see you we can’t connect with you that’s the only way we know when God does something is when you’ll tell us second note it gives God the praise it gives it gives God the glory you know he’s done no work he should get the glory he should get the recognition um privately you thanking him and publicly letting people know and thirdly what testimony does is it encourages other people’s faith to believe for their miracle and to receive their miracles so be sure to go to hungarygen.
com testimony and testify of the goodness of God again uh we have life class this sunday at 11 30 pst life class is our membership class so if you want to be a member or online member of hungary gen you can do that by going to hungarian. com life class you can sign up and you will get an instruction email with instructions and link to join us this sunday 11 30 pacific standard time with that being said Iwant to thank you for joining us on this live stream may the lord bless you abundantly till next time shalom joining us here on our wednesday service I hope you were blessed today if it was your first time watching here at hungrygen go to hungrygen.
com vip so we can get connected with you if you are wanting to become a hungry gen member online you can go to hungrygen. com life class every first sunday of the month we’re going to be going through courses together you don’t want to miss out community is so important to a believer in the christian walk we believe in going to life groups to get connected stay connected and continue on your journey if you would like to join a life group you can go to hungrygen.
com groups if you would like to stay connected with us and be notified when we go live. You can text hungrygen 297000. .