Easy DC power control with Amazon Alexa or Google Home (Sonoff SV showcase/tutorial)
May 31, 2020 14:05 · 691 words · 4 minute read
Ok google, turn on the light. light turns on okay so we’ve probably all seen that one before, but this isn’t just some ordinary philips hue bulb, philips hue bulbs aren’t nearly this bright, this is actually a lamp that I built myself. This video isn’t about that lamp, but rather the board that i’m using to control it, let’s take a look [intro with b roll of the board] [top view of the desk] So this little guy right here is the sonoff SV. What makes it particularly cool is how easy it is to work with. It’s purpose is quite simple, it switches a 5-24V DC current on or off, of course over wifi with amazon alexa and google home support, come on it’s 2020 you gotta have that, and I think it also supports apple homekit and hassio home assistant if you do a little bit of modding. Setting up the hardware is pretty simple, you’ll need of course the board and some wire but also soldering tools and your power supply, which will of course depend on the project, as I said earlier this thing supports 5-24V DC, it also has an AC mode, but if you wanna switch AC you’d just get the AC model that costs like half as much.
01:11 - And it doesn’t actually say how much current it maxes out at but the bottleneck is probably the relay which caps out at 10A. So you’re gonna solder your power supply to the input, if it’s facing this way the negative wire is the top one, it can be a bit hard to read. As you can see mine has jumpers attached to it but that’s something I added myself, it doesn’t actually come like that, so you’re gonna be soldering. Anyways, attach your device to the output terminal here, the voltage is of course matched from your power supply. So at this point it should be blinking green, the button here is a manual switch so you can test it out, as you can see this little LED turns on.
01:51 - So whip out your phone and download eWelink from the play store, or app store, sign up, or log in or whatever and you’ll see something like this. We wanna add a new device, with quick pairing or wifi pairing, as you can see it only supports 2.4GHz wifi, so switch to your 2.4GHz network, or if you’re on dual band wifi, make sure you’re on the 2.4GHz band, I had a lot of problems with this, and I just got some nonsensical error message, so if you’re getting that, it’s probably your wifi. So now type in your password, wow movie magic, hold the button until it starts blinking differently, click next and grab a glass of water or coffee or whatever you’re into, and there you go, you can now name your device and control it with your phone.
02:55 - And if you want it to only be on for a set amount of time, it’s called inching, it’s right here. But if you wanna control it with your google home or amazon echo, it’s just like any other device, go into the app, add a new device, find eWelink and follow the instructions, that’s it turn on test, I don’t know how to do with alexa but if that’s what you use you probably know. A quick little note before I sign off, I kid you not I think I tried pairing this thing at least 10 times off camera, turns out I used the wrong wifi password, so double check that you’re actually doing that. sits down and just like that, you’ve added wifi control to your project. It’s very simple to wire up and doesn’t need any coding.
03:59 - The price isn’t that bad either, it’s around 7 eur and i’ve of course added an international purchasing link in the description. So that’s all for this video, i hope you enjoyed it, if you did be sure to subscribe and check out my other videos, and i’ll hopefully see you, next time .